
Author Topic: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits  (Read 8488 times)

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Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« on: February 02, 2018, 07:59:51 AM »

Im asking because i suffer from sleep paralysis. I started to get sat on more and more recent. Im too chicken shit to fight it off. Lol😆
Ive spoken to a shaman about it and she told me it was a a spirit. 
Im stuck between two religion. 

So, what are some alternative route someone can take with out having to do the whole hmong ritual to remove an attach spirit?  Maybe hmong charms or home cleansing?


it's awesome hearing other stories and experiences so i guess i will go deeper in mine. lol
i've been suffering from this for almost 3 years. My parents became aware that i was going through this last summer. So my mother tied strings around my hand and doors, as well as bought me plants that are suppose to ward of evil spirits and such but they never worked. At first i've never fought it, i let it do its business and just fall back asleep. The visits became so more recent. i've tried fighting and struggling but a little part of me ends ups being too chicken shit in the end. lol my grandmother on the other hand gave me this pouch that contain different charms, and the first night i had hung around my bed frame, i slept like a baby. it was the first goodnight sleep I've had in forever. The sleep paralysis stop completely. i was able to sleep on my own. one day i fell asleep watching tv on the couch and i got sat on 3 times in one night. it was so bad, it was like a never ending loop where i couldn't wake up to stop it. it was a very terrifying experience. deep inside my conscious i felt like whatever this "thing" was, was pissed that it couldn't find me. Never slept anywhere but my room from then on. one time i got into a bad argument with my husband and i just had it with him, so i went to sleep on the couch again( thank god he is soooo patient LOL). not even with in ten minutes i got sat on. something in me change that night. When i look back at that event, its so laughable because it was karma in a way but i found myself being a prisoner of this charm... i needed to have it where ever i slept. and so now i knew. sometime later after other long event, it started happening again. i am open minded to the logical side but i feel like with all the events that has happen to me also per what the shamn told me, i feel like it's an evil presence. All i can say is i feel it there in the darkest parts of our room waiting to latch on to me. when i do get sat on now, i get these really bad pounding ear ach, like something is screaming in my ear while sitting on me. i still end up being too chicken shit. im worried that there will be a day where this charm that my grand mother gave me will stop working or if i lose it. What are other options out there for me that wont cost and arm and a leg....

« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 05:20:00 PM by colorMErainbow »

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2018, 09:22:39 AM »
get your doctor to prescribe an oxygen mask?

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2018, 09:27:55 AM »
just let them do whatever they want (sit, play with your hair, or even molest), once they know you don't care, they'll leave you alone.

fact of the matter is, you should try and get a good sleeping routine.  staying way up too late, not getting out of bed on time, and simply sleep deprivation cause the body and mind to work against each other, which leads to sleep paralysis.  often the best cure is sleeping in the arms of your loved one.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 09:31:28 AM by ZDN »

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wb Zaj Dab Neeg xaus lawm...

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2018, 09:38:08 AM »
I don't think it matters but if you think it could work, why not give it a try....

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2018, 12:28:05 PM »
Dang nkaujsee!  I'm sorrie to hear about you.  I'm too afraid to read all of your post.

Colormerainbow ... I don't know what to say..

For me, I sleEP on my belly.  I've only had one attack when I sleep on my belly. 

I'm more comfortable sleeping face up bit that's when the attacks come!!!  Oh Wells.   Sometimes I'm like "screw it, it's more comfy this way and I'll just deal with it"

I always fight it. 

A funnie story..  once I was attacked 3 times in one night...

It just became funnie I laughed about it when the morning came..

The first attack was a skinnie one and I fought it off, then another skinnie one tried agian later and I fought it off..and guess what?  On the 3rd attack I guess they went to get back up and it was big fat one!!!  Cheezes! !  I mean for reall? !?!?  Yeap, they went and got a fat one..  I fought it off as well.

Man, I woke up the next morning and just laughed.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2018, 01:04:59 PM »
Asha ria,  I will agree with you on that.

A long time ago...we'll my parents went to church...

So we went to church...

And my mom knew I was having attacks, I'd talk about it..

Anyways so she invite some of the church lead memberserk over, we all tasked about it then they prayed over me.

That night, it was the strangest feeling in the world.

It felt like there was just this sorta feeling lifted off of me.. 

Kinda like a spiritual sheet that was pulled off me and I felt safemail after the feeling was lifted off of me..

Sadly, I don't go to church nor do I pray...

So yeah...

Nkaujsee! Hurry up and hook me up! 

By the way I'm getting skinnie now I don't have to suck in my stomache to look skinnier when I go out now.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2018, 01:27:15 PM »
Good sleep is important.  When I get on a good sleep routine sleep paralysis stops.  Now I usually get it once every 4 to 6 months only.  When I do get them, I don't feel the "evil presents" anymore, just can't move.  I was baptized a Christian as a child but I stop going to church for over 10+ years now and not a Shamanism either.  I believe in God the creator, but not in religion.     

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2018, 01:44:15 PM »
get your doctor to prescribe an oxygen mask?

I do really want to get testet but i cant afford it at the moment. Lol I have taken this into consideration that it could just be a medical issues but i dont think it has anything to do with my medical health, with all the other experience i collected with this sleeping paralysis event.  Some part of me really want this to just be a medical issue so that way i wont have to dabble in religious stuff. ~~sighh

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2018, 01:49:24 PM »
just let them do whatever they want (sit, play with your hair, or even molest), once they know you don't care, they'll leave you alone.

fact of the matter is, you should try and get a good sleeping routine.  staying way up too late, not getting out of bed on time, and simply sleep deprivation cause the body and mind to work against each other, which leads to sleep paralysis.  often the best cure is sleeping in the arms of your loved one.

I do agree that sleeping with a love one helps the most. But when your husband works 3rd shift, rotating weekends and you dont have kids yet its hard not to be scared. Lolll😔😖 lol

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2018, 01:53:52 PM »
Sleep on your side or your stomach n drool. 

Don't cross your arms on your chest while sleeping.  The reaper will bother you if they mistaken you for a dead person.

Drink warm milk before bed n wear a sock to warm up your feet.  Dead people have cold feet. 

By all means, just don't struggle.  Let your mind to catch up with your body.  The body wakes up faster than the mind hence a paralysis occurs. 

If all that don't work, masterbation before bed.  Orgasm releases good toxin feeling that can give you good sleep.

I had my case a long time ago.  So bad that I can hear myself praying like talking in my sleep.  So bad that I sleep walked but fell at the front door, where a religious statue was at.  Well silly kids n their imagination, the day before, I was fixated to that statues face n I kid you not, it smiled at me n I was warm n complete like my body n soul was heal. 

If Jesus talk to u, how would you feel moment. 

« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 01:58:28 PM by DuMa »

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2018, 01:58:56 PM »
I probably have been sat on before but didn't notice it. But every time I have a bad dream, wake up feeling scare, or thinking someone is looking at me, I just jump out of bed and face it. Its like all things in life. You will never cross over and defeat your fears or struggles unless you stand up to it.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2018, 02:27:29 PM »
The only way to defeat the sleep paralysis is to learn about it, face it, and fight it.

You are afraid of it because you have no background knowledge of why you are having it.  You need to take control of your well-being (physically, mentally, and spiritually).  Look deeper into your daily routine, lifestyle, food consumption, and family/friend relationships.  Detach yourself from toxic relationships, toxic food, or control your finances so its not deteriorating your conditions.  Learn to love yourself and treat yourself with care...real love.

For example:

Stress can cause you to have hormone imbalance (men and women).  It will trigger your body to store fat and possibility of extreme tiredness.  Just even things like that will make your physically body weaken and worsen your mental health.  Overall, it can cause your body to function differently than what it should be doing such as triggering you to lose sleep at night.  Your stress will challenge you in your dream-state (mentally) and may simply flip your dream into a sleep paralysis.  Your fear of sleep paralysis will cause you to lose control of your waken-life.  As we know, lack of sleep will cause you to lose focus, body fatigue, and if careless...dep ression.

______________ ______

I've suffered from sleep paralysis since I was a young child and I always thought I was the only one feeling, hearing, and seeing things differently.  As a child, spiritually... I was afraid of these sleep paralysis simply because I didn't know why it kept on happening to me.  When I was fourteen, I was up late playing games online and I heard my brother making noises in his sleep.  I went to wake him up and he started punching me.  My other two brothers got up to hold him back. A couple seconds in restraining him, he calmed down and explained to us that he was already woken but he saw this entity trying to imitate as my figure why he was persistent in trying to hit "it."  It was only then, that I realize I wasn't alone in this state of weridness.

The next day, in a dream...I had a visitor and it was sitting at the end of my mother's sewing machine.  It was completely a white figure wrapped up with its long sharped arms.  It didn't speak nor stare but it made its presence known.  I paid no attention to its reasons but instead demand it to leave immediately or I would lightening strike its head off.  Right then and there, I woke up right after.

Since that day to the present, I've gone through series of revelations and have equipped my heart as a warrior.  I've always known that spiritually I'm pretty strong-willed and should I fall into a sleep paralysis, I'm equipped to fight.  However, there is an inbalance in my waken-life...because physically I'm weak to the environment I'm born into and mentally still trying to educate myself of "the way of life."

It is very complex and complicated to explain.  Life will happen and when it does, it reveals insights of the philosophical world-view of the reality you live in.  The reality that is you.


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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2018, 02:33:14 PM »

Im asking because i suffer from sleep paralysis. I started to get sat on more and more recent. Im too chicken shit to fight it off. Lol😆
Ive spoken to a shaman about it and she told me it was a a spirit. 
Im stuck between two religion. 

So, what are some alternative route someone can take with out having to do the whole hmong ritual to remove an attach spirit?  Maybe hmong charms or home clensing?
in college we worked a lot of patients who had this and once we convinced them to get rid of their superstitious beliefs these things went away more often.  your issue is a mental thing. like many in here who experienced a lot of it, they believe in some sort of religion and that leads the brain to trigger some phony spirit beliefs. you should get tested and hopefully it's not serious seizures.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2018, 02:16:35 AM »
in college we worked a lot of patients who had this and once we convinced them to get rid of their superstitious beliefs these things went away more often.  your issue is a mental thing. like many in here who experienced a lot of it, they believe in some sort of religion and that leads the brain to trigger some phony spirit beliefs. you should get tested and hopefully it's not serious seizures.

You say that... but then there's a physical touch or tug... how do you explain that?

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2018, 12:14:00 PM »
I knew I should've never came in here... usually when you think or talk about it...

A attack happens...

I was napping on the couch today...

On my bellie!

And I got attacked...

I know it sounds funnie but I was suplexing them and doing all sorts of wrestling moves on them.. It was like a whole gange... cheezez...

Well!  Back to eating my salad!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

