
Author Topic: Perfection..  (Read 22396 times)

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2018, 08:40:11 AM »
Your idea of the perfect man is obviously not him.  In comparison to other people's husband, he surely is not the leave it to beaver guy. 

Are you obligated to cry about it? Sure you may.  Should you though?  Well it depends on what do you value the most in a marriage.  No married is perfect.  It is these flaws that makes it unique.  You can either learn how to deal with it or you can quit. 

It is not like you did not see it coming.  You had times in the dating phase to understand one another and that includes his habits.  You bought it so you have yourself to thank as well. 

I dunno.  I'm salty against grown up people playing video games to a severe degree that it can have an effect on their marriage.  It is like people lost touch with reality when they are in such zone that such habits becomes toxic to themselves and to the people around them. 

A man can be a man child only if he knows his roles.  If he can take care of business first, what he does on his free time is his own business.  As long as it does not harm him or bother other people then it is a healthy combination. 

I'm sorry but you are in a marriage or relationship where other people may say tisk tisk tisk.  Like how they look at you and say, girl you can do a lot better. 

Once again, you have your wants n needs.  You want that hubby to make you better or at least fits your definition of a qualified husband. 

I'm sorry but you lucked out.  Leave or stay, up to you.  I'd leave cuz I hate irresponsible gamers but that's just me.

He's has certain traits that does make him somewhat perfect, not "Perfect, Perfect!" but better than most.

Some things I value most is being valued, knowing I exist and not there to cater to all his needs and be a b*tch to him.  I want to be able to rely on someone.  Be able to count on him taking initiative without being told to do so.  I value trust, honesty, communication and love. 

Yes, during dating I had times I learned about his habits and yes I chose to marry him.  At the same time I did not see how bad it was till we got married.  When we were dating we weren't together all the time.  When we hung out we were out doing things because we did not want to be at his house or mine.  That meant dates, mall, park, etc... Now that we have a home, and also happen to be the only one in our friends to own a home... We often spend time home.  Yea, I will try to get him to do things here and there, but often he complains or says he's tired. 

Part of me does want to leave, but part of me wants to stay.  I am fed up with what he's done and keeps doing, but at the same time is that sufficient enough to leave?  To throw it all away?  We and I are complicated and I am indecisive.  It's like mixing water with oil.....

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #46 on: March 08, 2018, 08:41:28 AM »
He's gay (from what others have told me and pointed out openly as well as based on his posts) and one of the more common traits of gay men is they like to keep themselves looking good due to the looks competition i.e., going to the gym, body hair waxing, etc.,...

Not that there's anything wrong with being gay or living that lifestyle as staying healthy is a good thing and some straight men are like that too, just more common in the gay community...I have gay friends, co-workers, and family members that I've encouraged them to be proud of who they are and have even supported their events like the Pride Parade in San Francisco...

So good to see you're doing it for yourself and no one life trying to please others ain't much living imo.

Who's gay?  Or who are you referring to?  ???

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Offline Dok_Champa

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2018, 09:08:17 AM »
Bloggerdigest:  What you're going through is normal.  The first 5 years of marriages are the toughest because it's the "make or break" period.  You finally married and get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly side of a person and find ways to make it work.  Some people throw in the towel because too much work while others keep at it, grow from it, and find a way to make it work.  What you don't want to do is be an enabler.  Let him see the consequences of not doing his part.  Ex:  Let the snow pile up, let the grass grow, etc... eventually he will start to see the value of his contribution or lack of.

Oh, don't listen to the Poster.  He just want you to be part of the statistic so he can "mack" on you.  Listen to someone who has yearssssssssss ssssssssssssss of experience:) - been there, done that.

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But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning.<br />               --Sir Walter Raleigh


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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2018, 09:19:04 AM »
Alright let me throw in my 2 cents too.

All the guys have given stupid advice, especially the one who presumed that your hubby is gay LOL. Your hubby doesn't even like to work out...if anyone is keeping them self in good shape it's you so according to that guy's logic you would be the gay one. Haha anyway but seriously...

On the other hand, Dok_champa's advice seems the most mature and insightful. So I hope you give her a listen.

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2018, 10:01:56 AM »
Bloggerdigest:  What you're going through is normal.  The first 5 years of marriages are the toughest because it's the "make or break" period.  You finally married and get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly side of a person and find ways to make it work.  Some people throw in the towel because too much work while others keep at it, grow from it, and find a way to make it work.  What you don't want to do is be an enabler.  Let him see the consequences of not doing his part.  Ex:  Let the snow pile up, let the grass grow, etc... eventually he will start to see the value of his contribution or lack of.

Oh, don't listen to the Poster.  He just want you to be part of the statistic so he can "mack" on you.  Listen to someone who has yearssssssssss ssssssssssssss of experience:) - been there, done that.

That is the hard part, because I know there are more things to come, learn and grow from as it is still early in marriage....
But at the same time part of me is saying if he isn't going to change, why would he 5+ years from now. 
I am still young and don't have a lot tying me down that I can't just get up leave and really focus on myself. 
Some would say that is selfish, but at the same time I don't.  I invested a lot into us already and part of me keeps saying it's ok, he's not as bad as others.

I know I still have a lot of learning.  I am still in my early 20's, the majority of friends I have left now are into their late 20's to early 30's. 
I can't be a kid and be the person whom just let's things pile up.  It bugs me! 
People can say, "Well if it bugs you then you do it yourself!" 
Well that is not what marriage is about, it's about compromising and doing things that "adulting homeowners" should do. 

For example, just the other night his older sister (My sister in law) called me.  She and her husband got into an argument and she asked to stay at my house for a few nights.  I told her it was fine to come over as she is always welcomed.  I knew the guest bedroom was a mess as we tend to sometimes use that room as storage.  So I asked him to help me clear things out and tidy it up a it.  He got annoyed because I was already not letting him game.  He then proceeded to say there is no point to cleaning it, it's just his sister coming over and that I didn't need to do it!

Just yesterday, on my way home from work...
His sister called me and asked if I would like to shadow her on her showings. 
I am actually in the process of also getting my real estate license so I of course jumped on the opportunity.
I get home and get ready to go to the showings.  He starts throwing a tantrum because I hid his controllers.  I told him I am not in the right state to argue with him about it and he needs to drop it. 
He proceeds to call me stupid for hiding his stuff and that if I am going to hide his game then I can not go shadow his sister at her showings.  I ignore and tell him he does not need to game and that I am going with his sister to a show. 

Anyways I am at the show and he blows up my phone asking about his controllers.  I told him to stop it and that I do not want to argue over the phone.  He told me to come home and that we can argue.  I told him he does not need to game that he needed to grow up.  There was plenty of things that he can get done in or around the house instead of gaming and he told me I was mean.  Then told me that everyone already thinks that of me.  Anyway fast forward... I come home to nothing being done of course.  He's upstairs on his phone still in his work clothes.  Pizza he fed his niece is still on the dinning table, his lunch bag was still on the counter full of his used tupper-ware, he didn't feed his dog the food I had bought and brought home before the showings, the rice that was on the counter was not cooked so not sure what he ate while I was gone.... I couldn't leave stuff un-kept so what did I do?  I cleaned up, made dinner, loaded up the washer and still bothered to ask if he wanted to eat and to cook a second meal for him to pack to work. 

I hate being an enabler and being the one to make him seem like he never has to worry about anything or me leaving.  I can't not, not be the person who just doesn't care.  I know my problem is caring too much!  Sometimes I wish he would just know or experience what it's like to have to do everything on his own... Without his family and I.

Sorry for the life story, but yeah... I kinda figured hence one of the PH'ers did say send me a pic, if you cute we can talk and blah blah etc. 

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2018, 10:07:53 AM »
Alright let me throw in my 2 cents too.

All the guys have given stupid advice, especially the one who presumed that your hubby is gay LOL. Your hubby doesn't even like to work out...if anyone is keeping them self in good shape it's you so according to that guy's logic you would be the gay one. Haha anyway but seriously...

On the other hand, Dok_champa's advice seems the most mature and insightful. So I hope you give her a listen.

Yeah that "gay" thing made me a bit confused cause if he was referring to my significant other for being gay then well hahaha that's far from it.  Haha I joke with my husband from time to time asking if he is "gay" but I am almost certain my husband is not gay, HAHA!

Yeah I am trying to take in what everyone is saying and also just looking to get some things off my mind to people who don't know me :P

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2018, 10:53:30 AM »
My advice can either make or break you but it does sounds logical so hear me out. 

I'm sensing that you are sexual frustrated.  Him not wanting to hold n cater to you, instead he rather spends that love making time for his controller is making you feel neglected. 

If I was closer to you, well I can be with a $300 air flight ticket, I would service you.  Here is the best part.  If he knows about me n you, he would straighten up his act.  This man child of yours has you under control.  He knows that he has no competition thus why he is not meeting you in the middle.  He knows you are too weak to cheat or leave his thus.  All this will give him tremendous power over you. 

A good woman is a woman who has power.  He may be the head of the house hold but you are the neck so you should turn his head. 

You should try giving an ultimatum.  He needs to know the severity of your seriousness.  When I had mine, it woke me up cuz I don't want to lose her.  She be like...if you become unemployed again, I am going to leave you.  Although I'm not with her anymore, I held up my bargain by being employed cuz making money n buying women Victoria secret is my fetish. 

A man will not change if he sees you as a tool.  You have to be firm about it and in your 8 years with him, if he hears that you are going to leave him, he's going to change. 

You don't have to get a divorce.  Just take a time out by being separate but equal.  Tell him you will not come back until he straighten out. 

It is just a stupid game.  I'll give it up for love.  I'll just pick up another hobby to replace it.  Pornography.  Lol

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2018, 11:21:21 AM »
Look, I'm the only one in their right mind right now.

Like I said, alot of these "advices" are good and valid even "mature"...

Yeah they're all sensible and logical..

But listen to me!  Not them!  They aren't speaking from your shoes.  I'm speaking from your shoes!  They aren't speaking empathetically, I'm speaking empathetically .  They don't know how you feel, even after you explained how you feel! 

Like I said, you'll just regret it... how many years are you going to spend feeling the way you are today?  That's no way to live life... that's no way to go through a marriage..

For example.. he don't shovel the snow... So every year and so forth, when winter comes, the first thing on your mind when you wake up is how the snow isn't going to get shoveled... that'll make you mad and like I said, drain you mentally..

It already is!  I'm willing to bet when you get home, even before you get home, when it's close to quitting time at work you're already thinking about how the house is going to be a mess!  And you probably think of that everyday!  That's no way to live your life!  That's not healthy!  Not in my opinion!  It's draining!  Those kinda things will eat at you and you may even become a bitter person later in life..

I assume he's young too as you said you're young.  Maybe he will change... who know's.. maybe, maybe not.. it is a bit too early, but like I said before, guys really don't change.  They are who they are.  If you think they changed, it's actually they gotten older and to lazy to do the things they use to do. 

I know I couldn't put up with that from day in and day out. 

Look, I have alot of brothers.  I had two younger brother's who are gaming addicts.. and seeing them everyday on the computer's playing... from when I woke up, to when I went to sleep, coming back from doing something.. I see them on the computer playing games.  It really drove me nuts!  I'm sure it's doing the same to you too!

Yeah I might be trying to move in on you but!  On a serious note, you gotta cut your losses..  if you listen to the advice from the other's who told you stay and give it a chance... and keep working on the marriage, blah blah marriage isn't easy, you have to work on it, etc etc... you're still going to be unhappy and in the same position and feeling the same way you do now years from now.

All the advice you are getting from those folks who are telling you that it's almost your fault and for you to not think the way you do and for you to be patient etc etc... they all remind me of those intervention back in the days with the old folks when they are talking to a young couple that just got married and there's problem.  The wife is usually upset and mad etc etc etc or feel like she need help and hopefully the elders can step in and help(most of the time it's stuff like the husband hitting the wife, abusing her, cheating, etc etc)... and the wife is asking for help and hoping the elders can help and solve things or talk to the husband.. and especially if the wife want a divorce or go seperate ways the elders will "fix" things... and usually the say what all these folks are saying to you right now, they tell the wife to be patient, give it time, "oua siaj day" <--sound it out... she has no choice but to listen to them becuase now she feel like that's pretty much it!  There's nothing more that can be done!  And then you see later on that marriage the wife is still suffering... living a life she don't really care for or happy with.  It's sad.  The husband still is the same, abusing, cheating, being lazy, etc etc...

It's pretty sad, I've seen a few instances of this..  So when I read those advices from those other poster's, it just reminds me of those instances and it never works out well for the girl. 

So i emplore you to listen to me!  for your own sake! Your own happiness!  Yes it's scared being single agian, you been together with someone for so long you don't know how'd you be or what to do if you were to be single and "alone" agian.. but you'll be fine!  Just make sure I'm first on your list of guys to date!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2018, 11:26:11 AM »
My advice can either make or break you but it does sounds logical so hear me out. 

I'm sensing that you are sexual frustrated.  Him not wanting to hold n cater to you, instead he rather spends that love making time for his controller is making you feel neglected. 

If I was closer to you, well I can be with a $300 air flight ticket, I would service you.  Here is the best part.  If he knows about me n you, he would straighten up his act.  This man child of yours has you under control.  He knows that he has no competition thus why he is not meeting you in the middle.  He knows you are too weak to cheat or leave his thus.  All this will give him tremendous power over you. 

A good woman is a woman who has power.  He may be the head of the house hold but you are the neck so you should turn his head. 

You should try giving an ultimatum.  He needs to know the severity of your seriousness.  When I had mine, it woke me up cuz I don't want to lose her.  She be like...if you become unemployed again, I am going to leave you.  Although I'm not with her anymore, I held up my bargain by being employed cuz making money n buying women Victoria secret is my fetish. 

A man will not change if he sees you as a tool.  You have to be firm about it and in your 8 years with him, if he hears that you are going to leave him, he's going to change. 

You don't have to get a divorce.  Just take a time out by being separate but equal.  Tell him you will not come back until he straighten out. 

It is just a stupid game.  I'll give it up for love.  I'll just pick up another hobby to replace it.  Pornography.  Lol

I am not sexually frustrated.  I don't need him to cater to me necessarily... I need him to cater to us, our house, our future.

He's pretty much spending his time gaming with his friends or not wanting to do anything involving socializing outside the house if it does not mean gaming or gaming at his friends house.

I have given him ultimatums before.  That was good for about a week then he goes back to his same self. 

I have taken time away, not literally.... But I have ignored him, slept in separate rooms and kept myself occupied during the days such as going over to my Moms, going to his Sisters and etc.  To him it didn't bother him cause he knows I am not stupid.  He knows I am not going to do anything dumb.  He knows I can take care of myself and he knows I will always come home to sleep at night whether it be in the same room he's sleeping in or not. 

He isn't the head of house actually.  Everyone and even he says I am the head of house and I am the one who wears the pants.  I can admit to that.  Why am I though?  Because he gives me no choice but to be it!

I told him if he wanted to he could, but his idea of head of the house and mine are not the same clearly.  His mindset of being a "man" isn't the same as mine and that is where we clash heads. 

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2018, 11:42:59 AM »
Your game plan is still weak.  Try a harsher dose. 

I'd leave for years.  Obviously he already got you covered.  You are a week / weak lady.  Just a week n you come crawling back is not a punishment. 

Like my childhood friend.  He gets into trouble, gets whopping by his dad n his dad would feel bad about it so $5 he gave him.  He never learn anything about the lesson given cuz he knows how his father operates. 

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2018, 11:43:35 AM »
Look, I'm the only one in their right mind right now.

Like I said, alot of these "advices" are good and valid even "mature"...

Yeah they're all sensible and logical..

But listen to me!  Not them!  They aren't speaking from your shoes.  I'm speaking from your shoes!  They aren't speaking empathetically, I'm speaking empathetically .  They don't know how you feel, even after you explained how you feel! 

Like I said, you'll just regret it... how many years are you going to spend feeling the way you are today?  That's no way to live life... that's no way to go through a marriage..

For example.. he don't shovel the snow... So every year and so forth, when winter comes, the first thing on your mind when you wake up is how the snow isn't going to get shoveled... that'll make you mad and like I said, drain you mentally..

It already is!  I'm willing to bet when you get home, even before you get home, when it's close to quitting time at work you're already thinking about how the house is going to be a mess!  And you probably think of that everyday!  That's no way to live your life!  That's not healthy!  Not in my opinion!  It's draining!  Those kinda things will eat at you and you may even become a bitter person later in life..

I assume he's young too as you said you're young.  Maybe he will change... who know's.. maybe, maybe not.. it is a bit too early, but like I said before, guys really don't change.  They are who they are.  If you think they changed, it's actually they gotten older and to lazy to do the things they use to do. 

I know I couldn't put up with that from day in and day out. 

Look, I have alot of brothers.  I had two younger brother's who are gaming addicts.. and seeing them everyday on the computer's playing... from when I woke up, to when I went to sleep, coming back from doing something.. I see them on the computer playing games.  It really drove me nuts!  I'm sure it's doing the same to you too!

Yeah I might be trying to move in on you but!  On a serious note, you gotta cut your losses..  if you listen to the advice from the other's who told you stay and give it a chance... and keep working on the marriage, blah blah marriage isn't easy, you have to work on it, etc etc... you're still going to be unhappy and in the same position and feeling the same way you do now years from now.

All the advice you are getting from those folks who are telling you that it's almost your fault and for you to not think the way you do and for you to be patient etc etc... they all remind me of those intervention back in the days with the old folks when they are talking to a young couple that just got married and there's problem.  The wife is usually upset and mad etc etc etc or feel like she need help and hopefully the elders can step in and help(most of the time it's stuff like the husband hitting the wife, abusing her, cheating, etc etc)... and the wife is asking for help and hoping the elders can help and solve things or talk to the husband.. and especially if the wife want a divorce or go seperate ways the elders will "fix" things... and usually the say what all these folks are saying to you right now, they tell the wife to be patient, give it time, "oua siaj day" <--sound it out... she has no choice but to listen to them becuase now she feel like that's pretty much it!  There's nothing more that can be done!  And then you see later on that marriage the wife is still suffering... living a life she don't really care for or happy with.  It's sad.  The husband still is the same, abusing, cheating, being lazy, etc etc...

It's pretty sad, I've seen a few instances of this..  So when I read those advices from those other poster's, it just reminds me of those instances and it never works out well for the girl. 

So i emplore you to listen to me!  for your own sake! Your own happiness!  Yes it's scared being single agian, you been together with someone for so long you don't know how'd you be or what to do if you were to be single and "alone" agian.. but you'll be fine!  Just make sure I'm first on your list of guys to date!

Ohhh boy, I am so sorry haha but besides little things here and there that I got from this... It all comes to you wanting a shot.  :2funny:

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2018, 11:47:05 AM »
You know what?  You came here with your drama and we gave you advices n all I see is you defending him.

If that's the case then sux to be you.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are laughing at you right now. 

I can solve this case in 2 seconds but takes me 10 for tougher cases like infidelity. 

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2018, 11:47:29 AM »
Your game plan is still weak.  Try a harsher dose. 

I'd leave for years.  Obviously he already got you covered.  You are a week / weak lady.  Just a week n you come crawling back is not a punishment. 

Like my childhood friend.  He gets into trouble, gets whopping by his dad n his dad would feel bad about it so $5 he gave him.  He never learn anything about the lesson given cuz he knows how his father operates.

I suppose so, if you look it that way.
Yeah I guess I am weak.  Why leave for years and come back though?  If I am going to leave for years then I wouldn't want to come back..

I know you are going to say, well if you leave for only a week... Why leave in the first place?

I never left for a week.  I tend to just give less sh*t then I do for a while till he starts apologizing and trying anything to sugar coat what he has done. 

Stupid huh? I know.

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #58 on: March 08, 2018, 11:50:27 AM »
You know what?  You came here with your drama and we gave you advices n all I see is you defending him.

If that's the case then sux to be you.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are laughing at you right now. 

I can solve this case in 2 seconds but takes me 10 for tougher cases like infidelity.

You could say yeah I am somewhat defending him.
He isn't all bad.  I am not perfect and neither is he.

Yeah, at times it does suck to be me.  I don't expect you or others to understand.  I could care less about who's laughing tbh.

Like I said I am mostly here just to vent and listen to what other's have to say, is that so wrong..

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Perfection..
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2018, 11:53:26 AM »
Of course I want a shot..

But seriously, your story, I've seen before and it's happened many a time with many of girls. 

I'm just being honest with you. 

I'm glad you're here and you can get a few laughs to lighten up your day and a break from what's going on home.  come here more often!!!!!

I want my chance!!!!!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

