if you're a home owner and want a better way to track/organize your home owner's manuals and maintenance on your furnace, ac, fridge, appliances, etc., here's a solution:
AkitaBox is an online storage that allows you to enter your home's assets (furnace, fridge) info, upload manuals, link manufacturer's website, parcel number and more onto a secured site. you can upload floor plans, add pins to indicate where/what type of asset you have in a room, filled with warranties and owners info so that when something happens to your equipment, you can easily click on a link and see the info to help you take the appropriate step to fixing the problem, eg install new furnace, clean duct, update appliances, etc.
there is FREE starter package that lets you track up to 5 assets.
there is a package for landlords, and facility managers, or owners of commercial buildings who are interested in tracking the equipment on their property. the benefits are that your files are in one place, track maintenance, order parts, check warranties and most importantly helping you maintain your property for years to come.