
Author Topic: Is anyone worried....  (Read 40098 times)

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #90 on: October 30, 2016, 09:56:26 PM »
We are Hmong simply by virtue of being Hmong. Being Hmong is not an acquisition. There are no imaginary standards that you have to pass in order to be Hmong. This does not mean an Irish guy can claim to be Hmong; are you that dumb? Hmong is quintessential ly an ethnicity. You can't jump in and out of, and between ethnicity.

My logic: We are all Hmong. Your Hmong language proficiency or knowledge of the Hmong culture has no bearing on how Hmong you are.

thePoster's logic: We are all Hmong. Therefore, we must abide by certain traits and behavior that deem us worthy of being Hmong. Oh, you don't speak Hmong? What's wrong with you?! Don't you understand we are Hmong!? Work on yourself to be better!

Yeebkooj's logic: If you're Christian, you sold out on Hmong customs, you's a Hmigger. If you legally have an English name, you's a Hmigger. If you don't support Chai Vang in murdering all those white people, you's a Hmigger.

Anyone with a working brain knows I make the most sense, I am the most reasonable, logical, and humanitarian. If you took a poll among all of the young Hmong people under 30 years old, I bet 95% of them would agree with me and not thePoster or this senseless maniac, Yeebkooj. If Hmong people had a country, people like thePoster would be the embodiment of Fox News/O'Reilly/right wing, and Yeebkooj would be the head honcho of the Hmong version of "Sharia Law". Hmong girls would not be able to wear pants or read a book because that is Hmigger attitude.

There you go bold...where in this thread have I ever said that?  You cant even find it to quote it or to paraphase it.  What is in bold is what you assume I'm saying.  And I repeat agian, has it not occur to you that you may be assuming wrong? 

Is it safe to say you are just basically imposing your view of me to me?

So basically, you're upset at a persona you believe is how I am based on what you fabricated from your opinion.....yo u also are upset on views or ways of thinking or logics you assume I'm guilty of....but all those things you say I am or think are just what you think!  So you're actually upset at ideas you think everyone Including myself are thinking that are actually your ideas.  That's why I ask you to quote/cite them, if you were able to, it would prove that they are not your ideas that you are projecting on to me.

I've asked you many times to prove how I am this person you believe I am to be but you haven't yet.  All you keep doing is saying that I am this and that without any backing up claims. 

How can anyone be a reasonable, logical, humanitarian when they are busy making assumptions about how others think or conduct themselves and then calling them names such as dummy, baffoon,  moronic, and hm*****, senseless maniac....Can you explain?

Why don't you explain anything I ask?

Also how do you know if I wanted or wanted not for girls to wear pants only?  What have I said to make you think that?

Should I start educating you on what you think is correct is not actually...unl ess I've said it, you shouldn't be assuming, aND  like I've said so many times before, you need to consider the fact that you may be assuming wrong.

Have you folks never heard the phrase "....builds character..."...or "says alot about someone's character"??

So basically when I'm saying talking about how a women should garden, clean, etc know what?  If a girl did do all those stuff, I'd look at that girl and be impressed.  Becuase it says alot about her character...we ll what does it say?  It says she's a hard worker, she is not lazy, she can perservere, she can see the bigger picture, doing menial chores she doesn't see it degrading, she's mentally strong, she sees that the world doesn't revolve around her meaning she's grounded, down to earth, she doesn't see herself better than others-for Pete sakes she's doing the dishes, she not living g in her own fantasy world, she's not selfish, she doesn't think of her and only her, etc etc...I can go on and on....

So when I see a girl like that, I know she's no nonsense....I know a girl like that can handle being a wife and all the things that comes along with being a wife, a mother, a nyab  etc etc...

So wells...guess you assumed wrong really should stop assuming you know how people are and think.  So now that you know my thoughts on my gardening aND cleaning comments...wel l, where do you see anywhere that I want to make hmong girls and women wear pants only?  Or did you really mean to say that you think I'd treat them like a 2nd class citizen?

Hmmm...I guess now that I explained myself, Im actually in awe of Hmong girls aND respect them for being so strong.

Have you never heard of dont judge a book by its cover?

You should open up your miND more and take off your horse blinders...sto p letting your own perceived notions of others dictate how you view others before even getting to know them.  Also, it's OK to be wrong.....

In anycase!   They way you carried and conducted yourself says alot about your character.  Maybe it's time for a good look in the mirror?

Theking...why do you even try...I see that you've moved on from the word bandwagon on to trump...that must be the new word of the week for you.

To answer your motorcycle thing....ok... so you did post a thread about motocyclist being reckless...are you a your a motorcyclist too...  so you don't like it when people say that motorcyclist are wreckless becuase you are a motorcyclist too...  so it's OK for you to be upset when someone says motorcyclist are wreckless... but it's not ok for me being a "racer" to be upset when  you and others say "racers" are dangerous?   That was the point I was trying g to make with you a while back yet you are unable to see it. 

And just like I've said before about like to hold everyone accountable except for you.  Dont you see that as a double standard?  That's why I say I cant take you seriously on anything.  For you..everyone's wrong except for you...for you...even when  your wrong, you're not wrong becuase all of a sudden it doesn't apply to you...

Do you know how the public view people like that?  Well....the majority of people view them as u trustworthy... .can't be taken seriously....e tc etc...I'm sure you get the picture...but then agian...of couse you don't get the picture becuase it doesnt apply to you...only time something applies to you is where  it's convenient to you or puts you in a positive spotlight.

These are not assumptions at all for it has been observed many times from you....for example the thread about turning in family members....

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #91 on: October 30, 2016, 10:07:59 PM »
Also, the fact that you are Hmong doesn't mean you have to revolve your whole life choices and lifestyle around some silly notion of fulfilling some imaginary duty of "making Hmong relevant".

So because others want to dutifully promote Hmong values, making it relevant, then it's silly on their part?

What the heck is this screwed up thinking garbage of yours?

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #92 on: October 30, 2016, 10:13:54 PM »

If you took a poll among all of the young Hmong people under 30 years old, I bet 95% of them would agree with me and not thePoster

Right...becuas e that demographic would qualify most as knowing the most about what it is to be Hmong right?  Not that 70 year old that's seen two worlds....  or Thier mom and dad who probably could form a better opinion based on the fact they been alive longer and see how hmongs are then and now...

So you only want the view and thoughts of a certain demographic... .everyone else...well they probably don't agree with you so you'll just exclude them right?  Whatever it takes to make you right ...rignt?

Youll just dis regard  that other hmong demographic becuase...even though they are hmong they dont get a say right?  Who cares what they think right?

Almost starting to sound a bit elitist I think...what do you think hung TU lo?  I thought you didn't like elitist people...I thought you didn't like people who thinks Thier view is the only right one?     


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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #93 on: October 30, 2016, 10:21:56 PM »

Right...becuas e that demographic would qualify most as knowing the most about what it is to be Hmong right?  Not that 70 year old that's seen two worlds....  or Thier mom and dad who probably could form a better opinion based on the fact they been alive longer and see how hmongs are then and now...

So you only want the view and thoughts of a certain demographic... .everyone else...well they probably don't agree with you so you'll just exclude them right?  Whatever it takes to make you right ...rignt?

Youll just dis regard  that other hmong demographic becuase...even though they are hmong they dont get a say right?  Who cares what they think right?

Almost starting to sound a bit elitist I think...what do you think hung TU lo?  I thought you didn't like elitist people...I thought you didn't like people who thinks Thier view is the only right one?     


LOL, I was going to say something along that line, but my keyboard is acting up, and it's time consuming to type it all out. So good one for stating it.

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Offline theking

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #94 on: October 30, 2016, 11:58:51 PM »

Theking...why do you even try...I see that you've moved on from the word bandwagon on to trump...that must be the new word of the week for you.

I could ask you the same "why do you even try..." as you're wrong again...just like all the "pointless" babbling w/o zero "cite" to back up the Hmong "invented" the "rubberband rope game"...

"bandwagon" doesn't apply here as you are not jumping from NFL team to NFL team like when you claimed to be a Vikings' fan but as soon as they lost, you made fun of them and their fans.. then jump over to the next team that won...

The "trump" was gathered from another PH member and so far she's spot on when she compared you to Trump...You know "pointless"...

To answer your motorcycle thing....ok... so you did post a thread about motocyclist being reckless...are you a your a motorcyclist too...  so you don't like it when people say that motorcyclist are wreckless becuase you are a motorcyclist too...  so it's OK for you to be upset when someone says motorcyclist are wreckless... but it's not ok for me being a "racer" to be upset when  you and others say "racers" are dangerous?   That was the point I was trying g to make with you a while back yet you are unable to see it. 

The passage above made zero sense..."why do you even try"...I'm the one that pointed out that being "reckless" is idiotic so why would I be "upset" if others also point that same view out??...Again, made no sense at all..but not ry Trumpish...

And just like I've said before about like to hold everyone accountable except for you.  Dont you see that as a double standard?  That's why I say I cant take you seriously on anything.  For you..everyone's wrong except for you...for you...even when  your wrong, you're not wrong becuase all of a sudden it doesn't apply to you...

Do you know how the public view people like that?  Well....the majority of people view them as u trustworthy... .can't be taken seriously....e tc etc...I'm sure you get the picture...but then agian...of couse you don't get the picture becuase it doesnt apply to you...only time something applies to you is where  it's convenient to you or puts you in a positive spotlight.

These are not assumptions at all for it has been observed many times from you....for example the thread about turning in family members....

Wrong again, I don't hold "everyone" accountable, just those that make false claims that can't back it up or spew wrong information.

If I'm mistaken, I take ownership of it like I've done in the past and sometimes even thank those that have corrected me because they taught me something instead of continuing to babble "pointless" BS with zero "cite" to back it up like you.

Unlike you I have no problems doing the right thing even it means trying to get help for my own family.

You are very Trumpish indeed, no wonder, you haven't gotten any "photos" from them yet ...Simply put, they don't "take you seriously on anything"...

You should already know how the "public" view Trump so all you have to do is look at yourself in the mirror..The more you babble "pointless" BS without any "cite" to back up your claims, the more Trumpish you get which means even less chance of getting those photos you've begging for.

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #95 on: October 31, 2016, 12:36:10 AM »
So...if you don't hold everyone accountable... .why did you say you would turn hmongs in?    Even your own family member.....Rem ember that thread..I'm sure you do.....

I won't go into details...firs t you said yes..then no..then try to take attention away from your comments by asking the same question...

Looks like just what I only like it when it's convenient or put you in a positive light...

I'm curious what your definition of "trumpish" is?   Can you answer that?

And if you cant understand the motorcycle thing...I don't even know what to say...

I will try one last time...

You are a motorcyclist, I say motorcyclist are wreckless as well, you get mad becuase I shouldn't be saYing that.

But then you go and say I'm a racer and racers are wreckless and im upset about it and dont think you should be saying that but it's OK for you to say that?

So the point is, if you get upset at me saying motorcyclist are wreckless, then you shouldn't be saying racers are wreckless.

So let me break it even down can say something offensive...bu t nobody else can...

But whatever....I've explained  it too many times..but you don't understand....

That is a double standard....

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #96 on: October 31, 2016, 12:40:48 AM »
Define trumpish for me...

If you can't or wont... says alot.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #97 on: October 31, 2016, 12:44:17 AM »
And also...if you thought you're buddy hung TU lo is your buddy trYing to double team me...

You realize you're not even in the demographic he considers to be important right?

But it's fine you, you'll just ignore that fact becuase right now it's Convenient he's help g to double team me...bravo...w ay to go...

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline theking

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #98 on: October 31, 2016, 08:39:20 AM »
So...if you don't hold everyone accountable... .why did you say you would turn hmongs in?    Even your own family member.....Rem ember that thread..I'm sure you do.....

Does "everyone" or every "family" member do crime or are criminals? And I've even said, if I went on a crime spree, I hope my family will try to get me help too...

Like in this thread, I don't hold "everyone" accountable, just those that continue to babble "pointless" BS without any "cite" (which they brought up btw) to back their false claims when they are wrong or make stuff up like I get "upset" when someone post something about "reckless" motorcyclists. I dare you to show me a thread where someone post something about "reckless" motorcyclists and I got "upset"...but I already know you can't due to your "pointless" ..."Trump minded" character...

I won't go into details...firs t you said yes..then no..then try to take attention away from your comments by asking the same question...

Looks like just what I only like it when it's convenient or put you in a positive light...

You described yourself perfectly when you jumped around wagons claiming to be a Vikings' fan but as soon as they lost, you made fun of their fans such as yourself...

I'm curious what your definition of "trumpish" is?   Can you answer that?

Yes, it's you!!! another PH member brought it up but I thought she was spot on...

And if you cant understand the motorcycle thing...I don't even know what to say...

I will try one last time...

You are a motorcyclist, I say motorcyclist are wreckless as well, you get mad becuase I shouldn't be saYing that.

But then you go and say I'm a racer and racers are wreckless and im upset about it and dont think you should be saying that but it's OK for you to say that?

So the point is, if you get upset at me saying motorcyclist are wreckless, then you shouldn't be saying racers are wreckless.

So let me break it even down can say something offensive...bu t nobody else can...

But whatever....I've explained  it too many times..but you don't understand....

That is a double standard....

I already challenged you to find a post where someone said something about "reckless" motorcyclists and I got "upset" I'll challenge you again..but I know it won't happen because just like your "pointless", "cite", and "invented" argument, you won't be able to...

If I'm "upset", why would I post about it myself and even showed you the thread that you also replied in to prove you wrong??

but again, nothing new with you and your Trumpish behaviors....

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #99 on: November 01, 2016, 12:31:49 PM »
Right...becuase that demographic would qualify most as knowing the most about what it is to be Hmong right?

EXACTLY! Thank you for supporting my point again. Man, you are on a roll just destroying yourself! You again showed that you do indeed believe there is a superficial measurement of how Hmong someone is. Basically, what you are saying is that a young Hmong person born in this country possibly cannot understand what it takes to be Hmong. Like I said in my last post, you may initially think we are all Hmong on one level, but as soon as someone doesn't speak Hmong to a certain degree, someone chooses not to be a part of their clan and/or clan activities, they choose not to own a single article of Hmong clothing, they don't know how to call their elders by title, your true identity comes out.

There is no standard to being Hmong, other than simply by virtue of being born Hmong. And it is elitistism/segregationism, conservative propaganda, and ignorance - like theposter and yeebkooj - that perpetuates this myth that you have to eat a certain kind of food, you have to speak a certain way, you have to dress a certain way, you have to be a certain way, in order to be considered worthy of an ethnicity.

This completely sums you up as a person and as a man:
Todays ladies...are nothing like for me to have see somethig like that in the past and then to compare todays women to yesteryear's....

I say agian!  If they cant garden, cook clean, etc etc..forget about considering yourself the backbone..

Women back then worked just as hard or even harder than men...

You wanna know or see how to be an awesome women?  Go back to past some 20-30 years ago.

Tell me now that you have the same viewpoint as I do. Because I sure as heck am not misogynist or jerk myself off thinking back to the times when women served all of men's needs. Funny thing is, these older women would never want to go back and they envy the younger women who are independent, smart, educated, and full of life and energy. Not 18 years old with a child on the back, a child in the arms, and another one on the way. Your stories of nostalgia and romanticism shows nothing of the pain and suffering. Of course Hmong women were great at doing everything for the family - that's all they had! There was essentially nothing else for a Hmong woman to do but be force married at teenage. If you locked up me in a room with nothing but a bucket, I would be the greatest man at taking a shiit in a bucket because you've given me no other opportunities.

You described yourself perfectly when you jumped around wagons claiming to be a Vikings' fan but as soon as they lost, you made fun of their fans such as yourself...

poster watches NFL?! GASP Apparently, the "true" Hmong in this forum aren't even Hmong enough. The irony is killing me! :2funny:  :idiot2: Why you sitting on your asss watching NFL? That's not being a good Hmong boy, kiddo. There's always some hu plig or funeral to attend and lend a helping hand. At the very least, you should be watching World Series of Rope Jumping.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 12:43:55 PM by HUNG TU LO »

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2016, 02:02:55 PM »
You two are laughable at best..

Both cant prove anything, narrow minded, likes to impose and project thier thoughts and ideas onto others as it being correct, obviously refuse to read previous posts...

Theking, its funnie how you change saying youd turn them in to youll get them help...theres a difference there..when you change the wording like that youre trying to deflect away from something youved said earlier becuase you kow it makes you look bad.

Hung tu lo....when you said i agreed with realize  that its not me agreeing with you rigjt?  Theres a question mark at the end. 

You two are the same...its pointless to debate with you two becuase you two are set in your on way of thinking .

Im actually a very good observationali st as well.

Im just curious as too why neither one of you wants to answer my questions?   

Ill fill in the s becuase they know(well at least i hope they know, or they could just be clueless) theyll contradict everything theyve said.

Also...lets look at things...

You know...hung tu lo...youre really making up alot of things about me and trying to pass it off as true..all those things youve said about me ....well.... what if i told you i was a women?  So pretty much you would have treated me just as bad or worse than how "thePoster" treats women based on your projected assumptions...

Wow...aint that something...yo u wont let me if i was a women speak or think for myself, or explain anything to me when i asked, called me names, drag my name through the mud....doesnt sound good at all huh?

Now if you was a female....what can be said about how i treated you?  Just my opinion but...i could say i treated you fairly and in a civilized manner debate-wise.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2016, 02:05:38 PM »
And if you wonder why im not out here telling the way i am, or what kinda good deeds ive done, etc etc...basicall y defending myself is becuase...well ...

Ill let you ponder on it.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #102 on: November 01, 2016, 04:44:18 PM »
You two are laughable at best..

And you are just "pointless", period!...No wonder all the begging and no "photos" in return...

Both cant prove anything, narrow minded, likes to impose and project thier thoughts and ideas onto others as it being correct, obviously refuse to read previous posts...

Theking, its funnie how you change saying youd turn them in to youll get them help...theres a difference there..when you change the wording like that youre trying to deflect away from something youved said earlier becuase you kow it makes you look bad.

Hung tu lo....when you said i agreed with realize  that its not me agreeing with you rigjt?  Theres a question mark at the end. 

You two are the same...its pointless to debate with you two becuase you two are set in your on way of thinking .

Im actually a very good observationali st as well.

Im just curious as too why neither one of you wants to answer my questions?   

Ill fill in the s becuase they know(well at least i hope they know, or they could just be clueless) theyll contradict everything theyve said.

Also...lets look at things...

You know...hung tu lo...youre really making up alot of things about me and trying to pass it off as true..all those things youve said about me ....well.... what if i told you i was a women?  So pretty much you would have treated me just as bad or worse than how "thePoster" treats women based on your projected assumptions...

Wow...aint that something...yo u wont let me if i was a women speak or think for myself, or explain anything to me when i asked, called me names, drag my name through the mud....doesnt sound good at all huh?

Now if you was a female....what can be said about how i treated you?  Just my opinion but...i could say i treated you fairly and in a civilized manner debate-wise.

Saids the guy that still hasn't able to provided any "cite" to back up his Hmong "invented" the "rubberband rope game"...even though it was him that brought up "cite"...

And he's babbling about "can't prove anything"...How "pointless"!!!

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #103 on: November 01, 2016, 05:20:51 PM »
Let me go back and see if can see where I said we invented it.

Let me do the work for you and hung TU lo since you two.....

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Is anyone worried....
« Reply #104 on: November 01, 2016, 05:27:11 PM »
I looked....I don't see where I said it anywhere...

I know what you're going to quote already...but. ..did I say it?  Nope!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

