
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604515 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #180 on: December 09, 2008, 03:48:29 PM »
I think I had a spirit dream :X

This one happened right after an auntie died, she was pretty young...

I dreamt of a time long long ago because I saw forests, thatched houses, and dirt floors.
I was dressed in old-fashioned Hmong clothes and everything was green, black, and white...
Suddenly I was standing inside a house with an older lady who was also wearing clothes in plain black and she sat on the floor stitching some cloth... I felt like I knew this old lady, even though I also knew that I'd never seen her before in my life. And then she looked up towards me and turned to speak in a foreign tongue and it wasn't Hmong Leng either. It sounded like a Hmong-Chinese dialect that I used to hear from an elder... The weirdest thing was that I actually understood her and spoke back to her not in White Hmong or Hmong Leng, but in her dialect. I don't remember what she said but I do remember nodding my head and feeling very good seeing her, especially when she stood up and smiled at me.  Then everything faded to white and I woke up.

For the next few days, this dream stayed on my mind because the lady seemed so REAL and yet I know I've never seen her before in my life and she seemed to give off the same vibe I get when I think of my ancestors, the ones who settled in Nong Het from China...

This was my first and last dream like that. I've been wanting to finish the dream but I just haven't had it since and its been a few months :P

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #181 on: December 09, 2008, 03:59:29 PM »
I've heard of guy who I if I remember correctly my mother's gossip, he was in a coma and passed away but then he came back and then he told everyone what he saw. I can't remember what he saw though.

Is this the same guy?
But yes, please do elaborate on the man you mentioned.
I'm quite curious :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #182 on: December 09, 2008, 05:42:54 PM »
I was tallking about dab tsog to my sister and my brother said that it's not about dab. It is caused when your mind is awake but not your body so you can't move but your mind is working and concious. So yea I was like hmmm... really? Cause I never learned of that before.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #183 on: December 10, 2008, 01:59:00 AM »
Have you guys heard about the Hmong lady who'd came back from her death experience and told a story of heaven and Jesus, and said to be true?. It started out like this, one afternoon back in the early 90's she was coming home from a visit to a friend's house in Sacramento, California. When the lady reach her house's front step she just fainted into a coma and was announce dead at the hospital a couple of hours later. She was married at the time with lots of grown up kids already, to who have their own kids already too, she's a grandma. They said her husband cried like a baby for hours and after a terrible long while he's pale white, shivering, and couldn't weep no more. A miracle or not but the next morning at the hospital when the professional pulled her body out from the cooler kept in the basement below with the others for a dissect, she suddenly sit right up, took a deep breath in and started screaming "HELP! help me". Everyone in that room ran for their lives, the doctor called up her husband and within couples of minutes all the relatives was at the hospital's waiting room, waiting for their turn to she how she is doing. Okay, that's just the first part of the story. The second part is when she is all better from it and walking, talking, being normal like before. This is a true story that occur when I was a boy back in the Sacramento north side neighborhood, a lot of Hmong family lived there and still do. And being a very large Hmong community there in the area, words pass out quickly, even to young and innocently troublesome kid like me. Her story was this, when she got to her front yard, she felt coldness all of a sudden and started feeling light headed. Then she try to make it into the house so she could sit down and relax but her body shutdown on her and she felled onto the ground. Moment later she said recalled it's like being lock up in a big dark closet, can't see or fell anything but she could hear people crying and calling her name over and over. Then she heard a familiar voice said in Hmong "come on, hold my hand and come with me", she said she couldn't see anybody but she reach her arm up anyway and someone grab it and pulled her up from her body laying down at the hospital's emergency room. Before she flew up pass the ceiling, she saw her body and all the doctors trying to help her out, than she saw the hospital roof, the entire city, the world, the cloud, and than finally heaven. Just like how they show it in most movies. When she reaches heaven's gate, she realized that the voice she heard, and the hand that grab her's, was her old ex boyfriend back in Laos. The door opened and they walked inside, it was like a giant court room except everything was almost white all over. The case was that when they was young, he had tasted some of her bloods, so when he pass, he had that in the record as proof to take her with him. She said she was so scared up there, crying, and begging the judge to let her come back to watch her grand kids grow and to a least let her have one last good conversation with her beloved husband. The favor was more toward her ex but the table turn when a man with long brown hair and beard, long white cloths, old wooded like sandal walked into the room and toward her direction. He reach his hand over to touch her face, and she saw a hoe in the middle of his palm (she don't know who Jesus is, not yet until after she told her story), that was her description of this gentleman. In Hmong language he speaks "my daughter, you are a good person, and you are brought up here for the wrong reason at the wrong time". She said in that very moment, all her fear was gone, faded away, as if she knew already that it was going to be alright. "I know you didn't want drink blood with him and you didn't tasted his, he force himself to cut you with a baboon stick and lick your blood from his finger tip". She said right there, right than, it seem as if he was in charge of the whole heaven because everybody in that court room that was yapping before is now all very silent. Than the man said "he is to be punish, to be lock up in heaven's prison for 100 years before being release to reincarnate", than he look down (as if staring at his own feet) and said in a hurry tone "I have to send you back know, before it's too late" he grab her and threw her down back to earth from the sky above. She claimed to remember clearly fallen back down so fast and thinking she might hit the ground so she was screaming for help, and that's when she slam into her body and snap back into reality.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #184 on: December 10, 2008, 10:29:09 AM »
Have you guys heard about the Hmong lady who'd came back from her death experience and told a story of heaven and Jesus, and said to be true?

Yeah i heard of those kinds of stories. My mom actually had an uncle who lived in Laos right now who was like that too. When he died he left his wife and children behind but as he came from from his second generation, his wife remarried already..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #185 on: December 10, 2008, 04:41:05 PM »

Noone that i know has ever pass the first gate so i don't know much, but i will tell you that someone has passed it and they did not die.  The person was charge/crime in heaven and they sent two messengers to take him to testify against his second wife.  When he got upthere??? no more time in let me know if you guys are interest in this story. i will let you guys know what he experienced and other things.

Carry on! :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #186 on: December 10, 2008, 05:00:37 PM »
Have you guys heard about the Hmong lady who'd came back from her death experience and told a story of heaven and Jesus, and said to be true?. It started out like this, one afternoon back in the early 90's she was coming home from a visit to a friend's house in Sacramento, California. When the lady reach her house's front step she just fainted into a coma and was announce dead at the hospital a couple of hours later. She was married at the time with lots of grown up kids already, to who have their own kids already too, she's a grandma. They said her husband cried like a baby for hours and after a terrible long while he's pale white, shivering, and couldn't weep no more. A miracle or not but the next morning at the hospital when the professional pulled her body out from the cooler kept in the basement below with the others for a dissect, she suddenly sit right up, took a deep breath in and started screaming "HELP! help me". Everyone in that room ran for their lives, the doctor called up her husband and within couples of minutes all the relatives was at the hospital's waiting room, waiting for their turn to she how she is doing. Okay, that's just the first part of the story. The second part is when she is all better from it and walking, talking, being normal like before. This is a true story that occur when I was a boy back in the Sacramento north side neighborhood, a lot of Hmong family lived there and still do. And being a very large Hmong community there in the area, words pass out quickly, even to young and innocently troublesome kid like me. Her story was this, when she got to her front yard, she felt coldness all of a sudden and started feeling light headed. Then she try to make it into the house so she could sit down and relax but her body shutdown on her and she felled onto the ground. Moment later she said recalled it's like being lock up in a big dark closet, can't see or fell anything but she could hear people crying and calling her name over and over. Then she heard a familiar voice said in Hmong "come on, hold my hand and come with me", she said she couldn't see anybody but she reach her arm up anyway and someone grab it and pulled her up from her body laying down at the hospital's emergency room. Before she flew up pass the ceiling, she saw her body and all the doctors trying to help her out, than she saw the hospital roof, the entire city, the world, the cloud, and than finally heaven. Just like how they show it in most movies. When she reaches heaven's gate, she realized that the voice she heard, and the hand that grab her's, was her old ex boyfriend back in Laos. The door opened and they walked inside, it was like a giant court room except everything was almost white all over. The case was that when they was young, he had tasted some of her bloods, so when he pass, he had that in the record as proof to take her with him. She said she was so scared up there, crying, and begging the judge to let her come back to watch her grand kids grow and to a least let her have one last good conversation with her beloved husband. The favor was more toward her ex but the table turn when a man with long brown hair and beard, long white cloths, old wooded like sandal walked into the room and toward her direction. He reach his hand over to touch her face, and she saw a hoe in the middle of his palm (she don't know who Jesus is, not yet until after she told her story), that was her description of this gentleman. In Hmong language he speaks "my daughter, you are a good person, and you are brought up here for the wrong reason at the wrong time". She said in that very moment, all her fear was gone, faded away, as if she knew already that it was going to be alright. "I know you didn't want drink blood with him and you didn't tasted his, he force himself to cut you with a baboon stick and lick your blood from his finger tip". She said right there, right than, it seem as if he was in charge of the whole heaven because everybody in that court room that was yapping before is now all very silent. Than the man said "he is to be punish, to be lock up in heaven's prison for 100 years before being release to reincarnate", than he look down (as if staring at his own feet) and said in a hurry tone "I have to send you back know, before it's too late" he grab her and threw her down back to earth from the sky above. She claimed to remember clearly fallen back down so fast and thinking she might hit the ground so she was screaming for help, and that's when she slam into her body and snap back into reality.

One reason why I believe these stories are true is that its not just one person who has experienced a near death event like this. Thousands of people have gone through the same thing ... died, went to heaven/hell and back to earth ... and they always tell of the same or similar story when back in life. And I don't think all these thousands of people who have gone through this would just make it up or copy one's story. I believe in this stuff.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #187 on: December 10, 2008, 09:33:51 PM »
I have seen, heard and experienced some freaky accidents in my lifetime.  Most of them were of devine interventions, others were just messages from the beyond.  I'm not sure I want to go into details, but I will say this.  The more you invest in such beliefs, the more it will tap into you.  I have made a decision a long time ago to block out many things. 
New ideas are generated from a combination of experimenting with current ideas, I hope by blocking out such experiences you are not preventing yourself from seeking further enlightenment. The shamans say the spirit guides (angels) go to those who believe in them most. Spirit guides are enlightened spirits of the divine whereas ancestral spirits are just spirits of our ancestors, the difference between the two need to be clarified. Thing is, sometimes these ancestral spirits emerge as a spirit guide through spiritual evolution.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #188 on: December 10, 2008, 10:01:03 PM »
When i was young my mind used to drift off somewhere into the spririt world.  I can't really tell you guys but i will explained the process where we go after we died or what happens to us we don't get a proper funeral.

We are as the great confusician say living in the Yang part of earth, while the spirits live in the Yin.  I can say that hmong people have been around since the beginning of time because there are so much stories and evidence to be digg up. And also China's government conspiracy locked up infor about our past and hidden them somewhere.  They have also destroyed their culuture during the communist era and therefore destoryed our past as well, but i will recited four syllables.  In china they Say " The Yin And the Yang"  IN hmong we Say " Yin Cheej and Yang Cheej" samething as the chinese. This means good vs. evil, heaven and hell, or in our culture, human and spirite world.

Let's begin with the process i exp.

In the Hmong culture we are as realted to the spirits as we are to the chinese, japanese and others.  Why do i say this? It is because we all are linked by spirits in the ways of rituals and spirit calling.  In japanese culture they believed that demons will leaked out into our world and their job is to protect and scarrife beings to seal the gates of hell every 75 years.  The chinese also have their own way and also us hmongs. 

During the hmong funeral, the dead person will have to travel back to his homeland or hmong kingdom and it is located in china.  Even the elders who guides his soul will say back to china and the dead person will be equipped with horse, bow and money, but the sadest thing is that we have to tear up the dead person's clothes so that the chinese won't try to steal it on his way to his homeland.  This process is also part of hmong history but noone knows the true meaning.  I believed i may have crack many mysteries behing hmong's stories but it will take a long time to find out the true meaning.  Well as the dead person travels back to china, chinese merchants or bandits will try to steal his silky clothes and other goods but if we didn't tear up his clothes then the chinese will try to steal it.

This ritual or the passage to china was never created in the begining, but was only created not too long ago, probbaly when we had to flee china and migrate to indochina.  That was when we started the ritual to sent the dead back to hmong kingdom.  Chinese people are not bury with goods so when they died they will try to steal hmongpeople's silky clothes.

The journey for the dead will end when he reaches his homeland and meet up with his ancestors.

It is believed that hmong people have more than one spirits.  We have one main spirits but when we died we multiply so that one can have two or three to guard our grave.  Sometimes when it is time for the spirit to be reborn they will leave and go the first gate of the spirit world.  I will brief on that later.
Sometimes your spirits may have one guarding the grave and the other will recarnate until he is reborn then will leave or disappear. 

Hmong/all spirits whether it is black, white, mexicans ect. their spirits will remained whereevr they die unless they released their soul and this process can be seen in many ways.  IN hmong we release the soul and the whites also do this, but i am not sure about blacks and mexicans.  I can say this forsure because there hasn't been many reports of black ghosts compared to whites and asians. I would probbally say that blacks aren't as aggressive as whites, therefor whites have remained on earths whiles more blacks and others disappear after they died.  This is just my thoughts-add commments.

Well in america they have what they called Pyshics and they released the souls by gathering energy to sent them back to where ever.

This is the reason why when someone died and have no whereabout where his body is, we release the soul to go to heaven and if not, then they will remain there forever.  You will probbaly have dreams that they are hungry and are poor in the future dreams.

Well the elders say that there is a road in which we take if we are not dead.  When our spirits wanders into the spirit world, Yawg Sau will call to us and bring us back to our place.  In one dream, my grandpa said that he was sleeping and heard his brother playing the Leave instrument and he looked and it came from the moutains and he wa going to follow it but then suddenly he woked up and looked outside seeing his cousin playing the qeej. He thought what a drift dream he had. 
This is the reason we are forbbiden to play the hmong drums and the Qeejs if it is related to sending the dead because if both are play inside the house, ghosts will be in there or someone sleeping while the music " sending the death" is played, the sleeper will follow the host playing the music into the spirit world and into the first gate of the spirit world.
Second, at the funeral if you fall down or sleep, then elders will yelled at you and wake you up.  If you fell down  on the path where the dead person will be carry at then you will need a hu plig so when they take the dead person to the grave it will not take yours.

Note :
The elders say that when the dead is carry out, the person's spirit is sitting upright and his arm/hand is moving/signaling any spirits that have fallen on his path to go with him in the spirit world and if this happens then that person will get sick and die.  Also when the dead person is put into the ground, noone is suppose to stand in his shadow or coffin shadow because he will drag your shadow with him to live with him.  Very rare but has happen before that is why our ancestors developed a Con for everything.

If you asked your elders they will tell you that if they have drifted into the spirit world they will come across a gate or called " Nyuj Va". this is where the human spirits stops at before going into the spirit world.  If there is noone to stop you and you decided to go then your dream will become a reality.  Dream is the portal to the other world and the linked between us and spirits.  If you enter the gate then you will go with the dream and perished but if you stop then you should be fine.  But before you enter there should be someone guarding the gate> Most of the time Yawg sau will stop you and tell you to go back or follow your someone's footstep.  The CUe for this role is to wake up.  Almost evry dream that end up like this after you are told to go back, you will encounter cliffs, huge lakes or others just so you can fall into it and be awaken.

Noone that i know has ever pass the first gate so i don't know much, but i will tell you that someone has passed it and they did not die.  The person was charge/crime in heaven and they sent two messengers to take him to testify against his second wife.  When he got upthere??? no more time in let me know if you guys are interest in this story. i will let you guys know what he experienced and other things.
Hmoob call it Yeeb Ceeb and Yaj Ceeb meaning the Spirit Reality and the Physical Reality. Since antiquity Human beings are known to change their words around, so what people in ancient times called spirits, people in medieval times may have misunderstood as ghosts. Today what we once knew as spirit is best known as energy. When the Hmong people say "There are spirits everywhere" it means "There is energy everywhere". Living in the trees, behind the rocks, in every living being, there is a spirit. Simply replace the word spirit with the word energy. "Living in the trees, behind the rocks, in every living being, there is energy." How was the definition lost over time? Centuries after centuries many events can influence these changes especially war and you know our history, it's filled with war, fleeing from persecution and fighting for our homeland, our way of life.

Now think about recent events, the Vietnam War. During this time a major transaction took place where our parents and grandparents migrated from Southeast Asia into the Western world. The Hmong word for spiritual entity, dab, has been mistranslated as demon. Already in an instance of a decade these definitions have been fading away and only now does the new generation of Hmong scholars look back in time to rediscover their original meanings.

PS - Hmong is both plural and singular, there is no need to add an 's' at the end. Also, it's Yawm Saub, not Yawg Sau. And try to make it short, it's more attractive to readers when it's clear and simple.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 10:03:48 PM by Edutilos »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #189 on: December 11, 2008, 08:44:08 AM »

If you asked your elders they will tell you that if they have drifted into the spirit world they will come across a gate or called " Nyuj Va". this is where the human spirits stops at before going into the spirit world.  If there is noone to stop you and you decided to go then your dream will become a reality.  Dream is the portal to the other world and the linked between us and spirits.  If you enter the gate then you will go with the dream and perished but if you stop then you should be fine.  But before you enter there should be someone guarding the gate> Most of the time Yawg sau will stop you and tell you to go back or follow your someone's footstep.  The CUe for this role is to wake up.  Almost evry dream that end up like this after you are told to go back, you will encounter cliffs, huge lakes or others just so you can fall into it and be awaken.

It's funny you bring this up, since my mil died 5 years ago, my husband dreams of her quiet often and she often lets him see the other side... in his dreams she would come and visit him and give him a "passport" so he can go with her so she can show him what the other side is like.  Often times, he misses her so much he would try to run after her after she brings him back from the visit and when he does chase her...he often comes to a cliff. she would jump off the cliff and tell him not to follow her or she would prohibit him from entering.  He can only go where he has a passport to enter.  Every time she comes to him in a dream he would tell her he wants to go with her, but every single time she would deny that request.  so even in his dreams she knows where the line is drawn.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #190 on: December 12, 2008, 05:49:11 PM »
^That's really sad  :'(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #191 on: December 14, 2008, 12:20:19 PM »
That is really sad, just the thought of missing a love one is more than enough for anybody. Their was this one story back than, in the early 90's. A young man got home from a second shift work one night and was absolutely exhausted. He phone his girlfriend who lived an hour away in a different city. She recommended that he go see her and stay there for the night since it is Friday, end of the week anyway so that they can spent more time together during the weekend. He politely rejected her advice at first by letting her know he is very sleepy and will be at her place first thing in the morning but was soon later tapping out from the princess submission. One hour and a half away and he arrived at his destination, the girlfriend open the door hug him "You're so cold, is it that temper outside?" she asked. He did looked pale but was calm as if didn't notice the weather at all "You won't believe what I saw on the way here" he told her "there were a terrible accident on the highway and traffic was pack, when I pulled up closer to the scene, the car look just like mine" he continue "and the body in the bag, it's hand was sticking out from it" he pause for second as if was thinking and/or confuse in his moment.  She looked at him and touches his face "goodness you are cold as ice" she said to him interrupting the story "I'll be right back, I'm getting you some hot tea". As she got up to leave, he stop her in her track "the watch on it's wrist also looked like mine". As she went into the kitchen, the house phone ring and she picked it up. It was the boyfriend's mom on the other line "I'm sorry I have to tell you this" was the first thing. The girlfriend was clueless "what are you talking about, tell me what?" she wondered why her boyfriend's mom will call her instead of her son. Slowly trying to comfort herself and calm down from crying so hard so she could tell the girlfriend what is going on "my son was just in a car rack and he didn't make it". The girlfriend thought for a little bit and reply "No, your son is here with me right now" trying to ease the mother "if you like, you can talk to him" she walk into the room and he was nowhere to be found. She checked the bathroom, her room, and finally outside. His car wasn't parked there and there were a rotten smell all of a sudden, filling the air outside and inside her entire house. At the funeral, when the everyone else was crying for him, it was a normal corpse laying there. When the girlfriend cry and reminisce there love, tears started falling down from his eyes and didn't stop all the way until they buried him.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #192 on: December 14, 2008, 06:18:06 PM »

I've heard of funerals where the dead was smiling  :o
If I were to ever see that, I'd probably turn around and walk away...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #193 on: December 15, 2008, 11:53:05 AM »

I've heard of funerals where the dead was smiling  :o
If I were to ever see that, I'd probably turn around and walk away...

I think it is very true that these things happens, but not there to wintness first hand so not sure but my relative witness second hand and this is their account.

At funeral, kids have seen the dead person smiling usually kids who hasn't had their teeth fall out. 
A man who went to a funeral and on his way a man asked him for something and he didn't think much about it until he got inside the funeral.  He went to see the dead person and the dead person looked like the old man who asked him.

in stp.
a man slept in the backroom and everyone left. well he woked up to find an old woman sweeping and it looked like the dead person.  The next day funeral was opened and he was scared the shit because he looked at the coffin and it was her.

True story told by my big brother.
 Big brother was a nplig holder meaning when their is ritual the elders would give him a nplig to hold and told him to come striaght home and throw it under his bed.  they told him to not look back and he did.  He saw something following him but he has a big heart so he wasn't scared.  He did this many times and the elders said whoever does this will have luck in their lifetime. 
My brother has my father's and grandpa's heart because he has a big open heart and not scared easily even when he joined a gang he was very tough. he quit along time ago though.
Back in thailand, the funerals were very open and people were very scared so at night they would leave.  well my brother and his friends stay back and slept at the funeral.  That night everyone left and there were like 10 people sleeping there and my brother woked up in the middle of the night to find something wierd.
His hmong refugee blanket had a hole in it and he saw the old lady got up and walked over and snap the chickens' head off.  Then my brother held on to his breathe and wintness evrything.  he felled asleep and told evryone about it.

There is an old saying by many elders the MIEN culture.
Every Three generation there will be one person that will turn into a tiger.  The person who turns into a tiger when they die will have nice beautiful sharp teeth. so the mien community would buried him and wait for the dead person to change so they can whack and kill it.

scary huh??...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #194 on: December 16, 2008, 11:30:57 AM »

« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 05:18:57 PM by theoneandonlykeng »

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