
Author Topic: Do you agree with Thao regarding "Sugar Dating"?  (Read 961 times)

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Do you agree with Thao regarding "Sugar Dating"?
« on: September 02, 2023, 01:37:18 AM »
Vietnamese beauty queen defends her comments on ‘sugar dating’ after controversy

Miss Fitness Vietnam 2022 runner-up Lê Phương Thảo has spoken out after stirring controversy by expressing support for "sugar dating."

How it started: Lê, 29, drew backlash on Wednesday for a video she posted on social media where she reportedly said she supports “women being 'sugar babies,' as long as you don't interfere in any marriage.” She reasoned that older men have already established their finances and careers, while younger men are still building theirs.

About the lifestyle: Sugar dating involves an intimate relationship between an older, wealthier person and a younger individual in exchange for money, gifts, trips and other material objects.

Social media reacts: Several people have criticized Thảo for promoting an “unhealthy” lifestyle to women, with one Vietnamese social media user calling the mindset “lazy.”

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Addressing the criticism: Speaking to NgoiSao on Thursday, Lê explained that her comments were misunderstood, saying, “I said I supported dating older men as they had the ability to take care of women thanks to their financial and career accomplishment s. ... Many are distorting the definition of the term 'sugar dating' to criticize me."

Lê pointed out that she does not support being a non-consensual third-party in a relationship. She also said that women should choose a partner who has good ethics and better financial stability, explaining that women’s careers are often derailed after they give birth.

“If you choose to get married to men who don't possess the ability to take care of your family, then you will have to do two things at the same time: give birth and make money,” Lê explained.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Do you agree with Thao regarding "Sugar Dating"?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2023, 12:56:00 PM »
We can all sit here and reason that as long as it's not harming anyone then these kind of behaviors are okay. The reality is that our behaviors dictate culture, and in this specific case the interactions between men and women. There is no reason why a woman with her physical looks and I'm assuming feminine personality can't attract a successful and wealthy man to to fully commit to her instead of treating her like a high-end prostitute.

When women willingly engage in this type of dynamic, they do indirectly harm other women in relationships or those wanting a committed, monogamous relationship. They are offering up an alternative lifestyle where men have no accountability, view women as expendable, and have no sense of urgency to settle down and enter marriage. This results in a society with higher crimes, fractured families, and so forth. There will be a break down in society. I won't go into detail right now as to why having married men makes society safer and better, but statistics do support that single men with no responsibiliti es are more likely to commit heinous crimes, such as: rape, murder, etc. 

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