
Author Topic: this guy has the most believable NDE  (Read 4235 times)

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this guy has the most believable NDE
« on: January 11, 2023, 07:39:19 AM »
Near death experience they call it? And no I am not even being sarcastic here...or maybe just a little, but I have to wonder..who would make such claims that sounds a lot like he went into Tellytubbies land..haha

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Re: this guy has the most believable NDE
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2023, 01:01:21 PM »
Your response should be.  He did not really die but your science said that he is "clinically" dead.   

NDE is universal.  There is a NDE testimonial by those who came back to life in all countries, all cultures and all gender. 

My conclusion is that there obviously something there.  If one person sees a blue unicorn then that is a hallucination but if thousands of people all saw a blue unicorn then there is obviously that there is something there.  I'm not saying that the blue unicorn exist.  I'm just saying that the truth is there somewhere. 

Your science have said that in NDE, the brain is not getting oxygen and when that happens, something is going up there in your brain that makes you see stuff. 

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Re: this guy has the most believable NDE
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2023, 07:00:09 PM »
My first intuition on this guy is, he doesn't care if people believe him or not..he just needed to share and get it off his chest, at the same time his mischivious and boyish demeanor was also entertaining.. haha reminds me of that guy who always make people laughed or entertained even without trying to or being their intent..lols

like dreams, for me personally, If I can remember them, I know some are random..just like how we daydream and come up with corney story lines..or how our mind never stop wondering even when we're if I've been wondering bout an old friend all day, or about something all day, these thoughts might carry or continue on into my dreams that night..haha.bu t if I have a dream that is too random but significant, usually a bad's definitely a sign from the other side or the demons gaslighting me...haha

NDE's? I don't know or can't say..but this guy here sounded like he really knew how existence work..We're just like a force of the wind..sometime s this wind hits a mountain and splits into all directions, sometime these wind hit the oceans surface creating waves..sometim es they travel all the way up to outer maybe that's why there's so many different variations of NDE's from differnt people..we just happened to be the wind that hit the ground and thus we became humans..haha hopefully im the wind that hits the mountain so id be an eagle next time instead..lols

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Re: this guy has the most believable NDE
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2023, 09:58:50 PM »
This guy here Nde is more like what I would imagine after life on earth.

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Offline JonniJacko

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