
Author Topic: Vim kuv tsis paub.  (Read 85254 times)

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #285 on: June 02, 2013, 09:45:09 AM »
Storage of my dreams...

1. Was playing hide-and-seek with my sisters when I knocked over her cup full of fishes. I tried to scoop them all back up but one of them flops into my mom's bedroom closet. I opened the closet door to find it and discover a pool of about 5 inches of water and tons of minature goldfishes swimming around. I yell at my sister for keeping so many of them in such a compact place and dirty water. I told her I'd get my unused fish tank and have the fishes live in there instead. I left the room and started my way downstairs to grab my tank.

2. Greeted by this redish-brown snake with no head halfway down the stairs. I take a broom and start whacking it hoping that'd kill it. I was very cautious and made sure it wouldn't bite me. Anyhow, my hits made it struggle for a bit before it dashes down the rest of the flight of stairs. I scream my mom's name and tell her there's a snake in the house. Whoosh! My siblings, mom and I are suddenly outside fighting this snake. I had managed to somehow pierce my wooden broom through it once. LOL. This made the snake furious and it was going to attack instead of just trying to escape. My littlest sister starts helping me jab it too. I'm telling her to be careful before she gets bitten and ouch! Snake bit my right calf. No pain but I'm thinking to myself, "Shit! What if this is a poisonous snake? That means I can't kill it cause I'd need it's venom." Mom assures me I'll be okay so I forget about the bite. I return to hitting the snake. I discover where its head is and my little brother grabs the snake and bites its head off. Whao! We finished killing it and discovered it wasn't a snake but some weird creature.

3. I'm running in a marathon.....r unning and running but never out of breath of stop to rest. Turns out this marathon had a prize for the person with the best time. Everyone started at their own convience so I thought I had a chance too. I'm running and day turns into night. I approach this father and son and discover that the father was a janitor who worked there so he was showing his son the shortcuts so he'd win the race. Cheaters! I just continue running. Finished the marathon with a time of 21 minutes. Whew! Waiting for the results and...poof!

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #286 on: June 07, 2013, 10:13:32 PM »
I've been tagging along with my older sister, who is a big couponer, on her shopping trips lately. Gotta admit, she sure knows where them savings are! Not sure if I have the patience to do all that research to find all the good deals but it sure feels good to see the final price drop by like 75-90%. Whoohoo!

Missing mom. I need some quality time with her....

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #287 on: June 10, 2013, 02:43:36 PM »
Random thoughts....

1. I notice I always speed up when I'm stuck driving next to a bus or truck.
2. It's amazing how many unattended purses I see lying around in people's shopping carts.
3. Do I have an obsession with plastic storage boxes? LOL

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #288 on: June 17, 2013, 02:00:11 PM »
Kuv xav kom kuv muaj tis ya......

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #289 on: June 17, 2013, 05:40:37 PM »
I had a few of those awkawd moments before. Especially, when you locked eyes with eachother for a split second. You don't know if you should say "Hi" or pretend that you did not see him. hehe. Funny moments.

Any funny stories to share?

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #290 on: June 19, 2013, 12:36:16 PM »
Txawm ceeg npaum twg thiab ceem npaum li cas zaus kom ua ib siab tso tagnrho mus los ua cas kuv pheej ua tsis tau li? I was doing so good for many many months now until a feeling recently surfaced. Tabsimno nws rov ua kab tom tom kuv lub plawv dua. I hate this feeling!


Best part to my work day so far today was arriving to work and getting my spot under the nice shade. Lately someone has been beating me to work and "snatching" my favorite parking spot but today I beat them to it! LOL. I guess I won't have to feel like I walked into a sauna when I drive home.....yes!

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #291 on: June 21, 2013, 03:53:09 PM »
Took a break and went walking with a coworker today. We were midway through the path when we noticed this guy who had passed us a few minutes prior waiting. For a moment I thought, "ohno! This better not be some creep." As we walked closer, he pointed to the ground and my coworker and I glanced to check what he wanted us to look at. To our surprise it was a turtle who had dug up a hole and was laying eggs in there. Omg! This was my first time witnessing a turtle pop its eggs. Cool stuff! I hope it stays safe because mama and babies were on the edge of a path that many walkers probably with pass through. Hopefully there will be baby turtles to come soon!

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #292 on: June 23, 2013, 11:47:19 AM »
More dreams....

1. The world was coming to an end and I was in charge of leading anyone still alive to safety. We're running from some sort of creature and it's hot on our tails. I run into a two-way tunnel intersection and had to decide which one to go down. One-by-one we went down the right one and end up on top of this bridge. Just right below the bridge was zombies who were sleeping. The thing about them was they would wake up if they sensed movement. I told everyone to be still but before I could finish talking, there's already zombies moving towards us. I grab a wooden stick and start using it as a sword to hurt some of them. Somehow I also grabbed hold of a bucket of fuel and throw it at all the zombies. Then I light the floor and a trail of fire grows. Kaboom! All those zombies die. But another battle suddenly surfaces when I hear screams and see that creature (turned out to be a snake) that was chasing us has gone through the same tunnel we exited from. I wrestle with the snake and it bites me. That angers me and I grab it by the head and squeeze it really tight while I instruct my siblings to skin it and cut it up. We all struggle trying to kill it and eventually I'm left holding the head of a dead snake. I take the remaining survivors into a village and they celebrate my bravery. LOL

2. My sisters and I go fishing and I decide to use gummy worms as bait. My baby sister laughs at me saying I won't catch anything. I throw my homemade fishing pole and the minute it lands in there, I get a bite. I'm thinking to myself, "This is a big one!" I start pulling in the lines with my hands and as my catch gets nearer and nearer, I can see splashes! Oh snap! After awhile of this pull and release technique, I finally see my catch. It's a large mouth bass the size of my arm! Everyone looks at me with jealous eyes because they've been there all day cadting their baits but no bites. Good catch!!!

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #293 on: June 26, 2013, 07:10:23 PM »
When was the last time I saw a monarch butterfly?

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #294 on: June 28, 2013, 02:56:10 PM »
I have never been so overworked and unhappy about a job I had until now. Everyday I come home exhausted and mentally drained wondering to myself if I should just not show up to work anymore.

Before I made the decision to take this job a year ago, I thought maybe it would lead me into the direction I wanted to go. However, with every headache and negative energy I draw from my clients, encounters and experiences at work, it changes my perspective and discourages me from wanting to help people now.  :-\ Why waste my time trying to help those who don't even want to help themselves anymore? It's so tiring having to always remain positive and think people are going to change to better themselves. It's this cycle they will probably never break from and I don't want to be that link that keeps supporting their bad habits. It's so sad to admit it but I'm slowly giving up....I'm not even going to try and fool myself with false hope anymore. Sick of it all. 

No more above and beyond effort towards work....I'm aiming for C+ now.

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #295 on: July 08, 2013, 12:11:46 AM »
You won't understand its worth until you're probably homeless and living on the streets. I hope someday you come to your senses and realize what you took for granted.....

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #296 on: July 09, 2013, 12:38:43 AM »
I can't sleep because my heart is heavy tonight. Been thinking about life....I see myself traveling forward but how come I have not gone far at all? What do I need to do to get me to where I want to be? All this hard work....all this determination. ...all this hope.....all these sacrifices...w as it all really worth it? Perhaps I need a change of direction?

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #297 on: July 12, 2013, 08:26:43 PM »
MSV, where are you trying to get to? Maybe you are not ready to move to where you want to be. Our hearts can be stubborn sometimes. I know that mine is. There are people whom I would like to drop like a fly but yet, they are still clinging onto me. There are places that I want to be, but my feet won't move an inch. I'm stucked! :P

I'm not sure where I'm really heading but I have this feeling like I'm going the wrong way. Is that odd?

Like you, my heart is really stubborn. If only I can control it. lol.

*sighs* Wishful thinkings....c an we make it reality?  :-\

How have you been?

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #298 on: July 12, 2013, 08:33:12 PM »
The mind of a child.

We all start as innocent little beings but as we grow up and experience the ups and downs of life, it turns our world and we are never really too sure about anything in life anymore. Sometimes I wish I could have the mind of a curious....

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Re: Vim kuv tsis paub.
« Reply #299 on: July 16, 2013, 08:32:07 PM »
Now this is the type of concert I could totally lose myself in! I would fly to Thailand just to attend something like this.....

Music.....I am so driven by it! Love love love!  :love4:

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