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Offline thehotone

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2235 on: March 02, 2011, 02:30:26 PM »
Wi.guy....your story reminds me of my uncle. Him and some the guys went hunting and they went their own ways a few hours into the hunt. He got tired and went to sit down near a huge rock. He was so relax, he fell asleep. He woke up shortly after and he was on his back looking up and he saw how pretty the sky and the leaves were moving around him and he thought to himself, "This could be a good place to die". After a few mins of enjoying the view....He got right up and the sky was dark already but he didn't think anything much of it. He got to the car and my other uncles were asking where did he go and that they had try to find him but couldn't. He told them where he was at and the other uncle swored that he walked by that rock twice and didn't see him. Well.... he came home and got real sick! He didn't tell anyone about his little dream until his wife saw a figure over his bed one night and it disappear when she turned the light on. They ua neeb and the shaman said he attract the soul of a native indian woman. The shaman told them exactly what my uncle saw.  :o They had to change his name afterwards ofcourse.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2236 on: March 04, 2011, 11:10:48 AM »
these hunting fishing stories creep me out because i'm and avid hunter/fisher :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2237 on: March 04, 2011, 03:11:35 PM »
Ok so i am quite new here but reading these stories remind me of many of my stories.

I had a cousin who passed away at about two years ago. This btw is a dragon story. So anyways we both live in alaska and before she moved here , she lived in detroit. And now a little information about her, when she lived in detroit, her mom remarried to my uncle and so she was originally a chang. Anyways , when she lived in detroit, she went on a school field trip with her junior class and idk where it was but it happened to be at a river. And as the class walked along the river, she was the one tht fell behind.

I'm not going to quote the whole story since I've seen some complaints before.  ;D

But, this is a sad story. Hmong parents usually just ignore or tell the kids "dont worry about it, it's nothing" when it is something. I hope she finds peace with her bf and is happy at wherever that she is now.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2238 on: March 04, 2011, 05:17:45 PM »
I'm not going to quote the whole story since I've seen some complaints before.  ;D

But, this is a sad story. Hmong parents usually just ignore or tell the kids "dont worry about it, it's nothing" when it is something. I hope she finds peace with her bf and is happy at wherever that she is now.

Yea it is sad. When we did the funeral, her step dad cried way more than the mom did. With maybe an event that has jus happened, parents can brush off...but with what happened to my cousin, i really dunno how they brushed it off for soo many years. &i do hope she is happy bcos on the 3 days that we did her funeral, the first two was complete rain storms. The third day was so sunny and hot. So she probably left happy

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2239 on: March 05, 2011, 08:03:30 PM »
Would it help us Hmong if we started cremating rather than internment? If we don't cremate, we keep thinking the dead body rises back up somehow. Cremation will take away that image, since the dead is nothing more than specks of ashes flying with the wind.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2240 on: March 05, 2011, 08:30:33 PM »
mine is not scary. just unusual thing to happened.

so yes I went to Wausau to visit the gf. her mom needed chickens so she can hu plig and btw she is a shawoman. later that afternoon we went to the hmong farm and pull up to the dirt driveway or front yard or w/e you wanted to call it. Her mom told my gf to go knock on the door to get someone to come out so we can go get the chickens. Her mom and I was sitting in the truck while my gf was knocking on the door. nobody was home so she came back and was mad because she told her mom, she should of call the people first before to ask if they are home before we even came. O well so we went back home, but I have this immense cramp on the right side of my kidney. We got home and drop off my gf's mom and later my gf and I went out to go eat at Texas Roadhouse. I couldn't eat because the whole time my side cramp and i told my gf that it hurts a lot. she said just eat and she will massage it for me wen we get home. so it was cramping the whole time till we got home and my gf mom said that why is hurt back so and cramping too. she figure out what the problem was and actually did some of her shawoman stuff and it was fix later that night and mine wasn't cramping anymore. my gf later told her that while we were at the chicken farm there were wandering spirits that was hunting and her mom and I happened to be the target and got shot in our back while in the truck. that is why our back was cramping.

nothing scary just unusual thing that happened

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2241 on: March 06, 2011, 06:38:08 PM »
This thread is off the HOOK! Greatest thread ever.

Well i'm going to add another story to this great collection.

Last year of 2010, during the squirrel season like around Oct.  I went hunting with my wife and we slept at the normal camp site where my relatives usually came at every year. well my wife and I went hunting and later on that night we slept in our tent and nothing weird happen, but we slept very early due to daylight saving time.  We Slept like around 8 and it was very quiet.  Then I had a very wierd dream.  I meant scary dream.  Well it was as I was seeing the whole scenerio from the top of our tent or you could say looking down on your camp site from above.  You know how the dreams work.  Well in my dream, it was very dark outside our red tent, and the propane light was getting dimmer and dimmer.  Our red tent was on the side of our usual walking path to other campsites.  The camp site was very small probally the size of a gym then it's forest and hills.  Well I saw these two little MIEN girls walking toward our right side of our tent and they were holding hands.  They seem to wore hmong clothes, then they came around the corner toward the entrance of our tent.  You guys know how the fabric of the tent is just polyester or synthese fabric, something like that.  Well these two Mien girls turned into POJ nxooj and they reached their hands through the fabric and i could see the frabic pushing towards me.  At the same time i could see them from the outside.  Meanwhile all of this was happening, my body was froze and couldn't move.  I yelled and yelled but my wife couldn't hear me.  I tried and tried, but i was stuck.  I was helpless then I got mad and reached out for my 22.  I tried to reach it but it was too hard for me so i got mad and started getting pissed off. I finally grab the 22 to shoot them then i woke up.  It was only 12 am.  Didn't tell my wife or she will cry wolf.  Scary, huh? I shrubbed it off and went hunting the next day. Told the OGs and they were like, were you scared? I was like nope.  More afraid of thieves and getting ticket than ghost.

shouldn't set up a red tent, too much attraction in the wilderness. a 22?, where's the big gun(s) . . .

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2242 on: March 06, 2011, 06:44:26 PM »
mine is not scary. just unusual thing to happened.

so yes I went to Wausau to visit the gf. her mom needed chickens so she can hu plig and btw she is a shawoman. later that afternoon we went to the hmong farm and pull up to the dirt driveway or front yard or w/e you wanted to call it. Her mom told my gf to go knock on the door to get someone to come out so we can go get the chickens. Her mom and I was sitting in the truck while my gf was knocking on the door. nobody was home so she came back and was mad because she told her mom, she should of call the people first before to ask if they are home before we even came. O well so we went back home, but I have this immense cramp on the right side of my kidney. We got home and drop off my gf's mom and later my gf and I went out to go eat at Texas Roadhouse. I couldn't eat because the whole time my side cramp and i told my gf that it hurts a lot. she said just eat and she will massage it for me wen we get home. so it was cramping the whole time till we got home and my gf mom said that why is hurt back so and cramping too. she figure out what the problem was and actually did some of her shawoman stuff and it was fix later that night and mine wasn't cramping anymore. my gf later told her that while we were at the chicken farm there were wandering spirits that was hunting and her mom and I happened to be the target and got shot in our back while in the truck. that is why our back was cramping.

nothing scary just unusual thing that happened

u let you girl go knock on the door? and you stay behind in the truck with her mom?, . . .  O0 u dog u . . . I think I had an idea where the cramps come from  ;) . . .

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2243 on: March 06, 2011, 07:03:25 PM »
yo, stop quoting stories so u can post ur two cents...
reporter already stated this thread will and be locked, deleted if idiots keep on quoting..
keep this thread clean.....end of rant...nazi  :police:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2244 on: March 07, 2011, 10:31:36 AM »
Would it help us Hmong if we started cremating rather than internment? If we don't cremate, we keep thinking the dead body rises back up somehow. Cremation will take away that image, since the dead is nothing more than specks of ashes flying with the wind.

Hmm...I think that with the new generations, cremation may become an option. But with the older generation, especially if they haven't converted to Christianity or some other religion, that there would be no way they would go for cremation. I think with our culture, it is believed that after death, the soul has to travel a certain way back to where it came from. So the proper rituals and techniques have to be performed in order for the soul to go where it needs to go.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2245 on: March 07, 2011, 01:16:46 PM »
Hmm...I think that with the new generations, cremation may become an option. But with the older generation, especially if they haven't converted to Christianity or some other religion, that there would be no way they would go for cremation. I think with our culture, it is believed that after death, the soul has to travel a certain way back to where it came from. So the proper rituals and techniques have to be performed in order for the soul to go where it needs to go.
perfectly said my friend O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2246 on: March 09, 2011, 11:26:54 PM »
Gosh haven't been here for quite a while....all these stories are creepy...Well here I go....
This 1st one happened bout 8 or more yrs ago. My 2 cousins from Wis came down to visit and we were just having a good time. We decided to all spend the night at another cousin's house before they left home. Well, we happened to be talking about ghost before going to bed. The guy cousin from Wis was sleeping while we were sharing stories. Just a little before we were off to bed he woke up running to the living room and told us what he saw. He said that while he was sleeping he kept hearing tapping noise that woke him up. Still sleepy, he opened his sleepy eyes and stared toward the tapping noise. It happened to be coming from the window and surely enough the window blinds were wide open. Still sleepy he saw a figure but couldn't quite see what or who it was. He then focused closer to the figure and saw it with long hair, though he couldn't see its face. He suddenly realized that he was alone in the dark, and that's when he realized what he just saw and rushed out that door. Yep that night all the girls had to company each other to the bathroom because no one dared to go alone. What a night it was eh....

This one happened about 6 years ago when my cousin passed away. The family was in the process of doing his funeral and everyone was over helping fold money boat. My cousin who was a shawoman was jinggling for some reason I forgot. Now she when does jingles, she speaks chinese so no one understands her. As she was jinggling, she got possessed by the dead cousin. The cousin stopped jinggling and the dead cousin was talking through her. He was telling his wife how sorry he was for treating her the way he did when he was alive and that he was leaving and for her not to be sad. There wasn't one dried eyes, well from the women anyways, in that room. The cousin he took possession of then went back to her jinggling and came back. It was pretty sad, but at the same time creepy as hell to see someone get possessed like that.

Just a couple of days after he was buried I had the weirdest, creepiest dream about him. In my dream my cousins were jinggling and I was over playing with my cousins outside their yard, which was his yard too because they lived in the same area. We were having fun playing ntxhais quam ntuj when at the corner of my eyes he appeared. He was well dressed in a suit with his cane. He then waved his hand for me to go to him. I started walking toward him, but as soon as I got halfway I realized that he was dead already. I then intended to run the other way but he was already running after me. I got so scared I ran to my cousin's house and told them that he was chasing me. All the OG guys calmed me down and went outside to talk to him. They invited him in and I just woke up after that. I guess he missed everyone  :-\

« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 11:30:38 PM by QueenK23 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2247 on: March 09, 2011, 11:51:30 PM »
This one my sil told me not too long ago. Her grandma just recently passed away and her mother called and told her what happened to her. Her mom said that while her mom was doing the garden someone threw a rock at her. She looked around to see who it was but saw no one. She didn't think much of it and went back to her gardening. Some minutes later the same thing happened again. She turned to see who it was but no one was in sight. She then got real creeped out and decided to stop and went home. She told her aunt about what happened and her aunt told her not to go to the funeral as what happened to her could be a bad omen. I don't think she attended the funeral, but damn I was scared out my wits when my sil told me.

This one my sil also told me about what she saw. They use to live in this very getto place and there was a little garden they would do their garden in. She said that while she was gardening with her mom she saw these two little girls playing around the garden. She didn't think much of it, and went on her business. She looked down for a few seconds and up again and the two little girls disappeared. Both her and her mom stopped whatever they were doing and rushed home. She told me they def. saw poj ntxoj...
And I def. remember going to that place and seeing how creepy this place was. She also told me that the house right upstairs from theirs, they would hear voice of a baby cry at night time because a little baby died in that house a few years earlier and its been unoccupied ever since.

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My Heart Speaks

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2248 on: March 10, 2011, 09:22:10 AM »
u let you girl go knock on the door? and you stay behind in the truck with her mom?, . . .  O0 u dog u . . . I think I had an idea where the cramps come from  ;) . . .


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2249 on: March 12, 2011, 02:35:14 AM »
Hello again, since this thread has pretty much died down I'd like to finish sharing what i was suppose to a few pages back. This story is about my dad and his close encounter.

Early one morning my dad went to work early to open up and when he got inside he went to turn on all the lights, well as he got to the last room which was the waiting area he noticed there was a white lady sitting there. My dad starts wondering how can there be someone already here when he has the key and it was 4am so my dad starts asking her questions like who are you and how'd you get in? The lady says to my dad that her boyfriend and her got into an argument and she ran out and saw that the doors to my dads workplace was open so she let herself in, well my dad being the person he is just says ok whatever and goes to his desk to start work. Well about 15mins later my dad starts thinking about what the lady said and that's when the lightbulb(lol) popped over his head and he started thinking hmmm did I just talk/see a ghost? So my dad goes to the waiting area and checks the lady is no longer there and the front door is still locked.
  Well a week goes by and my dad starts getting sick and my mom tells me we need to jingle bell for my dad so I'm like ok whatever. We finish and later I ask my wife what the shaman lady said and my wife says, "that lady your dad saw was just waiting to take your dads soul that morning but was unable to because its not your dads time to go yet". the reason why is because your dad is suppose to live longer and see his grandkids grow up.

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