
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606812 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1065 on: November 12, 2009, 12:03:47 AM »

yea, can't believed they tricked people with their smart trailer. Payed those people, to go in a theater and act scared so they can catch it on camera and use it to make the movie look very scary. I'll atleast give them props for their smart tactics

It is a rip off.

The movie is really not worth the money they're asking for people to pay to see it.

ticket should only cause 2 bucks the most.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1066 on: November 12, 2009, 01:25:41 AM »
Everything he describe was similar to the P.A. movie....  Just that the location was in Laos...

Here's one. I don't remember if I ever told this story on PH yet... My SIL used to lived in this chicken couple place that was turned into apartment/duplexes... Soon after they moved into the duplexes, weird things started happening. The kids saw everything first then it started happening to the parents....

One night the oldest daughter and the baby were home. It was dark and the oldest daughter was on the computer taking web photos... She stared into the computer screen and saw a shadow in the back. She look back and there were no one there. The baby was asleep and if the baby woke up she would hear him. She thought it was nothing so continues on. She looked at the screen again and sees a black figure by the door… Her back was facing the bedroom doors. By this time she felt goose bump but continue to take photos.. After a few shots she decided to check them out. The photos of her face were rotten looking.. She got scared and deleted those fotos.. (I told her she should have kept it to let us see it for proof) Anyhow, she said that everyone in the family has been seeing this black figure and at a point was scared to sleep at home. So one night they decided to come sleep at my place. We asked them if they would put it to a test that their home is haunted. They decided to turn the lights on in their house and had the web cam on… The next day we viewed the video. Nothing strange happen until the lights went off for a quick second and turned back on.. So maybe it knows they had the web cam on and it did not want to be seen.. lol

Anyhow the mom was scared for everyone and decided to go see a fortuneteller… She took her oldest daughter. The moment they step inside the fortuneteller’s place, he saw something strange about the oldest daughter and didn’t even ask them anything. He gave the oldest daughter a necklace of coins and something else for her pillow. (I guess the oldest daughter was home all the time alone with the baby.) Said that there is something wrong with her and needs to get help soon. Then he told them that there’s something in their home and they need to move ASAP or else things will get worse but they cannot go home and start packing and say they are moving because it will follow them. About a week later they packed a few things and moved out slowly… The mom said that when they were leaving, she felt like “IT” knows and were laughing at them.

After a few months they bought a house and thought things were okay. However the kids started seeing things again. The baby son would see it and point where “IT” is and say it’s rotten. Then the family was spook all over again… A few weeks later my FIL’s sister came to visit and she did her thing to see why the ghost is after them. The aunt found out that the ghost is a girl and she liked the third son so she followed him.  The third son is the black sheep of the family.. Then the aunt bribes the ghost with money and food to leave the third son alone. The ghost agreed and they changed the name of the third son.. Ever since the family lived in peace…

it was paranormal activity but changed the characters name and gay! asian folks can relate more to paranormal activity because there are things like that happen to certain asian familiies...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1067 on: November 12, 2009, 01:40:07 AM »
yea, the movie was a joke. I should rather watch Chuckie

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1068 on: November 12, 2009, 12:42:42 PM »
Is this chicken-apartment-duplex place located in Georgia? If so, I wouldn't be surprised.

Yep Yep Yep, that's the place.... U got scary story to tell too..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1069 on: November 12, 2009, 12:49:58 PM »
Just be glad u don't have it.. It sucks being sit on. Usually now when I see a black figure coming, I would say some stuff and it disappear...

i don't get sit on but i do get the occasional sleep paralysis. it's not the way you guys experience it. it's more of my body is shut down but my mind is awake. i do get scared but i remind myself that my body is shut down so i try to go back to sleep. i hope to never get sit on. (knock on wood). i've had a couple of dreams of it and it can be scary.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1070 on: November 12, 2009, 01:07:52 PM »
highway, yeah. only that brother saw the little girl. no one else saw it. my niece, the one that had the dream, she does senses the little girl in the house. for some reason, she attracts little ghost girls. i know that there is one attached to her way before this little kimono wearing girl. my niece wants to meditate and ask why she is there but her bf told her not to do it. i forgot the reason why.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1071 on: November 12, 2009, 01:26:41 PM »
No, no. I don't have any scary chicken-apartment-duplex story to tell. I only mentioned it because I've seen (and been inside) that place and it looks creepy itself. 

it is creepy.. SOme of my brothers rented that place to stay for 1 month and when they moved here I was excited so I happen to spend the night with them.. Even though it's creepy there. Lets just say I slept by the wall and made sure every else is sleep close by. ;D I still didn't sleep thru the night.. kept thinking it's gonna sit on me. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1072 on: November 12, 2009, 01:39:10 PM »
Oh? I think you just have an overactive imagination.

Are you from GA, then?

Yep.. when did u visit GA?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1073 on: November 12, 2009, 01:44:30 PM »
I used to live there when I was younger... in a little town called Winder before Hmong people started flocking in.

So u moved away? hehe I'm glad I never lived there although the place me and husband's family lived in stone mountain was pretty scary too.. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1074 on: November 12, 2009, 01:50:57 PM »
Yes. We moved to NC way back when.

Oh... scary things have a tendency to follow you eh? Do tell more..

Well I didn't experience anything there but the other people did.. Although, there were mornings where I woke up around 6am when it's still dark to cook outside for the hub's lunch and would feel like there's something there staring at me but I just don't see it..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1075 on: November 12, 2009, 02:00:41 PM »
Don't tease, woman! Just tell. What did you hear? What do neighbors see?

alrighty then, one night my SIL rushed home around 11pm and said she saw something white walking around the trees... It was her and this guy chit chatting outside.. She said it was floating so it can't be human.  ;D Then the guys who hang out at night say they be seeing things.... Maybe when they are high. ;D Like I said I didn't experience anything there.. Just felt goose bumps when u felt something presence but don't see anything or hear anything.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1076 on: November 12, 2009, 02:25:24 PM »
reminds me of floating things..

this happened maybe 15 years or so ago. one of my brother took on this farming job down south. anyway, he took several of us with him to go pick baby cucumbers. the owners gave us two house. one house was right across a cementary and the other one looked normal. well, another brother went with us. he didn't want to sleep in the normal house and wanted to sleep in the van. well, while he was looking outside the van, he noticed something white was floating in one of the rooms in the house. he quickly ran inside the house. he told us about it and i guess one of the elders were said that it was nothing and we should just go sleep! well, being an ass at the time, that brother said something stupid and all of a sudden, we heard a thump from the basement door!!! i got so scared that i covered myself with my blanket and went to sleep.

another incident in that house.

it was our first night there. there was already two hmong families in that house so my sister and I slept in one room with a bunch of kids. well, i got the middle and my sister got the edge. according to my sister, she felt a little kid stand right in front of her. she reached up to see what the kid wanted. she touched the child and the child was cold all over. she got up, looked around but everyone was already asleep.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1077 on: November 12, 2009, 02:37:54 PM »
i don't remember. soemthing stupid!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1078 on: November 12, 2009, 02:46:16 PM »
This happened to one fo my cousin from my mom's side of the family. The older brother of the person that this happened to and I do hang out a lot. he told me about his little brothers experience with something they can't explain.

One time his little brother and one of their nephew went to check out some grils a town 45 minutes away from where we live. May I say this first, this happened in California. Anyways, him and his nephew went and rented a room at the motel. I forgot which motel this was. After they rented the room, they went and put their things in the room and left for dinner.

After dinner and while they were heading back to the motel before they started out to go see the girls they've went to see. While they were driving back, they saw a hot looking vietnamese chick walking on the sidewalk. They asked if she wanted a ride. Stupid them for picking her up. She could've been an undercover. Anyways, they've picked her up and took her back to the motel. She was really good looking with a nice body, but she hardly spoke. She would only answer what they asked.

She was with them for a couple of hours jsut hanging and god knows what they were doing. Towards the end before she left, she was playing with my cousin's brother's phone. He left his phne on top of the TV and she grabbed it and started playing with it.

After she left, my cousin's brother wanted to know what and why she was playing with his phone. It appreared that all his contacts have been erased. He was pissed know that she erased all his contacts. Later that night they went to visit their girls and came back home.

On their way back home, his phone rang and a number he wasn't familiar with shows up on the caller ID. He picks up the call but there's nothing behind it...he would ask who it was but did this the entire way home. Next day it did the same thing, so he decided to return the call. He would dial the number and the operator would say that the number he's dialing is not correct. This happened everytime he calls back. This kept on for a couple of days until he was getting creeped out coz everytime he returns the call to a number that's not correct...but it shows up on his caller ID....

After he told his older brother (the guy that i hang out with) and his older brother tried calling that same number back on his phone. When he called back the operator said that number does not exist (it's sort of in that sense). OK so now they were getting all sorts of weird thoughts. He asked his little brother what happened and after he was told what happened, he was advised to just get rid of the phone. His little brother smashed the phone and went and got a new one.

A couple of days later after he got his new phone, that same number called again....I don't know what happened after this coz at the time i was told of this it was still going on and I haven't asked since then...

It might be a prank but how can one explain the callbacks to a number that isn;t correct....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1079 on: November 12, 2009, 03:01:43 PM »
HW, u sound like someone i know now..

anyways, here's one.... I heard it thru my SIL... Her MIL was going thru a surgery and was in the hospital... One night while falling asleep, she felt pain in her arm where they put the IV.. She woke up to only find a rotten girl pinning the needle hard into her arm to make her bleed... She wasn't scared and probably know who the rotten girl was so she yelled out in hmong " are u not embarrassed to the world that you are doing this to me? Please go away." The ghost disappear.. Man stories like this makes me want to stay away from hospital.

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