
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604450 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2715 on: August 26, 2011, 12:12:04 AM »
Hey sexymomma,
here is from what I've heard.  The two brothers who owned the Fond du Lac Auto shop were good mechanics and were well known.  Their business was blooming, but the older yang guy was spending too much time at work and not enough time to be with his wife.  Well actually the marriage was already broken half way after they got the business going.  Well the wife of the yang guy works as a receptionist at the shop and somehow she met someone esle.  They filed for divorce but the yang guy couldn't let her ago.  So the wife moved out with the BF I think and then the wife came to pick up her check.  The yang guy told the Laos guy that was working there to leave home because there was no work, but really there was.  Then the wife came in and had her check in her hand, but she got more than her check.  She got a hammer to her head and A saw to saw her body into part.  The cousin of the Yang guy also helped and they package her in the wife's truck parked in the auto shop.  Days later and no sign of the girlfriend, the BF to the Yang guys's wife called and reported to the police.  The police went to the shop and discovered her body remains.  The yang guys got locked up and the yand husband then wrote many letter to the yang cousins that he shouldn't have killed her and it was a mistake.  Well after the wife died.  she haunted the shop and then the Laos guy who had worked for the yangs bought the place.  He was beat up by the ghost at night and his balls were squeeze.  Apparently, the dead wife must of though the Laos guy was involved too.  The dead wife haunted the laos' guy everynight until he couldn't take it anymore and quit the shop.  Then some african came and bought it.  Well the dead wife would come into the yang guys' house and haunt the house.  I think the yang guy has another wife or it was his cousin's house that was infested with ghost.  At night the dead wife would come with little shadows and run around the house.  When the kids and family go to sleep, then the ghosts beats them up. Well the dead wife was so mad she took the little shadows with her to hhurt the innocents.

more later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2716 on: August 26, 2011, 08:38:11 PM »
The Ghost who loved Ramen noodle... long story

Before I married my hubby he lived in an apartment with his 2 younger bros.  Every couple of days he would find an ripped opened packet of ramen noodle on the kitchen counter.  Opened but uneaten, and it would remain there until he finally threw it away and then a couple of days later he would find another opened packet.  He always thought it was one of his younger forgetful bros who was doing it.  They kept their ramen in a large rubber maid plastic drawer which had 2 drawers filled with other food and snacks in it. 

One day when me and the hubby were taking a "nap" i was half asleep when  I heard a male whisper loudly in my ear "Wake up!".   My hubby was clear on the other side of the bed.  It wasn't him and we were the only ones in the apartment at that thime.  Then I heard footsteps and the key turn in the front door it was one of the younger bro's!  I quickly got up and fixed myself up.   And sometimes when the hubby would watch tv late he would fall asleep on the couch and end up getting sat on.  I told him it was sleep paralysis but he always thought it was something supernatural.

One day his younger sister and BIL came to visit.  This was the first time they every came to visit him in this apartment.  They ended up spending a night.  His sister who was pregnant at the time slept on the floor and the BIL slept on the couch.  (Why they didn't let the pregnant lady sleep on the couch I don't know! It would've been more comfy)  My hubby's family is Christian but his BIL is shaman just to let you know.

Well early in the morning while the sun was just rising the BIL woke up and saw a male figure by the door.  He said it was shadowy but he could tell it was wearing something like a business suit.  The figure told him that he was sleeping in his spot.  The BIL was still kind of in a daze from waking up so he just told the ghost that he would move.  And the ghost told him No it was alright because he had to go to work soon but he would just take some of the ramen noodle with him and pointed to the plastic drawer with the ramen & snacks in it.   Then the ghost asked him "Who is that".  The BIL didn't know what the ghost meant but then saw his pregnant wife sleeping on the floor.  "That's my wife", he said.   The BIL doesn't remember much after that but he drifted back to sleep.   But I guess when the ghost had asked him about the pregnant wife it worried him.

Later he told my hubby and the bro's what happened and the part of the ramen.  And how he didn't even know they kept their ramen in the plastic drawer.  Everyone claimed they were not the one who was leaving the unopened ramen around it must be the ghost who was doing it.  Since they've had other supernatural occurances in the past at other places my hubby's mom came over and prayed.  And my hubby put a picture of Jesus on inside of their front door.  They even got rid of the couch and bought a new one.

The sister and BIL drove back to their town with some other family members about 1 1/2 hour away.  The next night the ghost visited the BIL at night.  It told him that he couldn't get back into the apartment because there was a ghost block on door.  So he went with them in the car.  But there was no room for him because all the seats were taken so he had to be in a tight space.  Later when he got to the BIL's house he couldn't get in either because they have a ghost block on the door too.  So now he is going back to the apartment , his old place, and will wait outside the door until he can come back inside again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2717 on: August 26, 2011, 11:04:26 PM »
What a great story yamchhild. So the BIL had the dream of the ghost in a suit right? The ghost told him everything? Did you you and your husband ever ask the owner if anyone had died there? Let us know.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2718 on: August 29, 2011, 12:59:16 AM »
Hey any of you ppl from MN, knows that lillydale has 3 parts. So i went cruising down that road. The main one that a lot of ppl knows of. Anyways.

Part 1 is the most comon one.
Part 2 is call the ghost town, cause to the left side of the road, all you see is the western town.
Part 3 is you some how get back onto the raod and you encounter the 1800 year old houses.
I think that there are only 3-4 house..
It's been like over15+years since i drove there.
 I forgot how to get into the part 3
Anyone who might know of.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 07:31:34 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2719 on: August 30, 2011, 10:48:28 PM »
in 2007 my mom got really sick to the point where she loss alot of weight, and every nite she'll hear babies and cats crying by her bedroom window every night.  it went on for couple of months and then she had a minor stroke and she was only 45yrs old and my grandpa which is my mom's dad had to ua neej for her. and my dad had one of his aunt to do the egg thingy, where they wrap a boiled egg in a towel and rubbed it all over my mom's body and then steam it in the rice steamer. then they take it out, and peel the shells, then slowing take out pieces of the white part out. when you get to the york, there'll be a blue-ish thingy that will shape like a tiger or baby or animal. Turn out that her spirit was sad and it went already and gonna get reborn as a baby. so then my dad had to do a ua neej for my mom. but ever since that, she got better and she dont hear cats anymore.


my dad do those funeral stuff like txiv xai so ppl would ask him to do it, this one time he did it at this one dude's funeral (he knew the dead person). he was singing it into the microphone and while singing it into the microphone, he felt like somehow the microphone or something was trying to grab his tongue&breath out and it freak him out. he didnt tell anyone about it, then couple months goes by and he start losing weight and appetite and my mom notice he sleeps more and get tired and yellow. she called up one of my dad's uncle cuz that uncle is a shaman and he's can tell what is wrong by shen-koua to look into it.(dont know how to spell it) and he asked my mom if my dad recently went and do txiv xai at a funeral, and she say she dont recall it, but he told her that, my dad spirit got scare so for him to not do txiv xai for a year and dont go near the funeral home.


so recently my dad's mom just passed away in june, she lives in laos with my dad's siblings and step dad and half siblings. my dad's the only one who came to united states. anyways she's been sick for the passed year, but this past spring, she called my dad and told him that she's gonna die and he told her to wait for him to come see her once more before she pass away. so june came, and she told him that is he really going to come or is he not coming anymore, so my dad told my grandma that he's not coming anymore cuz it takes a while to get passport done. so he say he'll send money for his brothers to buy a cow to say that its from my dad to my grandma so when she die they can say my dad kill her a cow and some money to take care of it. anyways, 2weeks went by, and my brothers received the call from our uncle in laos that my grandma passed away and it was evening over here so it would had been morning over there but my parents were at work cuz they work 12hrs shift 6pm-6am that evening and night. earlier that morning the whole family was home, and they say they heard the doorbell ringing twice and my youngest brother went to check who it was, and there was nobody and then later in the evening they received the call. so my dad said, grandma probably came and visit my dad one last time before she left.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2720 on: September 01, 2011, 07:08:49 AM »
[/quote]Then there is another story about the Hmong girl that got her neck broken by her white BF.  Story has that at the funeral, some people saw a girl that came out of nowhere and started mourning for the dead girl.  Then the girl disappeared.  she came into her mother's dream and told them to love her kids and for the other sisters to take care of her kids because the older sister would love the kids more.

This case is sad....her sister doesnt take care of her kids.  She has 2 boys with 2 different baby daddies.  The older one is living with his father in MN.  The younger one did live with his father...howev er from what I heard from a close source to them...he has a new gf and his gf would lock him up in the basement and treat him badly.  I did see the little boy at a picnic a couple of years ago and the way that his father and his brothers treated was horrible.  He is now with the mother's parents but I also heard that they dont take care of him at all....he is only there because whom ever takes care of him...gets money from the state and her insurance money.  Its a sad story...I feel sorry for that child.  His father is a total loser....he has another child that he doesnt take care of at all either.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2721 on: September 02, 2011, 06:51:40 PM »
Wi_sweetguy thanks for liking the story.  I believe the BIL actually saw the ghost the first time but the second time the ghost came to him in a dream and told him about the ride in the car.  Pretty soon after that my hubby and his bro's moved out of the apartment and I don't think they ever asked the manager if anyone died there.  But with an apartment complex as big as the one they lived in with tenants constantly moving in and out who knows how many people have gone through and lived there how many people have died there and left their imprint...

What a great story yamchhild. So the BIL had the dream of the ghost in a suit right? The ghost told him everything? Did you you and your husband ever ask the owner if anyone had died there? Let us know.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2722 on: September 02, 2011, 10:24:59 PM »
I'm not suprise, when ppl move in and out. That place is haunted. There's only 1 reason why ppl do that.
Anyways now we are getting some more freaky stories to read. Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2723 on: September 03, 2011, 12:13:56 AM »
There is one house in Milwaukee, wi that has been the center of attention.   That house is located on 34 and galena in the hmong hood.  Legend has it that a lao lady slipped and died in the bathroom.  My cousin who lived there experienced paranormal acitivites.  They would hear a little girl jump on their sofa and went to yelled at her kid to stop jumping but when she got there.  There was noone.  She checked the room and her kid was still sleep.  So who was the one jumping? Some of my old gang bangers used to live there and they would hear ghost turning on the shower and walk the steps of the attic.  These are bangers but the ghost don't give me damn about them.  They lived there for a while then move out.  Since then noone has live there, if they did.  It was only for a short time.  This was like 10 yrs ago.  That house is now boarded up.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2724 on: September 03, 2011, 06:10:04 PM »
My close cousin works as a CNA in the Rehab section of a resident hospital (in NC).  She works 3rd shift and usually goes jogging at small track behind the hospital.  One night, she went on her usual jogging routine.  She had her mp3 on blast and was making her 5th round on the track.  She jogged past the lamp post and was getting close to the dark part of the track when the song on her mp3 became static and started skipping, then went silent.  Right then she heard a baby cry from the dark spot.  "The hell with this", she murmured to herself, and ran all the way back to her station.  That was the last time she ever went jogging on that track.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2725 on: September 04, 2011, 06:50:41 AM »
Hey, JDM
I know you have more stories than that? Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2726 on: September 07, 2011, 03:45:27 PM »
Back in the  late 80's early 90's in MN there was alot of hmong girls that ran away and were put in foster homes...My cousin was one of those girls she ran away from her foster home and lived with some white trash peeps wash raped and brutally stabbed to death and put in a trash bag and threw away like trash..My aunt did not kow what had happen to my cousin but the night that she murdered she came to my aunt in a dream and told my aunt that she was in a very dark cold place and in a lot of pain...The next morning the police came to my aunt's house and told her that a neighbor had seen what those teenagers were doing and followed them the place where they threw my cousin's body away and called the police so my aunt had to go identified the body...She was stabbed over 15 times and beated black and blue...That night she came to my aunt and told my aunt that when they stuffed her in the trash bag she was still alive and breathing so one of the guys who raped her stepped on her neck and that's what killed her my aunt told her to go back and get those people who killed her..My guess is she was haunting the 2 girls who helped threw her body away cause they confessed and testified against the 4 guys who raped and killed my cousin..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2727 on: September 07, 2011, 06:23:57 PM »
Remember when you used to scare your nieces and nephews, or even your own kids, so that they wouldn't leave your sight. You'd tell them, "Ah Meow nyob ntawd aw". Yeah, it was just all fun and games. Until they scare you back with it. How you ask? Here's how...

Just a couple weeks ago I was visiting family who lived out of town. The lived in a older home 4 bedroom home on a 33 acre land. But you know the house was a simple floor plan. Well, my cousin's wife had gone to work, so it was just him, his kids, and I. Him and I decided to go smoke, and since he didnt have a backyard or a front yard, it was just land everywhere, we went to where there was a small cherry tree. halfway into our smoke, his youngest son let's out a scream. He said it was nothing. That his boy always make noises. So we shrugged it off. but only a few seconds later the boy screamed again. So we run into the house. His oldest son comes over and says that the baby boy was acting crazy in the bedroom. We go inside, and the boy looks at us, then points to the top of the closet. You know older houses has a hatch that goes up to the attic. Not even the attic, since houses in Cali don't really have attics or basements anymore. it was just that space between the ceiling and the roof. Anyway he point to that hatch and says...

"Ah meow, daddy. Ah meow."

We look at each other like..WTF? Is this kid for real? But my cousin just tell his boy. Not to say that, or the Ah meow will come get him. But I knew he was scared, and I was a little spooked also. So we decided to get a flashlight and check it out. Brave right? Hell no!! But we rather know there is nothing, then wonder if there was anything. So we get the flashlight, open the hatch, and he looks up into that space. He sees nothing.
But when we talk now, he says his boy still says Ah meow and that he makes his hand into a claw but with a broken wrist when the boy says it. I asked my cousin, what is a Ah meow anyway? LOL.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2728 on: September 07, 2011, 08:29:17 PM »
No this was in Wisconsin.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2729 on: September 08, 2011, 01:57:15 PM »
omg, so her body was cut into pieces really? never heard about that part. wow really surprise at what human can do to others. he probably wad going through so much that this made him go mentally crazy :idiot2: but, why would she come back and haunt the kids. Aren't they her childrens?  where did you get all the details from. are you related to them? do she still haunts now a days? please reply back. :)

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