
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604042 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2280 on: March 28, 2011, 11:17:14 AM »
Story 2: Til this day I can not find and explanation.

This was at a river. I'm not going to say the name of this river. Anyways it was summer and the water went down, way down that ppl can walk into the middle of it and stand there and fish. So my friends and their big brother, they all went into the middle of the river, I was scare to do that so I stayed at the river bank and cast out my line. Trying to catch some carp or anything. As I was standing there I noticed to my right side that there was this very bright green color in the water. The sizes of this thing was no longer then 3-4 inches and it was like about 3-4 steps from the shore. if you were to step into the water it would been like one half of a half of your calve.

The green color was like almost green but it looked like a fish and some what not. To me, it felt like it wanted me to reach my hand into the water and pick it up. Okay this river also has dog fish. If you ever saw one it's kinda greenish mix black. But this green blob had no head or tail. It was like sitting there or floating there. I was like WTF is that. I pick up a small rock and threw it right into the blob, but it didn't move, I picked up a small twig and threw it there too. But nothing happen. I was like what it that thing. I was going to stick my hand into the water and try to see if i can pick it up.

Then it hit me, I was like,  I better not do that. I hear stories on ppl  fishing and drowning without making any splashes of water. Like they just went an poof, gone.
Just like that.
I scared myself out. LOL so I didn't bother to pay any more attention to it. About 3-5 minutes passed and all my friends and their brother came back to the shore. I told my friends' older brother that I saw something strange in the water while they were all gone. As I started to point to where that green color was. I looked and it was gone, just like that, I mean were could it swam off. Then I thought to myself. Holy crap did I just encounter a Zaj's trick or was I seeing things.
Even til this day I said to myself, I'm one lucky SOB. What if I stuck my hands down that day, in that time and no one was around me. What would of happen to me.

coon rapids dam LMAO

and yes I quoted.. bite me  :2funny:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2281 on: March 28, 2011, 11:24:55 PM »
My sister has this ghost who comes in her dreams and transforms into her husbands lil brother. Then he would always try  to seduce my sister by saying that no one is around to see and no one will find out. It seems so real and she is so scared of it that when her husbands real lil brother come over, she don't even say hi to him.

There are lots of drowning in the San Joaquin river in Fresno. Just 2 years ago, a high school Hmong boy drowned there. Scary thing was my cousin and us were fishing in The San Joaquin river that day but never found out until we came home. Turns out the dead boy went to the same school as my cousin who went fishing with us. What's more scary is that we almost crossed the rushing river so we can go fish on the other side of the bridge, which was where he drowned. Thank god we couldn't make it the bridge due to extremely rushing currents and to much vegetation on the sides.

The boy came from a farming family and they usually farm late into the night. One late night of farming, the boy saw some Paw Xooj (Hmong witch, can't spell). He ran to tell his parents but they called him a liar and said he was lazy so he's just making excuses. They never jingle belles for him. Well on the day of the drowning, him and his big bro took a farm break and went to the store. He asked his older bro if they can go swimming at the river before farm since it was super hot that day. Though their family weren't great swimmers, his older bro said sure cause they been farming to hard.
So he brought the little snorkeling goggles + mouth tube, and they both went to chill at the river. They were Snorkeling in waist high water and I guess he wasn't keeping track of his lil bro due to constant dipping head in water to snorkel. From what I heard. He saw his lil bros body in the deeper water, but it wasn't even rushy. He tried to go grab him but he couldn't swim himself. So I guess he screamed for help. Someone finally got him but couldn't revive him. Maybe he choked on water while breathing thru the snorkel tube. Yea and that day we were just 300 feet or so up stream.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2282 on: March 28, 2011, 11:38:03 PM »
Holy crap, dude

Do I know you some how?

I've only told this story to a few of my friends, other than my family. How did you know, that it was coon rapid?

Let me guess: are you the one that told me this- So one night you came home and saw this white thingy sleeping in front of your porch. You got freak out and went to the back door to get into your house.
Or are you the one that, that night we went to go cat fishing, and I was eating this KFC chicken, and we almost died- that night. LOL cause you were driving and we didn't realize that we had gotten to the T-intersection, but we didn't think that we were at that spot yet. The road was very, very dark that night for some reason. And when I saw that stop sign I yelled at you and you slammed the breaks and we went head on into this trench.LOl. We tried to push it out of the trench but we couldn't do it. And these 2 meekas drove by from the casino and gave us a lift back into town, and we had to call a tow truck. So when the tow truck came and took us back to your car,there was a trooper there already. Anyways we were talking to the trooper and said "why don't the city put up marker so that other ppl coming down this road knows that there's a stop sign up there". And the trooper said " this is not the city's property, but the Indian land, city can not tell them what to do. And the city knows that this is a dangerous intersection". He also told us that a few ppl died here, cause they fail or didn't realize that the stop was here. Some drove right into the bank and died, one drove right into the bank and up an over into the woods.

I was just wondering?  So tell me a story that I might know from you.LOL

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 11:43:37 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2283 on: March 29, 2011, 12:19:17 AM »
Dude that's so fk up about the thingy that turned into her hubby's  little brother. I would be freaking out. Did she tell her hubby that she has this nightmare?

Since I'm talking about coon rapid dam. I heard this, I'm like 2 hand teller. So my BIL's bro went to the dam to fish. There were a lot of ppl that day and there was these 2 hmoob dudes that was fishing close to the dam. I can't explain it cause you have to see it for your self. Back in the days I use to fish in that very spot, and the rise and fall of the water was very memorizing, you just like fell into a trance looking at it. But if you lose your footing, than that was it of you, If you fall you die cause there are under tows like a washing machine.

Anyways this one dudes was fishing there and some how he fell into the water, his other friend was screaming for help and everyone was like WT F's going on. The friend didn't think twice at that time and jumped right into the water to help his friend that went under, and they both died. And since the current was too strong for the divers to go and get the 2 bodies they really didn't do anything. Anyways my BIL's bro were there at that time but they were more down the river. They didn't really know what was happening, but they heard him screaming for help. then later, found out what real happen cause there were a lot of ppl who was there at that time. This was in the news paper back then. When I heard the story I asked him about it but he didn't what to talk. I can see why.
So the park put up a 6 ft chain link fence from were the 2 dudes drowned all the way to the rocky bank, well you have to see it cause I don't know how far it went.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 12:29:45 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2284 on: March 29, 2011, 12:51:37 AM »
I heard this from a friend, from another friend.

It goes like this- they were at the park playing volleyball and the ball flew out of the court and into the stream behind them, but the stream had some tall grasses. So this dude went to retrieve the ball- this is the strange part. Everyone saw him walking there, and waited for the ball to be thrown at them or him coming back with the ball. They waited and it seems like he was not coming back so they went to see what is going on. But they didn't see him, there was no splashes or yelling for help.
Or any sign. He couldn't run off, cause if he did that then everyone would of seem him. but they saw the volleyball floating in the stream. They called the police, I don't know what happen after this. But I think this happened at the lake I was talking about, that a lot of hmoob ppl drown there. Man that lake is dangerous. Ppl be drowning there and the water would be like 2-4 ft. Now think about it. 2-3 ft deep and still drown. Only thing I could think of is. Zaj.. Well a lot of hmoob knows that, that lake is weird and has some hidden truth. Hmoob ppl be claiming that when they go walking around that lake, they been seeing Zaj's head or a person standing out in the lake, early in the morning. or a person coming out of the water. White ppl don't believe us when we be talking about Zaj and ghost.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2285 on: March 29, 2011, 10:50:14 AM »
I just remembered this one, I want to write this before I forget.
Here we go. This happened in my own house. I'm still living here. 1st of all my wife don't really believe in things. Years ago my wife was telling me that she hears like little kids running in the hall ways, and had though that our son was running. And she would call his name and when she came out to go see where he is, He was in the other living room watching T.V. So I told my wife that oh- it's just your mind playing tricks on you. Soon I stated to hear foot steps running in the house. I too yelled for my son and to find that he was in the other room watching T.V.
My son was about 2-3yrs old back then.
One morning I was taking a shower and my son was watching T.V. Now I slightly close the door but had a gap so that I can hear him if he needs anything. Cause it's just me and him in the house. So I had shampoo in my hair and was washing it off me, I had my eyes close and in the middle of washing my hair, The room kinda got cold it felt like my son came in the bathroom, cause you can feel the air changing when the door open. I felt that he had yanked the shower curtain while I was washing my hair. I screamed his name out load, cause now the room is going to be all wet. Then I opened my eyes, just to find that the shower curtain was not even touch. my hair shot up and I quickly rinse myself and got out of the shower and stated calling my sons name. I went to the other room just to find that he's a sleep on the floor watching T.V.

Then a couple of days later me and my sons was in the room watching T.V. I was laying on the sofa and I hear like little feet running in the hall, I called for my son and I though that he was running to the other living room. I opened me eyes just to see that he fell a sleep on the floor. So I got up and made a quick bed on the floor and put him. Then I stated to fall a sleep on the sofa. In my dream like. (To be truthful to you guys out there, I don't know much about culture and stuff like that).
So I dreamed that I was talking to this little kid, and I went and got this small bowl of rice and some meat I don't remember what meat was it and those thingy you burn along with it. And I open my patio doors and placed the food outside and told the kid to go out there and eat the food and not to come back into the house. The kid went outside and I closed the door behind him... My dreams felt so real, and I was scare as heck. Then I woke up and said "Dam that was was a weird dream". I was going to go and do that,  but was scare if I opened the door and it came back inside.LOL. After that dream I didn't hear anymore running in the hall.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 10:57:16 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2286 on: March 29, 2011, 12:50:35 PM »
I hate sleep paralysis (where you get sat on & can see yourself trying to escape, then BAMMM you’re still stuck in the same place.)  

One time I got sat on and I heard the sounds of the coins on hmong clothes jingling. It scared the wits out of me. 
i hate to see shadows standing nearby when I get sat on, they would stand there and stare at me so I tend to close my eyes.
Another time that I got sat on I distinctively heard an infant baby crying inside my ear canal. I swear it was so clear that I knew it wasnt my 1yr. toddler because she cries differently and sounded much older than an infant.  It seems that I will only encounter these sleep paralysis when my Bf is not sleeping next to me, I think having him there makes me feel more protected  :)

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 01:07:03 PM by bossymum »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2287 on: March 29, 2011, 01:06:11 PM »
Also, there are these cats around my Bf’s apartment building. One cat is grey and very huge but this cat tends to stay at our back neighbor’s front door. Then there is the wondering Black cat that stays at different areas.  There is also an organge/black cat that stays on the front door step of the neighbor that lives in front of our apartment.  Every time we come home from the stores at night and I have my daughter with me, as soon as these cats see my daughter they will start coming forth towards her. I have this creepy feeling, like these cats want my baby. I would always yell at the cats once they get close to her or I will stomp my feet and try to scare them away.

As soon as these cats scatter, they wait for us to get closer to our apartment door then they make a quick scurry to my daughter. Man, my heart would pound so hard and I get so angry I go towards the cats and scare them away. This always happen, sometimes they come after my daughter when they all spot her at the same time, if only one of the cats is there than that cat will try to come forth and approach my kid. To me, I feel like this is awkward because once they see my car pull up and my kid is out the car, one of these cats will run towards my car and glide under a parked car next to mine and wait for us to walk ahead and it’ll come forth behind my daughter. 
The neighbor kids would play outside but these cats always stay clear out of their way, but when it comes to my child they want to follow her and run up  behind her (which scares me when they run towards her when her back is turned to them).

 I never have a good feeling when a stray comes along and just stare at me. My parents never let us get close to cats because they said that these animals are not for us to befriend but to just let it be. Why is it so that the hmong people uses stuff toy dogs as guardians but never a cat? Maybe to chase away evil which can be a “cat.” I don’t know, im just curious..i also know that cats can be a good omen but most of the time they are not.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2288 on: March 29, 2011, 01:26:55 PM »
About the Zaj stories, my Hmong teacher told us that back in laos when kids drown and their body turns up, it seems that their two front teeth are missing. He says that it’s a signature of the Zaj to tell the people that it was the dragon who took their soul.  He says that every kid that drowns will always have their two front teeth missing. CREEPY. :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2289 on: March 29, 2011, 01:41:44 PM »
About the Zaj stories, my Hmong teacher told us that back in laos when kids drown and their body turns up, it seems that their two front teeth are missing. He says that it’s a signature of the Zaj to tell the people that it was the dragon who took their soul.  He says that every kid that drowns will always have their two front teeth missing. CREEPY. :o

never heard of that one be4, but creepy azz hell. About the cats, damm i would catch one of those cats and kill it right in front of the other cats to show em that you aint F'kin around so they wont follow ur daughter anymore. I heard this Hmong guy once caught a cat and put it inside his dog cage so his put bull tore that shlt up

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2290 on: March 29, 2011, 01:44:17 PM »
Evil spirits mostly takes on the form of cats in the Hmong culture. At this very moment, there are two cats that have been roaming around my place. One is a grayish/black cat that's been around since before December. Lately there's a new yellowish cat that's coming around as well. I never have any good feelings about cats that all of the sudden just appears and roams around my place. I have had encounters with them before in Cali that put more eerie feelings in me.

I don't want to shoot them, but I can if I chose to. I decided to do them in with radiator coolant. So far the bowl I put out is half empty so I know they've been around to drinking it. There are no dogs where I live...I've been living at my place for over 4 years now and this is the first time I've seen cats around.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2291 on: March 29, 2011, 01:53:23 PM »
thats a good one with, i would've never thought of using radiator fluid

maybe milk laced with rat poison or sumthing

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2292 on: March 29, 2011, 02:01:00 PM »

they say coolants will acidify the blood and destroys the kidneys. Within 30 minutes of consumption the feline will e in a drunken state and that could last for hours to come. When that settles down, the acidification begins and the kidney will start to fail. If the owner knows when the feline is still in that drunken state, all they have to do is make the feline drunk with alcohol to wait it out....that's if the owner can determine the cause and treat it...

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Offline thehotone

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2293 on: March 29, 2011, 02:23:43 PM »

 We started having cats around my house too. They use to cry outside and it will sound like real babies crying.  :o They will fight among each other and just last week, one of the cats has been climbing to the top of my neighbors house. No fail when I go out after dusk do I see it sitting there looking down at me. It's too dark to tell which cat but it's something like a cat up there.

The radiator fluid didn't work. My husband set a whole bowl out and it just end up drying out. I'm a bit ok now with them now that it's warmer b/c they will keep the snakes away. (I hope)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2294 on: March 29, 2011, 02:52:56 PM »
thehotone - If I was you I would do anything to keep them away or to get rid of them. In my experience, cats have always been bad omen. Before my dad passed, there were a ton of cats out of the blue that would come around our place at night. During the day, they would all be gone. When the sun sets is when you start seeing them coming around. After almost 1 year of this, my dad passed and believe it or not...allt eh cats aren't anywhere to be found after his passing...bad omen is all what  cats are...

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