
Author Topic: New sod.  (Read 3315 times)

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New sod.
« on: May 29, 2013, 05:54:56 PM »
I'm going to have to put in new sod and also irrigation.

Any tips? 

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 06:24:42 PM »
Take your time, do it right and don't take short cuts.  :)

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 06:45:27 PM »
Take your time, do it right and don't take short cuts.  :)

Thanks.  My brothers and brother in laws are helping me so well get it done.

I'm also checking to see what permits ill need, if any.

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2013, 11:16:24 AM »
Recommendation s:
-lay new piping for your sprinkers
-ensure you get full coverage
-lay at lease 2-3 inch of 50/50 top soil
-level the ground
-lay the sod brick styple
-water your new sod once - twice a day to ensure it has plenty of water
-wait for about a 2 weeks before you mow

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 10:07:52 AM »
thanks for the info...

i'll send you before and after pics...

trust me, it's in terrible shape right now...

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2013, 12:31:46 AM »
New sod is in and just over a week since install.  It's been worth it.

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2013, 01:38:25 PM »
I'm late. But did you know some sod companies have thrown away good sods away free in Lino Lakes somewhere? lol

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2013, 04:39:40 PM »
hire a Mexican..... not being racist here but here are just some thing's that certain kinda people do better then others.

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2013, 06:19:55 PM »
I had someone advertised and did it on my front yard even though it's winter season and I don't pay attention to watering or anything.  I'm waiting for spring to put in a new water sprinkler system.  I can tell you as lazy as I forgot to water the new sod and seed I can see it's trying hard to grow after 2 week of not watering it as address.  My husband water it like 2x last week when I was telling him about it and it's growing and working.  This morning he left to Fresno and remind me to water it but I just spend the day shopping. 

hire a Mexican..... not being racist here but here are just some thing's that certain kinda people do better then others.

Mexican are not rip off and their price is reasonable.  I get most of my quote/estimate from them.  Now I have someone who has connection to everything I need so I'm happy to save money and everything.  Had no hot water a few weeks ago and most was charging me like $250 just for labor, part, etc.  some company charge more on weekend then weekday.  Half hour labor, miles, etc.   I finally got a self employed plumber to do it on,y for $80 with labor and part.  He just had to order the part and be there early the next day because my home is newer so he know he doesn't have it the day I called him.  I was please with his service. 

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2013, 06:25:00 PM »

Mexican are not rip off and their price is reasonable.  I get most of my quote/estimate from them.  Now I have someone who has connection to everything I need so I'm happy to save money and everything.  Had no hot water a few weeks ago and most was charging me like $250 just for labor, part, etc.  some company charge more on weekend then weekday.  Half hour labor, miles, etc.   I finally got a self employed plumber to do it on,y for $80 with labor and part.  He just had to order the part and be there early the next day because my home is newer so he know he doesn't have it the day I called him.  I was please with his service. 

I am so lucky... My FIL has saved me so many times when it comes to Basic household repairs. He even remodeled our bathroom.... IM talking drywall, Tile walls, Tile floors and installed a Vanity.

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2014, 07:06:09 PM »
I've been lazy and haven't water the new seed and sod as directed but I'm happy with the slow process of seeing it does grow well and getting lectured to water it each morning by my husband when he leave to work........

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Re: New sod.
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2014, 11:05:47 AM »
I had someone advertised and did it on my front yard even though it's winter season and I don't pay attention to watering or anything.  I'm waiting for spring to put in a new water sprinkler system.  I can tell you as lazy as I forgot to water the new sod and seed I can see it's trying hard to grow after 2 week of not watering it as address.  My husband water it like 2x last week when I was telling him about it and it's growing and working.  This morning he left to Fresno and remind me to water it but I just spend the day shopping. 

Mexican are not rip off and their price is reasonable.  I get most of my quote/estimate from them.  Now I have someone who has connection to everything I need so I'm happy to save money and everything.  Had no hot water a few weeks ago and most was charging me like $250 just for labor, part, etc.  some company charge more on weekend then weekday.  Half hour labor, miles, etc.   I finally got a self employed plumber to do it on,y for $80 with labor and part.  He just had to order the part and be there early the next day because my home is newer so he know he doesn't have it the day I called him.  I was please with his service. 

You have to water religously...   I water twice a day for a month and then everyday in the morning hours, running the sprinklers at 3 - 5 am get get through all of the 9 zones.  it takes almost 60 days for the roots to start to establish.  you also need to water more if you install in the summer months when it's 80 - 90 degrees in the day.

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