
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604367 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2145 on: December 06, 2010, 11:55:57 PM »
morning - i've never had a dream inside a dream, but i bet that $hit would be so scary !! 

hey, I had a dream within a dream like a couple of times and it is freaken scary. Not like ghost scary but reality scared.  You would dream of missing out work and getting fired, but then after the whole ordeal.  You would wake up and realized it was just a dream.  The say thank gosh it was just a dream then suddenly after a few events in that dream.  You woulf finally wake up and realized it was a dream inside a dream.  Then i saw INCEPTION and realized I need to create my own dreams and get inside the second or third dream and create a room full of cheats so when i take tests i can fall asleep for like 1 minutes and in the dream would be like 1 hour or something.  Then i could look at the notes in my dream and wake up to take the test.  EASY A...haha wish..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2146 on: December 07, 2010, 12:44:58 AM »
This one is an American Ghost story. 

It has to be real because it has been told by many eye witnessed and also the media has a story about it in one of their ghost story hunting shows. 

All I know is that the street is called White in San jose.  I drove on that street before.  Story being told said that they were pulled over by a motorcycle cop, slapped with a speeding ticket but when you go and pay for your ticket, the court clerk say that such officer died on that street like years ago. 

There is also a real murder case on Marsh Road.  Bf raped and killed girl and threw her under a bridge.  Every year around Halloween, many kids in the area would drive up on that 1 narrow azz road called Marsh Road to kick it.  I been on that road 2x for a scare and we actually went to that bridge.  At a distance, you can tell that there is a barn house and at the bottom of the small azz wooden bridge is where they found her body.  A friend of mine went there one time and this road is out in the woods area and it is only big enough for 1 car at a time.  They were tail gated by a semi truck and when the driver looked back, he said she saw an orange semi truck.  The truck was trying to run them off the road so all the people in the car was scared as fawk.  When they went off road, the truck turned off its lights and it somehow vanished.  The following day, the driver of that car took a camera shot of the fender bender accident and you can clearly see an orange mark on his car.  Key question, how can that semi truck make a 3 point turn so fast? 

That marsh road place is said to be haunted by albino people who lives up there.  Since it is a popular place, people or kids often go up there to visit and this would bug them albinos.  They would chase you out of their lot at all cost. 

They even made a movie about marsh road. 

Also, the Chuck E cheese in San jose on tully and hwy 101 is said to be haunted by a little girl on the 3rd floor.  If you go there, you can only go up to the second floor.  They closed down the 3rd floor.  How did she died?  Well she got caught up in one of them toy chutes or something like that. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2147 on: December 07, 2010, 03:35:57 AM »
What happened to all the ghost stories eh? i came back to find religious talk, lol...anywho i'll share mine.

a funeral was held this weekend, a young boy died..his name was michael but i dont know him, my sister is a friend of his. so, this is what i heard from my father...if you know him or know the story that might be different from the one i've heard, please correct me  O0

Well, michael,his bro and some of his friends went out to a bar to go drink. Late into the night they were all going to head home but michael (who was their only ride) took off without the other boys.  The stranded boys walked to their aunty's house which took them approximately two hours.  Later, cops came knocking on their door to let them know that michael had just past away. He had pulled up on the opposite traffic lane and he parked his car, leaving the ignition on & he must of fell asleep. They said his car was leaking oil and it must of ran dry for the car caught on fire. He died from smoke inhalation and burns to the side of his face and hands. Later, his parents seeked out those buddahs who can looked into the cause of death, they had said that michael was taken by a ghost girl.  Prior to his death, he had went fishing and he kept hearing someone following him from behind. After that, he would always dream of that ghost and that ghost would sleep with him each night. Right before he died, the ghost told him that she will take him with her. So that night that he died, he had left all his buddies behind because it wasnt their time and he went alone. When they held his funeral, the shawmans forbid anyone who was born in the ox years to attend his funeral. They said that a ghost demon will linger at his funeral and anyone of the ox years will be taken to the afterlife also.  Anywho, those who went to the front to go see him in his open casket had a red string tied onto their wrist. My sis has asked why the red string was necessary and my grandma told her that if your soul is weak, it helps protect you and from any demons or ghost who will try to take your soul. This guy was a real nice guy, I heard he was a real hard worker and he died at such a young age. My blessings to his family and loved ones.

Im just curious did this happen in Fresno?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2148 on: December 07, 2010, 11:20:08 AM »
This one is an American Ghost story. 

It has to be real because it has been told by many eye witnessed and also the media has a story about it in one of their ghost story hunting shows. 

All I know is that the street is called White in San jose.  I drove on that street before.  Story being told said that they were pulled over by a motorcycle cop, slapped with a speeding ticket but when you go and pay for your ticket, the court clerk say that such officer died on that street like years ago. 
There is also a real murder case on Marsh Road.  Bf raped and killed girl and threw her under a bridge.  Every year around Halloween, many kids in the area would drive up on that 1 narrow azz road called Marsh Road to kick it.  I been on that road 2x for a scare and we actually went to that bridge.  At a distance, you can tell that there is a barn house and at the bottom of the small azz wooden bridge is where they found her body.  A friend of mine went there one time and this road is out in the woods area and it is only big enough for 1 car at a time.  They were tail gated by a semi truck and when the driver looked back, he said she saw an orange semi truck.  The truck was trying to run them off the road so all the people in the car was scared as fawk.  When they went off road, the truck turned off its lights and it somehow vanished.  The following day, the driver of that car took a camera shot of the fender bender accident and you can clearly see an orange mark on his car.  Key question, how can that semi truck make a 3 point turn so fast? 

That marsh road place is said to be haunted by albino people who lives up there.  Since it is a popular place, people or kids often go up there to visit and this would bug them albinos.  They would chase you out of their lot at all cost. 

They even made a movie about marsh road. 

Also, the Chuck E cheese in San jose on tully and hwy 101 is said to be haunted by a little girl on the 3rd floor.  If you go there, you can only go up to the second floor.  They closed down the 3rd floor.  How did she died?  Well she got caught up in one of them toy chutes or something like that. 

sounds like friant road in fresno by lost lake also like auberry rd/ copper rd the backside of table mountain coming back towards fresno
there has been many cases like this already here in flesno

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2149 on: December 08, 2010, 11:14:36 AM »
Im just curious did this happen in Fresno?
yessir it did, but his funeral was held in you know him? i was watching his slide show clip online and it was really sad how young he was...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2150 on: December 08, 2010, 11:33:26 AM »

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 11:35:25 AM by bossymum »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2151 on: December 08, 2010, 11:36:40 AM »
i have a similar story to Wadupgee's story:::::

a similar story in merced also...lots of ppl likes to go to UFO during summer, mainly at night to just go see the view and kick back and relax.. they say that there is a ghost cop who will pull you over and give you a ticket but when you go pay for it, they will tell you that the cop has been dead for many many years..happend ed to a friend of my friend. So, wen ppls go up ther, they go rolling hella cars deep ..i also heard UFO is haunted. My bro’s friend had ghost encounters up there but he wouldn’t go into detail with me. A friend of mine went up to UFO one late summer night with all of his buddies. They took like four cars packed with people. They were all having fun, blasting music loudly and dancing in the moonlight. He had said, this particular night, the moon shined brightly. Where they parked, the hill just above them are old graves. As, he was watching all his buddies having fun, he felt a tiny pebble strike one of his legs. He ignored it. Then, another one flew and hit his leg again. He shook it off. The third time it happened, he turned around and asked one of his nearby buddy if he was ducking around with him and trying to scare him. His friend told him that he wasn’t doing anything and that he wasn’t lying. Prior to this, he had taken a walk to go take a leak when he kept hearing rustlings in the bushes & branches on the hill above them but he returned to the group not telling them anything because he didn’t want to scare them. Now, with the pebble throwing incident, he totally freaked out. He went one of the other buddy who was also one of the drivers, & told him to shut off the music and it’s time to go home. His buddy didn’t understand why he wanted to leave and he kept telling him to stay, but then he got real serious and said “it’s time to go” and when his friend asked “why?” he took two of his fingers pulling down his eyes like this>>>  :confused4: to indicate the meaning of “GHOST.” That’s when everyone freaked and took off back home. Also, before all this, two of his other buddies were taking a walk and they also heard rustlings up in the hills above them. Another thing he had said, the reason why he wanted to shut off the music was because it's like an invitation for ghosts to come dance with you and what not. esp. with the moon shining so brighttly, imagine seeing someone that you're not suppose to see within the crowd! creepy!.that part creeped me out..I went there once, but nothing strange happened.
Anyone with stories like this, please share!!!

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 11:43:49 AM by bossymum »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2152 on: December 08, 2010, 12:06:41 PM »
morning - i've never had a dream inside a dream, but i bet that $hit would be so scary !! 

It was scary. It's like those dreams in Freddy Krueger where you know you are dreaming and desperately want to wake up.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2153 on: December 08, 2010, 02:03:10 PM »
i have a similar story to Wadupgee's story:::::

a similar story in merced also...lots of ppl likes to go to UFO ....

What is that? UFO as in Unidentify Flying Object or is an acronym for a place?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2154 on: December 09, 2010, 07:39:37 AM »
@bossymum....can you share the link please

yessir it did, but his funeral was held in you know him? i was watching his slide show clip online and it was really sad how young he was...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2155 on: December 10, 2010, 12:03:08 PM »
@Monster: i'll have to find it..because it's on my sis FB..

@Hunnaydew: yeh he passed away during Thanksgiving Break

@Gawmp: NO, we call it UFO because when you drive ther, it's a uphill wen you get ther, you just park your car on the side's just a top hill with a road that encircles you'll be goin in the same circle. Wen you're on this site seeing hill, you overlook the whole town. The top of the hill represent the top of a spaceship..and the city lights represent the lights from an alien knw wat im saying? lol..but yeh..we call it UFO for the representation of looking somewhat like an actual alien UFO.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2156 on: December 10, 2010, 01:49:48 PM »
UFO in fresno? Next to that big casino out in the boonie rite? i been there twice, scary!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2157 on: December 10, 2010, 02:44:47 PM »
UFO in fresno? Next to that big casino out in the boonie rite? i been there twice, scary!

you're scare of that place...weak!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2158 on: December 10, 2010, 04:51:03 PM »
you're scare of that place...weak!

of course from all the stories I heard about that place, plus it hecka dark up there too!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2159 on: December 12, 2010, 09:31:03 PM »
There was this one night when all my family members were in their bedrooms doing their own things.  It was already late and I was getting ready to go to sleep when there was a loud splat that sounded like it came from the master's bathroom.  I thought someone might of drop the shampoo bottle in the bathtub while taking a shower and thought nothing more.  I was more concerned when my brother came into my bedroom and asked me if I heard the noise.  I told him that someone probably dropped the shampoo bottle in the master's bedroom.  I gave him a confused look when he told me everyone heard it coming from the kitchen, which was just right outside my bedroom door.  I wanted to proof him wrong and checked out the master's bathroom.  The bathtub was dried and no one was in the master's bedroom.  My parents had been out for the night which I had totally forgot about it.  Together, all my brothers and sisters went to check the kitchen, but everything was normal.  Nothing on the floor.  And we all heard it coming from different sections of the house, and the loud splat came FROM inside the house!  Now, just remembering that noise, it sounded like a huge piece of meat falling from a distant height and splatting on the tile floor.  No one wanted to sleep in their own rooms that night!  Oh yeah, one thing, my parents' rental home was build on the same lot where a house burned down.  We would find some spoons and forks out in the backyard while helping my parents till the ground.

Another one, same house, one night my wife and I were getting ready to go to sleep.  My baby brother wanted to sleep with us that night, so my wife and him were still up.  I was trying to go sleep but they were talking and playing games.  All of a sudden, my baby brother stopped and was staring out the window.  I heard my wife asked him, "what's wrong?"  Silent.  Then I heard him said,"the eye."*  My eyes popped open wide and I held my breath for the longest time.  Then my wife asked me,"hun, did you hear what your brother said?"  I didn't answered as I was scared stiff, and then all of a sudden, I jumped out of bed and bolted for the door.  I ran outside to the living room where half my family members were still up and watching tv.  My wife and my brother came in after me and my brother was all scared.  You can tell it from his face!  After awhile, when we finally got over it alittle bit, we went to sleep, but my baby brother didn't slept with us that night.

*The Eye, the Thai horror movie.  I don't know how and why my baby brother saw the movie.  It was not a good movie for him.
He must of saw IT from the side of the window for the blinds didn't quite reach the whole width of the window and left a half inch of gap on each side of the window.

I got more personal and first hand stories, but I will share it later.  thanks for reading my stories!

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