
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604502 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #255 on: January 29, 2009, 08:01:49 AM »
Just tell the Ghost Stories men!!  Tell them so that peeps like Dok_Champa and I get the heebie jeebies!!!   :) :) :)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #256 on: January 29, 2009, 09:03:32 AM »
Just tell the Ghost Stories men!!  Tell them so that peeps like Dok_Champa and I get the heebie jeebies!!!   :) :) :)

ditto.  I shouldn't have read this at work last night.  I swear there was someone in my car while I was driving home last night ... or maybe it was just my paranoia.

I have a story ...

My husband and I used to live in the house my in-laws currently live in.  It's close to a funeral home.  One night while we were driving home, the funeral home folks were pulling out somebody's body from their car.  Her arm fell out from under the covers & off the gurney.  I saw it and didn't say anything to my husband.  We got home, went to bed. 

Early the next morning, he got up and went to work.  I was still in bed half asleep and knew he had left for work and closed the door & locked it ... all that good stuff.  A few minutes later, I felt a presence in our house/studio/room.  I felt it walking towards me and then right up close to my bed where I was sleeping.  I couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't do anything.  For some reason it felt like that presence was that same dead person I had seen the night before.  It felt that way anyways - like it wasn't Hmong.  I was struggling and finally got a scream out (at least I was attempting a scream, what actually came out was only a low moan).  That woke me up, scared it away or something.  I told my husband about it and he was like, it's probably just because you were half asleep.  Probably ... since that has never happened to me before and has never happened since.

Another one ...
This happened when we were kids ... one of my younger sisters was at that age where she was losing her baby teeth and her adult teeth were coming in.  Well, one night, out of nowhere she starts screaming and yelling and crying as if someone/something was taunting her.  She kept pointing to it and crying and screaming.  Scared the crap out of the rest of us kids because we couldn't see it.  My mom grabs a broom and starts cursing it and batting with the broom at where ever my sister was pointing and spitting at it.  I can't remember if my mom did that heading out the door or what but my sister eventually stopped.  Ack, goosebumps telling this one.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #257 on: January 29, 2009, 10:58:54 AM »
backed in the old day in america when i was learning the qeej and so every night i would come home around 7 pr 8 pm at night and i would feel a presence behind my back.  It was neither someone was followiing me or it was a spririt who had heard the sound of qeej. it happened everytime and evrything i got scared i would brushed it off by say very loud things. like "damn i'm so ducken pissed off, better watch out mothaf*****"..this is a way of scaring them off...or if you are strong hearted just say the phrase" If you are human then come out and if your are a ghost then go away"..haha... one way is if they follow you and you have your hair sticking up..what you do is

put your finger in your mouth and go like "Peee" split it out like three times and say don't follow me then they will not follow you...this is what we used to do back in the calif when we would go off into the danger zone....later

« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 12:29:48 PM by babieboitj »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #258 on: January 29, 2009, 02:40:37 PM »
there are such things as half-ass christians.
it's true that these threads are mostly written by shamanist ppl.
christian in hmong means banishment of spirits.

ol. ur christian story sounds fake. that's like what a typical shaman would say. and obviously she was not a devout christian because she converted and was probably only a christian to begin with cuz like u said she wanted to be like others.

Gatorade, you sound like a faithfull ass christian, good to know you are really deep in the religion. did you know that people die because of you believers who thinks that god is everything and that is where millions died of trying to convert other people into your religion. all this fighting and killing needs to stop, it needs to end, why are you christians/jesus believers killing other cultures just because they have a different god. all you true believers know what i am talking about...too much faith i religion can kill a person.  Religion is there to serve the human soul and mind, not to convert others and start many holy wars...

when i am telling the story i was not thinking about who i like or which religion i hate. for god's sake, we are telling stories in here, not gibberish about "oh she was not faithfull to the lord, she was half"..

if you are a true believer, i want you to go to church and pray every sec and do chrarity work or become a priest and take care of those poor hmongs in the that's a faithful should know that nomatter who writes these stories whether they are hmong/others, shamans, christs, others. the point is it doesn't matter who you are as long as you have a ghost story to tell then it is all good..

i would like to rephrase on whgat you said
"lol. ur christian story sounds fake. that's like what a typical shaman would say. and obviously she was not a devout christian because she converted and was probably only a christian to begin with cuz like u said she wanted to be like others. "
Now i am LOLZ laughing at you because you are describing yourself..  the reason you are defending that story is because that story hurted your feelings huh little do you know it was fake..if you don't like what you are reading then don't read it. go to some other website. this is all about pebhmong. it did not say peb shamans or peb is us, the color tan, as long as your hmong then it doesn't matter on your faith.
Don't hate on my story even if i don't descirbe every little detail, but if you want to then pm me so i can give you every detail to whatever story you don't under stand.

you sounded like you are too deep in faith. i have faith in everything including spirits, gods and other's religion because i respect everyone's culture unlike you bro. well enough of the chat..on to my next story..
will post soon...

i am doing charity work by teaching you on here. but i forgive your petty attempts at insulting me. since you seemed to have so many experiences, i would recommend you seek our Saviour.

i'll tell you a story...

once upon a time, there were these hmong ppl who always had experiences with the supernatural, they converted to christianity and found a better life and no more did they fear death or the unknown.

the end.

p.s. hope you liked my story.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #259 on: January 29, 2009, 10:36:30 PM »
yO gay-terade gurl, why don't you go preach your religion to those muslim people in the middle east... your holy war is over there, not in here.  also if your religion is so great then why do those hmong people who convert into christianity, when they die how come they always gots to come back and do their funeral the real hmong style.  I guess they don't want to go see jesus, but want to go see their ancestor.. hahaha ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #260 on: January 30, 2009, 01:41:11 AM »
Highway ghosts. My mom shared a story with me back when she use to work for a small factory company with lots of other Hmong parents and they talk about these things all the time, you guys know how us Hmong people is. Will, they all worked 2nd shift and one night a young Hmong lady was driving just minding her own going home late at night as usual. Soon as she pulled up to a stop sign right after getting off the exit, she looked over to her left to make sure she's clear than turn to looked over her right. That's when she saw a white man sitting on the passenger side in the car with her. She was so shock, so frighten she forgot to scream. The old man asked her in a very empty calmly voice "can you help me find my home?", he paused and than added "I'm lost and very hungry, please do you have anything for me to eat?". The young Hmong lady just started crying historically and speed her vehicle all the way home, afterward she admit she don't remember when the ghost left. Maybe her historical cry scared it away, just kidding. Anyway, her family did do a ceremony on her and the shaman said she's okay that the spirit didn't mean any harm whatsoever . It really was just lost and hungry and needed help. That's first part of her story. Than this to me is the sad part when the shaman went to the location of the place where she claim she'd saw the man. The shaman burn three inscents with some paper and told the spirit to take the money and go buy himself some good food. And than that he might not know it already but he is dead and can never find his home ever again. And for him not to spend his time looking for his family anymore and for him to just go on and start a new life. After all the saying and the ritual, everybody went back home and the shaman told them that the old man die there a long time ago in a car accident and since than have been looking for his family. And unlike us Hmong, the white don't burn their dead ones money so the man was very poor and hungry and have nowhere to turn. And after the shaman told the man that he is dead, the old man's face went sad and it looked like he was crying or trying to but no tears was falling. Than just like that the old man's ghost disappear, the shaman said that that's when the spirit can go and reincarnate. Rest in peace.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #261 on: January 30, 2009, 03:14:15 AM »
^Its kinda like in the 6th sense, where the ghosts don't know that they've died  :X

Speaking of 6th sense, mine has nothing to do with ghosts but with money.
I can always tell when money is or is not coming my way, especially if I'm gambling :X

But I wish I had recorded the ghost stories my father used to tell me as a kid.
His favorite were about pinuvi (spelling?).
How they lived in trees and stuff.
He even swore he saw a pinuvi back in Laos one night when he was coming back from macking on girls, he heard some noise above him and when he looked in the trees, he saw a huge ape-like thing with bllod red eyes staring and laughing at him. He was scared shitless and ran all the way home. From then on, whenever he went macking, he brought a friend or a gun :X

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #262 on: January 30, 2009, 12:29:30 PM »
yO gay-terade gurl, why don't you go preach your religion to those muslim people in the middle east... your holy war is over there, not in here.  also if your religion is so great then why do those hmong people who convert into christianity, when they die how come they always gots to come back and do their funeral the real hmong style.  I guess they don't want to go see jesus, but want to go see their ancestor.. hahaha ;D

lol. shamanists tend to resort to name calling because THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.

ironically, we have some dumb hmong shaman soldiers eating IED's in IRAQ in the name of christianity too. that's sad. which shows your ignorance that our war in iraq or the middle east isn't necessarily about religion.

to TEACH you and answer your question, those hmong christians you speak of generally end up having a hmong funeral because their ignorant family members want to deny their wish of a christian burial and just decide for them. it is extremely rare for a hmong christian who was devout to the faith to ever request a traditional burial. actually it's virtually unheard of.

lol. hope that helps. if not, i'll be back to answer any other questions you may have.

notice i need not call you names like u do me.  ;)

« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 12:31:26 PM by Gatorade_Guy »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #263 on: January 30, 2009, 01:16:09 PM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #264 on: January 30, 2009, 01:52:25 PM »
lol. shamanists tend to resort to name calling because THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.

ironically, we have some dumb hmong shaman soldiers eating IED's in IRAQ in the name of christianity too. that's sad. which shows your ignorance that our war in iraq or the middle east isn't necessarily about religion.

to TEACH you and answer your question, those hmong christians you speak of generally end up having a hmong funeral because their ignorant family members want to deny their wish of a christian burial and just decide for them. it is extremely rare for a hmong christian who was devout to the faith to ever request a traditional burial. actually it's virtually unheard of.

lol. hope that helps. if not, i'll be back to answer any other questions you may have.

notice i need not call you names like u do me.  ;)

PLEEAASE!!!  Tell ghost stories!!  Religion doesn't belong in this forum!!!  how many times do we have to tell you.  Why aren't the MODs doing anything??   >:( >:( >:(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #265 on: January 30, 2009, 02:53:34 PM »
lol. shamanists tend to resort to name calling because THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.

ironically, we have some dumb hmong shaman soldiers eating IED's in IRAQ in the name of christianity too. that's sad. which shows your ignorance that our war in iraq or the middle east isn't necessarily about religion.

to TEACH you and answer your question, those hmong christians you speak of generally end up having a hmong funeral because their ignorant family members want to deny their wish of a christian burial and just decide for them. it is extremely rare for a hmong christian who was devout to the faith to ever request a traditional burial. actually it's virtually unheard of.

lol. hope that helps. if not, i'll be back to answer any other questions you may have.

notice i need not call you names like u do me.  ;)

First of all how many hmong soilder have you heard been eating ied in iraq? they knew what they were gonna end up doing when they joined the army/marines or whatever branch  they are in. beside how many hmong soilders do you see come back and go crazy!! like them white soilders. umm i guess jesus ain't helping them.. thats why they go wacko..also they war in iraq is about religion, thats y 911 happen. its called the new age crusade...
-also one of my buddies parents converted into christianity, after many years they moved into a new house, his mom got really sick, she started to go crazy. they took her to the hospital and all and i guess god was not helping her.  they decided to "ua neeg" and found out that she was posses by a white men who died in the house they lived in.  they ua neeg, and she recover, they finally came back into shamanism...
gayterade guy, you sound like a smart guy, but when it comes to religion, you are just like all them other true hmong believers, if you would get a chance you would preach how great your religion is. Have you ever heard the story about the HMONG KING, and Jesus... if not i could tell you.. hahaha

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #266 on: January 30, 2009, 03:04:08 PM »
ok this happen to a couple of my buddies. it was about 3 yrs ago, we always use to go clubin, out of town.  after a while, one of my buddy was sleeping and he wakes up, he saw a dark figure crawing threw his window, and he got molested..  mean while my other buddy, the same thing happen to him, so one day we was kicking and one of em, decided to tell us the story.  then the other said "no shit, the same thing happen to me.  they both got freak out, and decided to think back, and found out that when it happen, it happen to both of them the same night. they did jingle bells and the both of them had to bring the ghost, back to the club, cuz they found out that the ghost followed them from the club. after they did that and came back home, they got lost "note it was night out"  they couldn't find their way home they kept driving but would always come back to the same place. good thing for technology, they use their cellphone and call us boys to go get them, so we did. and got them to come back... home, it was a weird thing... but after a while we heard more stories about that club... scary..... that club use to  be a funeral home..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #267 on: January 30, 2009, 05:22:54 PM »
I know right?, I hate those followers. I remember once when my dad took us kids fishing, after we came back my from the trip my little bro' just can't stop crying. We called up the shaman right away and when they arrive they did some ritual with gingers and said that a river ghost follow us home but the shaman had chase it away.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #268 on: January 30, 2009, 05:24:33 PM »
Oh yeah!, and the reason my little bro' kept crying was because the ghost like him and try to play with him, and he's the only one that can see the ghost because he still have his baby teeth than.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #269 on: January 30, 2009, 05:29:31 PM »
First of all how many hmong soilder have you heard been eating ied in iraq? they knew what they were gonna end up doing when they joined the army/marines or whatever branch  they are in. beside how many hmong soilders do you see come back and go crazy!! like them white soilders. umm i guess jesus ain't helping them.. thats why they go wacko..also they war in iraq is about religion, thats y 911 happen. its called the new age crusade...
-also one of my buddies parents converted into christianity, after many years they moved into a new house, his mom got really sick, she started to go crazy. they took her to the hospital and all and i guess god was not helping her.  they decided to "ua neeg" and found out that she was posses by a white men who died in the house they lived in.  they ua neeg, and she recover, they finally came back into shamanism...
gayterade guy, you sound like a smart guy, but when it comes to religion, you are just like all them other true hmong believers, if you would get a chance you would preach how great your religion is. Have you ever heard the story about the HMONG KING, and Jesus... if not i could tell you.. hahaha

ah yes, if they're not eating IEDs they are probably eating ak-47s, but still coming home in body bags. lol. u present your arguments like a little school girl. my point, is not per se what hmong soldiers are eating in iraq, just in case u missed my point, but it's to point out that shamans are dieing in the name of Christ as u seem to wrongly think is the reason we are in the middle east.

secondly, to say that hmong soldiers are somehow immune to emotional trauma and other side effects of war, u truly must be lacking in knowledge. a simple example would be those hmong vietnam war veterans who are still paranoid about the communist and viets raiding their villages in the middle of the night trying to gut them and their families. but i guess those hmongs must be Christian hmong soldiers, because a shaman hmong soldier is impervious to such things. LMAO.

just because jihadists and extreme muslims attacked us (i.e. 9/11) for religious reasons doesn't mean that our defense of ourselves to eliminate such terroristic acts is because we want to spread Christianity to the middle east. that's is such a thick headed claim. if u ever watched the news, u'd realize what some of the real issues are regarding the middle east. but of course u'd probably respond with some religious conspiracy that all the major news channel are owned by Christians and you are far more informed than them.

u and your bogus story. here's my story, a long time ago, a woman who wasn't christian kept having spiritual encounters, so she converted and was baptized and has never since experienced such things again. how do you like my story? LOL.

really, shamans like YOU, shouldn't even bother with medical medicines. you should just rely on your "jingle bells..." don't you think?

well thank you for your compliment. do share your story about the hmong king and Jesus. in order to be smart, one has to be well rounded.

on the contrary, i'm merely agreeing with some observations in here that most of the story tellers in here are shamans. and the only "scary" stories told in here involving Christians are told by Hmong shamnans. i'm not preeching to you or any other non-believers, simply agreeing with some comments and defending the Christian faith.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 05:34:12 PM by Gatorade_Guy »

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