
Author Topic: White Men Religion  (Read 9992 times)

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: White Men Religion
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2018, 11:50:55 PM »
Um...duh...The Reformation.

And what about the reformation?

To my knowledge all the european states existing today pretty much already existed then during the reformation. None of them (none that i can think of at the top of my head) had to create a new state (and this is what the various conflicting Meo christian denominations have to do; come together, gather strength, go conquer enemies and create a brand new state). After several generations of war the roman catholics just had to accept that there will be some protestants living within their already existing nation, country, state.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 12:04:40 AM by YeejKoob13 »

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: White Men Religion
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2018, 12:08:11 AM »
Don't know why I bothered logging on to Pebhmong. Too many uneducated Hmong who don't know what they are talking about and depend on me to educate them first.

How are we supposed to have any insightful convos on PH when many of you have not even done the reading? Now I know what Literature teachers feel like when the class shows up unprepared to discuss the assigned reading.

I'm out.

Yah, throw a weak punch and run before the returning fire gets you. Easily seen tactic.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: White Men Religion
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2018, 11:45:57 AM »
Know your history. Slavery existed long before Jesus. The practice was initiated by pagans. Any early Israelite who owned slaves would've been a product of the culture of the time, which was heavily paganism. The slavery that was brought to America already existed. Slave owners were simply bringing their old practices into the new country. Some slave owners, like Thomas Jefferson, inherited their slaves and it was actually against the law to free slaves at the time. Slaves would've been better off under a benign master than to be set free since freedom didn't really exist for them. Unless a slave thought he would rather die than remain a slave.

America's Judeo-Christian culture is actually what prompted the abolishment of slavery.

You are very wrong if you think countries that existed before America were better.

The problem with you Leftists is that you're too entitled. All those so-called "freedoms" you want can only exist under a Judeo-Christian culture. For example, homosexuality always existed but under a non-Judeo-Christian culture you would be stoned. Only the Judeo-Christian culture shows leniency and tolerance. You might not like Judeo-Christianity calling your act a sin but better that then to be stoned to death.

If Mary Magdalene was living under any other culture, she would've already been stoned to death. 

The only people who were being stoned and persecuted were CHRISTIANS (Christ followers).

It's more like, know your god. For his law was the one that said it is ok for Israelites to own foreigners as slaves. Since you know so much about history, can you tell what kind of slaves did Americans owned back then?

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