
Author Topic: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball  (Read 8372 times)

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Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« on: September 02, 2016, 05:27:56 PM »
I am not an expert at basketball, but I have played lots of versions of it.  Because a certain poster loves to complain to me, here is my ongoing lists of different kinds of basketball I have played.  Some are just small rule changes.  Some look like a different game.  Anyways, let's get into it...

1. Netball.  Let's start the list with something really different.  I first played this game in Australia.  Some girls played it on a team, so a bunch of us gave it a try.  Some different rules about netball: strict rules on footing, defense, where players can move, and no dribbling. 

2. Make it Take it.  For some reason, this is more popular for half-court games.  Full-court games change possessions.  I never played a full-court game where it was make it take it.  But, there is always a first for everything. 

3. Call Your Own Fouls.  This is popular in a lot of pickup games.  It helps eliminate the ambiguity of when a play ends. 

4.  Play to X.  Now this is a weird one. Common numbers are 10, 12, 15, 16,  20, 21.  I've also played 11 and 18 on rarer occasions.  I'll go into more details about this later.

5.  1s and 2s and 2s and 3s.  Pickup games tend to be 1s with/without 2s.  Organized games tend to be 2s and 3s.  I have no preference, but if you make me choose, I might go with 1s and 2s because those are the courts that I first started playing on. 

6.  21.  Hmm, this probably needs a thread onto itself.  People play this game with so many variations.

7.  Knockout.  A fun game for people who like to chase their shots.  I can usually get to the top 2 because I can shoot my way there.  Eliminating that last guy is a challenge for me. 

8. HORSE. CAT. DOG. PIG.  ETC.  Everyone has played this one at one point.  People actually have different rules for this.  Almost all games give a letter if you  miss a shot following someone's made shot.  Some games, 1 makes it, 2 makes, 1 gets the letter.  In some games of 3 or more, 1 makes it, everyone else makes it, 1 gets a letter.  In some games, 1 makes it, 2 makes it, 2 gets "possession." In some games, 1 keeps "possession" until he misses.  In some games, dunks are not allowed, but layups are.  In some games, dunks and layups are "not really" allowed; the shot is from the spot and not the moves you do in the air.  In some games, you can't do the same shot twice.  Some games you can't call how to shoot; you can't call granny shots, left hands, one-handed, etc.  There are probably more variations, but those are ones that come off the top of my head.

More basketball games as the whining comes....  :2funny:

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2016, 05:37:21 PM »
9. Rimming.  Okay, I know it sounds bad, but I don't know what else to call it.  I have only played this once in elementary.  The rules are....

Everyone lines up at the free throw.
Shoot from the free throw. 
If you make it, you are safe and go to the back.  Next person shoots from the free throw again.
If you miss, the guy behind you has to grab the rebound within one bounce.  Or, he is out. 
If that guy makes the shot from that rebound, he is safe.  Ball goes back to the free throw.
If that guy misses the shot from that rebound, he is out.  Ball goes back to the free throw.

At that time, I didn't play basketball.  I couldn't shoot.  But, I did play football.  I had a lot of practice throwing a football, and hitting the rim with a QB motion was easy enough for me.  I didn't bother trying to make the shot.  I was out to eliminate people, and I did.  Unfortunately, PE class ended.  5 guys were left.  No winner. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2016, 05:42:39 PM »
10. Starting the Game.  Some do a jump ball,  but this doesn't happen that much in a pickup game.  Some courts are Do or Die either from the free or the three.  In China, everyone shoots free throws.  Everyone keeps shooting until one team goes up one.  That team gets the ball.  This method can be annoying if everyone knows how to shoot a free throw. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2016, 05:58:07 PM »
11. Checking.

Most courts that I played on often check up top.  "Top" is often the top of the top of the key.  1v1 tends to be a little more loose with it.  Some 1v1 games let you check behind the free; some make you check anywhere behind the three. 

In many full court games, if play needs to be restarted, it's checked up top.  This is probably to speed up play and eliminate ambiguity of where to check the ball.  But, when I played in China, they checked the spot in full court games. 

There are some rules to checking.  Some considered the ball checked once you touched it; you don't check it again.  Some require a checked ball to be "passed in" first.  Some courts let you dribble off right away.  Sometimes these rules change between the number of people who are playing.  3v3 or more, you gotta pass in.  2v2 or less, the ball is in. 

Of course, a reffed full court game will check the spot. 

« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 06:25:14 PM by bulbasaur »

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2016, 06:06:22 PM »
12. The Air Ball

For some people in this forum, this is the big one.   :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

On some courts, a person can't touch the ball after any kind of shooting motion.  The ball has to hit something first.  This is based on the NBA rule.  It is often considered a self-pass. 

On some courts, the person can still touch/regain possession on an air ball if the shot was a legitimate shot.  Last I checked, NCAA and FIBA allowed it.  Sorry, fake shots do not qualify for this one.   :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

And on other courts, it is totally fine.  And1 courts do this quite often.  Players often dribble, stop, throw the ball up, catch, dribble again. 

Whatever court and people you play with, know the rules so there will be less confusion and arguments.  Or, maybe you like arguing about the rules.   :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2016, 06:15:00 PM »
13. Turnovers. 

This is trickier than what some people think... 

Some courts consider a block a turnover, especially in 1v1.  Some extend this to any kind of "losing possession."  Thus, if the ball gets knocked out of your hands, it is a turnover regardless if you run to get the ball back. 

Others call turnovers normally. 

Weird turnovers are when different people of different backgrounds play together.  What happens when a person violates a rule, but the rule wasn't established before the game?  For example, a guy shoots from the top of the key after the check, but he was actually supposed to pass it in first.  On some courts, it is simply re-played and the player is informed.  Other courts just call it a turnover. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2016, 06:20:36 PM »
14. Shoot for It....or not. 

What do you do on ambiguous plays?  Not sure who was last to touch the ball?  Well, some courts simply shoot for it.  Most of the time, it is Do or Die as to not waste time, either from the 3 or free.   I have seen a few occasions where the two guys had a shootout. 

On some courts, it is Rock Paper Scissors.  I see this mostly in Asia. 

On some courts, it's "You get this call.  We get the next one." 

I have never seen anyone do a jump ball in a pickup game, but maybe such a court exists somewhere out there. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2016, 06:37:33 PM »
15. Korfball

This is actually related to my experience with netball.  I played korfball first while in China.  I met up with some friends in China in Australia, and that is where I played netball.  The games are similar, but there are differences.  I personally like korfball better because I disliked the assigned positions in netball.

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2016, 06:39:20 PM »
16. Slamball!

Okay, I haven't done this one, but I really want to.  Trampolines and a basketball?  Why not.  I first saw this on ESPN years ago.  I am not sure how popular it is now.

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2016, 06:47:43 PM »
17. Volleybasketba ll

Okay, this is just one some friends and I made up.  A team has to underhand pass to the basket.  You can only overhand set it when shooting.  Defenses have to play a step off.  Of course, non-contact because it wouldn't be fair. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2016, 06:51:16 PM »
18. Footbasketball

Another made up game we did.  It's touch football but you gotta shoot to score.  We only called offensive off-sides to make it fast. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2016, 07:04:08 PM »
19. Around the World

Just simply shoot from around the lines.  Some people add a shot from right below the basket.  A lot of people also add the shot from the top of the key.  Some people play a miss shot pushes you back a spot; others let you stay. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2016, 07:07:12 PM »
20. Tip for Tap

In some games of 1v1 or 21, a tip back brings a person back to 0 or 11.  I can only assume it is to encourage better shooting or better penetration skills. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2016, 12:30:47 AM »
So where did volleybasketba ll and footbasketball come from?  I was inspired by a game my friends and I played as kids, "Ball Tag."  But the creation of those were further inspired by the movie Baseketball. 

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Re: Playing Different Kinds of Basketball
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2016, 12:53:52 AM »
21. 3-2-1

I actually don't know the real name of this game...

A. You shoot a free throw.  Makes = 3.

B. Regardless if you make it or miss it, get the rebound after the first bounce and shoot from that spot. Makes =2.

C. Regardless if you make it or miss it, get the rebound before the ball bounces.  Makes = 1.

D. First person to 100 wins. 

E. If you fail to get any rebound within the limits, then your turn is over. 

I suppose you can play this game by yourself; the goal could just be to do it as quickly or efficiently as possible.  I learned it from some Chinese guys. 

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