
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604391 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1080 on: November 12, 2009, 03:19:02 PM »
HW, just sound like someone with a new nick. I could be wrong. If i'm thinking of the correct one, no, too far.

anyhow, here's another one. I had a first cousin who used to go out a lot at night.... His buddies took him to a river and when the buddies went in for a swim, he didn't go.. He saw something and was scared for his life. Well I guess that ghost musta follow him home... He would see the ghost at night.. His parents sent him to stay with my uncle... I guess the ghost followed him there too... Everynight he would see the ghost at the tip of his bed walking back and forth and doing whatever.. So he told my other cousins and they didn't believe it til they swap room and at night here comes the ghost. The other cousins were spook to death.. I don't know what happen next.. Not sure how the ghost went away.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1081 on: November 12, 2009, 03:51:27 PM »
Here's one... I don't know if it's a scary story or whatever..

This old man was sick and he was in and out of the hospital... SOmehow he passed out during an operation on him that they had to resuscitate him. After that, he would talk nonsense stuff. The son was visiting him.. He asked the son if he can eat him and the mom when she visits later. The son replied to the dad that he cannot eat them and yelled at him to stop saying nonsense stuff.. He's pretty weak but for some reason he got out of his room when the son went to get coffee.. The nurses had to tie him to the bed.  It took him a few days to become himself.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1082 on: November 12, 2009, 04:47:51 PM »
Here's one... I don't know if it's a scary story or whatever..

This old man was sick and he was in and out of the hospital... SOmehow he passed out during an operation on him that they had to resuscitate him. After that, he would talk nonsense stuff. The son was visiting him.. He asked the son if he can eat him and the mom when she visits later. The son replied to the dad that he cannot eat them and yelled at him to stop saying nonsense stuff.. He's pretty weak but for some reason he got out of his room when the son went to get coffee.. The nurses had to tie him to the bed.  It took him a few days to become himself.

he came back to life, half dead. A part zombie wanting human flesh...took him a few days to shrug off his human flesh cravings

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1083 on: November 13, 2009, 12:29:19 PM »
haha nice story.

Okay so yes I have the sixth sense, and yes I have a choice if I wish to be a shaman or not but no I do not want to be one and no I don't have to be one. And yes I still have the sixth sense regardless if I choose to be one or not. I shouldn't call it "the sixth sense" but rather "a sixth sense." Okay let me share my little short story. I was sleeping over at an elder's house in the basement when I felt as though someone was staring at me. You know how we're sleeping and if someone stands close to us we kinda feel their presence? or maybe it's just me. So yeah I open my eyes and I don't see anything, and I know I can't see spirits so I was like hmm that's odd no one's there. But I felt very uncomfortable and knew that whatever it was, it wasn't happy that I was there. So I ran upstairs and slept in the living room.

The next morning I woke up and asked my mom if she knew anything about the home. I told her I swear I felt some kind of spiritual presence, something was definitely there, and I felt cold and afraid. She later asked around and learned that the elder's wife died in his home, in the basement. That was the one experience of many I confirmed I had a sixth sense.

i'm chosen as well to be the shaman...buti chose not.....
my story was....i was in my room on top of my bed.... laying on my belly near the end of my bed and writing in my journal.....
.....i strongly felt as if someone was looking at i slowly look next to me on my left where i felt it... and it was nothing.... so i looked around the room and it was i quickly ran out of my room into the living room....and everybody was not home.....they were outside which made it worser for me...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1084 on: November 13, 2009, 12:30:39 PM »
he came back to life, half dead. A part zombie wanting human flesh...took him a few days to shrug off his human flesh cravings

actually, i think the ghost around him made him say that only. U know like he was suppose to go but the docs brought him back to life. I don't think he was gonna eat them for reals. ;D :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1085 on: November 13, 2009, 01:04:09 PM »
speaking of hospitals, i have two stories relating to my mom and sister.

well, i'll start with my sister. ever since my dad died back in 2001, my sister got really sick. at the time we were preparing for my dad's funeral, my sister was in and out of the hospital for kidney failure. well, from that time up until her transplant three years ago, every time she went into the hospital, she would share a room with another person. well, for some reason, each roommate that she had, they would die in the same room with her. we never asked why or anything. just kind of shrugged it off.

here's one about my mom.

she was in this one hospital completely unknown to us. well, my sister spent the first night with my mom at that hospital. she said that she would hear a noise like the one the grudge makes. it sounded like it was coming from the vent. that night, she couldn't sleep at all. the next day, i went spent the night there. i didn't hear what my sister heard but i did hear what sounded like the pipes were just making noises. however, that night, i couldn't sleep for some reason. normally i don't have the tv on when i'm in the hospital but for some reason, that night i did. i didn't think much of it. i just went on like it was nothing.

that time while my mom was in the hospital, we decided to watch scary movies at home. we watched the movie, "emily rose". well, it sat well with me but not with my niece. for some reason, that movie woke something up with my niece. ever since that time, with my mom coming home from that hospital and watching that movie, something changed with my mom and niece.

with my mom, she started seeing bugs. she started getting sicker and sicker each day. she started talking to herself, too. it's not loud but like a whisper. sometimes, you can't even make out the words. my niece, the one that changed a little, she started noticing things, too. after she would come over to our house, she would go home and that night, she would get sit on. she would feel like there are little feet running around her. when she was around my mom, she would hear the whispers and get scared. her, her younger sister and brother would have dreams of bad spirits around my mom. at first she didn't want to tell me all this because she was afraid i'd get scared or that whatever that was with her, would come onto me. apparently, whoever she told this to, things would happen to them! it happened to her brother, her sister and her bf. knock on wood but nothing happened to me. that's why  her bf now said that i'm spiritually retarded! hahaha..

anyway, about my mom's whispers, there are times when you can't make out what she's saying. it's all gibberish and mumbo jumbo. all i know is that there have been times where i would hear something sinister but too tired to care! hahahahha it did scare my nephew's wife one morning.

i was getting my mom ready for dialysis. i had her sit down by the stairs. one of my nephew and his family came over to visit. they slept in the living room. anyway, all of a sudden, my nephew's wife goes," auntie, did you hear that?" for a minute there, i got scared but i answered, "hear what?" she goes,"you don't hear it? it's coming from grandma's room!" i go, "does it sound like gibberish talk?" she said, "yeah". i answered, "oh! it's just grandma. it's coming from the stairs!". my nyaab gives me a questioned look and asks, "are you sure? it really does sound like it's coming from grandma's room." i nodded no. I explained to her about how hearing is like sometimes. you think it's from one side but really, it just kind of goes around you to another, you know? but yeah! my mom's gibberish talk has scared a few people.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1086 on: November 16, 2009, 04:24:13 PM »
So this past weekend we visited the hubby's friends and stay for the night.

We slept out in the living room so around 8 or 9ish, I was kinda awake; while I was sleeping I heard the hubby's friend got out and was doing some jogging from the other side of the room to where we slept.  I was thinking to myself that it was weird that he got up early to run around the apt.  I was too tired to open my eyes so I dozed off. 

A couple of minutes later, I heard him making conversations with my hubby that he's going to the store to buy groceries.  I didn't think of much and doze back to sleep until 10:30 when both of us woke up.  After getting ready; I asked the hubby if his friend was back from the store yet and the hubby told me that he was still asleep.  I then got the goosebumps all over me b/c I specifically heard him running around us and making conversation to the hubby.

I told the hubby about it and he didn't want me to tell them b/c it may freak them out.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1087 on: November 20, 2009, 09:40:36 AM »
I got a story, when i was about 5 years old; Like i was sleeping on the ground
of my parents bed, so you like ckan see like under the badd, But anyways, i was
so young back then iono, what i say but I was so freak out, Cos i saw like
a women at the end of the bed. Goshhh scaredd me, still freaks me out till this day.

Heres anothor one; So my cosin told me this one, cos hes from fresno, and i hearrddd
fresno has alot of scary shiet there, thats why im scaredd to go hahahah, Just joking.
But yeahh like i was saying, he told me about a place ckall LOST LAKE? [ Anyone know that
place in fresno? ] But yeahh he said that alot of scary shiet happen there. And its freaky at night too.
He said one night driving threw lost lake, it was him and his friend, and i guess hes friends ckan see
ghosts so yeahhh, they was driving and my cos say it was so dark like very dark and
he turn to his left and saw a tree and looked like to hmong girls hang there self,
but he wasnt all scaredd cos he did hear a story about that tree that if you
look at it at midnight you ckan see then dead there, also hes friend saw it too, and hearthe 2 girls
voices telling them to help them, AHHHH freaky mannn . . . yeahhh . .

And i got a ex from fresno and he told me about of things too, i just for got.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1088 on: November 20, 2009, 11:19:21 AM »
Saw a lady under the bed........tha t is creepy.

I am from Fresno and yes, Lost Lake is the place of Hmong death. Though Hmong people, like me, still go there because it's a hangout/swim place and plenty of fish. It's actually a river, the San Joaquin River. Freezing cold, that's why it's a very popular place to cool off in the summer. many Hmong people drowned there, a few hung themselves there in the past.

Many Fresno people don't about the suicide but.......One Hmong guy hung himself at the entrance tree, one hmong lady hung herself on a tree in the middle of the river. Many drowned Hmong victims. Believe it or not, we still go every summer and will always go. The blazing California sun is just to much, so free cool mountain water is one of the better alternatives to AC. I go snorkel there every summer, watching how the trout feed.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1089 on: November 20, 2009, 04:22:58 PM »
Same here...I grew up in Fresno and Lost Lake do have lots of scary incidents happening there. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1090 on: November 20, 2009, 04:46:38 PM »
I think my car is haunted... every time I ride in it I'd hear rattling noises.  Maybe my muffler is haunted by satan himself.  DAMN!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1091 on: November 21, 2009, 12:48:11 PM »
speaking of hospitals, i have two stories relating to my mom and sister.

well, i'll start with my sister. ever since my dad died back in 2001, my sister got really sick. at the time we were preparing for my dad's funeral, my sister was in and out of the hospital for kidney failure. well, from that time up until her transplant three years ago, every time she went into the hospital, she would share a room with another person. well, for some reason, each roommate that she had, they would die in the same room with her. we never asked why or anything. just kind of shrugged it off.

here's one about my mom.

she was in this one hospital completely unknown to us. well, my sister spent the first night with my mom at that hospital. she said that she would hear a noise like the one the grudge makes. it sounded like it was coming from the vent. that night, she couldn't sleep at all. the next day, i went spent the night there. i didn't hear what my sister heard but i did hear what sounded like the pipes were just making noises. however, that night, i couldn't sleep for some reason. normally i don't have the tv on when i'm in the hospital but for some reason, that night i did. i didn't think much of it. i just went on like it was nothing.

that time while my mom was in the hospital, we decided to watch scary movies at home. we watched the movie, "emily rose". well, it sat well with me but not with my niece. for some reason, that movie woke something up with my niece. ever since that time, with my mom coming home from that hospital and watching that movie, something changed with my mom and niece.

with my mom, she started seeing bugs. she started getting sicker and sicker each day. she started talking to herself, too. it's not loud but like a whisper. sometimes, you can't even make out the words. my niece, the one that changed a little, she started noticing things, too. after she would come over to our house, she would go home and that night, she would get sit on. she would feel like there are little feet running around her. when she was around my mom, she would hear the whispers and get scared. her, her younger sister and brother would have dreams of bad spirits around my mom. at first she didn't want to tell me all this because she was afraid i'd get scared or that whatever that was with her, would come onto me. apparently, whoever she told this to, things would happen to them! it happened to her brother, her sister and her bf. knock on wood but nothing happened to me. that's why  her bf now said that i'm spiritually retarded! hahaha..

anyway, about my mom's whispers, there are times when you can't make out what she's saying. it's all gibberish and mumbo jumbo. all i know is that there have been times where i would hear something sinister but too tired to care! hahahahha it did scare my nephew's wife one morning.

i was getting my mom ready for dialysis. i had her sit down by the stairs. one of my nephew and his family came over to visit. they slept in the living room. anyway, all of a sudden, my nephew's wife goes," auntie, did you hear that?" for a minute there, i got scared but i answered, "hear what?" she goes,"you don't hear it? it's coming from grandma's room!" i go, "does it sound like gibberish talk?" she said, "yeah". i answered, "oh! it's just grandma. it's coming from the stairs!". my nyaab gives me a questioned look and asks, "are you sure? it really does sound like it's coming from grandma's room." i nodded no. I explained to her about how hearing is like sometimes. you think it's from one side but really, it just kind of goes around you to another, you know? but yeah! my mom's gibberish talk has scared a few people.

I work @ a hospital, some parts are haunted.  Usually strange things happen @ night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1092 on: November 21, 2009, 01:23:18 PM »
A few years ago this old Hmong lady was hit by a car while she was crossing the road.  I didn't attend her funeral but my aunt went, since that was her mother-in-law's sister, and she said that the place smell like rotten corpse.  It was so bad that they tied a red string to everyone who entered the funeral home. 

A few days after her funeral her family say that they keep on hearing footsteps walking around in circles around their house.  One time one of the kids was taking out the trash at night and he said that he saw the form of this old lady working in the small garden next to the house.  He ran into the house cause that was his grandma's garden and no one ever goes in there except her. 

Anyways, the old lady's husband missed her so much that he took to driving alone at night around town.  One time he was driving and thinking about her.  He started feeling chills down his right side and he glanced at the passenger side and his dead wife was sitting right beside him.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1093 on: November 23, 2009, 09:11:10 AM »
Saw a lady under the bed........tha t is creepy.

I am from Fresno and yes, Lost Lake is the place of Hmong death. Though Hmong people, like me, still go there because it's a hangout/swim place and plenty of fish. It's actually a river, the San Joaquin River. Freezing cold, that's why it's a very popular place to cool off in the summer. many Hmong people drowned there, a few hung themselves there in the past.

Many Fresno people don't about the suicide but.......One Hmong guy hung himself at the entrance tree, one hmong lady hung herself on a tree in the middle of the river. Many drowned Hmong victims. Believe it or not, we still go every summer and will always go. The blazing California sun is just to much, so free cool mountain water is one of the better alternatives to AC. I go snorkel there every summer, watching how the trout feed.
Ohhhh scarey =)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1094 on: November 23, 2009, 11:42:00 AM »
I got a story, when i was about 5 years old; Like i was sleeping on the ground
of my parents bed, so you like ckan see like under the badd, But anyways, i was
so young back then iono, what i say but I was so freak out, Cos i saw like
a women at the end of the bed. Goshhh scaredd me, still freaks me out till this day.

Heres anothor one; So my cosin told me this one, cos hes from fresno, and i hearrddd
fresno has alot of scary shiet there, thats why im scaredd to go hahahah, Just joking.
But yeahh like i was saying, he told me about a place ckall LOST LAKE? [ Anyone know that
place in fresno? ] But yeahh he said that alot of scary shiet happen there. And its freaky at night too.
He said one night driving threw lost lake, it was him and his friend, and i guess hes friends ckan see
ghosts so yeahhh, they was driving and my cos say it was so dark like very dark and
he turn to his left and saw a tree and looked like to hmong girls hang there self,
but he wasnt all scaredd cos he did hear a story about that tree that if you
look at it at midnight you ckan see then dead there, also hes friend saw it too, and hearthe 2 girls
voices telling them to help them, AHHHH freaky mannn . . . yeahhh . .

And i got a ex from fresno and he told me about of things too, i just for got.

foe realz?  bkut what 'bout their lost souls?  LMAO!

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