Tram and last gas station for car renters nearest to the airport and yes, that ARCO gas station has been there a long time..:

funny story about this particular am/pm. Long while back in the early 00's. My brother and two of his friends needed someone to pick them up from the airport because the person who was suppose to either forgot or had some kind of emergency. So He calls me. ANd I was reluctant because I have never picked anyone up at the airport before so I didn't really know what to expect. But he says it's easy, just pay attention to the signs, go park in the waiting zone, and when i get a text, just drive by the arrival area and look for them or they will flag me down.
anyway, when i got to the airport, right before this am/pm, there is this little dirt road to the right that is prohibited for public access. I don't know why or how the hell, but I turn there and got stuck in the mud...lols. they usually have it blocked off with one of those metal flaps or something..but it was open for some reason that day or moment I got there...but it was raining, so it was muddy. I finally manage to get out of there after putting the car in the lowest gear...and I drove to this am pm...with a muddy ass car...leaving a streak of muddy trail all the way to the am/pm here...lols looking for the car wash. I can't remember if they have a car wash in the am/pm but I remember I look at the car, and because it was raining pretty good, most of the mud and dirt was washed off by the I drove to the wait area, wait for them to call, and I told them what happen and they laughed their ass off...
so yeah. Important life lesson...if something is your first time doing, don't stress it, embrace the challenge..hah
update: I'm pretty sure the Airport security survellience members had a good laugh too..lols