Not sure if this should belong in the Food forum, but we should totally sticky this thread as a way of helping each other attain their physical goals.
Please share some recipes, food hints, for weight loss, muscle gain, etc.
ABC pudding, or avocado-banana-chocolate pudding. Avocados and bananas are known as superfoods for weightloss. Chocolate is there as a great stress reducer, help lower blood pressure, fight diseases, and something to add flavor. I blend about half an avocado to two or three bananas with a teaspoon of dark chocolate (at least 60 cacao, don't use white or milk chocolate).
One of my favorite dishes to eat is cottage cheese mixed with slices of avocados, raspberries, and blueberries. Antioxidants plus two superfoods for weight loss.
Also, about one hour prior to going to bed I mix a glass of water with half a scoop of whey protein. This activates your metabolism or keeps it running (helps you burn fat) while sleeping.
Edit: picture of my ABC pudding with mint and blackberries.