/\ /\ ... 18 Clan Council of CA did host/hold their own HNY. It FAILED miserably and accumulated a huge debt -- at least according to rumors, which in all likelihood is true. This is the main reason or one of the main reasons why they are so intent on suing. They are in essence trying to recover capital, not through the law suit, but that hopefully in winning the RIGHTS to host/hold a SINGLE HNY, they can somehow MONOPOLIZE revenues. It is a NO-brainer really.
I'd comment on the rest of your inquiries/comments, but that would be giving out too much info, about myself ... hehehe ...

And your uncle resigning, has LITTLE to NO RELEVANCE whatsoever, as I know for a FACT that EACH and EVERY "18 Clan Council" org. nationwide, is unaffiliated, completely independent of one another. I have TWO uncles who head an "18 Clan Council" per their state. They barely know each other. I admit, they do not know each other period or that they each hold such a post ...
