
Author Topic: Scientology Study Group - Class meets on Thursday from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM CST.  (Read 6279 times)

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non dormis

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Yes.. Are there any living creatures who identically resembles us.. the truth is still out..

how does Scientology know of this?

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Those are basic truths that we all should know.. If you can live with someone taking your items without asking then its your truth..

What do you mean "we all should know", if truth is subjective to each person?

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Come with your questions..



The word Scientology, conceived by L. Ron Hubbard, comes from the Latin scio which means “knowing, in the fullest meaning of the word” and the Greek word logos which means “study of.” It means knowing how to know. Scientology is further defined as “the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.”


Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.
Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes.
Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these are:
Man is an immortal spiritual being.
His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.
Scientology further holds Man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself, his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
Scientology is not a dogmatic religion in which one is asked to accept anything on faith alone. On the contrary, one discovers for oneself that the principles of Scientology are true by applying its principles and observing or experiencing the results.
The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom.

Sounds like the shamanism or sorcery me practice. What do you guys do?
What's the location?

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You said, "The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom."

Enlightenment and freedom from what?

Me sorcerer.

Men are products of their environment. They are what they've been taught from their culture, religion and personal experience.

Men must go beyond that learned thinking and behavior and realize their full potential in which they are limited to their fixation in the material world. Men have so much more.

Freedom from the repetitive lifetimes coming back and going pass the source.

All that stuff is shamanism.

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What do you mean "we all should know", if truth is subjective to each person?

Truth is not subjective but absolute.

But everyone is asleep. No one wants to wake up.
They all are asleep because dreams are easier to dream until my friend Death high beams their existence into reality.  Then they wake up.

Men are always into their intellectual and emotional masturbations. They call that life! Lol :idiot2:

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how does Scientology know of this?

The truth has always been with men but twisted or tailored to the one controlling for power and money.

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What makes people realize that they need true spiritual enlightenment and freedom?  Like in Christianity sin makes people realize they need a savior.  Can you give an example?

Christians are incorrect in assuming they need a savior.

We all are light of energy. This is what we need to come to realize and see the world not in the material world but through our third eye.

We are more than organic. We are powerful lights of energy but our luminosity gets affected by our physical mind. We must overcome our mind by living in the moment, rid of attachments in materials, ideas and people.  When we become perfect in a sense of pure energy, we have come to enlightment. Meaning one with the spirit and all and everything.

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Knowledge.. We all been told that killing people is wrong, but we don't need a higher god to tell us this, we have to search within ourselves and find the facts for ourselves that is truth.  We are all born good, what we learn while living may change our perspectives on life.  If we look outside what we learned, search for the truth we will find out what is truly good and live by what facts we find.

True. The search is through the reflection in one's mind.

There is no devil, no god, no right, no wrong exept following the Way.  There is a source of all things, but one cannot pray to it.  It is too big and we are too insignificant. However, the source has given us the freedom to have a chance to have a chance to freedom. The freedom to pass through the source and forever live.

The source gave us the spirit to teach us to go back to our true goal for freedom. Everything else is pure masturbation and immaterial.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 09:20:57 AM by DonJuan »

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Isn't "freedom for whatever it is your holding onto" subjective though?  So what others believe is "bad" is actually seen as "good" for others?  Or what if others have a different truths?

True what you are saying. In the example you gave is due to men' s man made institution such as culture, religions etc.

But if one follow how energy runs or Dharma, it is absolute. Everything else is immaterial and just man made.

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are there other aliens out there besides us?

Aliens are not even relevant.

Other worlds, parallel world, inorganic beings in water, everywhere but your mind is so fixed in this world, only at times, one sees. But the logic and reason dismiss it as hallucination or stress.  Lol. Lmao. Lol :2funny:

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So Scientology would condone a Scientology member if they stole something so long as they believe it was true and gave them spiritual enlightenment and freedom?

What he is trying to say:

The truth is evasive. If I spoke the truth to you, it belongs to me only because it is my truth. To you as I speak, it is only another piece of information amongs many others.

You would have to understand and process that information to realize it is the truth. Then, you would realize your now truth is my truth.

As I always say the truth is like a mathematical problem. I can give you the answer, but someone else with their thousands of members and money can also give you an answer.  Therefore, for you to know how realize the true answer is for you to know how to solve the problem, yourself.

Therefore, you must come up to the truth by yourself. Once you know how to solve it, no one will be able to change your mind because you will see the flaws in other answers.

The truth is a lonely road. Be warned. Needy minds will not be able to do it. And it's ok. Nothing wrong with that.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 09:19:10 AM by DonJuan »

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Knowing the truth is not the same as intellectual knowledge; instead, one must walk on the path of truth. This is the reason why it is deceitful and hard to accept for many.  To put in a simple term, one must walk the walk in order to be able to maintain one knows the truth. Otherwise, one does not possess the truth but merely have an intellectual understanding.
How many times have one known something, yet when faced with the situation act differently.
Every culture and religion holds a piece of truth.  The issue is how much of that truth has been modified and shaped for leaders to control for power, status and money.  Religions purpose in their origin was humble and respectable, but leaders ego and self-importance tainted the truth.  Nowadays, most people join those institutions for acceptance and love from their fellow men.  People will choose a religion based upon their family, society and their own need of acceptance from others.
Why? They do it because their parents have done it.  They do not want to disappoint them.  They want to belong to something bigger than them.  They want to assimilate in the American society or mainstream America.  They want to be like every one else.  They feel good because of the great numbers of people, they do not have enough relatives and join because of the greater support, they do it to look and feel good etc.
There is no good or bad but only Dharma or how the energy runs.  However, when a person is selfish or has repeatedly acted with violence, his/her energy turns a certain color because their behaviors and intentions are too far away from Dharma.  Men label it as bad depending on their culture, religion etc.  
But not from the energy standpoint, it just states a fact that the color is very far and different from its pure state

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