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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2325 on: April 02, 2011, 11:39:18 PM »
I've look up on Google for hmong ghost and by far this site(PH) has the most stories, that's why I diecde to share my stories here and not the other ones. but this site sorta mellow out.
Havocrazy I got one that sorta relate to your story.
.............. ....
I remember reading way back into one of these pages about stuff animal or dolls, coming to life or something like that. I'm not involved with this incident, but my bro and sis were. Back in my old house my sis and bro were playing with I think it was a stuff monkey. So they tied the monkeys' arm and a rope around it's neck. (don't ask me why). they were torturing the monkey. So that night the monkey came into not one, but all who were involved. (I think it was two of my sis and one of my bro). So the monkey came into their dream and was like chasing them with a knife and was trying to kill them.
The next day (I don't know what happen first) one of my sis told the other sis about her dream, that the monkey they tie up was trying to kill her. Not knowing that the other two had the same dream. So after they all found out that they had the same dream. I forgot the rest but I'll go and ask them when I have the chance. LOL
.............. ......
So the moral is. Don't be torturing live animal or stuff ones, cause it'll come into your dreams. and will try and do that to you.
(Sounds funny when I first hear the story from my bro and sis. Like that can't be true, how could all three of you go and have the same dreams). Laugh if you want to, cause this is a true story. Here's a little hint, I'll tell you guys the street were I used to live on but not the house, cause one of you guys might be the one that is living in my old house.It was E. Arch St. in Mt Airy.LOL

« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 12:16:32 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2326 on: April 03, 2011, 12:04:15 AM »
I'm a second hand teller on this story.

Back in the project homes, this school has a large open field and a lot of hmong ppl go and play soccer and that bamboo ball where you use your feet and head. Like volleyball but your feet only.
So they were playing, and this bamboo ball goes flying out of the court and out of no where this little white figure show up ( I kinda heard it looked like a dirty meeka kid with slanted eyes). And went to the ball, the kid was like dirty looking, and scary at the same time. And was asking for the hmong ppl to play with him. So the hmong ppl got scare and started packing up their stuff and went to their cars and drove out of the parking lot. Except these other two dude cause they both live there. So this white thingy was asking, if the two dudes will play with him. they both got scare cause everybody left but they both couldn't. So they both stared walking away and this thing started to fellow them. When they both got up the hill, they both ran like crazy, but the white kid didn't chase them. After that no one would go and play sports there for a long time.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 12:09:13 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2327 on: April 03, 2011, 12:57:42 AM »
This is the only Hmong ghost stories website I participated.  ::) Those bamboo ball(s) always get me the creeps, can't see one, don't know why. It's kind of odd/rude for everybody to just leaved the other two and if even if I lived in that area like the other two I'll be like "I'm going with somebody somewhere away from here until I find out what or who this thing/it is/was. You know what I'm saying?, man, you know like,  ??? I don't want to find out but better to be safe than risking to not be safe. But sometime we do things without thinking it over twice until it's already happened. For example(s): when I was a kid playing hide and go seek late at night with cousins and friends, went hunting by myself, driving through dark country road just to go see a girl for an hour. Now that I'm older and with a much more crazier imagination "oh, oh, oh my gosh" . . . R.L. Stine's goosebumps' books has nothing on it.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2328 on: April 03, 2011, 11:46:50 PM »
Havocrazy...  I would of done the same, pack up my shyt and go to my car, if no one coming with me that's alrite, cuz I so out of here. Out of instinct, your mind is in a limbo, so you do what you have to do to get away from that place. If you know what I mean.

Al right, since no one is telling stories here I'll write another one down.

This happened like way back when I use to go to the bridges and catch them pigeons. It was me my best friend and my other 2 or 3 more friend went that day. We went to down town St. Paul. There was this building which we call it the fun house, cause every level looks the same. When we got in there we all went and pick out a stick, so we can whack them when they fly. One guy chase while the other try to hit the bird. Before we can make it to the top we had to climb this window or a wall I forgot what it was. Anyways if you loose your grip then you fall straight down in middle and there will be no way to get you out. At 1st I was like you gotta be ducking me. this was my 2nd time that I've been there. The 1 st time we made it to the 6-8 floor, I don't know, that's why we call it the fun house.

So we made it to the very top floor which is the roof, but not yet, there was still one more level before we reach the roof. During the climb my best friend made it 1st to the last part. There he saw a white figure sitting in that dark looking at him/us, while we were climbing up. He was freaking out but didn't want to scream. Cause some of us was still trying to make that climb. I didn't know at that time, so we all made it to the top. To the roof, man it was a pretty view. After that we all had to climb that dangerous route back to the lower level. (Man know that I look back at it we were young and stupid). So like when we all kinda made it to the 4th or 3rd level. My best pal started to run down the stairs and everyone fallow him. When we all got out and was walking down the rail tracks he started tell what he saw when we were all in the room. He said '' that if he had screamed at that point of time, a lot of us would fall off, that wall or something worst". I'm glad he kept his cool. But yeah that was a dangerous climb. LOL. I have some more pigeon stories but I cant think of one right now.LOL

« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:11:13 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2329 on: April 04, 2011, 12:35:08 AM »
This one happened to me when I was being a bad boy. Of course I didn't know about the unknown too well.
this was in a friends, friends place, at the time I didn't understand why he had so many ppl in his place. I mean his place was a 2 story place 2 bedroom a basement.Both parent lives there. But why so many young very bad dudes hanging out there. I don't even know or seen these ppl before. When morning came most of them left, but some fell asleep there. Funny cause there was no girl in there, only a bunch of sausage party. Normally one or two dudes will have these run away chicks with them. If you know what I mean. (This went one for a week or so until some thing happened, but I'll get to that later, later).

They would be playing cards for money.
And on the 1st night that I was there, I thought that I heard his older sis or someone in the kitchen stirring pots, like if some one was in there cooking. So I got up from the couch and went into the dark area hoping to see a person there, but I didn't see anyone. So I went back to watch them play their games. Again I heard the same noise and did the same thing, but saw no one. This went on for a couple more times and I told myself to stop checking on what ever I was hearing. Cause I was getting freak out, but I though that it was his older sis, so I clam down a bit. When morning came, everyone left, but us left. The 4 of us went out ( to sleep at another friends house that morning, I thought is was even more funnier cause, like Why don't we just sleep at his place cause we were right there). When we all got up I asked my buddy about his place. " dude was your sister home last night cause I kept on hearing pots being stir like someone was cooking, but when I went to check it out , there was no one there". Then he told me the true story about his place, he told me why there are so many ppl at his place and he let them stranger come to his place and gamble. Cause in the kitchen there's this little girl who'll play with the pots and dishes.

In the basement there's this baby that drowned in the sink and was like bury  under the sink.Up stair he can not sleep in cause there's this younger one that kicks him when he sleeps in there, so he don't sleep in that room. He'll sleep in the living room and basement. Mostly the basement. After he told me all the story, and I learned some more stuff that happened to them. I was like hell no I ain't gonna go hang out at your place no more. LOL
After a long while, ppl stop showing up cause they started to see thing(s), that's what I heard LOL. So something else happen there and they moved out. During the time they moved out, their mails would be sent there, and he would come get the other 2 buddies and me to go to his old place so he can go pick up his mails.
The 1st week we all went to get his mail, hmong ppl move in there already. When we ask for the mail the hmong dude gave the mail to him and asked if we knew something about that house that he's living in now. We were like uh-- no and we asked him why he would ask us that ?. He said " oh it's just nothing". Then We all left. 2-3 days later the dude moved out, after that some new family moved in and about a week or so they too moved out. then there was this on family that move in after that and the next day they moved out. Last time I check or walked by that place cause I didn't live that far and plus it was a short cut to my house. I saw some beaning ppl living there, and they were outside drinking. I don't know what ever happen if they move out or not. That's one hunted house, I don't ever want to relive something like that again. LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2330 on: April 04, 2011, 11:39:35 PM »
Last time I check or walked by that place cause I didn't live that far and plus it was a short cut to my house. I saw some beaning ppl living there, and they were outside drinking. I don't know what ever happen if they move out or not. That's one hunted house, I don't ever want to relive something like that again.

I heard stories about different ethnic(s) not being effected by certain paranormal(s). Like this one story I heard about a Laos guy that knows black magic, he sends some of his ghosts to bite a white dude that was bothering him at work but the ghost came back and told him they can't get close to the white dude because he has different beliefs. Don't know but maybe true. I also heard one about a Hmong dude that did some black magic during the Vietnam war but it back fire and killed half his platoon because the ghost couldn't get to those charlies for some reason. I guess that's one big reason why the Lee clan can't wear red clothing, during the Chinese and Hmong war long ago the Chinese wear red and a Hmong Lee dude send his ghosts to go bite anybody that wears red. He never reverse the curse so if any Lee wear red they'll have bad luck like getting hurt easy or losing money and that sort of nature. Weird.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2331 on: April 05, 2011, 01:07:04 PM »
No ones telling stories,
I'll go again.
This is a fishing trip involved my best friend's brother and his 3 friends. I've meet 2 of the friends back then. So it went like this. They all went night fishing in
Hasting T. Island. Minnesota.
I don't know which area they went cause there are so many route that you can go. Anyways I was told that they went to an area that had 2 rivers merging into 1 river. they had to walk out there quit awhile before they got to their fishing spot. So while they were fishing and having fun. All of a sudden there was this massive splash in the middle of the river. All of them looked at each other like WTF was that. Then the splash out closer to the shore. (I was told that when it got to the shore it looked like how a little kid would be splashing water).

But no one was visually there. This one friend brought his BB gun, don't ask me why: a BB gun.LOL So he shot the BB into what ever was making that splashing. Then he felt the BB fly back and hit him. By this time they were was getting ready to piss in their pants, they all look at each other and knew that they need to get out of there. So they packed up and started walking back, but they had to walk awhile before they can get to the truck. I forgot who started walking faster and faster and the rest started to do that until one of them started to run, now all of them started to ran after one another. When they got to the truck, they threw everything into the trunk and drove off.

While they were on the road, and with all the commotion they forgot to close the trunk door and you know how all those gears bounce around in the truck bed. So they thought that what ever it was got into the trunk. when they got closer to town they stop at this gas station. One of the friend told the other to go check it out. He said hell no I ain't going to go look back there, and they were all scare, so they all went together and thinking that they were going to see something, but there was nothing there. After that night my friend's brother never went fishing ever again.

There's this one OG that lived next door and he over heard the story about that night. So he was been cocky cause he knows how to do those hmong magic. And he said " that it was nothing and he can go and beat this thing, with his magic, and if he can't than he'll never do magic again". I heard that he asked the ppl to bring him to where they were that night, so they took him there. As soon as he got there, out of now where a strong wind gust came and trees were like, it was being snap in half or so. He tried all his magic and couldn't do anything. The OG's magic didn't have a chance with this thing. Later it was said the a  P U Y lives there. And that luckily the dudes got out of there. Cause the P U Y was there making those things, cause the ppl were too loud that night and was cooking food.
Sorry if the story a choppy.
I gotta get ready for work.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2332 on: April 06, 2011, 10:12:54 AM »
hey! don't talk about coon rapids dam! i happen to frequent that place a lot so if you can refrain from sharing anymore ghost stories of that place, that'd be great!  :) ;) O0 jk! hehehehe

but on a more serious note though, there's a part of coon rapids dam that i get scared of going through. it happened a couple of years ago. if you know the trail that leads to hwy 610 then you  might know what i'm talking about. well, there was four of us. my sister, nephew and one of my friends. we were walking the trail towards the highway. it was already bad enough that we were talking about the supernatural but once we kind of got towards the end of the picnic tables, i started to get a bad feeling of going forward. the nephew that was with me, he's super sensitive to the supernatural side and even he didn't want to go. we ended up sitting at the picnic table just talking about ghosts. even now when i approach that area of the trails, i get anxious and scared. i just turn and walk back. who knows what's at the other end of the trails.

I use to run the trails there.. the only time it gets scary is when the sun is going down and you're in the middle of the wood.. thats when you double time it back  :2funny:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2333 on: April 06, 2011, 11:16:42 AM »
well this happen a couple of months ago.....
somehow my cousin got into this thing called demon...but its a hmong demon...hehe
but im not goin to talk about my cousin story because its long.

anyways my cousin was sick and going crazy so some of my relative would go to my cousin house and
watch her so she wont do stupid things.

so one morning my mom went over, i believe it was 7 am.
while she got off the car she saw a little girl with long hair and dress in white
by my cousin house. she got freak out and started to act werid afterwards. so my dad they did like
2 shaman thing for her....but sometime she'll see stuff...and get freak out and start crying.....
but i believe my mom is fine now, because usually my sisnlaw will tell me things if my mom is still seeing things.

anyways i thought i would just share dis lilo story...and my cousin is fine now.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2334 on: April 06, 2011, 04:25:37 PM »
when we were smaller, my cuz and i used to love to swim at this public pool near our place. Even though we have to pay like 50 cent for entrance it was always fun. Anyways, My mom eventually made us stop. Right before that my mom told us that a hmong guy drowned in a public pool no deeper than 5ft. Everything was fine at first then all of a sudden he started drowning. He was splashing and making this big commotion. One of his friend tried to save him but couldn't. He recall going underwater for a bit, in his effort to save his buddy, when he saw a small red snake/serpent in the tangle of his friend's ankle. Even the life guard couldn't save the guy and of course the guy died. Some of his relatives said it was a zaj.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2335 on: April 06, 2011, 04:43:55 PM »
I think cats are just omens, not bad or good. It really depends.

My sister and us grew up as cat lovers. She caught this stray female cat once and the cat became like a family member. I mean she doesn't live with us in the house but we treat her like one. Anyways, a couple years ago my sister got married. Strange things started happening at the beginning of her marriage. Because her husband work early shifts he would leave her sleeping alone in the morning. Anyways, on two accounts when her husband left, she would hear the door open as if someone is coming back in and then close it. Then she would feel the side where her husband sleeps dent as if a person was laying back down to sleep. She would turn around to find no one.

The second time it happened she had a dream that she was back at our old house where she caught the cat. She was surrounded by a lot of people talking and arguing back to one another but she wouldn't understand what they were saying. Then she saw these three cats clawing at one of the windows from outside. They reminded her of the cat she caught. They were telling her to let them in the house. When she opened the door for them, the whole room erupted into chaos. Everyone was shouting now. Some were giving her the eye letting her know they disapprove of her actions.

She got tired of the yelling and arguing so she screamed "Shut up! Let the cats speak!" and they did.
The cats told her that they worked for the 'shadow' that had been coming in her room. They didn't really like him so they decided to come and warn her. If she valued her life she would not sleep in there no more. Because the last time the 'shadow' comes in there, it would take her soul with it on its journey back home.

After that dream my sis told her mother in law about her dream and they had her sleep in a different room. My sis still thanks those cats for saving her life. She didn't know what could have happened if they didn't come warn her.

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lazy E

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2336 on: April 06, 2011, 08:54:01 PM »
this was a while back before facebook became popular.

my uncle, he is younger then me but since we are hmong, was over at their cousins house one night. he went into the bathroom and took a picture of himself posing. he later uploaded it onto his myspace profile. (i wasnt there when this happended cuss i left home for some job training.) i came back and my buddies told me that my uncle took a pic of himself and there was a little girl looking at the mirror from behind from his left. i didnt believe this so one day, before we had internet in our house, went to the library to look on his myspace. i came to the one pic they were talkin about but couldnt see anything until i read one of the comments a girl left on there. she commented on his posing and then ask, "why is there a little girl behind you? is that your lil sis?" his cousin house, at the time does have a lil girl that looks like the girl in the pic but she was already asleep and he told me later that he locked the door and everything cuzz he took that pic right after he took a poop. so there couldnt be anybody in there. ive tried going back on his profile to look again but to this day, cant find it no more. there is more to this too. ill tell later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2337 on: April 06, 2011, 09:09:59 PM »
ok continuing from my story about my uncle...

(it sucks cuzz i really missed out on this one, this was shortly after his pic incident)

my buddies were partying and drinkin at the same house he took the pic from. it was well late into the night, it was a small house. there is a big window perpendicular of the door. well, as the story goes, my uncle was drinkin acting stupid and got down on all four crawling around on the floor. all of a sudden he started yelling at the window saying "go away, i dont want to play right now!!" just cursing at what ever was at the window. he started throwing shoes at it and then, this is the creepiest of what i heard next. he was still on all four like a dog and he started walking backwards with his tongue sticking out, just like a dog. that freak out everybody who was there. my other cousin said he went over to him and gave my uncle a good punch to the face and that broke him free from what ever was controlling him. after that, everybody decide it was time to go home. so most of them had car or came with somebody that lives close to them and there was only one girl that didnt have a ride and doesnt live close to anybody so my friends who lived in that house gave her a ride home. they have a small toyota pickup. ok so when they got into the truck to take the girl home, there was four of them in there, my friend whos driving, the girl, my uncle and my cousin. after they went and dropped off the girl at her place, they came back. while they were still on the road, my uncle started acting crazy again. he turned and looked behind the truck while they were still driving and said that there was a little girl running after them. my cousin turned and looked and there was no one, besides they were go at 40mph. they got mad and kept quiet all the way home. after that, they did jingle bells on him and changed his name. ever since then he didnt see any little ghost girl. rumors was that the girl he took the pic with was his cousin older sis but she passed away when she was about 3 or 4 years old and is following the family still. i guess so too cuzz she looks just like their little sis now.  sorry, trying to remember a story thats told from someone is harder to type up cuzz i lost parts of the details but thats just the nutshell of what happened. oh, they moved out of the place too.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2338 on: April 07, 2011, 12:27:49 AM »
Yo, FMXIA089,

That pool accident, freaked me out bro. I'm a big believer when it comes to them water Zaj. You would think that the pools would be safe to swim. I'm going to thinking twice about swimming in them hotel pools. Shyt!!

Way back when I was in high school. We got to do Phy gym. I wasn't there when this happen, cause I'm in there 3rd period. This happened on the 1st period. So this hmong dude I kinda know him but not that well. So this is what I heard that day. The dude was not a good swimmer, so he was in the 3ft water range. And all of a sudden he started to drown. I mean he was in 3-4ft water. Everyone there was like W T H's going on. So ppl was like shock at the same time funny cause he was around the 3-4 ft. But the student life guard there saved his butt. So when 3rd period came I was kinda scare to go into the pool.

Funny that you shared that pool accident, now I'm wondering if that day, about that hmong dude that almost drown during 1st period, could it had been something similar to your Zaj story.
But since he was in too shallow of a water that he was able to be save and no one saw anything like that red thingy you mentioned, around the ankle.LOL
.............. .......

I don't remember if this was a dream or did it really happen to me.
When I was little and moved to my 1st project housing after I left Plaza, St. Paul- Mt. Airy. I only remember bits here and there, when I asked my parent about that tooth they seems to have no idea what I'm trying to say. I think I was about 3-5yrs, around that age. I remember growing this carved type tooth about 2-3 inches long and about 1/8 of an inches width, in my mouth. And I would do strange things and say strange things. I think I was acting crazy. Like I said I don't remember all. But I would yell at my parents and tell them to shut up and all those thingy.
I remember running, being butt naked and refuse to were clothes around the house. I remember that one of my uncle came over after I showed my parent that carved type tooth.
So anyways my uncle came and tied this tiny string on the tooth and chanted some words, I don't know what he said. After he was done he yanked the string and that tooth came flying out of my mouth. I mean I saw what that tooth looked like, it was every white and if you were to take your index finger and bent it forward
a little, you'll know what I'm trying to describe here. I think it was growing at the bottom jaw in the front,behind the front teeths. It would of been nice if my parents told meabout that tooth. And that it was not a dream. then i can stop trying to  tell myself if it was a dream or for real. But honestly I think that when that happened moth my parents were scare, and probably not wanted to tell me the story. Till thia day I wanna know the truth.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2339 on: April 07, 2011, 09:20:48 PM »
Hey there.  Im a newbie here. Haha. Obviously. :P
Anyways, I have a story to share. Idk if it was paranormal or not, but here goes!

Well, i used to live in Stockton, CA and it was me, my mom, 2 younger sister and a younger brother. We lived in a one room apartment with other hmong families. One night when my mom wasnt home, forgot where she went, But i was tried and i decided to sleep on her side of the bed, (we had 2 queen size beds in the one room) And when i went to sleep for a while, i dont know how long, but i had a dream. And my mom usually see things and dream of things. So anyways, i had a dream and my Mexican friend from my french class was in my dream. In my dream, i was at the library and my friend Ivan and some other guys were bad guys. LOL. And they kidnapped me and an asian family and took us to a conference room with a really big pillar in the middle of the room. Me and their daugther hid behind the pillar and i watched Ivan killed the little girl's parents. Then i got scared and pushed her out of a door that said "Exit" LOL. I told her to run and then i sprinted through the other door and into the library and the book shelves. Somehow, i kinda hopped and flew over to the top of a bookshelf. LOL. I remember the library being kinda small. Anyways, i was hopping from bookshelf to bookshelf and Ivan and his men were trying to catch me. FInally, i got cornered and i was crouching on my knees and arms cause the ceiling was low or the bookshelf was too high. HAha. Then all of a sudden, Ivan started jumping and trying to grab me. So this is the strange/scary part. YOu know when youre dreaming and kinda wake up and youre in a dream-like state ? Well, i was like that. I remember seeing our bedroom was dark and the door was slightly opened and i can hear my younger sisters and brother out in the living room (We had a pretty small place) And they were shouting and running around. THEN i turned my attention to the foot of the bed and i saw a hand from the elbow up, it was like, waving or something or like trying to grab me and it looked like a guy's arm. Then i turned around and went back to sleep. LOL. When i woke up, i sprinted off the my mom's bed and opened the door, which was slightly opened. I felt a little dizzy because i got up so fast and i didnt want to scare my siblings, so i walked in a normal pace and when i reached the sofa, i laid down and fell asleep.
A few days later, i told my younger sister who is a year younger than me (Im 18 now. and this happened when i was 16). She got freaked out and wouldnt go near my mom's bed. I didnt sleep on her bed again. I mean, i climb on her bed and sit there, but i nevered slept there again.

Another story about my mom:
Okay, so this happened in the same place a few months later. one day when we all went to school and my younger sister (who is a year younger than me) stayed home cause she was sick. My mom was sleeping in the room. My mom was talking to one of her friend on the phone and her friend was telling her about a ghost with an eye or something like that. LOL. And after their converstation, my mom went to sleep. She said that a few minutes later, she felt someone climbed onto the bed and laid on where my brother sleeps ( my younger brother sleeps with my mom by the wall) And my mom for some reason thought that it was my younger brother. Remember we were all at school expect for my sister. So my mom just brushed it off. She then felt the thing got up and went around and sat on my bed ( My bed, which i shared with my two younger sisters is parallel to my mom's bed and i sleep across from my mom. HAHA, Sorry for the confusion). Anyways, the thing went and sat on my side of the bed and was calling my mom's name. My mom had the blanket over her face and she kinda pushed it down a little to see who it was. (She has guts! I would never be able to do that! I would probably tremble and lay there. LOL.) So my mom looked and saw a troll, poj ntoox(?), with scary looking eyes. She kinda freaked out and pretended to still be sleeping. Then she finally went to sleep after a few minutes. When she woke up, she called her friend and told her friend what happened. My sister was out in the living room watching TV. So my mom got ready to go somewhere while telling her friend. My sister overheard ans totally freaked out. After my mom left, my sister was so scared to stay home alone, but she had too, cause no one else was home. She said she turned up the TV really loud, Put of Korean music really loud from the laptop, Turned up the volume of a Korean drama from out computer and all the llights were on, but it was broad daylight. She she stayed like that until my little brother and sister came home. Later she told me what had happened to my mom and what sat on my part of the bed. But i wasnt scared. Im trying not to say anything, but i just didnt feel scared and i brushed it off and still slept on my side of the bed and nothing happened to me. And my mom never said anything to us about it. But she still continued to dream about things.

Thats my story. Lots more about my mom will come soon!
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