
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604161 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #900 on: October 10, 2009, 11:29:39 PM »
The drinking finally killed him, shame on you. Too much alcohol and even caffeine destroy people's kidney in no time at all. It's true, it's true.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #901 on: October 12, 2009, 11:43:07 AM »
The drinking finally killed him, shame on you. Too much alcohol and even caffeine destroy people's kidney in no time at all. It's true, it's true.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #902 on: October 13, 2009, 12:36:50 AM »
heres my story....dont know if its ghost related or coincidence, but here it goes.......... ....

this happend about 4-5 yrs ago, but anyways....... of my older uncles just recently came here from laos, and was living with us, and slept in the guest room.  it was cool and all than a couple of months later he gotten really sick, he had bad kidneys, and need dialysis(however u spell it) .........but unfortunately hes gotten really ill and had to stay at the hospitol for treatment..... .............. .Here goes the freaky part.......... our dining room, we have a big glass liquor cabinet in the corner...i store all my liqours and wine in there, and on the bottom was the bottom tier liqour stuff like brandy, capt. morgan, tequila, smirnoff vodka, etc.....a couple of months goes by, and one day,  i had some guests over so i went over to the cabinet and popped a bottle of J. walker, as i glanced down, i had  noticed that on the bottom level, there was a completely empty bottle of yukon jack, seems like someone pushed in the upper half of the bottle, and it  is inside of the bottom half!!! i was thinking to myself that this is glass, how can it perfectly do that without shattering all over the place?????   and the other freaky thing is that there is no sign or trace where the liqour went??  Whoever had dranked yukon jack before, knows that it has a sweet, cinammon taste to it and it is sticky!!!  Still as i investigated i couldnt see no sign or trace of the liqour pouring out or anything of that  sort!!!!

Days past, and then one day my pops called and said that my uncle passed away!!?!?!!!  i was like wtf?!?! 
so in conclusion, i've figured that he came back to my house to say goodbye and had 1 last drink and also to leave a sign that he was leaving to a better place!! 

btw, that was his favorite liqour, thats why i'd bought it for him, but hed gotten sick and couldnt have none, so i saved it and just left it on the bottom.......

dude, report this to anyone of those paranormal shows/ sites. They'll go crazy, maybe even make an episode or do some testing on it. But that is crazy, unexplainable. hope you take lots of pictures, and keep the glass

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #903 on: October 13, 2009, 01:51:46 AM »
Hey everyone.

Wow I cant believe it that I actually finish reading all these scary ghost story because I was so into it heehehhee..any way I have a scary story to tell yah hahahah…

Well, this happen to me on the morning long time ago, I always got sat on and it was really scary coz I was still young and little girl. I dnt even know what is it or what is on top of me because I have never got it b4. well, while I still got it, I was facing on my left and I dnt open my eye when I got it because I was too scared…hehehhe anyway, then something touched and tickle the back of my neck. i was like WTF??? I thought it was my little brother. I was thinking to myself, why my little brother doing that to me and if I ever wake up im so gonna kill him. When everything was done and I got release. I got up and saw no one was there, not even my brother. So I went to the living room to see if my brother was there and he was playing games alone. I asked him if he have touch my neck and he said no. so I went to sleep on the couch bcoz too scared to sleep in my room a chicken….lol

Anyway I got another one..i still got sat on when Im married. It happens to me every morning when my husband goes to work. I told him about it and he just said that it’s because I was lazy and it to tell me to get up early…lol well, it always happen to me when im alone and when my husband was not there with me. So my husband asked his sister to do the shaman. When she finished it, she told me and my husband that it's because I was depression and I keep crying all night. It told me to stop that y that thing trying to scare me. I was like ok… that it???? Haha could of just say after that, i never get it now lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #904 on: October 13, 2009, 02:20:26 AM »
me and my squad saw some ghost too.  we chased them and shot the hell outta 'em.  the end (true story by the way)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #905 on: October 13, 2009, 11:31:03 AM »
more more more!!!!!!!!!!

 :D :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #906 on: October 13, 2009, 12:45:01 PM »
.........and one time in band camp......!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #907 on: October 14, 2009, 01:20:30 PM »
Not my story.........


This occurred right after I graduated from high school in 1992 and yet still when I'm telling this story, I get emotional.

Right after graduation, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so upset with myself and depressed thinking I ruined my life. I was accepted to go to Howard University and due to start that August. One day I was home by myself crying on my parents' bed and questioning my faith in God. Then suddenly, I couldn't move it was as if someone or being was holding me down on the bed. Words can't describe how scared I was. I began to see a transparent shape coming towards me. As it got closer, the shape began to look familiar. It looked like my grandfather, (PAPA) I was so frightened, I closed my eyes. I then saw a vision of a little boy laughing. Then it changed to a ceremony. I saw myself walking onstage with cap and gown to accept a degree. When I opened my eyes, the shape was gone and I was able to move again. As I was getting off the bed, I noticed that my parents' picture of the praying hands with The Lord's Prayer had fallen off the wall onto the bed. I refuse to believe what had happened so I brushed it off, (maybe the picture hit me in the head causing me to hallucinate).

The next morning I overheard my father telling my mother he believed he saw his father's spirit in the house the night before. My mother replied by saying, "I wonder what's wrong, he only appears when something is wrong." After hearing that, I had to come out with my secret.

And yes, I had a boy who is now sixteen. I have two degrees now and am very successful.

Thanks Papa.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #908 on: October 15, 2009, 08:32:21 AM »
Not my story.........


This occurred right after I graduated from high school in 1992 and yet still when I'm telling this story, I get emotional.

Right after graduation, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so upset with myself and depressed thinking I ruined my life. I was accepted to go to Howard University and due to start that August. One day I was home by myself crying on my parents' bed and questioning my faith in God. Then suddenly, I couldn't move it was as if someone or being was holding me down on the bed. Words can't describe how scared I was. I began to see a transparent shape coming towards me. As it got closer, the shape began to look familiar. It looked like my grandfather, (PAPA) I was so frightened, I closed my eyes. I then saw a vision of a little boy laughing. Then it changed to a ceremony. I saw myself walking onstage with cap and gown to accept a degree. When I opened my eyes, the shape was gone and I was able to move again. As I was getting off the bed, I noticed that my parents' picture of the praying hands with The Lord's Prayer had fallen off the wall onto the bed. I refuse to believe what had happened so I brushed it off, (maybe the picture hit me in the head causing me to hallucinate).

The next morning I overheard my father telling my mother he believed he saw his father's spirit in the house the night before. My mother replied by saying, "I wonder what's wrong, he only appears when something is wrong." After hearing that, I had to come out with my secret.

And yes, I had a boy who is now sixteen. I have two degrees now and am very successful.

Thanks Papa.

I so thought yyou were a chick!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #909 on: October 15, 2009, 09:25:06 AM »
Not my story.........


This occurred right after I graduated from high school in 1992 and yet still when I'm telling this story, I get emotional.

Right after graduation, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so upset with myself and depressed thinking I ruined my life. I was accepted to go to Howard University and due to start that August. One day I was home by myself crying on my parents' bed and questioning my faith in God. Then suddenly, I couldn't move it was as if someone or being was holding me down on the bed. Words can't describe how scared I was. I began to see a transparent shape coming towards me. As it got closer, the shape began to look familiar. It looked like my grandfather, (PAPA) I was so frightened, I closed my eyes. I then saw a vision of a little boy laughing. Then it changed to a ceremony. I saw myself walking onstage with cap and gown to accept a degree. When I opened my eyes, the shape was gone and I was able to move again. As I was getting off the bed, I noticed that my parents' picture of the praying hands with The Lord's Prayer had fallen off the wall onto the bed. I refuse to believe what had happened so I brushed it off, (maybe the picture hit me in the head causing me to hallucinate).

The next morning I overheard my father telling my mother he believed he saw his father's spirit in the house the night before. My mother replied by saying, "I wonder what's wrong, he only appears when something is wrong." After hearing that, I had to come out with my secret.

And yes, I had a boy who is now sixteen. I have two degrees now and am very successful.

Thanks Papa.

We should limit these stories to actual events that happened to you or someone you know, rather that stories from chain emails!   ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #910 on: October 15, 2009, 09:53:24 AM »
I'm not sure if I told this story already but here it is:

My husband's brother and his family once lived in this so call new house by which was occupied by two or three previous owners.

They have two daughters at the time their age were 2 and 4.  One day while the parents were sleeping in the bedroom or not sure where they were but the kids were playing somewhere in the house.  They also have two of their boy cousins over too.  Now, keep in mind that this story was told by our niece herself.  She told us that while they were playing, they saw this old lady wandering around the house.  We asked her what was the old lady wearing and our niece went and point at a picture of our mother in law dress in hmong clothing.  Now, this little girl can't be lying b/c how does she know to point out what the ghost was wearing. 

She then said that the old lady has blood all over her face and was yelling at the kids to get out of her house.  This spirit somehow did not scare our niece but our other nephews got frighten of this ghost.  After their parents heard of the story they moved right out.  Found out that the previous owner's mother died in that house.

When she told this story to the hubby and I, we got goosebumps all over us...Creepy!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #911 on: October 15, 2009, 03:15:44 PM »
We should limit these stories to actual events that happened to you or someone you know, rather that stories from chain emails!   ;D

Sorry, this thread was so dead I figured anything will be better than nothing.....ju st to give it a boost, and it worked lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #912 on: October 15, 2009, 04:02:35 PM »

my BIL lived in a haunted house before too. One time staying there, my husband decided to bring over his bow and arrow to see if he can kill the nasty big rats in the backyard. Little did he know that those big rats must not be rats only.  >:D During the day he yelled out " tonight, you rats are gonna die." Well he put his bow and arrow outside but so high that none of the kids will get to it... nightfall came and he didn't want to go and do what he said anymore... The next day he went to find his bow and arrow all chewed up. :o ::) >:D Guess the rats got to it. :D  Then the BIL's wife had a dreamed that someone came to tell her that don't think they can kill them. :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #913 on: October 16, 2009, 03:42:27 PM »

my BIL lived in a haunted house before too. One time staying there, my husband decided to bring over his bow and arrow to see if he can kill the nasty big rats in the backyard. Little did he know that those big rats must not be rats only.  >:D During the day he yelled out " tonight, you rats are gonna die." Well he put his bow and arrow outside but so high that none of the kids will get to it... nightfall came and he didn't want to go and do what he said anymore... The next day he went to find his bow and arrow all chewed up. :o ::) >:D Guess the rats got to it. :D  Then the BIL's wife had a dreamed that someone came to tell her that don't think they can kill them. :o


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #914 on: October 19, 2009, 01:54:28 AM »

my BIL lived in a haunted house before too. One time staying there, my husband decided to bring over his bow and arrow to see if he can kill the nasty big rats in the backyard. Little did he know that those big rats must not be rats only.  >:D During the day he yelled out " tonight, you rats are gonna die." Well he put his bow and arrow outside but so high that none of the kids will get to it... nightfall came and he didn't want to go and do what he said anymore... The next day he went to find his bow and arrow all chewed up. :o ::) >:D Guess the rats got to it. :D  Then the BIL's wife had a dreamed that someone came to tell her that don't think they can kill them. :o
He should've just shot 'em.
That's a headshot!   ;D

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