
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604153 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1425 on: February 02, 2010, 10:46:35 AM »
Ok so this happened to my BIL when he used to go out and hang with his buddies.
They were kicking at one of his boy’s place which is at an apartment. His buddy’s apartment is at the corner since it’s the last door and straight ahead is this fence with a tree on the other side of the fence.  Well, as everyone was drinking and smoking, one of their buddy was video recording everyone enjoying their time. And this went on for a bit until they got tired of staying outside and everyone decided to kick it inside the living room instead. So, they decided to watch what their buddy had recorded since there wasn’t anything to do except drink and talk. As they were watching the tape, they noticed that as the camera was going from person to person, they saw how the smoke(that they exhale) was going around everyone that was outside. It wasn’t like regular smoke whereas you just blow out and it fades away, this smoke was winding around every single one of their buddies.
Then the camera turns toward the fence and tree and they can see this huge black cat sitting on the tree. He said this cat was soooo huge it can not be an ordinary cat because it was sooo big and it had a crown on it’s head. The cat was just staring at the whole group. The scary thing was a couple weeks befor the kick back my BIL and his buddy saw this black cat and they had chased it and cornered it and killed it. He said the big cat on the tree looked exactly like the one they killed except this time it was bigger and had a crown. He said that a cat with a crown means it’s a demon or the devil. Then when the camera went back towards the tree the cat was gone.
One of the roommate had his sister watched the tape and as she was watching, she was glued onto the tv screen not budging. After the tape was over, she just kept sitting there not moving. So the guys got scare and try to wake her out of her trance but she wouldn’t budge.they all tried to pry her off the couch but it was as if she weigh a thousand all the homies gathered around her and tried to get her off the couch,no matter how hard they pulled on her, she wouldn’t budge. They started to get really freaked out, then her uncle came home and was like “wth?” the guys explain that she watched the tape that they recorded and now they cant move her. The uncle was like “you guys must be crazy” and he walks over to the sister and lifted her up like nothing and put her to bed. MY bil later found out that the reason why no one can move her was because they were all shaman believers and the uncle was a Christian.  Anywho, he told me the homie moved after that but he still had the tape.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1426 on: February 02, 2010, 10:51:14 AM »
Ok so this happened to my BIL when he used to go out and hang with his buddies.
They were kicking at one of his boy’s place which is at an apartment. His buddy’s apartment is at the corner since it’s the last door and straight ahead is this fence with a tree on the other side of the fence.  Well, as everyone was drinking and smoking, one of their buddy was video recording everyone enjoying their time. And this went on for a bit until they got tired of staying outside and everyone decided to kick it inside the living room instead. So, they decided to watch what their buddy had recorded since there wasn’t anything to do except drink and talk. As they were watching the tape, they noticed that as the camera was going from person to person, they saw how the smoke(that they exhale) was going around everyone that was outside. It wasn’t like regular smoke whereas you just blow out and it fades away, this smoke was winding around every single one of their buddies.
Then the camera turns toward the fence and tree and they can see this huge black cat sitting on the tree. He said this cat was soooo huge it can not be an ordinary cat because it was sooo big and it had a crown on it’s head. The cat was just staring at the whole group. The scary thing was a couple weeks befor the kick back my BIL and his buddy saw this black cat and they had chased it and cornered it and killed it. He said the big cat on the tree looked exactly like the one they killed except this time it was bigger and had a crown. He said that a cat with a crown means it’s a demon or the devil. Then when the camera went back towards the tree the cat was gone.
One of the roommate had his sister watched the tape and as she was watching, she was glued onto the tv screen not budging. After the tape was over, she just kept sitting there not moving. So the guys got scare and try to wake her out of her trance but she wouldn’t budge.they all tried to pry her off the couch but it was as if she weigh a thousand all the homies gathered around her and tried to get her off the couch,no matter how hard they pulled on her, she wouldn’t budge. They started to get really freaked out, then her uncle came home and was like “wth?” the guys explain that she watched the tape that they recorded and now they cant move her. The uncle was like “you guys must be crazy” and he walks over to the sister and lifted her up like nothing and put her to bed. MY bil later found out that the reason why no one can move her was because they were all shaman believers and the uncle was a Christian.  Anywho, he told me the homie moved after that but he still had the tape.

ummm... what exactly what they smoking ?   ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1427 on: February 02, 2010, 11:09:20 AM »
here's mine... my cousin's grandma was very sick. and they lived in sactown at the time, so my parents wanted to visit her. i tagged along with my parents, b'cause i havent seen my cousins for a while.
we got there around 7:30 at night, my dad drove to their house and drop me and younger brother off there. they went off to the hospital. that night, at my cousins house me and my cousin had to watched her nieces and nephew. that night she had a dream about her grandma. she kept hearing someone/something knocking on the window..tic.. tic..tic..she pay no mind went back to sleep...she heard it again..this time it was a little louder Tic! tick! so she leaned over to her window which is facing her right opens up the curtains and sees her grandma looking at her with all those medical oxygen tubes around her face, nose and everything. she freak'd out. so she closed the curtains right away. her grandma told her to open her window as she kept banging on the window louder and louder and louder and she kept saying open your window for me!!  she finally woke up from her sleep from me knocking on her door..(so the banging noise she dreamt about was probably me knocking on her door. i did knock kinda loud because here mom wanted to talk to her) she got up open the door and i handed her the phone.. "it's your mom on the line," i told her. she answers the phone..."yeah," she said, still a little drowsy from her sleep..and then she started crying 3 seconds later...her grandma had just passed away 15 minutes ago her mom cousin was visited by her grandma right before she died and wanted to take her with..

why would her grandma want to do such a mean thing?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1428 on: February 02, 2010, 11:10:13 AM »
Talking about hearing people call your name, I have a story.
My little cousin Jordan always hear people call his name. he would be playing outside/inside and he would always hear his mom yell his name. but, each time he goes to his mom and ask why she keeps yelling his name,his mom would say she never called for him. One day my mom was over at their house and while she was conversating with jordan’s mother, Jordan came to them asked why she was calling for him again. His mom say she didn’t and my mom confirmed it for Jordan saying that the whole time my mom was talking to his mother and she didn’t hear his mom call him. Then, another day my mom was in the back doing something at their place and Jordan comes up to my mom and told her that everyday he would hear his mom call him but it’s not his mom and he was told never to answer and if he hears his name called he has to go to his mom and ask if it was her. Then, my mom answered that he was very smart to never answer and then Jordan pause for a moment and asked “aunty…do u hear that?” and my mom was like “hear what Jordan?” and he said “my mom is screaming my name again…I have to go ask my mom why she is screaming..i’ll be back.” And he took off inside the house to go find his mom.
Also, Jordan’s sister also see things. One night as she was walking in the hallway to go use the bathroom, she can see from the corner of her eye a shadow with long hair leaning over her sleeping grandma in her room. She thought maybe she was just seeing things so she waited for a bit and went back to the her bedroom door to see if the thing is still there. As she peeks, she sees the same shadow leaning over her grandma and she was soo scare she ran to her parents and told them. They went to go check but the shadow was gone. Another night as her dad and her was pulling up the driveway at 10 pm she asked her dad “dad..why is mom digging for worms this late at night?” (they go fishing a lot and her m om would always dig for worms befor they go off fishing) and her dad answers “what are u talking about?” and then she points to the garden and say “why is mom out there this late at night looking for worms? Are you guys going to go fishing?” and her dad looks at the spot where she points and saw nothing and he say to not say fake things like that to him because he sees nothing. Then she say “really dad, im not lying. Mom is over there digging for worms, don’t u see her?” then he got freaked and ordered her to get inside the house and stop saying that because she was creeping him out.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1429 on: February 02, 2010, 11:11:39 AM »
why would you kill a cat? something is not right...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1430 on: February 02, 2010, 11:13:37 AM »
ummm... what exactly what they smoking ?   ;D
just ciggs..they dont like weed if that's what ur talking about..LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1431 on: February 02, 2010, 11:15:36 AM »
why would you kill a cat? something is not right...
ask them hubb and his bro and them always chase cats whenever they see one and would try to kill them..often they would set their pitt on cats..i dont know but they have issues with cats..i (on the other hand) think they are cruel and i would often yell at them if i see them trying to throw stuff at stray cats..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1432 on: February 02, 2010, 11:31:03 AM »
ummm... what exactly what they smoking ?   ;D

thats what im sayin!!! pass me some of that they're smoking?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1433 on: February 02, 2010, 11:38:58 AM »
ask them hubb and his bro and them always chase cats whenever they see one and would try to kill them..often they would set their pitt on cats..i dont know but they have issues with cats..i (on the other hand) think they are cruel and i would often yell at them if i see them trying to throw stuff at stray cats..


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1434 on: February 02, 2010, 01:00:23 PM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1435 on: February 02, 2010, 01:08:30 PM »
childish right? LOL. ;D

very, If you're over 10 and still torture animals than you're either mentally ill or a dumbass!!

/rant over

back to ghost stories.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1436 on: February 02, 2010, 01:32:01 PM »
Last year my BIL and his wife was looking for a house because they wanted to move out. They found this place that my SIL really liked..she said the front yard was sooo pretty and the house was beautiful. The owner was a hmong woman and the price she was offering was affordable and my SIL wanted to move into it. But before she was going to make an offer she told her mom about the house she wanted and her mom told her not to buy it. Her friend also told her not to purchase the house because it’s curse. The story goes that there was a family who moved into the house..not long the husband suddenly dies. The cause of death was not explainable since he was a healthy man and all of a sudden he died in his sleep. The second family, the husband of that family was also healthy and not long after living there he suddenly died in his sleep. The third family, there was no dad but the grandma who can see perfectly fine became blinded. They did a shaman ceremony and found out the house was cursed and so they moved out. Soon after they moved out the grandma’s vision came back and she was fine again. So my BIL and his wife asked the owner abut the history of the house and like every other hmong og she lied and said it was perfect and nothing was wrong with it. So they ignore the hmong ladies phone calls and finally told the hmong owner that they decided not to buy the house.  thank god my SIL mom and her friend warn her about the house or else my BIL would be the next victim.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1437 on: February 02, 2010, 01:49:01 PM »
I remember when me and my hub was still living with his parents..
We came home late one nite almost midnight(came back from my mama’s place) hub opens the door and head on inside first so I follow behind..and as I was shutting the door behind me and locking it(we both were inside the house in the dark) and I hear this loud CLANK! Like something metal dropped to the I turned around in the darkness and quickly turned on the kitchen light switch and I see my hub by the kitchen table staring at the ground all in I was like “WTh man?” and he was like…” the spoon on the ground was floating when I came in and when u close the door it dropped!” and I turned to the spoon on the ground and I said “don’t say that kind of Shiet to me, it just fell alright..let’s go take a shower.” So we both race to our room..and the next day I ask him wat really happened and he said when he walked into the kitchen to put the food we brought home with us down, as he turned around he saw the spoon floating in midair and right when I was closing the door the spoon fell and that was the loud CLANK I heard...
There’s a lot of paranormal stuff that happens in his parents’ house..and later to my experience I found out by his granny that the previous family that lived there had a son who got shot and hubb’s granny forbid my MIL to rent the home but my MIL didn’t listen..that’s why some creepy things happens to my HUbb and me while living there..more to come but will write them down later

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1438 on: February 02, 2010, 03:15:13 PM »
lol i got one that is funny too..

so one nite i woke up to some crunching,nibbling eyes adjusted to the darkness and i was listening ever soooo closely to the crunching noise..i looked down at the foot of my comp. desk i see this head of long hair on the floor..and the crunching sound was like the thing was nibbling on soft bones..i was scared shietless so i quickly shook my husband awake..he was like "damn, what!?" i was like "hunny, im scare" and he was like "wth? go back to sleep" then i whisper "dont u hear that?" he was like " what.." i said " the crunching sound" (all the while keeping my eyes on the long hair on the ground..then i point and whisper "see that..hurry go turn on the light" so he jumps out of bed and turns on the light and walks over to the comp. desk..he bends down and turns to me with the hair..and he says "isn't this your stupid hair extension?" and im like "uhhhh..yea..bu t what about that crunching sound i heard?" then he opens the closet door and pulls out my oreo cookies and started to ruffle the plastic covering and said "is this the crunching sound you heard?" i was like "uhh yess" and he said "stupid it was just the freakin mouse tryin to get at the cookies..look. .there's tiny bite marks on the stupid orea bag" than i started laughing..LOL. me scare for a moment..  ;D

Long time ago we moved into a new place and it has over flowing mouse population. We went and got 30 to 40 mouse trap and set it around the house, amazingly nothing happened during the day but at night it was musical. For about a month every night from when all the lights went out around 9pm to 5am before the sun raise, we hear "SNAP!, SNAP!, SNAP!, SNAP!, SNAP". Me and my brother well wake up every morning and flush all those dead mice and re-set the traps. It was fun while it last. That was the same house that my aunt saw two hairy creature, one on top of the other flicking the light switch in the hallway.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1439 on: February 02, 2010, 05:25:06 PM »
You guys heard about Hmong people being banned from funeral homes because of the strong paranormal happening in them. Janitor be seeing Hmong people blowing flute and crying after everyone left the building.
I know this is an old post but I'm new and have to catch up hehe any way about this question my grandfather past away in early 2009.  We wanted to have his funeral at a place that all hmong people always has. Well they told us no cause they keep seeing only the hmong people rise up and walk around like they weren't dead and still alive.

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