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« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 01:18:35 PM by Windy »

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« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 12:07:31 PM by Windy »

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2014, 11:56:19 AM »
Windy, you have been blowing around and circulating news on this issue for awhile. Thanks for the updates.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 04:47:41 PM »
Windy, you have been blowing around and circulating news on this issue for awhile. Thanks for the updates.

For the children.

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 07:43:50 PM »
i guess 125k yearly isnt enough make it 500k..  when it comes down to money no one is to be trusted

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2014, 10:20:42 AM »
Puasy og lawv yuav ua kom nws tawm nws txoj hauj lwm e ib niag DAWB los hloov?

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2014, 09:53:32 PM »
Public school!!!  When they see that a Charter school is successful they will find wrong doings.  If you go and investigate public schools for their wrong doings you will find many!!!  All these saying I feel bad for the Hmong people who brought these charges against their own kind.  Hmoob ces pom tus twg ua tau zoo mas yuav tsum tshum errrrrrrrrr.

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2014, 12:10:04 AM »
If you go and investigate public schools for their wrong doings you will find many!!!  All these saying I feel bad for the Hmong people who brought these charges against their own kind.

Exactly - I agree with F16. Now, I'm not saying shit is all fine and crimson and clover at CSE, but if you nitpick any other charter and public school, you'll see the same shit if not worse. For starters, why don't you interview Hmong kids in Arkansas and Oklahoma who moved down there from Minnesota. They say the teachers and education system are a fukken joke compared to the rather high-level of education system in Twin Cities. They say that they put in 25% of the effort and still get B's and A's and all they do is "discuss" in classroom. The teachers are not qualified and it is truly "just a job" for them as they don't follow the curriculum or give a shit what the kids do. Why aren't you talking about that?

Now, here's the thing that annoys me the most. If you're just out to get supernintendo Mo and CSE, then at least admit it. Don't make it sound like your taking an objective approach to injustice. Everyone is all up in arms like "Yeah, we gonna get CSE for misusing tax dollars." Because where the fukk were you when that public school served those kids lunches and then proceeded to rip their lunches out of their hands and dump it in front of the whole cafeteria to see?

I have no ties with CSE and to me, it's just another news story. But for the people making waves, state your intent. Don't act all tough but then when it comes to a public school run by white people, you're all like "I better leave them alone because they are white and they have white lawyers." If you treat CSE to the standards that you do, then you had better treat every school to those same standards. Otherwise, your just a fukken joke with a picket sign and got no balls.

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2014, 07:47:29 AM »
There's 2 sides to the story.  We don't know what really happened at CSE. What if things really happened according to the employees.  Don't you think things should change?  I believe CSE is doing its best now to change.  Mo should be given another chance.

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2014, 08:45:27 AM »
The law gets extreme when situation involves children. 

In this case, if they didn't get Mo for the funding issue, they would have gotten Mo for not taking the proper action to report child abuse to the authorities. 

If there are a few non-reported child abused cases, there are just too many cards stacking up against her already.  Most business in this large capacity should have legal advocate or CEO readily to assist with business consultation.  What I don't understand is, why did she operate business as if she was the only honcho around?  Or, did the media misrepresent her side of the story?  I mean, come on, 150K is not enough to be greedy and put anyone's neck in public humiliation.  She could have taken the extra precautions to operate business and gotten many chiefs involved to help made sound advice to avoid this monstrosity from occurring in the beginning.  What I mean is, she did not have to take the blame all by herself, unless she did all those things said about her.   :-[

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2014, 01:02:04 AM »
Exactly - I agree with F16. Now, I'm not saying shit is all fine and crimson and clover at CSE, but if you nitpick any other charter and public school, you'll see the same shit if not worse. For starters, why don't you interview Hmong kids in Arkansas and Oklahoma who moved down there from Minnesota. They say the teachers and education system are a fukken joke compared to the rather high-level of education system in Twin Cities. They say that they put in 25% of the effort and still get B's and A's and all they do is "discuss" in classroom. The teachers are not qualified and it is truly "just a job" for them as they don't follow the curriculum or give a shit what the kids do. Why aren't you talking about that?

Now, here's the thing that annoys me the most. If you're just out to get supernintendo Mo and CSE, then at least admit it. Don't make it sound like your taking an objective approach to injustice. Everyone is all up in arms like "Yeah, we gonna get CSE for misusing tax dollars." Because where the fukk were you when that public school served those kids lunches and then proceeded to rip their lunches out of their hands and dump it in front of the whole cafeteria to see?

I have no ties with CSE and to me, it's just another news story. But for the people making waves, state your intent. Don't act all tough but then when it comes to a public school run by white people, you're all like "I better leave them alone because they are white and they have white lawyers." If you treat CSE to the standards that you do, then you had better treat every school to those same standards. Otherwise, your just a fukken joke with a picket sign and got no balls.

Financial mismanagement is rampant in Charter schools all across America. Well, mismanagement in general. I hope these recent news reports (not just about CSE because there are many others all across America if you'd bother to look for them) will open the eyes of and inform politicians and citizens alike about the loopholes that exist in charter schools. For example, superintendent s and principals of charter schools do not necessarily have to have the required experience, license or expertise to be in the positions they are in. These loopholes also allow a superintendent of a school the power to basically do whatever they want with little to no consequence as we've seen in HCPA and CSE. At the same time it's these loopholes that allow a Hmoob cultural school such as CSE to exist.

It's unbelievable to me though that some folk (like yourself) think this is some sort of racist attack on a Hmoob person. Kuv yog hmoob thiab! The investigator that Mo Chang hired (yes she hired this person) found her guilty on three accounts: financial mismanagement, illegal child abuse reporting practices (a federal offense) and creating a culture of fear and intimidation. In answer to your "where the fukk were you when ..." Well one can assume that anyone who was present was scared of losing their jobs because of the "culture of fear and intimidation" thing. I would say that the folks that stood up against the illegal happenings at the school had plenty of *balls and *big hairy ****s for doing what they did instead of keeping their silence and allowing it to continue. I totally get your point though so in answer to your name calling and philosophical challenge ... folks do what they can. Can't save the world but if I can save one child ... that's one more than you. Sometimes planting the seed is all that one needs to do. Spreading the word is all that needs to take place.

As a parent, I strongly support charter schools. There are many out there that are providing rigorous programming and producing great outcomes. I think we can all agree that a "good" school is one that puts its students safety, education and well-being above all else and recognizes the value in invested community member's inputs: namely teachers, parents & guardians. Sadly, CSE is not one of those and the current School Board (the only people that can fire the superintendent) fail to address the ongoing issue: Mo Chang. Concordia is pulling out in 2016 as CSE's authorizer (charter schools need an authorizer to stay open). I see the vast potential in CSE being the best Hmoob cultural educational institution the world has yet to see. I want my children to be a part of it and I'd like to be a part of it myself.

By the way, some more articles about this if you're interested:

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2014, 10:34:58 AM »
Financial mismanagement is rampant in Charter schools all across America.

For example, superintendent s and principals of charter schools do not necessarily have to have the required experience, license or expertise to be in the positions they are in. These loopholes...

It's unbelievable to me though that some folk (like yourself) think this is some sort of racist attack...

Here's a big damn map list of all St. Paul charter schools:,-93.1060534,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!2m4!3m3!1scharter+schools!2sSt+Paul,+MN!3s0x52b2d4cee4 e9379f:0xc87291d23fda 2e29

Ok, so financial mismanagement is rampant. So let's go after them! Oh wait...what? Oh, you're scared of them because they are backed by white people? Oh, so you only wish to pick easy targets like a Hmong charter school? This isn't about racism. It's about the fact that people are so tough when going after a Hmong school but where the FUKKKK were these tough people when Wall Street was (and still is) asss-fukkkking millions of tax payer dollars? Can't touch that - backed by all white money, all white lawyers. You people are just like those cops! When a black dude gets busted for drugs or robbery, they slam them to the ground, send in 12 cops to take down two guys. But oh, when a CEO or executive steals $5,000,000, "Oh, I didn't get a rover call so I'm on patrol."

Loopholes? Inexperienced principals?! Are you shitting me?!?!??? Have you attended any St. Paul public high school?!?!!? The grade schools are fine and middle schools are to a certain extent. But oh MY F'ing god, St. Paul high school principals shouldn't even be Wal-Mart clerks. There is so much politics, sweet talking, and ass-licking behind closed doors, NO ONE got to where they are by hard work or credentials and merits. To suggest that somehow, public schools are the "rightful" alternative to charter schools, is a joke for the century. St. Paul public schools have wasted over $1,000,000 on "racial equity" program ..... WHAT THE FUKKKKKKK!?!?!?! And we're sitting here talking about Hmong charter school is the devil?

Like I said, I have no ties with CSE and it's just another Hmong news article to me. But to those are like acting all tough, big and bad, don't stop at CSE! If you wanna be Batman, be the hero that we deserve. Don't be some fat guy in black stocking mask and take out some weak candy-thieves and think you are doing something good. You're a joke...a bigger joke than the common criminals.

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2014, 12:40:54 PM »

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2014, 02:00:23 PM »
For once, I mildly concur with Fked_16 and Hung_Ur_Ho  ...   8)

(It is well-known/established throughout US history to present day practices (subtly mind you) that US politics, social services, and judicial systems always makes a "scape goat and guinea pigs" of the little man (define that however you want; discrimination, racism, minorities, the poor/disadvantaged/uneducated, and less affluent) at any and every opportunity.  (Examp:  Ray Rice and Adrian Petterson.  Yes, it is practically the same/shame "BS" mumbo-jumbo despite them being professional athletes.)

No.  I am not a Hmong sympathizer, as any PHer well knows, that if you read any/most of my posts/comments, I am typically very critical and judgmental of Hmong-wanna-bees and/or whatevers, and/or those supposedly educated persons/posers for that matter.

In this case, I am solely focused on the "issue" -- the allegations of mismanagement and abuse being accosted -- not the person or individuals, Hmong or not.

I have worked for decades in the public sector (you name it, I've been there), and have personally witnessed these very "issues", and worst, that many (Whites/blacks etc., professionals, managers, employees, etc. etc.) have turned a BLIND EYE and DEAF EARS to shamelessly.

Picking on and kicking a Hmong Charter School (the weakling Superintendent) for whatever it is worth, well, that speaks volumes in itself, of selective blasphemy  ...   >:(

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Re: Hmong Superintendent of Charter School in Trouble
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2014, 04:31:30 PM »
Hmmm.......... Have read a few articles on this charter school, but don't have all the details. This just seems like a typical hmong taking advantage of the system, which I have no problem with. Seems the only thing that went wrong was the cover up of child abuse, again another hmong tradition of saving face (Maybe, maybe not, not enough detail).

Which ever side of the coin you sit on. Its the right one.

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