
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1608375 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2295 on: March 29, 2011, 03:19:59 PM »
This happen when my husband and I still live an apartment where there is no backyard, only a cemented patio only. Well, I had a miscarriage that day, by the way the baby was almost 2 months when I miscarried, and my mom says in our hmong culture we have to buried the baby in our backyard, I don't know why?...but my husband and I did what my mom and dad say. We have to do it in front of our apartment door becuase we didn't have a backyard.

So that night my husband and I slept in the living room because we were watching movie and happen to fall alseep there. It was around midnight when we both heard cats crying really loud! My husband woke up and look through that little hole on the door and saw 3 cats surrounding that little burial where we burried the baby earlier. It was scary to me cus it seems like they were all mourning there.

Ps..i have to type from my iphone so it was kinda hard i didnt really get to go into details...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2296 on: March 29, 2011, 03:45:57 PM »
cuute - that's scary especially when they are just standing there meowing...thin king about it sends chills up my spine...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2297 on: March 29, 2011, 05:21:24 PM »
cuute- thats pretty scary, sorry to here about your miscarriage

did it only happen that night?
did you ever find out why our hmong culture does that, cause this is the first i have heard of it?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2298 on: March 29, 2011, 05:51:32 PM »
cuute- thats pretty scary, sorry to here about your miscarriage

did it only happen that night?
did you ever find out why our hmong culture does that, cause this is the first i have heard of it?

After that incident, we don't sleep in the living room anymore and yes sometimes we still hear them but as long as its not next by our wall then i wouldn't care. And we move out a month after...

I did ask my mom why we gotta do that at that time but she just say it's a must!
Thanx for asking tho...

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2299 on: March 29, 2011, 06:18:28 PM »
1: About the Zaj- that's the first time I've ever heard about the 2 front teeth. I don't know if the Hmoob ppl that drown here in the US look at that. Unless they are not telling.
 2: This is a first about the miscarriage, why would you go and do that. Correct me if I'm wrong, if the fetus is only 2 months old and haven't been giving a name.
I still don't get it. Did you go to the dr. to remove the fetus or did you have the unborn fetus at your app.
3: And the coolant about the cats, I do believe that it's wrong to do that.
When I first moved into my house I too had cats around my place, I don't know if its a stray cat, but it was meowing on my front door, so I open it and was going to shoo it away, it wanted to come inside my house. So I slapped the cat on the head. and the cat ran off. After that my hair shot up and I was like what if it was more then a cat and I slapped, then I went back into the house. LOL

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 06:28:25 PM by saki saki »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2300 on: March 29, 2011, 06:49:39 PM »
Just remember this one too.
It was told to me by my mom by our (I was little and I don't know if they were our cousin or just ppl my parents knew back in Laos). All I know is that I'll call them grandma, you know when you were little you would told to kinda call the elder grandma/grandpa. This happened at our old neighborhood (Plaza in St. Paul), we moved out off there a long, long time ago. But they were still living there. So one night some of the ppl living there, there was a rotten smell in the air. This happen in the winter so there's snow on the ground.
This one OG and he was kinda not 100% in the head, came to my OG and said that last night the air smelled like soap, but my OG new that it smelled like rotten flesh that night. So all the OG 's living there went to go look out side. They found some foot print, in the middle there was a prints of a tiger/ lion, and on each side there was 2 little pairs of print on each side of the tiger print. So there was 3 unknown prints, and the OG followed and it went to the manger's place and around the corner and disappeared. They went and told the manger about it and I don't know what happen after that.

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lazy E

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2301 on: March 29, 2011, 08:04:20 PM »
I thought it was a dream but my mom brought it up a couple days ago when my parents were talking about certain apartments that were haunted. When i was a kid, we lived in merced, CA. in a small apartment with lots of hmong people. It was a hot sunny day that day. I was hungry from playing outside so i came inside for lunch. my mom made me some noodles and i sat in the living room and she went back into the bedroom to watch tv. at that time, it was only me and my mom. their bedroom faces the living room and part of the kitchen which is to their right, the front door was to the left. i was sitting and facing part of the door, eating my noodles. i dont remember exactly how this went but from what i remembered, the door was slightly open for some fresh air but my mom said the door was closed. she said that the door just flung open when that happened. anywase, i remembered i glanced up and saw, what look liked my dad, came walking in through the front door, walked straight into the kitchen, didnt even glance at me or my mom, and completely vanished. as a kid then, i didnt know what was happening nor did i felt scared, just confused. up till the other day, when my mom told that to my dad, i kept on retelling it in my head what i saw if it was real. now that ive some back up evidence, i was sure it was a ghost. not because of that encounter that i believe in ghost but just to say, thats the only explanation i have.

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lazy E

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2302 on: March 29, 2011, 08:33:23 PM »
this is another tale of mine that happened a couple years ago. We now live in portland, OR after we moved from merced over ten years ago. this is a small apartment complex that we live in. back when there used to be lots of hmong living here, the little kids would play in the back dirt road around these trees and black thorn bushes. now, these tree branches would almost touch the ground and if you go underneath it, you'll discover a little hideout, guess thats why they play there all the time. until most of them moved away, the kids would alwase say that there is a little girl that would call to them from within the thorn bush but we told them they were just thinking so. well, it was in the morning after the rain from the other day, the dirt road was all puddles and no cars has come through there yet. me and my friend was sitting by his front steps when my little sisters and some other kids came running up to us telling what they saw. we rushed to the back and was lead to a puddle that was in front the the bush. we look down at it and saw, to my disbelief, a set of two little PERFECT hand prints in the mud. the puddle was not stirred in any way. the water was clear and around the prints we saw like some cat paw prints. the hand print was facing us and to be in that direction, you have to step on the thorns to do so. no little kids even my sisters hands were that small, for u to imagine i say about 1 and a half inch long. normally, your palms has lines, which these didn't. then i didnt think of taking some picture of it cause we were all scared. seeing that made us believed there was something living around there when the other kids kept saying there was. sorry if my story sounds like a mess but its true as it can be.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2303 on: March 29, 2011, 09:38:41 PM »
Long time ago back in Laos, there was a young couple and their son. One day they were out working in the fields, they left there toddler son in the little farm house cause from where they were gardening wasn’t too far from the farm house. There was also a little lake/pond/river not too far away. When the parents lift their head to check on the son, he was gone. They looked everywhere but the son was no where to be found.

2-3 days later the toddler’s body showed up on the edge of the lake. They did the funeral and on the way to burying the son, the father told everyone to return home once they reach the burial site. No matter what he do, no one should interfere.

After everyone headed home, the father took a sword and cut the son’s body into 9 pieces and buried each piece on 9 mountains. That night Zaj came to retrieve his zaj son (Father zaj had his own son replace the young man’s son so the couple would think that the son really died.) Zaj destroyed one mountain to find only 1 piece so he must destroy 8 other mountains to get all of his son’s pieces back. But the think is that Shao won’t allow Zaj to destroy the other 8 mountains so when Zaj tried destroy the other 8, Shao would strike Zaj w/ thunder which can kill Zaj.

So with no other ways to get Zaj’s son back, Zaj went into the young man’s dream and beg for his son back and Zaj would return his son to him. Zaj told the man where he could find his son. Next day the young man went digging through 9 mountains to retrieve the Zaj’s son’s pieces and returned them to Zaj. The man went to the place where Zaj said he would find his son and WALLAH!! There was his son.

The end!!

Such a brave man to risk chopping up the body.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2304 on: March 29, 2011, 11:15:30 PM »
Saki: I have no idea either! I was only doing it cus my mom and dad told me to do it. I was bleeding and cramping heavily that day so she just told me to let it pass naturally. I have no medical insurance at that time so I didn't bother going the ER.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2305 on: March 30, 2011, 01:31:05 AM »
Wow, I really think that, that was the strangest thing I've ever heard. Or heard it done ever.LOL. From what I just heard from you, I think that back in the old, old days, that's what our OG's did. When they had miscarriages, so I think that's why your parents told you to do that.    

I know that it was a long time ago but I'm glad that you're doing well.

When I was younger my old man loved to fish white a$$es. LOL. So he'll take me to go to the (Hmong River). It's call the St, Croix River. LOL yes the river was re-named the Hmong River cause between mid April to end of May. All you see is the hmong ppl there fishing for them white a$$es. Anyways that day was raining like every year around those months, a lot of hmoobs there fishing.

It was kinda cold with the rains and all. I see ppl in their shorts and dipping in the warm water and fishing from within the water. I was standing on the shore fishing, I saw a big human like shadow, swimming about knee high water. Of course my height as of now.  I was thinking about it, but I could not figure it out. The strange thing was if it was a real person you would of seen him paddle with his feet, arms or what ever. But what I saw was like it was gliding in the shallow water, away from my left to my right. along the shore line. So I thought that maybe some hmoob decided to go swimming. Funny thing was I couldn't make out any detail but just a big human like shadow gliding in the water. And the shadow wasn't like going slow, it was kinda fast. I got about 3-4-5 seconds of it. Then it went out of my view. I was too young to understand this. So I just went on and cast my line to catch some more a$$es.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 01:49:51 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2306 on: March 30, 2011, 10:52:22 AM »
saki - I don't know you. I only knew it was coon rapids cause you talk about how the water gets shallow and hmong people would walk to the middle of the river. lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2307 on: March 30, 2011, 04:39:14 PM »
coon rapids dam is freaky as heck... i remember walking thru that little wooded area to get to the dam and its loud and scary and dark. No more night fishing there for me.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2308 on: March 31, 2011, 12:37:43 AM »
Okay I just remember this one.
This was a hunting trip. Not scary but I think my eyes were playing tricks on me.

So the week after the opener for small games. I couldn't go on the opener, I had something I had to take care of first.
I've been hunting with my FIL for about 3-4 yrs in this area. This is the area were we both go hunting, back when he was still healthy. I mean we'll go almost every weekend and even up to deer hunting season. So I been all over that hunting area from the camping ground to all the hill tops and back. We'll still go and scout for deer tracks, to deer season and we'll go hunting for deers too. Until he got very sick and couldn't go anymore. My FIL pass on about 2-3 yrs now. I haven't been hunting since my FIL pass on.

Up till, about a years ago, me and my friends went hunting and when we got there it was almost sun rise, just like when me and my FIL back then.LOL. We all went into the woods. Since a few of them didn't know the area I had to lead them. One of my friend have been there, but he couldn't remember the area. So I took all of them to were I hunt. I asked the one that have been there a couple of time, if he kinda remember this place yet.

After awhile he started to remember. So he went off by himself. I told him that around this, time we all come back to the big rock, if you get lost come back here and radio us. And  to regroup, before we head back to camp. So it was just me and a new guy. The others went their own ways. After a while I told the new guy that let's kinda split up but be within 30-50yrd apart. That way we can see squirrel better. And that we don't lose each other too. So the whole time I was there I felt as though someone was watching me. I kept seeing a dark figure on the corner of my eyes. If you hunt, you know what I mean by this. When you calling them squirrel with the caller you don't want to turn your head fast from side to side. So I was only moving my eyes from side to side.

So I moved my eyes to the right, I though I saw a black figure looking at me from a far. I got spook and turned my whole head to the right. And saw nothing. It was not all the time but once in awhile I'll see the figure again. Either to my right or left view. That whole day I didn't see anything. So we all radio each other to meet up at the big rock and regroup and eat lunch there. Some of my friend told me they got a few lucky ones. I told them I haven't seen a single squirrel. LOL. After we all ate we decided that it was still a lot of lights left and that we should go and hunt some more before we head back to camp.

Any ways we all departed and went our ways. Cause by know my friends kinda knew how to navigate the area. I mean you can not get lost at the place I hunt. If you are in doubt you just go back to the main road. And head back and you'll be at the big rock. So I went my own way and I was calling them critters on the caller. I heard some of them but I couldn't get near them or they'll see me and hide. About 20-30 yrds, I finally got a good aim on one of them, I pulled the trigger and my gun jammed, Shyt I got a dungt bullet. So I cocked the bullet out and I shot the critter. I though I saw it fell to the ground and was sure I hit the right spot. So I walked to the spot and I didn't see the critter. I was like WTF. I was looking high and low for it. Then I thought I saw a figure to my right side again. By this time I took off my glasses and look at them to see if I caught some twigs or something was hanging on them. But nothing was there. that whole day I didn't get anything LOL. Failed that day for me. When we got back to camp I was thinking about, the whole day. I said to myself "is my eyes playing tricks on me or I'm I really seeing something out there".

On the 2nd day I didn't really want to head out there anymore. Cause I kept on thinking about the 1st day.
So I only hunted around the camping area, around that hill top and back. Strange cause I didn't see any figure to my right or left on the 2nd day. We were planning on to be there for about 1-2 more days. But then a big a$$ storm was heading our way. The wind was changing and I look up on my Evo 4g phone and saw a huge blob coming. So we all radio each other to come back to camp. We left that day. But yeah, I failed those 2 days and came home empty handed. But my friend all got their share of fun those 2 days. Out of the 6 of us we got about 15-20 squirrels. LOL.

I don't know if that was my FIL looking out for me or I was just thinking too hard. After all we go hunting in that area the most and I know that area so well.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 12:58:17 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2309 on: March 31, 2011, 01:26:47 AM »
My mom told me this way,way back, this happened during the white a$$ run.
I don't know which lake/ river this happen. I'm almost wanna guess, if what I saw, about that human shadow swimming that day has to do anything with this story. Cause I heard this story not long after what I saw that day. I never told my OG about that day, on what I saw cuz he"ll think that I was talking crazy.

"I just remembered why that day I stopped myself from trying to reach and grab that green object in the water in coon rapid".

But there was these two couple and on the 1st day they caught a lot of them a$$es. And when they got home the hubby wanted to go catch some more and the wife said " they have too many and that they should wait, until they pack them fishes first". But he was feeling the hots, (even I have them hots when it come to the white a$$ runs). So the next day they both went and was catching a lot of them a$$. and the wife caught her a$$ and was reaching to hook the a$$ on the line.

This is the strange part. She bent over and reached for the line to put the fish on, while the hubby was fishing and he saw her bent over and then he didn't see her.
 (bare with me, I'm trying to find the right word to say here). So she disappeared right next to him. Without even making a splash or any commotion. Just like a split second and she was gone. So the hubby dropped his pole and started scamming for help like he was crazy or something. And all the Hmoob ppl there tried to help him. The hubby was yelling for help and that his wife is gone, she bent over to tie her fish and she is now missing. So some of the ppl there call 911.  I don't know what happened cause my mom never told me the ending. My guess is that they probably found the body. And I was too young to understand it if she told me.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 01:32:24 AM by saki saki »

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