
Author Topic: Ditching ur pet  (Read 18691 times)

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2011, 02:46:03 PM »
Wow... people.  There are better ways to let your pets go HUMANELY as possible.

There are no kill shelters that will take the pets and placed them in foster homes till they are adopted.  This is better option then the humane society.

Taking in a pet is a very big responsibility, in as you need to treat it as member of your family not just an animal.  Otherwise you will never be able to sustain taking care of the pet to begin with.  Most people make the mistake of committing to a pet because they want one only to find out they cant handle it.  Pets are toys that after your done with it you can just throw it away...

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Offline Mong-X

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2011, 05:27:46 PM »
Well, I did it (the unhumane way) let him go.  We took him to the park and played there for about an hour or so.  As the sky started to get dark, we decided that it was time to go home.  As I was still playing catch with him, this time, it would be OUR last catch together.  I knew that I had to throw the ball EXTRA HARD and EXTRA FAR so that I have enough time to run to the car, start it up and put the peddle to the metal.  With all my might, I threw the tennis ball as hard as my eyes can see.  He started to gun after the ball as it is still traveling through the air about 60-70 MPH.  As he was about 1/4 miles away from me, I started sprinting to my car.  I locked the door and started the my surprise the car did not turn over.  I was like, DAMN IT!!! and tried to restart her the second time.  This time she turned over and I put her into reverse to get out of the parking stall.  As soon as I cleared the parking stall, my dog had already retrieved the ball and was on his way back to me.  I was like, OMG! OMG! as I put her into 1st gear and floored her.  GOD DAMN car stalled righ there and then.  I was freaking out with WFT! WFT!  I restarted her up and looked through my readview mirror.  I can see him running back closer to me.  I floor her once more and this time, I was squirlling like a mofo.  Looking back on my rearview mirror, the image of him was getting smaller and smaller.  I can still hear him barking at me, as his sign of saying, "Hey, you forgot about it."  As I reach 2 and 3rd gear, I was well on my way out of the park.  Distance of him barking could still be hear so I just roll up the mirror so that I could not longer hear him.

When I got home, everyone asked me, "So, did you do it?"  I'm like "yeah, I did" now leave me alone.  I needed time for myself.

GOT-CHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BUT IT SURE WAS A GREAT STORY!!!!!               

I seriously did take him back to the dog pound because he was microchipped under my name.   NEVER leave a dog stranded with your information on the microchip.  You could be fine for abandonment from PETA!!!!!

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2011, 08:30:01 PM »
Wow... people.  There are better ways to let your pets go HUMANELY as possible.

There are no kill shelters that will take the pets and placed them in foster homes till they are adopted.  This is better option then the humane society.

Taking in a pet is a very big responsibility, in as you need to treat it as member of your family not just an animal.  Otherwise you will never be able to sustain taking care of the pet to begin with.  Most people make the mistake of committing to a pet because they want one only to find out they cant handle it.  Pets are toys that after your done with it you can just throw it away...

Love them like you love your child.  Dogs are so smart, like human.  They have feelings and they'll sense when you're about to sell or gie them away, especially if you love them so much.  They'll cry...not only whimper, but literally cry, as in tears rolling down their eyes.

FACT:  NEVER GIVE YOUR PUPPIES AWAY FOR FREE.  if they get it for free, they'll ge rid f it like nothing.  My little princess is about to have her 1st liter and we have no plans of giving it to family members for free.  People only like them when they're tiny and cute.  My dogs are my companions when my husband's not home.  They're great watch dogs (well, at least, keeps me alert)...even chases spirits away from oe's property.  I love mine, they're mybabies.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2011, 10:56:41 PM »
 :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

We did this once and we'll never do it again.  One female was given to us, we bought another female, and the male was my bil's, but we reimbursed him what he purchased.  The story goes like this.  We were still living at the apartment and didn't pay for the pet fee.  When there is only 1 puppy, she's potty trained and my husband was paranoid about letting her/them use the backyard.  My husband saw the 2nd girl on craigslist and we wanted a teacup, so we went to look at it.  She was pure white and was shivering (no heat in that house), so we fell in love w/ her and decided to buy her.  A few weeks later, my bil didn't want to his the male, so we decided to add him to our collection,  With the three of them, they didn't care to use the pad no more, so after 3 months, we got really sick and tired of cleaning after them, and made a decision to ditch them at a rich neighborhood.

It was a pretty day, but as we ditched them, (similar like your post), it started to spinkle.  I told the spouse to turn back, but he said no.  Later that night, we talked about them and the situation and we both were crying and missing them.  The next day, we went back, there's no sign of them.  Later that evening, I packed them some roast ribs and placed it under a tree.  We'd continue to go back every day for the next two days.  Finally on the 4th day, I kept on calling their names and the two younger ones came out,  OMG....I was so happy to see them with tears falling out.   I went back for her fthe whole week and there was no site of her.  We were sadden by our actions and felt sorry for her, but laam ua ib sab.

We  love them so much that we decided to buy a house so they'll have their freedom and keep them happy.  They only eat meat, not left over meat, but the meat that my husband and son eats...pork ribs, beef, chicken, pigeons and etc.

I'm estatic because my youngest female is having her liter any day now.  I believe I'm more excited than her. Yes, she loves it when I feel her puppies....the ir movements.  I feel it several times a day.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2011, 12:26:41 PM »

 :violent1: :violent1: Dang, you got me there! I was about to say something really mean and hurtful to you.. but I'm glad that you did the right thing.

I know, I know.....but just wanted to see how much LOVE do you really give to your pet.   O0

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2011, 07:54:33 AM »
That's just sad! We had to give our dog away due to my MIL. She was causing a lot of drama with my family and I because she wanted us to get rid of our dog. + we just had a child, so all the more reason for her to talk.  Sadly, I let her win because it actually got to the point where my mom and I were verbally fighting about it.  Anyhow, it never crossed my mind to take him somewhere and leave him there, nor did I think about taking him to a shelter.  We ended up giving our dog to my husband's co-worker.  Our dog was 2 when we gave him away. I was sad and cried because we got him when he was only a few weeks old. We loved him and invested money and time to train him.  Super smart dog.  He’s super happy where he is now and receives so much love from his now owners.  It’s just the couple, their kids are grown and they had  lost their dog not too long ago, and so it was perfect timing for them. We occasionally get updates and a few months ago got a picture of him.  He’s gotten chubby, cause they feed him table food, which was something we didn’t do.  Sometimes I wish we kept him… but seeing how he is now, all that matters is he’s with people who loves him as much as we did.

Don’t get a dog if you’re not going to spend time with it.  I have to admit, I see and know Hmong families who have dogs and they just chain them outside and hardly play with them.  It’s sad.  My sister once told me that our cousin had a doxie and they didn’t event take her to get groomed. Her nails were so long, you could hear it clacking on the floor whenever she walked.  She said they also kept her in a closet. That’s just sad and shameful.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2012, 02:36:18 PM »
You folks are pretty cold hearted, especially the ladies. I thought females are more compassionate towards animals, but after reading some of you women's story..... best stand at least 20 feet away from my Pet Rock or else!!

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2012, 02:42:28 PM »
you people are horrible bastards!

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2012, 02:35:01 PM »
coj mus in the woods ces tua pom tseg xwb...tsis muaj use..coj mus pound los tseem poob nyiaj thiab rau lawv tua pom tseg xwb"put to sleep"

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2013, 02:09:45 PM »
We just bought a puppy a month ago and I can't imagine just leaving her at a park.  That is a cruel thing to do.  If I didn't have time for a dog, I wouldn't get one.  And if later I learned I made a bad decision to get one because I didn't have time, then I'd adopt it to someone I trusted or give it to the shelter and pay the fee. 

Evelynn, where do you live that you can allow your dog to have puppies?  In our area, we have to get them nutured/spade otherwise we'll get in big trouble.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2013, 02:32:36 PM »
We had our poodle over 5 years. The last two years, we have been neglecting her. Leaving her in the crate for over 8 hours plus during weekdays and both days on weekend almost every other weeks when we had to travel for soccer related. Finally found her a good home, she's very happy there. Went to visit her twice now, and the couples send us pictures once a while. We miss her, but she is at a better place. It's all we ever wanted, a home that give her the time that we do not have. It was very sad giving her up but we had too.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2014, 12:58:07 AM »
I went hunting this one time I believe it was thanksgiving day.. I saw this black lab that was ditch by someone else.. It was under a small bridge shivering cold.. I decided that after I hunt and on my way back to the car if the dog is still there im gonna take it home.. But as I walked about in the woods I heard a truck came by and look around and pick the dog up.. It's just mes up how people just do that.. If u know u can't take care of that kind  of animal don't take the chance.. Think twice before doing it.. Don't just go pick one up because u want one think about the future. I was thinking about getting a German sherperd but with my 3 kids to take care of and work im not gonna have enough time for the dog..

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2014, 04:11:27 PM »
If you cannot take care of a dog then I suggest not having children.  You can learn a lot from a person and how they care for their pets.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2016, 05:30:27 PM »
Y'all are fcked up if you're seriously considering doing this.

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Re: Ditching ur pet
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2016, 10:19:26 PM »
You could drive your car over your dog and pretend it was an accident.  I think that's how my dad killed a cat.

Anyway, don't get a dog if you can't handle it.  If a dog is too much, get a cat.

I love my cat.  I bought her for $50, but she feels like a $20,000 cat.  Best investment I ever made.

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