For once, I mildly concur with Fked_16 and Hung_Ur_Ho ...

(It is well-known/established throughout US history to present day practices (subtly mind you) that US politics, social services, and judicial systems always makes a "scape goat and guinea pigs" of the little man (define that however you want; discrimination, racism, minorities, the poor/disadvantaged/uneducated, and less affluent) at any and every opportunity. (Examp: Ray Rice and Adrian Petterson. Yes, it is practically the same/shame "BS" mumbo-jumbo despite them being professional athletes.)
No. I am not a Hmong sympathizer, as any PHer well knows, that if you read any/most of my posts/comments, I am typically very critical and judgmental of Hmong-wanna-bees and/or whatevers, and/or those supposedly educated persons/posers for that matter.
In this case, I am solely focused on the "issue" -- the allegations of mismanagement and abuse being accosted -- not the person or individuals, Hmong or not.
I have worked for decades in the public sector (you name it, I've been there), and have personally witnessed these very "issues", and worst, that many (Whites/blacks etc., professionals, managers, employees, etc. etc.) have turned a BLIND EYE and DEAF EARS to shamelessly.
Picking on and kicking a Hmong Charter School (the weakling Superintendent) for whatever it is worth, well, that speaks volumes in itself, of selective blasphemy ...