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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #45 on: May 23, 2017, 12:59:02 PM »
You marry him, but you go it alone. if and when he leaves, don't be afraid to come crawling back.  Your parents will say "told you so" but that's all they will do.  They will accept you back and forgive you for your mistakes.   O0  If it works out well and you two grow old together then your parents will eventually warm up to him.  They will when they see that he's not leaving you.

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Offline theking

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2017, 01:41:14 PM »
Sadly, many narrow minded ignorant folks still judge others by stupid reasons like skin colors, ethnic backgrounds, etc., instead of by the individual and his or her characters...e specially considering its 2017 where facts are readily available to help educate oneself..

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2017, 01:44:41 PM »
Back in Laos when that Hmong girl from our village married a Laotian dude, and her dad was unsupported simply because he's not Hmong, that was pretty ignorant and short sighted already so it's even worst now in 2017 imo.

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2017, 02:20:37 PM »
Hmong guy invited me to his bachalor party in vegas this year.  It is coming up during edc weekend.  The crew already booked their flights n hotel reservations.

Just to cancelled now since the couple is fighting.

Yep, she's korean that looks like hmong

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #49 on: July 03, 2017, 12:13:33 AM »
Some people marry outside their ethnic group because that person offers something they can't find in a Hmong person. For example, there are attractive, educated, successful and wealthy Hmong singles but that doesn't mean they are attracted to you. However, maybe there is a non-Hmong with all or some of those qualities who is attracted to you. I'd say go for it! Stop waiting for the perfect, Hmong dream guy/girl.

But c'mon, if you are just going to marry some nerdy, mediocre non-Hmong then wow... it means you too fugly even for the nerdy, mediocre Hmong. No wonder you have a big chip on your shoulder and get riled up on the topic of interracial coupling.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Offline theking

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2018, 03:12:06 AM »
It's crazy how some are still so narrow minded and ignorant in this day and age. I remembered back in Laos in the 70s, a Hmong girl married a Laotian man and her parents disowned her for it. She did well with him because he truly loved her so it didn't matter much to her...

Currently, one of my female friends' mom told her that she would rather see her marry a Chinese drug dealer than a Black doctor, engineer, lawyer...

But that's how many narrow minded ignorant people operate (paint every member of a group/race/ethnic with the same brush)...:idiot2:

My mom's preference for us is find someone that will love us through thick and thin regardless of race/ethnicity/religious preferences... . O0

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2018, 10:17:15 PM »
Lol! And I’m the opposite, my Korean fiancée’s mom hates me. Why? Because I’m not Korean. It doesn’t matter how she feels about me, it’s how he handle the situation. He used to see his parents every Sunday, and every Sunday she would say horrible things about me. Because his dad is a doctor, his mom thinks I’m after their money. My parents don’t have much, but my dad taught us girls to never depend on a man financially,  the best dad ever! I work hard, and will never go after someone’s money. Anyway, it got to the point where fiancee told his mom that he refuse to listen to her put me down and he will not be visiting them anymore unless she stop. It’s been over a year since he last seen his parents. His dad has no say in anything, he does whatever she say or there’s hell to pay.

She did the same to his older brother who is married to a Chinese woman. His older brother has not been in contact with his parents for over 10 years.  Just don’t let your mom put your fiancée down, it all comes down to how you handle the situation.

I am not surprised. There is a lot of discrimination amongst Asian groups and especially against groups like the Hmong who are considered an under class.

However, I am not bothered by it at all. It's understandable that parents prefer their children marry within their own ethnic group. This is to continue traditions that preserve the racial group identity.

But at last, I don't think I could ever marry someone if it meant 10 years of not talking to my family or to my husband's. That is just too extreme and not how I want to raise a family. I want it all and if it means breaking up with a non-Hmong or a Hmong whom my parents heavily disapprove of then I would do so. There are just so many fishes in the sea to lose my family over one person.

My family and my ethnic group is still very important to me. I would never even consider dating anybody who wasn't going to fit into this picture, much less marry them.

But then again, I have never had obstacles dating Hmong men who met my criteria for marriage as well as my parents' hope for a son-in-law. Thus, I have never had to look outside the Hmong race to find a successful, educated man who was the best of both worlds: Hmong and westernized.

However, I realize this might not be as easy for my own children. Even with all the opportunities available in this country, I've noticed a wide gap between those who apply themselves vs. those who squander time. I don't want my children to end up with losers who are still living ib pab ib pawg 10-20 years later in their Hmong bubble. My husband and I are much more assimilated than our parents so having a non-Hmong son/daughter-in-law probably won't be that big of a hurdle. I'm more concerned about my children marrying non-conservative/libertarians and atheists than I am about non-Hmong. Of course, I still prefer Hmong but seeing as so many of the younger generation are so indoctrinated by leftism it is rather scary. 

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2018, 02:41:24 AM »

I actually grew up very isolated from the Hmong community and heavily immersed in white suburban communities. However, it was always both my parents and my preference to marry Hmong so when it came time to think about marriage, finding a Hmong person was never an issue. The same held true for all of my siblings as well as cousins who lived in even more white towns.

If you have a preference then you're always willing to shoot for that goal. Again, I'm just not somebody who gets into relationships that trigger major drama whether it be with my family or the other person's family.

Marriage is too important to start off on the wrong foot with anybody and I certainly hold no ill-will towards a mother who disapproves of me marrying her son to the point that she is willing to disown him or vice versa. She's the mom. The last thing I want to do is separate a son from his mom because I respect parent-child relationships.

I don't want my husband making that kind of sacrifice for me. He should not have to abandon his family for me. That is not what I want in a marriage. To me, that is not even a marriage but a revolt. Who knows? Maybe I'm only a tool for him to spite his family. It says a lot about his position in his family.

A man who can abandon his blood family can abandon me and the children we might have together.

I'll never want a family who doesn't want me back and I'll drill that into my own children's head.

Life is not a movie. And if it was, it's best not to be a drama or a horror film.

However, to each their own.


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Offline theking

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2018, 01:47:15 AM »

I actually grew up very isolated from the Hmong community and heavily immersed in white suburban communities. However, it was always both my parents and my preference to marry Hmong so when it came time to think about marriage, finding a Hmong person was never an issue.

Says the HYPOCRITE that put Hmong men down but married to one as well as put divorcees down but married to one...

and use this "white" guy as her avatar:

Truth is the HYPOCRITE'S dream is to marry a "white" boy but even buck tooth red headed step child wouldn't look at her due to her ugly miserable character and traits....the HYPOCRITE even went as far as calling "white" people "aunts and uncle" trying to win their approval but NOPE, still not happening because they know how crazy she can be when her hole is gushing like the broken Oroville dam...

Keep in mind that she claimed to be a devoted Christian when reading the stuff she writes on PH... ;D

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2018, 11:05:22 AM »
My Hmong girlie friend was dating this mien guy since high school.  You know the typical seachao clan.  Had a kid with dude.  Got engaged and all.  That was the last time I kept in touch.  Then just over the weekend, got the news that she just got married to a Hmong guy.  She kept him in the dark for so long.  We don't even know what he looks like.  At first, I thought he was just another non Hmong azn cuz I know she has a thing for me.  The girls in her groups all dated and married non Hmong azn.  It is like a devoted cult like Hmong who are into k Pop Korean bts phase.  It is that weird. 

Anyways, leaked videos on Facebook showing her going live with her new husband.  He's Hmong and older and has previous children of his own.  Old maid single mother syndrome at play here.  If this guy is not the best that she will ever get because of her baggage then she will be forever lonely.  I think he has money.  That got to be it. 

Where nkausee at?  She probably knows or related to this gal.  Go ask birdie I say.  He's either friends or related to that one chick in stockton.  Yeah, the same party I went to that he also went to like 10 years ago.  I never forget an incident worth mentioning. 

So eventually, those Hmong chicks that i messed with all returned to her Hmong roots.  I'm so glad I could help out. 

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2018, 05:48:33 AM »
Four years since engagement and wedding plans but no marriage yet.

Hm...What's going on here?

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2018, 01:01:39 AM »
Four years since engagement and wedding plans but no marriage yet.

Hm...What's going on here?

Maybe they are waiting for the so-called judgmental parent to die so they won't have to deal with explaining to the guests why she isn't at the wedding?  :2funny: :2funny:


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Re: Mom hates my Korean fiance?!
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2018, 01:02:35 AM »
Make sure to include gift receipt, for sure. For returns and not exchanges.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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