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Offline duckwingduck

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I always know the republican party is the of racism
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:50:06 PM »
But Donald Trump makes it even clearer.  At least the GOP establish tries to hide their racism.  Trump throws it out in the open.  This is why minority who votes for republicans are like blacks joining KKK. 

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 03:31:05 PM »
They have no shame.  And they wonder why Latinos and Blacks don't join their ranks.

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 10:09:00 PM »
But Donald Trump makes it even clearer.  At least the GOP establish tries to hide their racism.  Trump throws it out in the open.  This is why minority who votes for republicans are like blacks joining KKK.

I disagree... Trump is out there but the Dems are the ones that tries to hid their racism. Have you heard from Hillbilly lately? See how she tries so hard to pandered to the blacks by telling them she'll do whatever it takes to remove racism, but when they interrupted her... she goes all out putting them in their place.

I'll use your comparison here... Trump is like the KKK without his hood. Hillbilly/Sanders and the Dems establishments are like the KKK with their hoods on. No one knows who they are but we see bits and pieces of their racism coming out while they lose their control.

Actually... people who votes Dems are hidden racists. They have not come out of the closet yet... not all of them.

They have no shame.  And they wonder why Latinos and Blacks don't join their ranks.

Don't be shocked to hear that there are Latinos, Blacks and Minorities that are Republicans. Mostly those that are more successful and educated. But you'll never hear about that because the Left media don't want the public to know that. Case in point, just  this week an MSNBC was shocked that her network was interviewing a black supporter of Trump. She said, "Obviously the majority of Donald Trump's supporters are not African-American." But her interviewee (a black man) said, "I think we need to stop with all the racist stuff and all the race-baiting." This news anchor was stereotyping instead of listening to his view... much like most Dems supporters.
And we all know the biggest reason why majorities of Latinos, Blacks and minorities votes Dems... promise of citizenship, welfare, etc., etc.

Don't be fooled (some have already been) when Dems claims they are for the little guy, blacks and minorities. The last eight years, I've not seen much better for the little guy, blacks and minorities. Only those in Washington getting the better of everyone else. And the last I checked, those Dems in Washington are all part of the same 1% that these same Dems claimed are ruining the middle-class and poor.
Like I've said before... Dems are the new age "slave owners". Welfare, handout, entitlement gift are the new whip, chain, and noose.

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 11:33:46 PM »
I'm referring to republicans.  If you are a republican, you are likely to be a racist.  Trump simply use racism to gain their votes since they are racists.  I don't even know if trump himself is racist.

No idea where you got the idea that Clinton and Sanders are racists.  Republicans are good at making up stuff.  Trumps does this very well.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 08:04:25 AM »
They have no shame.  And they wonder why Latinos and Blacks don't join their ranks.

A good majority of Blacks and Latinos are uneducated and ill-informed voters. They have gatekeepers who tell them which candidate to vote for. Most of the time these gatekeepers work in the public sector so naturally they are in favor of big government and expansion of entitlement programs. Another reason why Blacks and Latinos have switched to the Democratic Party is because they favor socials issues that give them entitlements. Latinos are culturally conservative but because they want to up their population in order to have the biggest voting block, immigration is a top priority for them. Obviously, that is going to conflict with the GOP who wants to secure the country's borders.

A lot of Democrats want to ignore their racist past even though they're the ones who actually instated racist laws like Jim Crow. They want to say that the GOP is racist because Conservative policies supposedly "target" minorities. But that isn't racism. All laws inadvertently hurt some groups in the process, but prove to me that it's actually "racist". They can't.

They also say, "well the KKK switched to the GOP." While it may be true that nowadays the KKK prefers the GOP over the Democrats, but it isn't really for the reasons that the Democrats claim. For centuries the south was dominated by the racist KKK Democrats. Government leaders like Democrat George Wallace abused their powers by intimidating blacks at the polls. The turnout for Republican voters were very low. In order to win the south, the GOP had to appeal to the white southerners - but they didn't do it by way of "racism". It wasn't like they were promising to exercise racism against people of color. By the way, the northern Democrats were already doing an excellent job of pushing out KKK when they decided to bring aboard minorities - but not because they cared about blacks or Latinos. It's because they implemented a new racist strategy equal to the slave plantations - WELFARE. They won minority votes by expanding WELFARE programs. Most minorities are just too stupid to realize this is exactly what keeps them poor and dependent on the government. KKK left the Democratic Party because they hate socialism and communism above everything else, which is what the Democratic party led by the north was turning into.

Anybody who believes and supports socialism or communism just isn't American. That's not what this country was built on. Any immigrant who thinks this country is a dumping site to get freebies need to be deported immediately. The only thing this country guarantees is the opportunity to try and lift yourself out of poverty. It doesn't guarantee that you will. If you're still struggling generation after generation then that has more to do with your poor money management skills and inability to make good life decisions.

Take for example: many first generation Hmong struggled not because they lacked English-speaking skills. It was because they married young, and continued to have large families despite working low-wage jobs. That is the recipe for failure in this country. Many of them, however, lucked out because of our strong Hmong family values. With the help of their parents, siblings, and relatives, coupled with good money management, many overcame their struggles by continuing with higher education and securing good jobs.

For anybody to say that minimum wage just doesn't cut it in this country, well they haven't met my parents. My folks could make money stretch because they have excellent money management skills. My parents believed that as long as there was incoming money, a person would never go poor and I believe them.



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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 09:32:24 AM »
Here's the data:

Nationally, almost one in five Republicans opposes interracial dating, compared to just one in 20 Democrats, according to the Pew Research Center. While 79 percent of Republicans agree with negative statements about blacks such as the one about slavery and discrimination, just 32 percent of Democrats do, the Associated Press has found.

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 11:06:29 AM »
Don't be shocked to hear that there are Latinos, Blacks and Minorities that are Republicans.

Ugh...yeah I know.  They have Rafael Cruz, Rubio, and crazy Ben...and oddly enough I know they have women too.

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 11:12:53 AM »
Here's the data:

Nationally, almost one in five Republicans opposes interracial dating, compared to just one in 20 Democrats, according to the Pew Research Center. While 79 percent of Republicans agree with negative statements about blacks such as the one about slavery and discrimination, just 32 percent of Democrats do, the Associated Press has found.

Don't use facts on GOPers, they will simply ignore it or are too stupid to interpret the data/meaning.

For example, Asians are the wealthier and more educated group that vote overwhelming for Democrats.  President Obama raked in 73% of Asian American votes in the last election.  Yet the GOP just sits there confused.  A group like that should be voting for them, but they aren't.

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2016, 09:14:20 PM »
Don't use facts on GOPers, they will simply ignore it or are too stupid to interpret the data/meaning.

For example, Asians are the wealthier and more educated group that vote overwhelming for Democrats.  President Obama raked in 73% of Asian American votes in the last election.  Yet the GOP just sits there confused.  A group like that should be voting for them, but they aren't.

Here's what I see:

Republican supporters:
 a) rich guys or corporations who stand to gain financially
 b) racist white, uneducated white, and messed up minority who wish they were white
 c) religious people who votes for any politician who will ban abortion

Democrat supporters
  a) college professors and open mind people
  b) poor uneducated people who benefits from democrat's policies on social programs

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2016, 09:21:38 PM »
They are saying the GOP establishment is making their voters pissed and now are voting for an outsider like Trump.  I say that's wrong.  The GOP establishment has tried to be political correct and tried very hard to cover up their racism.  This does not please their voters who have much anger and hate toward non-white.  Trump simply doing exactly what the voters want.  The GOP establish has been too politically correct eventhough it is so obvious they are racist.  They tried to not to recognize a black person as the US president.  So they spent all their energies to undo whatever Obama did and now tried to take away his power as president to appoint a supreme court judge.

My college professor from South American (he's white) warns us ten years ago that when minority population reach 50%, there will be a lot of white men holding to their guns in paranoid.  He warned that if we do not deal with the race issue, we will ultimately have a crash of races.  Today, we are one step closer as politicians are starting to exploiting these fears and bigotry. 

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2016, 07:07:16 AM »
Here's the data:

Nationally, almost one in five Republicans opposes interracial dating, compared to just one in 20 Democrats, according to the Pew Research Center. While 79 percent of Republicans agree with negative statements about blacks such as the one about slavery and discrimination, just 32 percent of Democrats do, the Associated Press has found.

Those points don't make a person racist. Wanting to date within your own group isn't racially motivated and having a negative opinion about others isn't racist either, especially if there is sufficient data to support the opinion. It's not surprising that a very liberal publication like "The Washington Post" would misconstrue findings from the Pew Research.

Liberals are bullies, plain and simple. They like to frame everything as racist, homophobic, or misogynist because they think they can shield the truth that way. 

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2016, 07:25:46 AM »
Don't use facts on GOPers, they will simply ignore it or are too stupid to interpret the data/meaning.

For example, Asians are the wealthier and more educated group that vote overwhelming for Democrats.  President Obama raked in 73% of Asian American votes in the last election.  Yet the GOP just sits there confused.  A group like that should be voting for them, but they aren't.

Liberals are the ones who don't understand how to interpret data. After all, you're the one who claimed that if a company had women earning less it meant there was unequal pay based on gender. You ignore all the other contributing factors as to why a woman might be getting paid less.  :idiot2:

As far as why Asians voted Democrat in the last election is the same reason why they voted Republican in other elections. It all comes down to which political party runs a platform that is priority in their community. First of all, you were rather DUMB by bringing up stupid liberal issues that most Asians don't give a s.hit about. For example, Hmong parents who vote do not give a s.hit about gay marriage. Hmong OGs only care about entitle programs like SSI and welfare. 

The reason why Asians voted heavily Democrat in the last election is because of immigration. There's a lot of undocumented Asians in the country and having stricter border control means many of their a.sses will be deported. This hurts many Asian businesses that employ illegals. Asians run a lot of shady businesses, which I know all too well. This wealth goes back to China. It's inevitably to help their country grow economically. As for why the younger Asians vote Democrat, well that isn't rocket science. They all attend the very LIBERAL universities, Berkeley being practically the most LIBERAL in addition to Yale and Harvard.


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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2016, 07:35:00 AM »
Here's what I see:

Republican supporters:
 a) rich guys or corporations who stand to gain financially
 b) racist white, uneducated white, and messed up minority who wish they were white
 c) religious people who votes for any politician who will ban abortion

Democrat supporters
  a) college professors and open mind people
  b) poor uneducated people who benefits from democrat's policies on social programs

What I see:

Republicans -

- People who want smaller government and the government to stay out of their business.
- People who don't want to see their paycheck dwindling away

Democrats -

- Crybabies who don't have their s.hit together and have too many personal issues they want everybody to care about and want to make it legally punishable for those who don't care about their personal issues
- Racist whites who would rather pay off minorities to stay out of their neighborhoods and schools
- Self-hating whites
- Whites who think it is their job to take care of everybody because they know what's best, plus, they can feel about how good and kind they are
- hippies who want to smoke weed all day long and loiter on public property because they don't have jobs
- irresponsible people who don't think they should be accountable for their actions
- tend to be slobs, unmotivated, lazy, and have no standards
- likes to play the victim
- always sees life as unfair because they don't get what they think they deserve

People who don't have standards tend to be DEMOCRAT. That's why they are open to just about anything and they wonder why their life is always a circus.  :idiot2:

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2016, 11:45:06 AM »
After all, you're the one who claimed that if a company had women earning less it meant there was unequal pay based on gender. You ignore all the other contributing factors as to why a woman might be getting paid less.

BnM, I schooled you already on this topic, I don't have the energy to do it again.  Unlike you, I don't need to insert garbage to make it sound like other factors weren't considered.  Any PHer can go back and reread it and they'll understand how desperate you are to sound intelligent.

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Re: I always know the republican party is the of racism
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2016, 11:47:39 AM »
Here's what I see:

Republican supporters:
 a) rich guys or corporations who stand to gain financially
 b) racist white, uneducated white, and messed up minority who wish they were white
 c) religious people who votes for any politician who will ban abortion

Democrat supporters
  a) college professors and open mind people
  b) poor uneducated people who benefits from democrat's policies on social programs

Jesus would have been a Democrate.

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