
Author Topic: what's on your mind?  (Read 15766 times)

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2014, 04:25:08 AM »
On the way to work, saw a Co-worker's on the side of the road. I didn't stop to asked if he was okay, I just continued on. Later when he got to work, He jokingly asked me why didn't I stopped and asked if he need help or something. Although he was saying it jokingly I can tell he was probably also serious. So I just said, oh I thought I saw you on your cell phone, so I assumed you had help coming already.

I thought for a while. and I should of just told him straight up. For one, I hate your damn guts sometimes. for two, I'm still piss off that one time you screwed me over and i got blamed for something I didn't do but I chose to stay quiet so you don't look like an idiot and because I'm over those high school years and didn't want to play your game. lmao And three...most importantly. I know for damn sure, you probably wouldn't stop and assist or asked if I'm okay if you saw me on the side of the road. so duck YOU!

lol Naw....Truth was, I would probably stopped since Im a nice guy. Truth was I was really tired, and I didn't realized it was him until I pass him. Light turned green and I was like fock it...lmao

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2014, 12:57:24 AM »
Got into a pretty ugly road rage today. I came to a stop, and I'm getting nervous. LOL  the guy in the passenger side comes to my passenger side window. He was a big guy. I had my window roll down halfway. And he was like "hey my man, what's going on" I mean when he said that, his tone was so soft and peaceful that I just know wasn't his regular tone. lmao IN return in my softest tone I can speak I said "nothing man, just going with traffic" he said "alright" and walk back...lmao

I turned, and thought to myself. Either I looked like a killer, or I looked too innocent (which i highly, then I realized, my left hand was still gripping my pistol I carry with me often. lol and I thought okay I'm definately a killer. I don't remember reaching out to my pistol I usually hid under my driver's seat. I guess it's the natural killer instincts. lol

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #77 on: August 22, 2014, 03:37:47 AM »

Seems like it was just yesterday. when it was last summer.....dam n... I hope you are well and fine.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #78 on: October 04, 2014, 04:56:29 AM »
dream that i was a bird that's been caged up all its life, and when the door finally opens, it's confused and baffled. It doesn't know if its suppose to fly out, or if its owner just forgot to close the door. lol

confused now.

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