
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604041 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2010 on: September 26, 2010, 08:41:54 AM »
I don't even know. How can a dead person do that?

Not knowing how the dead can do such is the scary thing. We are always scare of what we don't know of.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2011 on: September 26, 2010, 03:35:37 PM »
When we were little, we often heard of the undead in Thailand.  Sometimes at night, there were strange noises coming from the dark alley.  There were all sorts of rumors that the mountain behind our house was where all dead bodies were buried.  They even mentioned that monks/ghost hunters would stake the body or behead it when they catch the undead.  The elders mentioned that since long ago, after the undead, the Thai began to cremate all their deceased to prevent them from coming back. 

We were too young and gullible, so we dared not wonder far into the mountain hill.  Now that I think about it, it was a way to refrain the young children from playing too far.

Those elders sure knew how to tell stories at nights. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2012 on: September 26, 2010, 08:00:09 PM »
Not knowing how the dead can do such is the scary thing. We are always scare of what we don't know of.

They made that into a movie back in the 1990s. No one has the movie anymore because the story was a myth and from what I've heard is that all the people who filmed the movie died or something. But about the dead sleeping and grabbing something to eat, you can find that small clip on youtube. I recently found it and dear not to watch it. Youtube Tswv 7(write 7 in hmong).

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2013 on: September 27, 2010, 01:11:13 AM »
They made that into a movie back in the 1990s. No one has the movie anymore because the story was a myth and from what I've heard is that all the people who filmed the movie died or something. But about the dead sleeping and grabbing something to eat, you can find that small clip on youtube. I recently found it and dear not to watch it. Youtube Tswv 7(write 7 in hmong).
SHEEET! There's a clip in youtube? I want to go watch it but dare not. LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2014 on: September 27, 2010, 11:41:00 AM »
This isn't a Hmong scary story. It's Indonesian and it is kind of creepy. What do you guys think? Real or hoax?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2015 on: September 28, 2010, 07:34:34 PM »
Part II

After the drowning at the lake, my uncle who's a shaman, looked into it. Im sure a lot of you know what Im talking about. Its creepy to me.

I was outside and It was dark now, I looked to my right side, and I still get spooked about it.. I saw a silhouette of my cousin that JUST DROWNED! I blinked and it was gone. My two cousins that I dropped off after the hospital, they had their own experience as well. I think it was because we were really close with the cousin that passed away. One cousin saw his face in the sky at night while taking some breather on his roof. And the other cousin saw an apparition of my cousin in his closet. I know... Scary! But a couple of days later...

My shaman uncle finds this shaman lady who lets the dead take control of her and he recorded the audio of when Anthony came back and used her as a speaking tool. It was so freaky listening to it. Ill talk about why it happened first and then what the audio said.
The reason why it happened was because, the lake that we went to, (Lake Josephine) it was haunted and there was spirit down at the bottom of the lake that was stuck. In order for that spirit to go to heaven, it had to make someone take its place. So my cousin Anthony was the vulnerable one and he took Anthony into the water. (SideNote) Remember in the story how I said that the Mentally Retarted kid was outside of the Boundary line and was on the verge of drowning... The spirit that was in the lake, was tugging on his leg so everyone would focus on him who was drowning and then drag Anthony into the water when no one was looking. So that why no one noticed when Anthony went missing.

The audio was very sad and lifting at the same time. I wish I had the copy of it but my Uncle and Aunt have it.
In the audio, my uncles talking and then, it switches over to the woman, (Getting Goosebumps) She starts crying and speaking in Hmong. I was thinking... WTTTFFFF! :o It was Anthony crying through her voice. He started talking and he said( Remember this is all in hmong and I cant write in Hmong) Mom, I miss you. I miss you so much. You dont know how Much I love you. Remember that time when we would sit in the kitchen just you and me and we would eat the food that you cooked? Im sad that I died, I dont want to go. --> at that point everyone that was in the room was crying! :'( He also said to his brother(The mentally challenged one) I miss you so much, Im sorry that Im leaving you behind, I didnt want it this way. Thanks for always being a big brother. He then talked about my cousin who was trying to save ricky from drowning, he said, " Cousin, dont feel bad about this, you had nothing to do with it, Thank you for saving Ricky and noticing that I was no where to be found first at the lake." Because the cousin felt like it was his fault because he realized that Anthony was gone right after he helped the drowning cousin. He didnt say anything about me or to me. Which is fine.. But then he said to his dad, "Dad, you drink too much and you dont really care about the family, you need to stop drinking and make our home a better place because I feel like you dont love me and thats why I love mom and I miss her." Dam, I started crying again at that moment because you have to be in that environment to actually understand it. Then he goes, Im gonna go stay with Grandma in Heaven so she wont be so lonely anymore. Dont worry about us. He also said before he got out of the Mediums/Shamans body that he wanted certain items in the coffin and what kind of clothing and we respected those wishes. Moments later he left, and the medium came back. She said, that she was exhausted and that the boy was just too emotional. But then she said, some other people wanted to talk to my shaman uncle as well. The people who came in were my Ancestors from my dads side. FML.. and they wanted to talk to Anthony's dad. SCARY SHIT. They yelled at him through the recording and said that he never fed them any food when they came to visit, he never attends family meetings. He never really attends the jingle bells. And because of all these things, they took his son away from him. I was thinkin.. Thats some scary Shit mane! And they told him, In his life, he was never supposed to have more than two kids, because he wouldnt be able to financially support more than two, so they took this kid to make him only have two kids. The first time, the ancestors came and got the older brother who is Mentally challenged now but he survived his drowning, so they came back to grab his youngest child.

Dadadaada.. we did the funeral and all the releasing the spirit from the lake for Anthony and I guess things are back to normal now. Been like a year now but I wont forget the kid. I love that kid to death and may he R.I.P. with my grandparents. We'll join him someday, hopefully I get to see his smile someday.
Thanks for reading the whole story if you did, sorry if it was kind of long, I like to talk. ;D

Interesting..b ut if the spirit used Anthony to replace her/him, how did he get to heaven with his grandmother? I thought he was suppose to take the place under the lake. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. I'm just thinking out loud.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2016 on: October 01, 2010, 10:44:05 PM »
ey if you guys wana know a ghost stories ill tell some of the experience i had....back when i was still 7th and 8th grade i live in this one creepy house that is haunted...i live there for like 5 year and thing got outta hand so i gotta move......but now i almost finish with high school so yea.... well when me and my family first move in that house. things was fine until like 2-3 month dad start getting sick and mostly my family inclueding me.. and since my dad was a shawman he no was up but we didnt....but when he finaly told us...we were freak becuase there in there house itself there 1 child that has die cause of accident.. and there was also a old lady that die there...that not he say but that house was also a resting place for spirat or ghost... we all got well but my dad keep getting worst and wecall other shawman to do jingle bell...but there was to many that every shawman just say it no use.. you guys have to move out of the house... but we didnt so one night while i was sleeping..i woke up in the middle of the night...but i wasnt fully up because something was on top of me... i couldnt breath or move at all...finaly when it gone i ran out off my room too the living room.. but it doent wana stop it went to the front door and scream like a wild cat...i freak out and went back thinking it gone.....but my sister in law and brother was also freak too cause that keep seeing shadow of and old lady on the window... but when they look out there no one.....then one day while i was playing game as i do every day... something knock on my window calling my name.... first knock was low and it didnt call me.. so i thought i was nothing.. second knock was loud and this time it call my name....i was like what who would knock on my window this late at midnight... and when it got so loud and my name was call so many time i ran outtamy room for help....i got to my dad and he say i must be joking.....but when we went out to the back to check there was nothing but a huge grasshopper on my window....then the next night my mom left her key out in the back yard where that old lady die and who know how many more... i decided to act tough and get it... but right when i got to the dark part where no one can see me.... something shook the tree so hard i swore i saw something on top of the tree with long hair and shiny little eye......i wana run but my feet couldnt run and all it did was move inch by inch... and my eye was lock on that tree... when i got back to the light i wanted to cry but i was so freaken scare that i was quite the whole night and day.......and one night when my sister went out like late.... "she those girl who climb out of the window" she return hella late..... that night change her for ever.. she went out the window and we didnt no.... when she came back, she came though the backyard... she saw 5 figure on her way to her window.. first figure she saw was a little girl standing on the backyard door... the second figure was at out bambo plant... and one in the chicken house and two other on my mom garden... she ran so fast i dont know how she got over my mom gate she build to protect the crop..... that very same night my 2 brother and i was still up... i was playing game all the was until 5 a.m and my other brother was out in the garage hanging out..... he look out the garage door and omg there was a little girl standing there looking at them...... while i got my window open so big that something ran pass the dry corn and over the wooden fince.. i got scare and went to sleep right alway...and the last night before we move something scream like a cat mix with other word i never heard of... it was soo loud that my 4 dog was barking like doom day was here... the next day we found 3 of the dog dead..... and i was like i am soo lucky im moving out...... since then i alwas have some feeling something following me and i can sense some wierd feeling around me when im alone...but sensing thing better then seeing one looking at you...

this story happen on my at the end of my 4-5year in that house my 1-3 year was frightening

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2017 on: October 02, 2010, 09:16:25 PM »
I've just heard a story about web cams. Two friends was on web cam chatting and the other one said he has to go to the pee room right quick. When he got back his friend ask him who was that other person with him at the house, he said no one "why"?. His friend told him that when he walked off to do his thing somebody else walked pass the web cam and follow him. Yikes!.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2018 on: October 03, 2010, 03:39:08 PM »
That is really sad, just the thought of missing a love one is more than enough for anybody. Their was this one story back than, in the early 90's. A young man got home from a second shift work one night and was absolutely exhausted. He phone his girlfriend who lived an hour away in a different city. She recommended that he go see her and stay there for the night since it is Friday, end of the week anyway so that they can spent more time together during the weekend. He politely rejected her advice at first by letting her know he is very sleepy and will be at her place first thing in the morning but was soon later tapping out from the princess submission. One hour and a half away and he arrived at his destination, the girlfriend open the door hug him "You're so cold, is it that temper outside?" she asked. He did looked pale but was calm as if didn't notice the weather at all "You won't believe what I saw on the way here" he told her "there were a terrible accident on the highway and traffic was pack, when I pulled up closer to the scene, the car look just like mine" he continue "and the body in the bag, it's hand was sticking out from it" he pause for second as if was thinking and/or confuse in his moment.  She looked at him and touches his face "goodness you are cold as ice" she said to him interrupting the story "I'll be right back, I'm getting you some hot tea". As she got up to leave, he stop her in her track "the watch on it's wrist also looked like mine". As she went into the kitchen, the house phone ring and she picked it up. It was the boyfriend's mom on the other line "I'm sorry I have to tell you this" was the first thing. The girlfriend was clueless "what are you talking about, tell me what?" she wondered why her boyfriend's mom will call her instead of her son. Slowly trying to comfort herself and calm down from crying so hard so she could tell the girlfriend what is going on "my son was just in a car rack and he didn't make it". The girlfriend thought for a little bit and reply "No, your son is here with me right now" trying to ease the mother "if you like, you can talk to him" she walk into the room and he was nowhere to be found. She checked the bathroom, her room, and finally outside. His car wasn't parked there and there were a rotten smell all of a sudden, filling the air outside and inside her entire house. At the funeral, when the everyone else was crying for him, it was a normal corpse laying there. When the girlfriend cry and reminisce there love, tears started falling down from his eyes and didn't stop all the way until they buried him.

i heard a story very similar to this a long time ago...maybe in the early 90s. really sad.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2019 on: October 03, 2010, 05:09:06 PM »
When I was still a medical interpreter, I went to help a guy at his house. His wife had been sick and on the bed all the time. "Qee zaum nws hais lus tsis yog lus li lawm tiag," he told me. "Ua cas koj hais li ko?" I asked. "Es tej chim nws cia li hais tias 'tsuag, tsuag, nqa kawm peb yuav mus de dib os' no na." She would say that while she was ill on the bed unable to get up.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2020 on: October 04, 2010, 03:18:17 PM »
Last year my mom was sick and this lady that live down the street came to visit my mom. She also brought along her 2yrs old granddaughter. After some chatting the lady finally went home. I walk them out so that I can lock the screen door. As they were leaving the little girl kept pointing her finger to the corner of our porch and saying "awmeow"! That was pretty freaky. We don't have any cat nor was there anything everytime I come home late at nite I kept thinking what the little girl  say...since we have 2drs it take alittle longer to get inside and we also live on the corner of the street which is rite across from the park/golf course where it is pitch black!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2021 on: October 05, 2010, 06:25:10 PM »
 ::) I'd just moved to my new house and i notice that when i'm outside by myself (later in the night), feeding my male dog (female just had a liter of puppies, so they're in the house), i can hear something throwing rocks.  I hesitate to go out there by myself.  But when my husband's present, there's no paranormal activity going on.  i haven't told him though.

luckily we bought the corner lot and it has lots of street lights.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2022 on: October 09, 2010, 10:56:07 AM »
SHEEET! There's a clip in youtube? I want to go watch it but dare not. LOL
They made that into a movie back in the 1990s. No one has the movie anymore because the story was a myth and from what I've heard is that all the people who filmed the movie died or something. But about the dead sleeping and grabbing something to eat, you can find that small clip on youtube. I recently found it and dear not to watch it. Youtube Tswv 7(write 7 in hmong).

Post the link up homie!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2023 on: October 10, 2010, 01:35:29 PM »
dude just youtube it. i dare not to look at it. somehow a couple of weeks ago i randomly got there. just type in tswv 7(spell 7 in hmong) it should just be a 30 second clip where the hmong guy grabs the raw meat and eat it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2024 on: October 10, 2010, 03:30:01 PM »
dude just youtube it. i dare not to look at it. somehow a couple of weeks ago i randomly got there. just type in tswv 7(spell 7 in hmong) it should just be a 30 second clip where the hmong guy grabs the raw meat and eat it.

What?  a dead corpse grabbing and eating meat?  Caught on tape?  Bullshit.

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