
Author Topic: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob  (Read 8536 times)

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Peachy Fish

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Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« on: August 19, 2011, 02:10:53 PM »
Just curious, how does this work in detail?

You bring alcohol/pop over to the mej koob's house, and then...

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 11:21:19 PM »
call the guy up and ask them to do it..if they say yes, then tell them to come on the day when you hu plig to the newlyweds then that's when you pop can and ask them to be the mej koob...ib tug kwvtij from your side of the family or in the hmong community can do it....

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 10:03:26 AM »
call the guy up and ask them to do it..if they say yes, then tell them to come on the day when you hu plig to the newlyweds then that's when you pop can and ask them to be the mej koob...ib tug kwvtij from your side of the family or in the hmong community can do it....

No Hmong clan I know of mus thov mej koob li koj hais. I hope you are not learning this from a master b/c he sucks.

Learn and memorize the steps below.

Thov Txiv Tuam Mej Koob

Tom qab tus txiv tsev muab tub thiab nyab lwm qaib tag. Ob tug tub tshab xo mus thoob lub xo tom niam txiv tog ntxhais tsev meej. Niam txiv tog ntxhais txais lub xo thiab teem sib hawm kom coj tus ntxhais mus ntsuas dej ntsuas txhuv. Tus txiv tsev thiaj li nrhiav ib tug kwv tij los sis ib tug qhua mus thov cov tub tshoob tub kos xws li txiv tuam mej koob, txiv lwm mej koob, tub phib laj, thiab niam txais ntsuab. Tus txiv tsev nrhiav plaub lub khob thiab ob lam fwj cawv rau tus neeg uas yuav mus thov tub tshoob tub kos. Raws li Hmoob txoj kev cai thov dag zog ua tshoob ua kos mas tus tub uas yuav poj niam yuav tsum nrog mus thov neeg ua tub tshoob tub kos.

Tus sau muab ob lub npe ua piv txwv xwv ib tsoom kwv tij neej tsa Hmoob thiaj li nyeem to taub yooj yim. Piv li tias niam txiv kom Txawj Pov coj tus hluas mus thov Nchaiv Tsheej ua txiv tuam mej koob. Thaum ob tug thov zog mus txog ntawm Nchaiv Tsheej tsev mas nkawv yuav tsum mus tom lub qhov rooj txuas mus. Nkawd mus khob qhov rooj thiab hu cov neeg nyob hauv tsev hais tias:
"Nej puas nyob hauv tsev lawm os!"

Nchaiv tsheej los sis nws poj niam thiaj li los qhib qhov rooj thiab hu ob tug tuaj sab nraud tuaj tias:
"Aus! Neb tuaj los ob tug. Los tsev os. Peb tsis caiv os. Los! Neb los tsev od."

Nkawd mus txeem rau hauv tsev. Mus zaum zoj ib pliag thiab tham pem kev noj qab nyob zoo. Txawj Pov thiaj li mus rub ib lub me nyuam rooj rau pem hauv plag. Nws rub ib lub rooj zaum rau sab qaum rooj hos ob lub rooj zaum rau nram qab rooj. Txawj Pov muab plaub lub khob cawv los txawb rau saum rooj thiab hliv cawv rau. Nws thiaj mam li mus rub Nchaiv Tsheej los zaum tuaj sab ped:
"Dab laug Nchaiv Tsheej! Koj tsis txhob xav li cas es koj los zaum sab ped seb yuam."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li teb tias:
"Tau lawm os yawm yij. Kuv zaum ntawm no xwb los tau lawm. Koj muaj tus lus dab tsi los koj cia li hais xwb. Kuv yeej tsis xav li cas mog."

Txawj Pov rub tas zog hais tias:
"Kav tsij hla hlo los zaum sab ped mas, dab laug. Zaum rau ped es muaj tus lus dab tsi los kuv thiaj li ho zoo hais rau koj ma."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li ua siab hla los zaum rau sab pem toj:
"Tsum los mas. Peb ib co nyuag yawm yij yawm dab xwb yog koj ho muaj lus dab tsi los cia li hais xwb kuv yeej tsis xav li cas nav."

Txawm Pov mus zaum tuaj sab nram hav. Tus hluas thiaj li hla los zaum ntawm Txawj Pov ib sab nram qab rooj. Txawj Pov thiaj li tsaws ob khob cawv rau Nchaiv Tsheej:
"Txais ob khob cawv no seb yuam, dab laug!"
Tag ntawd nws kuj hliv ob khob cawv txawb rau ntawm nws xub ntiag phim tus zaum sab pem toj. Yog hais tias tshuav khob ntau, Txawj Pov hliv ob khob cawv txawb ntawm tus hluas xub ntiag phim nkawd thiab.

Tus zaum sab pem toj thiaj li txais nws ob khob cawv los tuav ntawm tes:
"Kuv txais koj tes laid yuam yawm yij."

Txawj Pov coj nkawd haus ib zeeg cawv:
"Haus cawv seb dab laug Ncaiv Tsheej. Haus cawv kom meej ib zeeg tso muaj lus dab tsi kuv mam li tham rau koj."

Nchaiv Tsheej ua txoj yig li no:
"Tau lawm los mas. Koj muaj tus lus dab tsi ces cia li hais xwb, yawm yij. Tsis txhob muab dej muab cawv ua kev ua cai."

Ob tug yawm yij yawm dab sib yig cawv ib pliag ces nkawd thiaj li haus cawv. Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li ua tsaug cawv:
"Yawm yij! Ua tsaug cawv laid mog. Koj tsis cia li koj tseem yuav siv dej siv cawv muab kuv saib rau lub sam xeeb thiab. Ua tsaug laid mog. Tsam koj muaj chaw siv koj tsis pom qab muab los siv laid mog."

Txawj Pov cheem nws tus dab laug li no:
"Dab laug e! Tsis txhob ua tsaug os. Ib pas nyuag cawv qaub yaug ncauj xwb. Tsis txhob ua tsaug lauj mog. Nkim lo tsaug qhuav xwb lauj mog."
Txawj Pov thiaj li rov hliv cawv rau hauv cov khob. Nws txawb ob khob rau ntawm nws xub ntiag thiab cev ob khob rau Nchaiv Tsheej, tus zaum tuaj sab pem toj. Thaum Nchaiv Tsheej txais ob khob cawv lawm ces Txawj Pov thiaj li ua nriav lus hais tias:
"Wb tuaj hnub no wb kuj tsis muaj lus dab tsi thiab. Tab sis nyuag hluas no tau mus coj niam txiv N . . . (Hais niam txiv tom ub lub npe) tus ntxhais hu ua N . . . (Hais tus nyab lub npe) los lawm. Yog li no hnub tim . . . (Hais hnub yuav npaj mus ua tshoob ua kos) niam thiab txiv xav coj tus tub thiab tus nyab mus lov cwj. Hnub no wb xav tuaj thov koj mus ua txiv tuam mej koob, mus pab ntaiv hnub ntaiv hli, mus nrog laj niam laj txiv tom ub. Hnub no wb yuav tuaj khom vam koj mus nrog niam txiv tom ub ntsuam dej ntsuam txhuv. Cuag li wb yuav tuaj txob xeeb luab lim koj xwb los koj tsis txhob xav li cas. Yog hais tias koj tsis muaj qav muaj num tseem ceeb no ces thov koj ua tiag pab ua txiv tuam mej koob no mog."

Nchaiv Tsheej tsis kam lees ua txiv tuam mej koob no ces nws yuav teb zoo xws li nram qab no:
"Yawm yij lau! Hais txog kev sib pab mas kuv yeej xav pab koj kawg. Tab sis kuv ho tseem tshuav ib txog hauj lwm tseem ceeb tab kaum . . . (Yig raws nws txoj hauj lwm ceev uas nws tsis khoom ua txiv tuam mej koob los sis nws yig raws nws txoj kev ntshai mus fim niam txiv tom ub cov neeg.) Koj txhob xav li cas. Koj mam li ho mus thov lwm tus pab koj. Peb kev sib pab tsis yog tag rau zaum no lawm. Lwm zaus kuv mam li ho ua tiag pab kom tau koj es koj tsis txhob xav li cas mog."

Thaum hais li no lawm ces Txawj Pov kuj tsis pom qab yuav thov li cas ntxiv lawm:
"Tas kuv lub siab xav ma kuv yeej xav kom tau koj mus pab ua txiv tuam mej koob zaum no xwb ntag no. Tab sis koj ho tsis xyeej los tsis ua li cas. Cia wb mam li mus thov lwm tus seb puas tau. Hais ib lo lus li no thiab yog hais tias wb mus thov tsis tau lwm tus no ces wb rov qab los thov koj ua tiag pab xwb nawj."

Yog Nchaiv Tsheej tsis muaj hauj lwm tseem ceeb tab kaum thiab no ces nws lees ua txiv tuam mej koob:
"Neb txawm tuaj thov txog kuv los kuv kuj tsis paub dab tsi li thiab. Ntshe kuv ho mus ua tsis tau raws li neb lub siab xav xwb laud. Peb ib co yawm yij yawm dab xwb yog neb ho tuaj vam txog kuv ces kawg yuav tau sib pab xwb. Hais txog hauj lwm mas muaj ntau yeej ua tsis tag. Qhov no yog kev tsa cuab tsa yim rau tej hluas ces peb cov laus yuav tau sib pab nta kom tsheej cuab tsheej yim xwb. Cia kuv mam li ho pab neb los tau. Txog hnub yuav sawv kev no ces neb nrhiav ib tug neeg tuaj tos kuv nawj."

Thaum Nchaiv Tsheej lees ua txiv tuam mej koob lawm ces ob tug zaum nram qab rooj thiaj li sawv tsees tuaj nram hav pe:
"Yog li ces thov koj mog dab laug Nchaiv Tsheej. Cuag li wb yuav khom vam koj lub dag lub zog qhuav qhuav xwb los thov koj ua tiag pab thiab lauj mog."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li sawv tsees mus rub ob tug pe ob sab caj npab kom sawv, tsis txhob pe:
"Sawv! Tsis txhob pe lau mog. Peb ib co nyuag yawm yij yawm dab xwb hais lo lus xwb yeej tau lawm. Tsis tas yuav pe ua lub kev lub cai. Sawv lau mog ob tug."

Tom qab pe tag thiab rov qab los zaum txhij ncig lub rooj, Txawj Pov thiaj txhob lawv haus cawv ib zeeg. Haus cawv meej ces rov qab teev dua. Lawv rov qab haus cawv dua. Nchaiv Tsheej tsis xav haus cawv ntxiv lawm ces nws thiaj li cheem hais tias:
"Tsum lauj yawm yij! Yuav cawv li no xwb tau lawm. Tsis teev dej caw ntxiv lawm."

Txawj Pov txhob kom haus ntxiv:
"Ua li. Rau me ntsis ntxiv thiab ma yuam dab laug."

Nchaiv Tsheej teb tias:
"Tau lawm, yuav li no lawm xwb os, yawm yij."

Txawj Pov thiaj li xaus cawv kiag tias:
"Yog li ces cawv tsis ntev koj laid yuam. Kuv tsis rau cawv ntxiv rau koj lawm od mog."

Tag li no ces Txawj Pov thiab tus hluas nkawd thiaj li tawm hauv Nchaiv Tsheej tsev mus thov tus txiv lwm mej koob los sis rov los tsev.

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2011, 12:43:11 PM »
how about this. i keep it simple...i got 3 benjamins for you to be my mej khoob..u wanna take it or not? cash no tax..

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2011, 01:07:52 PM »
I agree. But you should know yuknowhat by now and on his statements: he's not serious.

No Hmong clan I know of mus thov mej koob li koj hais. I hope you are not learning this from a master b/c he sucks.

Learn and memorize the steps below.

Thov Txiv Tuam Mej Koob

Tom qab tus txiv tsev muab tub thiab nyab lwm qaib tag. Ob tug tub tshab xo mus thoob lub xo tom niam txiv tog ntxhais tsev meej. Niam txiv tog ntxhais txais lub xo thiab teem sib hawm kom coj tus ntxhais mus ntsuas dej ntsuas txhuv. Tus txiv tsev thiaj li nrhiav ib tug kwv tij los sis ib tug qhua mus thov cov tub tshoob tub kos xws li txiv tuam mej koob, txiv lwm mej koob, tub phib laj, thiab niam txais ntsuab. Tus txiv tsev nrhiav plaub lub khob thiab ob lam fwj cawv rau tus neeg uas yuav mus thov tub tshoob tub kos. Raws li Hmoob txoj kev cai thov dag zog ua tshoob ua kos mas tus tub uas yuav poj niam yuav tsum nrog mus thov neeg ua tub tshoob tub kos.

Tus sau muab ob lub npe ua piv txwv xwv ib tsoom kwv tij neej tsa Hmoob thiaj li nyeem to taub yooj yim. Piv li tias niam txiv kom Txawj Pov coj tus hluas mus thov Nchaiv Tsheej ua txiv tuam mej koob. Thaum ob tug thov zog mus txog ntawm Nchaiv Tsheej tsev mas nkawv yuav tsum mus tom lub qhov rooj txuas mus. Nkawd mus khob qhov rooj thiab hu cov neeg nyob hauv tsev hais tias:
"Nej puas nyob hauv tsev lawm os!"

Nchaiv tsheej los sis nws poj niam thiaj li los qhib qhov rooj thiab hu ob tug tuaj sab nraud tuaj tias:
"Aus! Neb tuaj los ob tug. Los tsev os. Peb tsis caiv os. Los! Neb los tsev od."

Nkawd mus txeem rau hauv tsev. Mus zaum zoj ib pliag thiab tham pem kev noj qab nyob zoo. Txawj Pov thiaj li mus rub ib lub me nyuam rooj rau pem hauv plag. Nws rub ib lub rooj zaum rau sab qaum rooj hos ob lub rooj zaum rau nram qab rooj. Txawj Pov muab plaub lub khob cawv los txawb rau saum rooj thiab hliv cawv rau. Nws thiaj mam li mus rub Nchaiv Tsheej los zaum tuaj sab ped:
"Dab laug Nchaiv Tsheej! Koj tsis txhob xav li cas es koj los zaum sab ped seb yuam."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li teb tias:
"Tau lawm os yawm yij. Kuv zaum ntawm no xwb los tau lawm. Koj muaj tus lus dab tsi los koj cia li hais xwb. Kuv yeej tsis xav li cas mog."

Txawj Pov rub tas zog hais tias:
"Kav tsij hla hlo los zaum sab ped mas, dab laug. Zaum rau ped es muaj tus lus dab tsi los kuv thiaj li ho zoo hais rau koj ma."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li ua siab hla los zaum rau sab pem toj:
"Tsum los mas. Peb ib co nyuag yawm yij yawm dab xwb yog koj ho muaj lus dab tsi los cia li hais xwb kuv yeej tsis xav li cas nav."

Txawm Pov mus zaum tuaj sab nram hav. Tus hluas thiaj li hla los zaum ntawm Txawj Pov ib sab nram qab rooj. Txawj Pov thiaj li tsaws ob khob cawv rau Nchaiv Tsheej:
"Txais ob khob cawv no seb yuam, dab laug!"
Tag ntawd nws kuj hliv ob khob cawv txawb rau ntawm nws xub ntiag phim tus zaum sab pem toj. Yog hais tias tshuav khob ntau, Txawj Pov hliv ob khob cawv txawb ntawm tus hluas xub ntiag phim nkawd thiab.

Tus zaum sab pem toj thiaj li txais nws ob khob cawv los tuav ntawm tes:
"Kuv txais koj tes laid yuam yawm yij."

Txawj Pov coj nkawd haus ib zeeg cawv:
"Haus cawv seb dab laug Ncaiv Tsheej. Haus cawv kom meej ib zeeg tso muaj lus dab tsi kuv mam li tham rau koj."

Nchaiv Tsheej ua txoj yig li no:
"Tau lawm los mas. Koj muaj tus lus dab tsi ces cia li hais xwb, yawm yij. Tsis txhob muab dej muab cawv ua kev ua cai."

Ob tug yawm yij yawm dab sib yig cawv ib pliag ces nkawd thiaj li haus cawv. Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li ua tsaug cawv:
"Yawm yij! Ua tsaug cawv laid mog. Koj tsis cia li koj tseem yuav siv dej siv cawv muab kuv saib rau lub sam xeeb thiab. Ua tsaug laid mog. Tsam koj muaj chaw siv koj tsis pom qab muab los siv laid mog."

Txawj Pov cheem nws tus dab laug li no:
"Dab laug e! Tsis txhob ua tsaug os. Ib pas nyuag cawv qaub yaug ncauj xwb. Tsis txhob ua tsaug lauj mog. Nkim lo tsaug qhuav xwb lauj mog."
Txawj Pov thiaj li rov hliv cawv rau hauv cov khob. Nws txawb ob khob rau ntawm nws xub ntiag thiab cev ob khob rau Nchaiv Tsheej, tus zaum tuaj sab pem toj. Thaum Nchaiv Tsheej txais ob khob cawv lawm ces Txawj Pov thiaj li ua nriav lus hais tias:
"Wb tuaj hnub no wb kuj tsis muaj lus dab tsi thiab. Tab sis nyuag hluas no tau mus coj niam txiv N . . . (Hais niam txiv tom ub lub npe) tus ntxhais hu ua N . . . (Hais tus nyab lub npe) los lawm. Yog li no hnub tim . . . (Hais hnub yuav npaj mus ua tshoob ua kos) niam thiab txiv xav coj tus tub thiab tus nyab mus lov cwj. Hnub no wb xav tuaj thov koj mus ua txiv tuam mej koob, mus pab ntaiv hnub ntaiv hli, mus nrog laj niam laj txiv tom ub. Hnub no wb yuav tuaj khom vam koj mus nrog niam txiv tom ub ntsuam dej ntsuam txhuv. Cuag li wb yuav tuaj txob xeeb luab lim koj xwb los koj tsis txhob xav li cas. Yog hais tias koj tsis muaj qav muaj num tseem ceeb no ces thov koj ua tiag pab ua txiv tuam mej koob no mog."

Nchaiv Tsheej tsis kam lees ua txiv tuam mej koob no ces nws yuav teb zoo xws li nram qab no:
"Yawm yij lau! Hais txog kev sib pab mas kuv yeej xav pab koj kawg. Tab sis kuv ho tseem tshuav ib txog hauj lwm tseem ceeb tab kaum . . . (Yig raws nws txoj hauj lwm ceev uas nws tsis khoom ua txiv tuam mej koob los sis nws yig raws nws txoj kev ntshai mus fim niam txiv tom ub cov neeg.) Koj txhob xav li cas. Koj mam li ho mus thov lwm tus pab koj. Peb kev sib pab tsis yog tag rau zaum no lawm. Lwm zaus kuv mam li ho ua tiag pab kom tau koj es koj tsis txhob xav li cas mog."

Thaum hais li no lawm ces Txawj Pov kuj tsis pom qab yuav thov li cas ntxiv lawm:
"Tas kuv lub siab xav ma kuv yeej xav kom tau koj mus pab ua txiv tuam mej koob zaum no xwb ntag no. Tab sis koj ho tsis xyeej los tsis ua li cas. Cia wb mam li mus thov lwm tus seb puas tau. Hais ib lo lus li no thiab yog hais tias wb mus thov tsis tau lwm tus no ces wb rov qab los thov koj ua tiag pab xwb nawj."

Yog Nchaiv Tsheej tsis muaj hauj lwm tseem ceeb tab kaum thiab no ces nws lees ua txiv tuam mej koob:
"Neb txawm tuaj thov txog kuv los kuv kuj tsis paub dab tsi li thiab. Ntshe kuv ho mus ua tsis tau raws li neb lub siab xav xwb laud. Peb ib co yawm yij yawm dab xwb yog neb ho tuaj vam txog kuv ces kawg yuav tau sib pab xwb. Hais txog hauj lwm mas muaj ntau yeej ua tsis tag. Qhov no yog kev tsa cuab tsa yim rau tej hluas ces peb cov laus yuav tau sib pab nta kom tsheej cuab tsheej yim xwb. Cia kuv mam li ho pab neb los tau. Txog hnub yuav sawv kev no ces neb nrhiav ib tug neeg tuaj tos kuv nawj."

Thaum Nchaiv Tsheej lees ua txiv tuam mej koob lawm ces ob tug zaum nram qab rooj thiaj li sawv tsees tuaj nram hav pe:
"Yog li ces thov koj mog dab laug Nchaiv Tsheej. Cuag li wb yuav khom vam koj lub dag lub zog qhuav qhuav xwb los thov koj ua tiag pab thiab lauj mog."

Nchaiv Tsheej thiaj li sawv tsees mus rub ob tug pe ob sab caj npab kom sawv, tsis txhob pe:
"Sawv! Tsis txhob pe lau mog. Peb ib co nyuag yawm yij yawm dab xwb hais lo lus xwb yeej tau lawm. Tsis tas yuav pe ua lub kev lub cai. Sawv lau mog ob tug."

Tom qab pe tag thiab rov qab los zaum txhij ncig lub rooj, Txawj Pov thiaj txhob lawv haus cawv ib zeeg. Haus cawv meej ces rov qab teev dua. Lawv rov qab haus cawv dua. Nchaiv Tsheej tsis xav haus cawv ntxiv lawm ces nws thiaj li cheem hais tias:
"Tsum lauj yawm yij! Yuav cawv li no xwb tau lawm. Tsis teev dej caw ntxiv lawm."

Txawj Pov txhob kom haus ntxiv:
"Ua li. Rau me ntsis ntxiv thiab ma yuam dab laug."

Nchaiv Tsheej teb tias:
"Tau lawm, yuav li no lawm xwb os, yawm yij."

Txawj Pov thiaj li xaus cawv kiag tias:
"Yog li ces cawv tsis ntev koj laid yuam. Kuv tsis rau cawv ntxiv rau koj lawm od mog."

Tag li no ces Txawj Pov thiab tus hluas nkawd thiaj li tawm hauv Nchaiv Tsheej tsev mus thov tus txiv lwm mej koob los sis rov los tsev.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2011, 01:08:46 PM »
how about this. i keep it simple...i got 3 benjamins for you to be my mej khoob..u wanna take it or not? cash no tax..

I wonder if mej koob potentials can penalize a family for this kind of inappropriate behavior.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

Peachy Fish

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 09:38:01 PM »
Qau, ua tsaug rau koj cheem paab qha koj tej kev txawj ntse rua kuv has.  :)

What if neither household follow traditional and/or Shaman ways?

« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 09:39:51 PM by Peachy Fish »

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2011, 01:14:01 PM »
Qau, ua tsaug rau koj cheem paab qha koj tej kev txawj ntse rua kuv has.  :)

What if neither household follow traditional and/or Shaman ways?

Then do we really care?

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Peachy Fish

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 06:47:27 PM »
Then do we really care?

Perhaps not you, but I still like to know.

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2011, 11:31:24 AM »
Again, no one cares how that couple gets marry. If you have a tradition then you follow your tradition. If you don't then who really cares? Just live together and eventually the two will be considered husband and wife, common law.

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2012, 03:12:37 AM »

Very interesting! May you also share whether or not each role has to be a certain status in life and if related to the groom?

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2012, 06:40:48 PM »
tus Qau los yog niag Qau los yog yawg Qau?  sorry don't know which u prefer.

Thov koj pab qhia hais txog ntawm kev ua tsaug thiab yom...xws neeb tsaug...pauj yeem.. hu plig tag (ntov dej, saib qaib, tw nyuj etc) ...lus khi tes... lus noj peb caug es hais...chiv dej cawv es hais..

yooj yim xwb tiam sis tsis yog sim nej leej twg yeej yog tsis paub thiaj li nug... xav kom paub es nyob nyob txog u los thiaj li tsis nyuab nyuab siab...

muaj lus ua tsaug ntau.

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Re: Process of Asking Someone to be a Mej Koob
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2012, 08:00:52 AM »
Just curious, how does this work in detail?

You bring alcohol/pop over to the mej koob's house, and then...

Dude - mus thov MEEJ koob os, txhob mus thov MEJ koob nawb tsam 30 hnub xwb neb sib crack lawm os.

Oh, bTw,  yog cia li mus koj xwb ces cov NYUAG Hmoob phem no yuav tsis pab koj os.  Yog koj txheeb thiab losis muaj neeg txheeb (relationship) koj mus thov thiaj tau os bro....

Fuc...k my here done long time.

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