
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604350 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2160 on: December 12, 2010, 09:42:59 PM »
There was this one night when all my family members were in their bedrooms doing their own things.  It was already late and I was getting ready to go to sleep when there was a loud splat that sounded like it came from the master's bathroom.  I thought someone might of drop the shampoo bottle in the bathtub while taking a shower and thought nothing more.  I was more concerned when my brother came into my bedroom and asked me if I heard the noise.  I told him that someone probably dropped the shampoo bottle in the master's bedroom.  I gave him a confused look when he told me everyone heard it coming from the kitchen, which was just right outside my bedroom door.  I wanted to proof him wrong and checked out the master's bathroom.  The bathtub was dried and no one was in the master's bedroom.  My parents had been out for the night which I had totally forgot about it.  Together, all my brothers and sisters went to check the kitchen, but everything was normal.  Nothing on the floor.  And we all heard it coming from different sections of the house, and the loud splat came FROM inside the house!  Now, just remembering that noise, it sounded like a huge piece of meat falling from a distant height and splatting on the tile floor.  No one wanted to sleep in their own rooms that night!  Oh yeah, one thing, my parents' rental home was build on the same lot where a house burned down.  We would find some spoons and forks out in the backyard while helping my parents till the ground.

Another one, same house, one night my wife and I were getting ready to go to sleep.  My baby brother wanted to sleep with us that night, so my wife and him were still up.  I was trying to go sleep but they were talking and playing games.  All of a sudden, my baby brother stopped and was staring out the window.  I heard my wife asked him, "what's wrong?"  Silent.  Then I heard him said,"the eye."*  My eyes popped open wide and I held my breath for the longest time.  Then my wife asked me,"hun, did you hear what your brother said?"  I didn't answered as I was scared stiff, and then all of a sudden, I jumped out of bed and bolted for the door.  I ran outside to the living room where half my family members were still up and watching tv.  My wife and my brother came in after me and my brother was all scared.  You can tell it from his face!  After awhile, when we finally got over it alittle bit, we went to sleep, but my baby brother didn't slept with us that night.

*The Eye, the Thai horror movie.  I don't know how and why my baby brother saw the movie.  It was not a good movie for him.
He must of saw IT from the side of the window for the blinds didn't quite reach the whole width of the window and left a half inch of gap on each side of the window.

I got more personal and first hand stories, but I will share it later.  thanks for reading my stories!

hahaha! i dont remember this night at all.. i think i must of moved out for school that year.. dont recall hearing that night..
but i recall the night where BooBoo saw that pair of "eyes" outside ur window..

that night was weird because before BooBoo saw those pair of eyes.. dad did something.. i think dad burnt some incense cause something happened earlier.. cause i remember after dad burnt those incenses we heard you your wife nd BooBoo screaming nd running out of ur room..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2161 on: December 12, 2010, 10:01:45 PM »
this happened to me right after i moved back into my parents after done with college(summer of 2007).. it was late at night.. btw i slept in the living room ever since i moved back. anyways it was past midnight, just about to go to sleep when i heard an old lady calling my name.. first time it wasnt clear.. i didnt think much of it.. shrugged it off nd was on my way to sleep again.. then a couple mins passed by i heard that same voice calling my name again i turned to the kitchen to look nd saw no one.. so i told myself probably my mom was calling me.. so i waited to see if she will walk down the hallway nd turn the lights on.. (btw the the long hallway is in between the livingroom, to the left, nd kitchen to the right), a min passed by didnt see my mom.. then i heard the voice calling my name very LOUD & CLEAR two times.. nd it was calling my name from the kitchen.. so i got a little curious nd wanna check it out myself.. got up nd turn the lights on in the kitchen room saw no one.. then i turn the lights on in the hallway nd check all the doors, they were all shut closed nd my parents door was locked.. i shrugged it off.. didnt think of it much.. went to sleep nd the next morning i told my mom about this.. she told me that it could be the ppl that used to live in the house that burnt down.. cause she had her own experiences with these "ppl" that was killed in the house fire..

creepy thing.. the ppl that died in that house fire was two males i believe.. but an old lady's voice calling my name.. that freaks me OUT!!
i got more to come but ill share it later..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2162 on: December 12, 2010, 10:04:01 PM »
UFO in fresno? Next to that big casino out in the boonie rite? i been there twice, scary!

where is this place at anyways?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2163 on: December 12, 2010, 11:06:33 PM »
i couldn't help but notice.. you spell "and" like "nd" 
nd whats wrong with that.. haha

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2164 on: December 15, 2010, 03:58:02 PM »
Okay thread is slowing down, lets try to get it up again!

My grandma and grandpa used to live in two separate places because they couldn't get along (my g-pa is a pimp and goes to casino a lot). This happened when I was still in 4th or 5th grade. We used to visit them in Tulare a lot in the summer. It was my Uncle who told me this story. My grandma is a devout christian, her and my aunties, who are just a little older than me, lived in a house which was fine but my g-pa lived in an apartment about a block away.

My Uncle was telling me (he was in 8th grade at the time) that he was at my g-pa's place upstairs talking on the phone and watching TV. All of a sudden the power goes out and the phone too. So he goes downstairs to check it out and all of a sudden the boombox starts playing by itself, it sounded like a woman talking in a sad voice on a staticy radio station. He was like "wait but the power's out," so he went to check, the boombox wasn't plugged in!

Haha so he booked it outta there, I'm laughing cuz he told me he ran so fast he only had one sandle on (it's funny when he was tellin me in hmong). He came back with his sisters and there was a dead cat at the foot of the doorstep. They told me a black lady had committed suicide there and thats why the rent was so cheap. The aunties told me they here someone walking around and turning on and off the lights at night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2165 on: December 15, 2010, 04:19:59 PM »
One about me, well sort of. See I'm kind of a siab loj (big heart) kind of person. I don't notice a lot of the things that you guys do, or think I notice those things. When something happens when it's not suppose to, I have kind of a security guard/big brother type attitude and like to assess the situation and provide security. It's because I'm both a big brother and semi-security guard at my work where we're out patroling empty parking lots at night on foot.

The reason I say this is because you should understand my mindset when I tell you my own personal experiences and the reason I didn't get scared at the time, but to others, maybe yourself, it proves supernatural experiences.

The first is when I was young, my brother and I shared the same room. We had beds next to each other, mine was along the wall and his was more in the middle with a path in between our beds. The alarm clock was between our beds on a little stand. It was the type that was both a CD player and radio and clock built in. My brother told me recently that the reason why he needs absolute quiet when sleeping was because when we were kids, he used to hear the buttons on the radio being pressed. This kept him up all the time, but he never said anything about it. (I also heard the clicks of the radio but I never thought about supernatural stuff).

The second story, I was at my part time job while in high school at Rite Aid. We had this super strict, bi-polar, angry, perverted, manager who used to ALWAYS put me on closing (because they need at least one guy to close for safety purposes). At the end of the day, the other two workers took out the money drawers to the back, while I cleaned up around the ice cream place and cleaned the aisles. That night I was wiping down the front of the store when I heard, what sounded like a man's voice shout like "ooLLAAAA!!!!" INSIDE the closed store. I got goosebumps and was like WTF! we're closed did we miss somebody? I walked the whole store and saw nobody! I told the supervisor and she told me that about 8 years back we had a pharmacist pass away who worked at the store. She said for two years afterwards when you close the store, weird stuff happened all the time. She said that one night she was cleaning up the toy aisle and ALL the toys turned on. The windup toys, the dolls that make noises, everything. She said outloud "Fred you're scaring me, stop it!" and the toys went back to normal.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2166 on: December 15, 2010, 04:27:15 PM »
My gf's cousin who lives up in Oregon told me this story.

She was sleeping in the living room one night. She has this habit where she keeps the TV on and plays the movie Shrek all night. When it stops, she automatically wakes up and restarts the movie. Well she said it was like 5am when Shrek stopped playing again and she woke up but this time since it was already almost sun up she just turned off the tv. She went to the couch and put the blankets over her head but she heard the closet door open slowly. Then she heard two people talking saying "do you think she's asleep now? go check" and one of the figures came out and stood over her waving it's hand. (She could only see their shapes through the blanket) Then she heard the one still in the closet say "let's go" and they both went over to the front door, opened it, and left. Her brother works at the airport at 3am, and when he came home for lunch she asked him if he locked the door. He says he always locks the door, well that morning she found the door unlocked after the things left. The other thing is, she said because it was near new years (last year) their mom had pulled out a lot of old hmong clothes from the closet and left a lot of the plastic bags lying around. She said she didn't hear anyone "step" on the plastic bags at all.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2167 on: December 15, 2010, 04:36:00 PM »
My gf's cousin who lives up in Oregon told me this story.

She was sleeping in the living room one night. She has this habit where she keeps the TV on and plays the movie Shrek all night. When it stops, she automatically wakes up and restarts the movie. Well she said it was like 5am when Shrek stopped playing again and she woke up but this time since it was already almost sun up she just turned off the tv. She went to the couch and put the blankets over her head but she heard the closet door open slowly. Then she heard two people talking saying "do you think she's asleep now? go check" and one of the figures came out and stood over her waving it's hand. (She could only see their shapes through the blanket) Then she heard the one still in the closet say "let's go" and they both went over to the front door, opened it, and left. Her brother works at the airport at 3am, and when he came home for lunch she asked him if he locked the door. He says he always locks the door, well that morning she found the door unlocked after the things left. The other thing is, she said because it was near new years (last year) their mom had pulled out a lot of old hmong clothes from the closet and left a lot of the plastic bags lying around. She said she didn't hear anyone "step" on the plastic bags at all.

That's scary! I do that too. I would usually have my laptop next to me and leave on a movie while I fall asleep. I do it because I'm scare to sleep alone so I need some distraction before I fall asleep. I've never heard or seen anything unusual though. I only do it cuz I'm scare.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2168 on: December 15, 2010, 04:37:29 PM »
My cousin/best friend who now lives away told me about seeing those ghosts or ladies on the side of the road. He said the first time he saw one the family was headed to Fresno. If you guys know the 101 freeway going north from LA, after passing Santa Barbara there's really no more big cities. There comes to a place where the 101 goes inland from the ocean and you have to go through a small tunnel to get through the mountains. He said right before the tunnel, on the center divider area, he saw a lady wearing red with no face. He saw it really quickly then his grandma shoved his face down and told him not to look at it.

The next time he saw one, also going to Fresno, just passed Lemoore. You know the area just south of the city where there's a lot of orchards? He said he was looking behind the car and saw a lady in white walk across the freeway and no cars saw her or hit her. She walked into the orchards until he couldn't see her again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2169 on: December 15, 2010, 04:47:38 PM »
My aunt's in-law brother and sisters have a kind of weird situation. See their mom (my aunt's MIL) is a very powerful shaman who is blessed with some great gifts/powers but at the cost she draws a lot of spiritual energy. The situation though is this, although she has tried to become Christian, AND accepts the teachings of Jesus and loves God, there are somethings that can't be gotten rid of. The best part though is that she is a super strong woman who is not afraid of anything (I think she's seen and beaten/sealed away a lot of the things we're afraid of).

But her kids aren't so brave  ;D

They told me about one of their houses out my a cemetary in Fresno. The house itself is not that bad, but it's one particular room that everyone has bad vibes in. My aunt got sat on a couple times in that room. One of my uncles asleep on the bed, saw an old lady come into the room and go into the closet. BUT, the scariest one is the youngest of the kids who is now joining the marines (everyone grows up fast huh?) He told me they were playing hide and go seek. He didn't even make it to the room. The door was kind of open, and he felt something from the room. He looked in and 5 feet from him was a lady in white brushing her long black hair, then she turned to look at him.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2170 on: December 15, 2010, 05:05:25 PM »
I have a white friend who played football with me in highschool. We were in class at the beginning of this last semester when he told me about the theatre he works in. He lives in a small town about 45 minute commute from the college. The theater is one of the oldest buildings in the town, it used to be one for plays and stuff but is now one for movies. He says they've heard and seen a lot of things that's scared even him (he's a 300lb white guy, mostly muscle).

He said one night he was working and an old man came in to watch a movie, they told him which theater it was in and he went in there. Because it's an old theater the front entrance is the only entrance/exit, so when they didn't see him come out they went in to look and found no one. When they asked some of the other teenagers who were still standing around, they said they remember seeing him come in and sit near the back but they didn't pay attention as to when disappeared. His buddy, one of the night crew who cleans up the place, was recently fired because he was too superstitious. He would leave trails of salt at the doorways to make a barrier so that ghosts don't come into the same room as him when he's cleaning. (I wonder, what if the ghost was already in the room  ;) ) But seriously though, he reported to the managers that some night, he would see a face outside the theater glass doors scream at him as he walked by. Him and my buddy have been in the little rooms behind the theater where the projectors are and seen stuff move or fly off the shelves. They also hear people talking in empty theaters.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2171 on: December 15, 2010, 05:21:22 PM »
Okay one more I think... I'm kind of drawing a blank now.

I have an Uncle who went swimming at a lake up in Fresno area (they told me the name but I forgot it). The lake was very green colored and pretty murky. He was swimming and said he felt something grab his foot and pull hard. He started yelling out, and a lot of the other people got scared and got out fast. He still couldn't move that foot so he couldn't swim and now he was fearing for his life. Finally, one of the older uncles gets a big branch and holds it out to him. He grabs on good, and the other uncle pulls, but the uncle feels something PULL BACK!!! It takes like 3 or 4 people to finally get my uncle out and they said when he did get free, it was like nothing was holding him at all. They took him back and had to call his spirit at the place.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2172 on: December 15, 2010, 06:12:11 PM »
Oh and a last funny one so you guys aren't too scared. Last new years my little cousin went over to my g-pa's new place. He was alone babysitting a bunch of the kids when she said, "grandpa, grandpa, i not scared anymore, the moshter not at my house, the moshter at your house now." He freaked out (my g-pa is a wuss lol), he called the women to come back and even called us as we were on our way there.

oh and when we got there I told her that the next time she says that she needs to go "muahahaha!"

« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 06:15:48 PM by Roc »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2173 on: December 15, 2010, 07:21:09 PM »
Okay one more I think... I'm kind of drawing a blank now.

I have an Uncle who went swimming at a lake up in Fresno area (they told me the name but I forgot it). The lake was very green colored and pretty murky. He was swimming and said he felt something grab his foot and pull hard. He started yelling out, and a lot of the other people got scared and got out fast. He still couldn't move that foot so he couldn't swim and now he was fearing for his life. Finally, one of the older uncles gets a big branch and holds it out to him. He grabs on good, and the other uncle pulls, but the uncle feels something PULL BACK!!! It takes like 3 or 4 people to finally get my uncle out and they said when he did get free, it was like nothing was holding him at all. They took him back and had to call his spirit at the place.

Why would anyone go swim in a green colored lake. Freaky!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2174 on: December 16, 2010, 12:19:45 AM »
Oh and a last funny one so you guys aren't too scared. Last new years my little cousin went over to my g-pa's new place. He was alone babysitting a bunch of the kids when she said, "grandpa, grandpa, i not scared anymore, the moshter not at my house, the moshter at your house now." He freaked out (my g-pa is a wuss lol), he called the women to come back and even called us as we were on our way there.

oh and when we got there I told her that the next time she says that she needs to go "muahahaha!"

Avocado lake? that is the only lake in Fresno that i know of where people swim and the only dark/ green lake around. yea that place is haunted.

Back in the 90s one of my little cousin drowned there. See this was when the lake was still a hot spot for Hmong families because it wasn't so haunted yet, but now hmong folks dont go there anymore and it's full of mexicans. Anyways his family went for a picnic that summer day and everyone was swimming. Well it was very fun splashing in the summer so the og's got distracted and didnt really watch the kids. Well when they decided to get out, they didnt see their son anywhere so they ran around the whole park calling his name and all for about half an hour before they decided to notify the lake people of a possible drowning. The swim team full of divers and guys on jet skiis searched the whole lake but not a single hint of the boy. I mean this went on for the whole day and not a single find. At sunset they finally found the body washed up on a rock. his body was bloated from gulping water and there were two fang marks on his neck. Since he drowned, his body was stinking and rotting at the funeral so they had to close the casket. Everyone was scared and went home because his eyes were bulging out, rotten and he stinked. My parents felt bad and helped comfort them by staying the night. I mean everyone was gone except about 2 families and my parents. Well my mom happened to pass by his coffin when one of the family members opened it. My mom saw his eyes bulging out and it scared the shit out of her. she came home and had nightmares about seeing those bulging rotten eyes so they had to jingle bell for my mom.

He was also my blood cousin's best friend in elementary. My cousin had a dream that week that he woke up from his coffin and went crying to his mom. He got freaked out and told his sister about it the next day. She didnt believe him but that night, she had the exact same dream. She went to tell her older sis the next day and she didnt believe her, so that night the older sister had the exact same dream lol.

Well his family members kept having dreams about him, showing them how he died. In the dreams he would show them that he got pulled under water by a hand. And then some hmong people took his body and replaced it with a log.

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