Covid came out in late 2019
Thus the name COVID-19
19 as in 2019
To do your math
It hasn’t even 5 years yet
Only 3+ years

To answer your question
My RN wife say people still dying
You can lie to yourself
Tell all these fairy tells
Listen to these fake news
But yeah people are still dying from covid
And I bet high percentage of those still dying are from Jabbed happy people.
The newspaper reports that 58% of coronavirus deaths in August (2022)occurred in people who’d been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 (covid shot) - FierceHealthCa
Now, Rock... I'm not saying that covid does not kill. It does, just like the flu, cold, etc etc All viruses kill people with a compromised health. And the older we are, the less healthy we are... Hence, majority of the death from covid are from older people.
According to, death rate by age:
0-17: ~1.4 thousand
18-29: ~6.8 thousand
30-39: ~19 thousand
40-49: ~45 thousand
50-64: ~198 thousand
65-74: ~248 thousand
75-85: ~286 thousand
86-xx: ~295 thousand
Total death in the US ~ 1.1 millions
What's interesting is that death from flu plummeted as soon as covid hit...
And here's something interesting that even
CNN is reporting... COVID-19 is the
third leading cause of death in the US for the last three years... and will continue to be so in 2023.
Heart Disease and Cancer are the number 1 and 2 causes of death, both killing 600,000+ per year. So, why is the Lefties/Demmies concentrating on covid? It's all about control and fear mongering...