
Author Topic: Religious Difference  (Read 2103 times)

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Re: Religious Difference
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2021, 07:18:34 AM »
Cain is the aa**** and Seth yog ib muam xwb. It's no wonder why Seth is losing because he got no spine...just like his dad.

Adam got no spine to say no to Eve. Male fell down with the female because males tend to follow the woman instead. Then all males of humanity starts to sin more than the female. This is why there isn't much female stories in the Bible because man causes more sin than a woman. Men are more aggressive than girls. For Pete sake, even in sex, males are aggressive to destroy a female in bed already. I mean, MA DAYUM! Talking about sticking it in and out while pinning and grabbing a woman's hair. YEESH!

Nah, Adam and Eve are both naïve and gullible. It's so easy for the couple to fall under hypnosis spell by a talking snake. Unlike the two, Jesus can withstand any temptation of Satan's hypnosis skill. How can he? Throughout Jesus's life he has been reading all the scriptures when he's in mortal form. Each time Satan tempt him with riddle Jesus can decipher it easily and his discernment protect him from sound mind. Why Jesus cannot fall from grace and the couples can easily fall? It's not Adam and Eve were weak from the beginning. They don't train their ears and eyes very well. Didn't Jesus mentioned the parable of the sower, each person is defined as different type of ground?
Dirt A - good soil define as obedient
Dirt B - rocky soil define as walking on right path but eventually fall away to materialism
Dirt C - harsh soil define as distract by all kind of evil deeds from the world
Dirt D - bumpy soil define as doubtful while malevolent beings steal faith away

Which soil categorized as Adam and Eve? Yes, they're Dirt B when they fall away to materialism which is the apple that Eve picked from the Tree of Knowledge.

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