
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606020 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1140 on: December 24, 2009, 02:48:45 PM »
A long time ago when I first started dating my girlfriend (at the time; now, she's my ex-wife), they lived in these certain apartments that was known for several hauntings.  Her family lived on a top tier apartment, while one of her uncles lived underneath them.  The dude was considered hardcore at the time (ua ua laib), but had a wife and kids.

In the living room, he had a couple parakeets (noisy mofos) and a drumset.  The parakeets, sometimes would be noisy, even at night.  But in the middle of a few nights, when all was quiet, the drums would start playing.  He, being the hardcore guy that he was, would quietly whisper to his wife to go check it out.

She said, "No, I'm afraid."

He would just say, "Go.  I'll be right behind you."  (Hehehe ... some hardcore guy.  Just goes to show, even hardcore guys aren't so hardcore when it comes to the supernatural.)

She would slowly get out of bed and walk to the bedroom door.  The drumset was still playing this whole time, don't get me wrong.  She slowly opens the bedroom door and the drumset would immediately stop playing.  She saw nothing.  She would close the door and come back to bed.

A few minutes later, the drumset would start playing again.  He would tell her to go look again.  Again, the playing would stop.

A few days later, he sold the drumset and moved out.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1141 on: December 24, 2009, 02:58:39 PM »
About that apartment where my ex-wife's uncle was living in ...

It was rumored that before they lived there, there was an older Hmong couple living there.  The lady wore a silver bracelet on her left wrist.  One day the lady started getting sick. 

Sometimes, the water in the bathtub would start running.  If nobody went to turn it off, the tub would overflow.  It would be just cold water, never warm or hot.

Sometimes, late at night, while they were sleeping, they can hear the sound of pots and pans and dishes from the kitchen.  When the old man would get up, he sees nothing and the sound would stop.

One night, it was a full moon out.  The bedroom curtain wasn't closed all the way.  The old man couldn't sleep because the moonlight was shining into the bedroom.  He went up to close the curtains, but right before he closed the curtains, he saw something outside.  He slowly peeked through the gap and saw a tiger walking outside.  He thought it was strange.  He tried to get a better look, but the tiger turned around and walked behind a big tree.

A few nights later, he decided he was going to take a better look.  Since it was a 2-bedroom apartment, he has his relatives hide in the other bedroom while he and the sick old lady slept in their room.

That night, late at night, the tiger came around again.  The relatives said the tiger was a tiger, alright.  But the left front leg (or paw), there was a silver bracelet.  From the bracelet forward, it was still a human hand.

A few weeks later, the old lady died and the tiger never came back.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1142 on: December 24, 2009, 03:19:42 PM »
On the same row of apartments where my ex-wife's family used to live there, were their aunt and uncle.  The uncle had his mom living with them at the time too.

So anyway ... before I started dating my girlfriend at the time ...

The mother started doing weird things.  She never became sick or anything.  Sometimes, in broad daylight, she'll be sitting on her stool (khwb teeb) and she'll open her mouth and out will come her tongue.  Her tongue was so long that it will actually reach or almost reach the floor.  She'll start panting like a dog.

The aunt would yell at her, "Phee!  Koj tsis txaj muag los cas na?"  which translates to "Phee!  Aren't you embarrased?"  This was in regards to the hanging out of the tongue.  Once the aunt said that, the grandma would snap out of it and reel in her tongue again.

Every once in a while or so, the grandma would complain of pain around the area of her behind.  They would take her to the bedroom (the first few times) and check it out.  She was starting to grow a snub of a tail.  They would say, "Phee!  Koj tsis txaj muag los cas?" and spit on it.  The snub would start shrinking and go away.  The later times, they would take her to the hospital just in case.  The doctors see the snub and have no explanation.  They just tell her to take her home and do what spiritual things the Hmong can do.  The doctors were well-aware of the Hmong culture.

So one night, they decided to call up a shaman.  The shaman knew already that there was something bugging the grandma, ready to take her with it.  They did the neeb at night.  Don't ask me, but I assume because of the type of ritual they were about to do, they have to do it at night.

Anyway, almost immediately after the shaman started his trance, he grabbed for his shaman sword and started pointing around.  Everybody who was there had to move out of the way, because nobody knew when the shaman was about to strike.  He pointed around while one person (tus hwj neeb) held him at the waist for balance.  He pointed around high, low, around, and then pointed towards a corner of the living room.  Instantly, he threw the shaman sword at the corner and hit something. Blood sprayed from out of nowhere.  "It" ran on the ceiling and out the front door, leaving a blood trail gushing behind it.  The people around chased after "it" and found that the trail went up the outside wall to the roof.  They all looked up and saw nothing.  Meanwhile, inside the shaman finished his trance.

Later that night, the aunt had a dream.  "It" came as a dark figure and taunted to the aunt, "Hwb ... nej cav nim xav xav tua kuv, nej tua twb tsis tau kuv.  Kuv khiav mus nraum zoov xwb.  Nej cav ntsia ntsia kuv thaum kuv nce ru tsev lawm, kuv twb ntsia ntsia nej thiab."  That translates to "Hwv ... you guys wanted to kill me so bad, you couldn't kill me.  I ran outside only.  When you were looking at me when I ran to the rooftop, I was looking straight back at ya!"

I never did know what the outcome of the whole thing was, because my girlfriend's family moved away from the apartments.

And if you guys think those stories aren't even scary (or freaky), there's more to come.  Freakier too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1143 on: December 24, 2009, 03:48:03 PM »
Okay, same place as above.  Different month, different year.

We were settled in pretty much by now.  My brother and his friends hung out at the place a lot of times, but we never really did hang out.  One of his irresponsibe friends would borrow some of my DVD's (I had a huge collection, but catalogged everything) for months on in until I started asking about it.  Then, my brother would mention it to him and he would bring it back.

It had been at least a year since the last event until my brother bought "The Exorcist" DVD.  He and his friends watched it one day.

A few days later, I came home from work (still working dayshift, but on a different training session) to find the front door open about one foot.  My brother's car was gone from the outside too.  I went in and quickly checked out things.  As I was looking around the place, however, I was also on the phone with my brother.

"Did you forget to close the door?" I asked him.

"No.  When I left, I locked the door and closed it," he said.

I looked around and found there was nothing missing except for about 7 DVD's.  I thought to myself that it was odd.  At this time, I thought that my brother's friend had borrowed it again. 

I called my brother again to ask if his friend had borrowed my DVD's.  He said no.  His friend hadn't been over lately.  I asked again, are you serious?  He said again, no.  I thought my brother was just bull$hitting me, so I said, if he borrowed it, just tell me the truth.  I won't get mad as long he returns them in a timely manner.  My brother said no, his friend didn't borrow it.

Later that day, I called my cousin's brother (I guess that would make him my cousin too).  This cousin knows how to "saib yaig".  I told him what happened and he said he would look into it for me.  A few minutes later, he called back and told me that my items weren't out of the place.  It has just been taken by someone of secondary nature.  I asked him what that meant.  He said, if I had a wife (which I didn't at the time), it would be someone like my wife.  But since I didn't have a wife, it would be someone like my brother.  I asked, what do you mean it hasn't left the place though?  He said, that secondary person put it in a place which is between the front door and the bedroom towards the side where the sun sets. 

Wait!!!  That places the DVD's .......... INSIDE the wall between the front door and MY bedroom.  Right then and there, I thought of the previous tenant's mother.

So?  Did you tear down the wall to confirm your DVD's were in there? 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1144 on: December 24, 2009, 03:51:07 PM »
So?  Did you tear down the wall to confirm your DVD's were in there? 
No.  I just moved out later.  My cousin said that eventually, my DVD's would come back, but it won't be soon.  He said it might take years, and sometimes it might not even come back during my stay.  So later on, I just moved.  Not because of that event, but for other reasons, we moved (like bigger place).

I just chalked it up as things to replace.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1145 on: December 24, 2009, 03:51:43 PM »
Later on, I had married my ex-wife at the time.  We lived in this small apartment, so we really only used it to come home to sleep and of course, to store our stuff.

Anyway, we used to visit my wife's (wife at the time, so I'll just say wife for now) grandparents.  She had an aunt (their youngest daughter) who was a few years older than my wife.  My brother and our nephew knew her too.

One day, we (the wife and I) showed up at the grandparents' house.  My brother and our nephew decided to show up too.  They were planning to spend the night at our place for the weekend.  It as getting late and we were all bored.  So the aunt says, "Hey, we can play Ouija board."  We all agree to try and turn off the TV.  No candles though, cause we're not white peeps.

With lights on and everything, only a couple persons play.  Most were still skeptical and didn't want to play.  I think at the time, it was just the aunt, her friend, and my nephew.  They started playing and were having fun.  They started asking questions of people who weren't even playing.  Eventually they got to me and asked "it" what my birthday was.  Low and behold, they got it right.  I was starting to get intrigued and asked what my driver's license number was.  "It" got it right too.  WTF!

The spirit that they talked to that night said it was a boy who had drowned when the apartment complex still had a pool.  He said he was having fun and that there were other spirits too.  It got later and they wanted to stop playing, so they told the boy that they had to go.  They all said goodbye, including the boy.  The pointer just stopped, meaning the boy left.  Everybody went home ... yada yada.

The next day, we went over again, including my brother and nephew.  All the friends wanted to play again.  The aunt whipped out the Ouija board again and called the little boy back.  They started talking and asked more about the boy.  They learned more, but this time, they learned that the other spirits the boy was talking about included good spirits and bad spirits.  He said that was one bad spirit that would bully all the other spirits though.  Nothing else eventful happened.

The third day, we all played, including me.  So this time, it was the aunt, me, my nephew, and the aunt's friend.  It may have included others too, but I forgot.  We talked to the boy at first.  He was answering and conversing with us, when all of a sudden the pointer just stopped in the middle of an answer.  A few minutes passed with no movement in the pointer at all.  Then it started moving again.

We asked if it was the little boy.  No, it said.  It was a new spirit, someone different.  We started asking who it was.  It just wouldn't tell.  Finally, we asked if it was a good or bad spirit.  It confirmed that it was a bad spirit, the spirit that the boy was talking about who bullied all the others.  And that it heard the conversation the previous night.

Well, the conversation quickly got out of hand and everybody wanted to stop.  One by one, we told it that we were going to stop and it started to let each of us quit one at a time.  I was one of the first to quit.  Finally, in the end, it was just the aunt, her friend, and my nephew.  "It" didn't want to stop because "it" said "it" liked my nephew's hair (he had naturally curly hair). 

The three kept trying to convince it to let them go.  After literally an hour or so, "it" finally let them quit.

And THAT wasn't even the freaky part.

The freaky part was this:

A few days later, we were talking about the board and told the grandparents what had happened.  The grandmother then said, "Oh, is that so?"  Then she started.

No wonder the last week or so some weird things have been happening.  She said at night when the aunt was out (the grandparents slept in one bedroom while the aunt slept in another), they could hear somebody knocking on their bedroom door.  They thought it was the aunt coming back from wherever she went and just knocking.  They would open the door and find nobody there.  That would happen almost every night.

Well, after learning about the board and what happened that night, the grandmother decided to throw the board away.  The grandmother waited until the aunt went to school, she went to the aunt's bedroom, took the board and threw it away at the dumpster.

Later that evening when the aunt's friends came over to their apartment again, the aunt went back into her room and got the board out again.  The grandmother saw the board and questioned the aunt, "Hey, did you go and take the board out from the dumpster?  I already threw it away this morning when you went to school."  The aunt replies, "No.  It was always in my closet."

The grandmother b.itched at the aunt.  The aunt finally just gave it away to one of her friends.  After that, no more knocking on the doors or weird things happening.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1146 on: December 24, 2009, 03:53:01 PM »
I have plenty more, but y'allz will have to just excuse me until I come back from the Xmas break.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1147 on: December 25, 2009, 11:21:53 AM »
creepy creepy stories

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1148 on: December 25, 2009, 11:51:55 AM »
oh geesh.. about the oujia board. when i was a kid i would love to play that game. even though it wasn't the ACUTAL board it works. we were kids and we were broke so our ouji board was made out of printer paper's and cut the pointer out of card board. this game really worked and i believe in this game.. i use to play it a lot until i had this bad experince with it, ever since then i stoped. even til today, it's been years since i played it. Sometimes here and there i'll ask the sister-n-law if they want to play but no one wants to.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1149 on: December 25, 2009, 09:57:39 PM »
Yeah ... one of my ex-co-workers, who is a really big Christian believer, did not believe in the spiritual world, until their church had to burn some Ouija boards.  He said they actually screamed (the boards, not the people) as they were getting burned.  He said you can't just throw them away.  They'll find a way to come back, whether on its own or by someone else picking it up and returning it.  So for their church, they have an annual burning of Ouija boards.  He also said the cardboard ones (ones that you buy) are bad, but not as bad as the actual fancy ones made out of wood.  He said those cause problems for the church members.

More on the Ouija boards later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1150 on: December 25, 2009, 11:27:54 PM »
Continued from the above Ouija story with my ex-wife and aunt ...

Well, after my ex-mother-in-law heard about the Ouija board causing strange things at the grandparents' place, she told everybody to stop playing with things we don't understand.

She said recently (about a month or two before), one of her close nephews just died.  Here's what happened.

Just two months before, the siblings (both actual siblings and cousins) were playing the Ouija board.  It was mostly just the females playing, and they were all in their late teens.  Well, what do most people who play the Ouija board do?  They challenge its validity, right?  A couple of the girls asked the spirit to do something to prove it really did exist.

All of a sudden, one of the girls' eyes glowed red and her hair started standing up (yes, just like in the movies).  She asked a question in a deep and evil voice, "Do you believe me now?"  Everyone freaked out and just quit then and there.  Maybe it was a dumb thing to do.  They probably should have asked it go away first.  Anyway, the girl turned back to normal after they quit playing.  She didn't remember a thing though.

Well, or did she?

A couple days later, strange things started happening, but mostly with the girl.  Every once in a while, she would start talking in that evil voice.  The family then decided to call a shaman.  They did a few things to separate the spirit from the girl, which seemed to work.  She never did get possessed again.

However, later on, they realized that the spirit had gone and possessed one of the other people who were part of the Ouija board playing.  It was a relative, but this time it was a guy.  He didn't have the glowing red eyes nor the deep evil voice.  He did however keep himself secluded for long periods of time and self-inflict scars on his arms.

The guy would keep up this behavior for the next month without the rest of the family really knowing besides seeing the "unexplained" cuts on his arms.  One day though, when one of the relatives had a Hmong party ("ua noj"), the rest of the relatives noticed something different about him.  They asked him what's wrong.  He told them he doesn't know, but he said there are periods of time when he could see that he wasn't really himself.  He said sometimes he'll go into his room and don't remember a damn thing.  He would find himself with scratches on his arms.

For one reason or another, one of the relatives put two and two together and figured it may have been related to the Ouija board.  The family finally decided to call up a shaman and try to separate the spirit from the guy.  The problem was, they didn't do it quick enough.

I believe it may have been just a few days before they were going to have the shaman come over.  They went to a close cousin's house.  The first thing the guy did was go into his cousin's bedroom and close the door.  The cousin wasn't there at that time though.  The family were all in the living room and didn't really notice that he went into the bedroom and closed the door.  A few minutes passed and BANG!  They heard a gunshot from the bedroom.

They all ran to the bedroom and opened the door.  The guy had put a gun to his chin and blew his head off.  He left a note saying he did not want to be tortured anymore.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1151 on: December 26, 2009, 12:20:28 AM »
SCARY! Dude, where are you from? Or... why are you so infested with ghosts?
I don't want to give away my identity, so I won't tell you where I'm from, but I will say I'm from California.  To answer your second question though, it's just that I probably lived in an area that was infested with spirits.  I am probably also older too and have had more experiences than most.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1152 on: December 26, 2009, 12:21:04 AM »
A couple years later after the Ouija incident, my wife (at the time) was about 4 months pregnant with our first son.  I had started working for our landlord as a maintenance person at the time.  We were to move into this small 24-unit apartment complex and I was to be the manager there.

Because of school and work, we couldn't move in during the day.  So for those reasons, whenever we moved, we would always seem to be moving at night.  

Well, one night my wife and I moved in with the help of her younger sisters.  My electricity was turned on at the outside breaker, but not turned on at the inside breakers yet.  

The apartment was laid out as shown:

A= bathroom
B= bedroom
C= living room

The first order of business to get some lights.  I went into the apartment, which was on the second floor, with a flashlight.  The circuit breakers are on the bedroom wall at the double-line (where the curved red line ends).  I turned on the main breaker and turn on all the lights in the apartment.  There are two windows -- one at the start of the curved redline (end with no arrow) and one at the end of the straight red line (end with the arrow).  The windows both have security bars on the outside even though it is on the second level.

Anyway, we move in that night and sleep there the first night.  Using the restroom, however, I would notice that there exists the smell of cigarette smoke in it.  Neither of us smoke, so I figured the smell came from the tenants below who probably smoked in the bathroom.

The first night went uneventful.  The second night was different.  My wife was sitting on the sofa (close to where the "C" is marked) and watching TV.  The TV is about where the front door is, but halfway to the bedroom "B".  I went into the bedroom and changed for a shower.  I went into the bathroom and started to shower.  I am never comfortable in a new place until about a week or so later.  So I went into the shower with the restroom door open.

As I am shampooing my hair, my wife calls out my name to me.  I answer by saying, "What?"  She didn't say anything else, and neither did I.  After I finished showering, I came out to confront her.  I was already kinda mad because she called out to me and then didn't say anything else.  I asked her why she did that.  She just said, "Oh, it's nothing."  It wasn't like her to do that, so I kept pressing her.  At first, she said again, "I said, it's nothing."

I kept pressing her.  I showed her that I was annoyed by her doing calling out to me and then not saying anything important.  Then she said, "I think we should go sleep at mom's."  I didn't think anything, but we just grabbed our blankets and pillows and left.

On the drive over to the in-law's, I asked her again why she did that.  I told her that I wanted her to know that it wasn't like her to do that.  She had never done anything like that before.

She finally told me what she experienced.  She said while she was watching TV, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a white figure going from the bathroom "A" into the bedroom "B".  She said she thought it was me, but wasn't sure.  That's why she called to me.  When I answered from the bathroom, she knew it wasn't me, but she didn't want to startle me, so she didn't tell me.

That night we spent the night at the in-law's.  The next day, after school and work, we came back with a whole bunch of us to pick up a change of clothes.  Oh the way in, I saw something strange.  My mini-stereo (at the time) had a built-in alarm which turns on the radio or tape or CD when the it was time.  However, there was an LED display that read "WAKE UP" which would light up if you had the alarm set.  Anyway, on the way in, I saw that light blinking.  It normally only blinks while the alarm is activated (meaning it was the time that the alarm was set).  In this case, the alarm wasn't on.  I just found it strange.

Anyway, what we found that day was very very strange.  When we went to pick up some change of clothes, we found an oily trail of footprints.  The footprints started from the curved red line and ended at the breaker box.  Then they continued at the straight red line from the wall to the other window.  It was almost as if whatever it was, walked straight into the wall and out the other side.  Also, my hypothesis was that whomever it was hid something in that breaker box and died before they can take it out.  When I went to mess with it the first night, it probably thought I took it out and it came back to check to see if it was there.

By the way, the foot prints were huge ... shoe prints, actually.  They were larger than my nephew's shoes, and he wore a size 11.  The prints also, were as if someone had stepped into an oily and old parking spot and then walked on the carpet.

I told my landlord about it and that very Friday night, we moved out, but it didn't end there.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 12:26:28 AM by LADY-K-TUSHLUB »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1153 on: December 26, 2009, 12:44:53 AM »
That Friday evening, I had my brother and nephew come over and help me move.  It was the 3 of us, and I brought my mother-in-law to watch the van. 

The next diagram shows the way the complex is set up.

The complex is set up in two parallel rows (an upper and a lower, in the picture) overlooking a courtyard area.  The apartment rows are two levels, with stairs going up on the internal corners, above and below the "A".  The area left of the "A" actually just an attachment of the upper level apartments.  I believe it is just a storage, and it forms a corridor on the lower level out into the street on the left side (of the map).  Out van was parked in the spot at "B" with my MIL in it watching it.  The apartment is on the second level, in the upper-left corner of the picture.  The stairs on that corner go up pretty close to my front door.  I left the outside light on at the front door and it pretty much illuminates most of the courtyard.  Other than that, everything else is dark including the corridor.  There is a light out on the street side beyond the corridor though so the street is pretty lit up.

My nephew, my brother, and I moved all out stuff down to the van.  Since we were all pretty spooked and needed to urinate, we decided to go urinate in the corridor towards the street.  It would be dark, we would all be close together and it wouldn't be in the apartment.

We all went into the corridor on the lower level at the same time.  I believe my brother was on the left (if you were looking at the corridor at "A" from my MIL's location at "B"), I was in the middle, and my nephew was on the right side.  We finished our business and they waited for me in the courtyard while I went back up to lock up.

As I started up the stairs, I saw a shadow cast on the wall as if someone was running in the direction of "B" on the upper level.  I looked up and saw nothing, so I just hurried up and locked the apartment.

The next day, an uncle on my wife's side (a couple uncles and I worked for the landlord) and I went back to the apartment to get the refrigerator.  It had a newer refrigerator and I wanted to take it for my new apartment.  This time, we went in the daytime and we took his truck.

After moving the refrigerator to his truck, we decided to go pee.  Hehe ... what's the thing with all this peeing?  Since it was daytime, we decided to use the bathroom in the apartment.  Because of the things going on, I used the bathroom with the door open while the uncle stayed in area just outside of the bedroom door.  I finished and he had to use the bathroom too.  Being that he wanted a little privacy, he closed the door halfway.  I waited for him in the bedroom.

We finished our business, locked up, and got on the road.  As soon as we were a couple of blocks away, he turned to me and asked me if while he was peeing, did I tap on his shoulder?  Whoa!  I'm like no.  I was waiting for you in the bedroom.  He said he felt someone tap on his shoulder while he was doing his business.  He didn't turn around though.

A couple days later while my MIL and I were left alone at their house (don't remember where everybody else was; maybe bedroom and outside), she told me, "Remember that time when you guys were moving and you guys decided to go take a piss in that dark corridor?"  I nodded.  She said, "I saw four of you guys taking a piss."

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1154 on: December 26, 2009, 12:46:07 AM »
Man!  I can just go on and on ... if you guys don't tired of my stories ... or more like experiences.

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