
Author Topic: Why the Wii U is failing...  (Read 9381 times)

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Why the Wii U is failing...
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:02:13 PM »
There aren't enough games!  And now, Nintendo is already moving onto their next system.  I get that 3rd party support is lacking, but Nintendo doesn't even need them.  They have enough IP's.  Where is the new Zelda?  Metroid?  F-Zero.  Star Fox.  Put Pokemon on the home console for a change.  Kirby. 

Sega and Nintendo are in cahoots now.  Bring out Fantasy Star, Shining Force, Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes, Golden Axe, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Streets of Rage.  And for goodness sake, make a good Sonic game. 

Big titles should be coming out every few months if not just weeks. 

Bring out a better online experience.  Online co-op some old school games.  The 3DS is a good system, so why not make it play nice with the console? 

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 09:13:04 PM »
Nintendo does need 3rd party titles. There are not enough platinum-status IP's to sustain any console's life cycle. If 3rd party support was so unimportant, remind me again who won N64 vs PS1 era? And guess which N64 game sold more than Starfox 64, DKC 64, Super Smash Bros, and Zelda Ocarina of Time...Goldene ye 007. Stop...and think about that for one second - Goldeneye, a 3rd-party title with no history, no legacy, based on a Hollywood video game, sold more copies than Ocarina of Time.

F-Zero, Pikmin, Kirby, these may be good games but they don't sell systems nor do they sell into the top 10 sales numbers of that particular Nintendo console. And some franchises like Donkey Kong are too inconsistent to rely on. Diddy Kong Racing was a better game and sold more than DKC 64, the successor to one of the greatest 16-bit games DKC (SNES). In fact, games like Wii Sports and Nintendoland have been outselling Nintendo's own 10/20-year platinum IP's. If Nintendo could solely rely on Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, the big names, they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in.

Going the route of old-school game rehashes is nothing but nostalgia. No one wants to play these games anymore and if there was a machine that could erase your memory of ever playing these classic 8-bit and 16-bit games, and you got to play them again today for the first time, you would call them garbage. It's not that they're bad games, but we've moved on to bigger and better games.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 11:14:39 PM »
1.  Nintendo has enough IP's to make the Wii U successful.

2.  No one said 3rd party support is unimportant, but the Wii U can still be successful without it. 

3. If Nintendo supported their system better, then it would be more popular.  If it were more popular, then maybe 3rd party support would come.   

4. It's a very different time than the N64 era.  Nintendo isn't going up against a rookie Playstation and the Sega Saturn.

5.  There are a lot of people who like these old style games.  Not everyone is a 1st person shooter.  Look at anonymouse.  He really likes Xenoblade.  If a new Xenoblade comes out next year, I bet he'll buy it.  But guess what?  A new Xenoblade probably won't come out next year. 

It's obvious that you don't like Nintendo and its games, and that's fine.  Not all games and systems have to appeal to everyone to be successful.  The Wii was stupid successful, but "hardcore" gamers hated it. 

Nintendo does need 3rd party titles. There are not enough platinum-status IP's to sustain any console's life cycle. If 3rd party support was so unimportant, remind me again who won N64 vs PS1 era? And guess which N64 game sold more than Starfox 64, DKC 64, Super Smash Bros, and Zelda Ocarina of Time...Goldene ye 007. Stop...and think about that for one second - Goldeneye, a 3rd-party title with no history, no legacy, based on a Hollywood video game, sold more copies than Ocarina of Time.

F-Zero, Pikmin, Kirby, these may be good games but they don't sell systems nor do they sell into the top 10 sales numbers of that particular Nintendo console. And some franchises like Donkey Kong are too inconsistent to rely on. Diddy Kong Racing was a better game and sold more than DKC 64, the successor to one of the greatest 16-bit games DKC (SNES). In fact, games like Wii Sports and Nintendoland have been outselling Nintendo's own 10/20-year platinum IP's. If Nintendo could solely rely on Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, the big names, they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in.

Going the route of old-school game rehashes is nothing but nostalgia. No one wants to play these games anymore and if there was a machine that could erase your memory of ever playing these classic 8-bit and 16-bit games, and you got to play them again today for the first time, you would call them garbage. It's not that they're bad games, but we've moved on to bigger and better games.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2015, 02:31:45 AM »
I am in the camp that thinks people should play what they enjoy, and buy the system that has the games they like.  I am lucky that I own all the systems (well, I haven't made the jump to PS4 or XBox 1 yet).  Only fanboys like to argue that one is better than the other.  The truth is that all the systems are good in their own ways and bad in others.  Thus, they are all better and worse than each other. 

I think having more choices is better than having fewer choices. 

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2015, 02:51:38 PM »
I list actual sales statistics to show that Mario/Zelda games are selling less than other franchises, it is assumed that I am a hater. I have not even listed the games that I prefer and it is implied that I am a CoD/GTA fanboy. In fact, other than me pointing out that PS1 beat the N64 because of 3rd party support (a 100% completely true statement), my whole post was showing where Nintendo did things right and what sold well, which franchises push systems, and which ones don't. I sense some hardcore Nintendo fanboy-ism.

The subject here is just like the topic title; "Why the Wii U is failing". Let's not talk about the Madden/CoD annual-sequel-mania or how XBOX and PS has no exclusives. Saying that there are gazillion CoD sequels is not a counter-argument to how the Wii could have succeeded. Saying that XBOX and PS games are also available on PC is not a counter-argument to how the Wii could have succeeded. These are nothing but fanboy strawman arguments.

Re-read my post. You cannot find "Nintendo sucks", "CoD", "XB/PS is better" or any of these things you have implicated. You created this discussion which appeared to be a serious one at first. Now, it's gone to shits with nothing but fanboy memes and fanboy flames.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2015, 11:16:05 PM »
My PS3 and Xbox360 are still going strong, but one of my Xbox's did get the red ring of death. 

I have too many PS3 and 360 games that I haven't even played.  Many of the games aren't even opened.  I just played my first PS3 game this past summer (Ni No Kuni) despite that I have owned the system from year 1.  I am not motivated to buy the next gen consoles.  Like I said in my gaming revival thread...Now that I can afford to buy all these games, I don't have time to play them. 

FF7 Remake looks good, but I am not sure if I would pay $400 for the system and game.  Sony's gotta give me more. 

My ps3 is dying. or died. hardrive failure. turns on then automatically turns off.  Was able to system restore at first, now I can't.
Got the red ring on my 360 some time ago.

I haven't made the jump either.  Mainly because, while I enjoy online games, I can't justify paying to play online. I've done that before with MMO. And it's unhealthy. I can't just pay and then not play and get my money's worth. :(

that and some games I'm interested in, but not interested enough to want to buy the system.  I got burnt out one too many times in the last years over a game I'm really interested in, but came out disappointed (Batman, I'm talking about you). 

Maybe if and when Final Fantasy 7 comes out I'll get the next gen console but we'll see..  Not too thrilled with the combat.  I like the combat.  But it doesn't give me the final fantasy impression.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2015, 11:51:43 PM »
*yawns*  Fanboys. 

1.  Can a system be successful without being the best of its era?  Of course.  The Wii outsold the 360 and the PS3, but both those systems are still considered successful.  Thus, you pointing out that the PS1 did better than the N64 is moot point.  Plus, today's market is different from the market of the 1990's. 

2.  Again, 3rd party support would help, but Nintendo isn't getting it.  Is Nintendo doomed to fail? No. They can still make the Wii U successful if they support it with games.  Nintendo made a lot of bad decisions with this system, but it's not doomed unless they give up.  Most Nintendo games don't really need the best graphics hardware. 

Think of it this way:  It would be nice if your parents helped you financially through college.  Your road to success would be easier.  However, if they don't, then the failure is not on them.  You can still be successful on your own if you find ways to support yourself. 

I list actual sales statistics to show that Mario/Zelda games are selling less than other franchises, it is assumed that I am a hater. I have not even listed the games that I prefer and it is implied that I am a CoD/GTA fanboy. In fact, other than me pointing out that PS1 beat the N64 because of 3rd party support (a 100% completely true statement), my whole post was showing where Nintendo did things right and what sold well, which franchises push systems, and which ones don't. I sense some hardcore Nintendo fanboy-ism.

The subject here is just like the topic title; "Why the Wii U is failing". Let's not talk about the Madden/CoD annual-sequel-mania or how XBOX and PS has no exclusives. Saying that there are gazillion CoD sequels is not a counter-argument to how the Wii could have succeeded. Saying that XBOX and PS games are also available on PC is not a counter-argument to how the Wii could have succeeded. These are nothing but fanboy strawman arguments.

Re-read my post. You cannot find "Nintendo sucks", "CoD", "XB/PS is better" or any of these things you have implicated. You created this discussion which appeared to be a serious one at first. Now, it's gone to shits with nothing but fanboy memes and fanboy flames.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2016, 12:03:30 AM »
Nah the real reason Wii U is failing is because it repeats the same mistake the PS3 and Xbox 360 did last gen and a lot more, here are the evidence:

1. Launching the system with 2 models instead of one, usually most people who hated choices so they tend to go for the cheaper model which then lead them to disappointment, buying the better model mean you get a free game, a larger hard drive, and an expensive price.

2. Not as easy to developed for, other than offering better graphics and a Wii U Game Pad it's basically just a Wii with a tablet fused to a controller. Most devs tend to not bother and those that tries never want to come back to it.

3. Nintendo doesn't know how to market the system and their marketing for the thing tend to sucks.

4. Rayman Legends, the Wii U's biggest third party exclusive broke contract and went multiplat thus no one bothers with the Wii U version.

5. Early buyers of the system tend to have their console brick after cancelling installation because the system update took way too freaking long.

6. Almost every games now required an installation before you could play them, yeah this turn off previous Wii owners.

7. All of the Wii audience flock to iOS and mobile phones now.

8. It came out at the time when PS3 and Xbox 360 are on their way out.

9. It still use the Wii brand which confuse some consumers thus most ignore it thinking it's just another Wii model. As we already know there's already the original Wii, the Wii Family Edition (no GameCube bc) and the Wii Mini (no nothing, just play disc) in the market, add in the two Wii U models and you got a confusing mess.

10. The online tend to had problems and Nintendo still ties consumer account to their console, no account sharing or invitation like what Sony or Microsoft did with their consoles.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2016, 08:02:33 PM »
My 8-year-old got the Wii-U for Christmas and in 3 days she beat the Mario Game.  She had watched YT videos up to when she got it so she just wizzed right through, remembering all the moves the YT players did.

Kinda feel like it was a waste 'cause now we have both the Wii and Wii-U just sitting around. Those things were expensive.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2016, 06:46:34 AM »
My 8-year-old got the Wii-U for Christmas and in 3 days she beat the Mario Game.  She had watched YT videos up to when she got it so she just wizzed right through, remembering all the moves the YT players did.

Kinda feel like it was a waste 'cause now we have both the Wii and Wii-U just sitting around. Those things were expensive.

Videogames nowadays are a waste of time and money cause not only are they expensive but people could easily just go to YouTube, watch someone else play it and imitate them and just beat the game the same way. Heck all the secrets and surprises in a game are not there anymore because they either got turn into DLCs or were easily spoil by the internet. Nowadays it's just best to just play them to kill times and move on.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2016, 09:48:13 AM »
Some of your reasons are unlikely to be true...

1.  Even those who bought the Wii Deluxe aren't particularly satisfied. Launching two separate models may hurt initial console sales, but it shouldn't hurt game sales. 

2.  Nintendo never really expected 3rd party developers to hop on board, especially after the Rayman fiasco.  Nintendo has stated quite boldly that their system is for them. 

3.   Nintendo marketing is pretty bad.  Their 2016 lineup is actually pretty good, but not many people are hyped about it. 

4.  Rayman was a big exclusive that didn't become an exclusive, but it is not like Nintendo was banking on 3rd party support for success to begin with.  3rd party support for Nintendo is just icing.

5.  Wii U's getting brick was a big problem, but that still wouldn't have put them in this hole.  Xbox 360 had their RRoD, but they managed.  Granted though, Nintendo has less room for error. 

6.  Every game updates nowadays.  Not really a issue that is exclusive to the Wii U.

7.  It is doubtful that Nintendo's audience all moved to mobile.  Mobile gamers probably came from all sectors. 

8.  It is doubtful that the Wii U success or failure would have depended on the PS3 or Xbox 360.  The original Wii was more successful than those 2 anyways. 

9.  This goes back to 3 with marketing. 

10.  The Nintendo ecosystem needs work. 

In the end, it is all about the games.  The 3DS doesn't boast the top of the line specs.  Nintendo markets it poorly.  The ecosystem and interface is weak.  Yet, the system is successful because of games. 

Nah the real reason Wii U is failing is because it repeats the same mistake the PS3 and Xbox 360 did last gen and a lot more, here are the evidence:

1. Launching the system with 2 models instead of one, usually most people who hated choices so they tend to go for the cheaper model which then lead them to disappointment, buying the better model mean you get a free game, a larger hard drive, and an expensive price.

2. Not as easy to developed for, other than offering better graphics and a Wii U Game Pad it's basically just a Wii with a tablet fused to a controller. Most devs tend to not bother and those that tries never want to come back to it.

3. Nintendo doesn't know how to market the system and their marketing for the thing tend to sucks.

4. Rayman Legends, the Wii U's biggest third party exclusive broke contract and went multiplat thus no one bothers with the Wii U version.

5. Early buyers of the system tend to have their console brick after cancelling installation because the system update took way too freaking long.

6. Almost every games now required an installation before you could play them, yeah this turn off previous Wii owners.

7. All of the Wii audience flock to iOS and mobile phones now.

8. It came out at the time when PS3 and Xbox 360 are on their way out.

9. It still use the Wii brand which confuse some consumers thus most ignore it thinking it's just another Wii model. As we already know there's already the original Wii, the Wii Family Edition (no GameCube bc) and the Wii Mini (no nothing, just play disc) in the market, add in the two Wii U models and you got a confusing mess.

10. The online tend to had problems and Nintendo still ties consumer account to their console, no account sharing or invitation like what Sony or Microsoft did with their consoles.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2016, 09:52:15 AM »
She shouldn't have watched YT.  But then again, maybe that is how kids today like to game.  That being said, some of the new Mario games play themselves if you can't beat it.  Games today seem easier....unle ss it's Dark Souls.

My 8-year-old got the Wii-U for Christmas and in 3 days she beat the Mario Game.  She had watched YT videos up to when she got it so she just wizzed right through, remembering all the moves the YT players did.

Kinda feel like it was a waste 'cause now we have both the Wii and Wii-U just sitting around. Those things were expensive.

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2016, 01:12:07 AM »

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2016, 07:29:37 PM »
Pokemon Go proves my point.  Nintendo does have enough IP's.  They just need to roll them out. 

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Re: Why the Wii U is failing...
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2016, 09:17:36 AM »
Need a new Metroid title, platform, and not the fps. Although the fps versions sold well.
New console version of Fire Emblem.
Release Star Fox, finally.

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