
Author Topic: More WOKE BS... from the Lefties/Demmies  (Read 144 times)

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More WOKE BS... from the Lefties/Demmies
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:04:21 PM »
- UK fire chief banned the use of "Fireman", "Firemen" because it's sexist and a form of micro-aggression. Anyone using it will face disciplinary action. However, statistic shows that 95.6% are men. Perfect example of banning 'man-hole', 'police-men', 'field' etc etc in the US.

- That's correct because I don't know what the thing is...

Washington Post: Men Dropping Out of Workforce Could be Progress - Yes, that's progress... having men drop out of the work force to get more women pulling their share.

Woman identified as British Columbia Wolf... she even got the breed too?  :idiot2: :idiot2:

Trans Youtuber/TikToker, Dylan, says It carries tampon and pad with Itself... Hmmm... I guess I would too if I have uncontrollable runs  :2funny: :2funny:
I think It is getting paid to promote Tampax tampon too, right? And why not when you have nutz that believed they actually have period and need the product. Howeve, Tampax is making a mockery of biological women.

NYT Ask... Was I Right to Call the Cop on a Black Man Breaking Into a Car? - No, you will be labeled a racist. If it's not your car, just mind your own businesses.

LA Times: How White and Affluents Drivers Polluting the Air Breathe by the L.A.'s POC

The Hill: Real estate market adds to transgender American's 'housing crisis'... - body of article states "While limited information exists on the actual number of transgender people experiencing homelessness.. ." - So, you have no data but you claimed it's a crisis to them?  :idiot2: :idiot2:

Healthline: What is Menopause? - Most Vagina owners start menopause between the ages of 45-50 I don't own a vagina so I guess I'm safe, But if I had own a Vagina, I might be on 'menopause' right now.

Hillbilly: Ukraine conflict shows climate change primarily affects women  :idiot2: :idiot2: WTF is she talking about? Trying to hit the three major "hot topic" all at once - Ukraine, climate change, women

CA: State task force boosts $360K to all eligible black person in CA. This is in addition to the $5Mills in SF and over half a $billions to all black students. Good luck Californians, y'all be paying for this LOLZ!!!

Magazine:How Russia's War on Ukraine is Advancing LGBTQ+++ Rights - LGBTQ++ soldiers on Ukraine's front line has put the lie to the idea that gay can't be patriots. Hmmm... I've not heard anyone saying that gays can't be patriots.

AZ school board member, wearing cat ears during a school board meeting, says that the district should not hire teachers from Christian University because of their religious and Bible belief.

Yes, they should hire furries and groomers only.

UN Women: Of all journalists killed in 2022, 11% were women. In 2021, this was 6%. (source: UNESCO). On the International Day to #EndImpunity for Crimes against journalists, let us say out loud: STOP TARGETING WOMEN JOURNALISTS - Hmmm... 8% women and 92% men, but let's stop targeting women.

If any of you Pher drink or used milk in your cooking or cereal... just know that you're a White Supremacist.
PETA: Why Cow's Milk is the Perfect Drink for Supremacists Well, I guess all school in the US are white supremacists.
The Conversation: How the Alt-Right uses milk to promote White Supremacy - must be because majority of milk is white.

Biden Admin gave "International Women of Courage Award" to a biological male - again, the mockery of women. Apparently, there are no biological woman is worth this award and it has to be given to a man.

AP - John Daniszewski, VP for Standards June 2020: The Decision to capitalized Black
AP - John Daniszewski, VP for Standards July 2020: Why We Will lowercase white

Yes, AP the cap and non cap really help with racism, equity, etc. etc.

Britain: God's pronouns are causing conniptions in Britain - Anglicans are debating whether He should be He/Him or She/Her or something else. Next, Buddha will be refer to as they/them.

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- Maxi pad not greatest thing on earth but next to it.


