I have seen death note and that was the only show that I like so far.
In the "anime" world, if you've only seen "Death Note" and think that's it or the only worthwhile "anime" - which btw was/is only decent per season 1 - then you are missing out on a lot, in terms of cinematic entertainment.
Yeah, you do not care for the melodramatics, goofy acting or silliness, and comedy which is more common in Japanese cartoon/anime say versus other countries', but that aside there are a lot of Japanese anime that has none of these and are outright serious in nature even "R' rated etc., or even on-par with or above Hollywood production --- silversceen movies that is.
Here are just a few in case you ever want to check them out. (And nowadays, you can even watch them on Youtube.)
Samurai X - Trust and Betrayal, Vampire Hunter D and VHD: Bloodlust, Demon City, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Steam Boy, Lensmen, Leo the Lion ---

, and Gundam Wing --- any series, just to name a few. Except for the last two, the rest are full featured movies where a lot Hollywood movies have either drawn inspiration from or outright copied in a live action movie or drama.
And of course fanboys of Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Yugioh, Pokeman, and Blood+ etc. etc., will scold me if I did not mention these anime series. (I personally enjoyed Naruto, season 1 and 2, which any guy in their right mind would or should, and it has nothing to do with being or wanting to be a ninja, but more so about growing up,
