
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604664 times)

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2520 on: May 27, 2011, 02:08:37 AM »
@ dogtags3154 you encountered some freaky as stuffs...
I have to agree, you one sorry SOB. How ever did you become one of those jiggle bell ppl? You see i don't believe that by encountering stuff like this that you can become one. Like I mentioned in here about the 2 world sometimes crosses over and we see 'em and they see us. This sounds better if said in hmoob, eye cricket. Lol
Thus we see 'em.
Sometimes things are just the way it is.

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Li Mhong

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2521 on: May 27, 2011, 07:56:36 AM »
As I was in the restroom, after washing my hands and drying them, I looked into the mirror and felt my body tingle. Telling me I wasnt the only one in there. I closed my eyes, and an image of an old woman smiling burnt into my mind.
You reminded me of this time when I was just laying in bed (I believe it was around 1am ) I couldn't sleep for some reason, But as I closed my eyes, An image of an old lady also burnt into my mind, except the old lady I saw had her eyes closed and she was not smiling at all. It freaked me out so much that I called out to my Bro to come into my room so I could walk out and he told me I could sleep on his Bed (He stayed up until 6am).

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2522 on: May 27, 2011, 03:33:10 PM »
Same house. Same haunted block. This one is not that scary, it's kind of funny, but if you really think about it, it can be freaky.

As I said before that house was only a 2 bedroom house and 1 bath. Well if you turn left from the dining area you would see an archway that leads to the hallway. Straight ahead was the bathroom. To the right of the bathroom was my room. To the left was my parents. So, that bathroom sat right in the middle of the 2 rooms.
As kids, we had a feeling that house was haunted, so everytime my parents were out, my dad working and my mom in the garden, and we had to use that bathroom to we would leave the door open. Thats the funny part. The freaky part is, when you do go use the bathroom for any reason when you face the toilet or straight ahead towards the door, you would always see from the corner of your eyes a small little black head peak out from the doorway. It never fails to show itself. Like a peeping ghost boy. I wasnt the only one whom seen this little ghost boy. Everyone kids that comes by asks me if I see it.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 03:49:27 PM by dogtags3154 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2523 on: May 31, 2011, 08:28:57 AM »
I heard some cats this morning and it sounded hella scary. It was crying then it was meowing, oh lord was i scared. I was out waiting for my bus too! Bad sign.......

when i was around 10 - 11 we went to my cousins house because something happened to one of my uncle, it goes like this. (my cousin told me just yesterday, because i still wanted to know what happened that one day with her dad, im 17 now. LOL still wanting to know what it was) It was late at night around 2 to 3 and something opened the door with its angryness well this thing was big and hairy (my cousins dad told her) it got right on top of my uncle and my uncle was fighting with it. this went on for a while and i cant believe that my aunt didnt hear this. well this thing was so agressive it was trying to kill my uncle so my uncle took out his knife under his pillow and was stabbing him. that scary thing got off of him and went straight to my baby cousins crib. now my baby cousin is crying and this scary thing is just laughing and trying to take my baby cousin, but luckily my uncle got right out of the bed and stabbed him even more. so it just vanished in thin air. the next morning my uncle was really sick that my dad had to take him to the hospital, but the doctors didnt know what was wrong, my grandpa did this shaman thing and he said that that thing took my uncles spirit away because that thing wanted to marry my uncle. yikes i was scared.....

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2524 on: June 03, 2011, 09:30:39 PM »
 It's being awhile..
Okay I just found this out. This happened back in Laos.

Names has being changed.

This one hmong dude, which we will call him Zhong. He has this thingy that's being following him. Lets call his wife Mai. In those old days ppl lives in huts. I call it huts, while others may call it house. You know you live in straws and bamboo. Anyways Zhong always get sat on. Every night he would sleep with his gun in his hand, but when that FAT came and sat on him he couldn't free his arms. So he told one of his relatives about it that every night he gets sat on. So the cuz told him to sleep in the cuz place while he sleeps on Zhonge spot for the night. Just right before the cuz was about to fall asleep. That fat came and sat on him. The cuz fought that thingy and broke free from it and that thing ran out the window. The next day the cuz told Zhong about what happened to him.
There were other strange stuff but too lengthy and detailing.

So I'm gonna fast forward it here into the U.S.

Anyways when they came here and bought their first house, Mai didn't know about the hubby's thingy. So one day she had fallen asleep on her hubby's side of the bed and in her dreams: this lady came to Mai and asked where Zhong was. Mai had told that thingy that he's not here and that he went hunting. After that Mai woke up and was freaking out. So she called her hubby on the cell phone and told him to come home right away. The hubby was mad cause he was at the camping ground and it was late. So he wasn't gonna come home that night and besides it's too dangerous driving at night.

When morning came Zhong drove home and the wife told him about that lady that was looking for him. He then told Mai that it was normal, that thingy been following  him for a long time. But every time he changes his name that thingy would always find him. So he never bothered.

After reading so many of you ppl's ghost stories, My guess is that who ever that lady was. Might of been his ex wife/lover in his past life.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2525 on: June 05, 2011, 10:00:31 PM »
Aaaaawh no more ghost stories?. Come now, I know that there are more ghost stories to share
Keep them coming. Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2526 on: June 06, 2011, 03:48:46 AM »
More stories yalls, Im going camping and rely on these stories to go tell at camp

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2527 on: June 06, 2011, 04:04:24 PM »
I've forgot if I shared this one yet or not but just to add another story in here for ya' regulars.

Once upon a decade ago, a young man is on his way home from after courting with a someone in a different village not too far away (ya' know how it is back in those days). Well, it was dark already and he didn't have any torch or sort of light what so ever. As paranoid just as anybody else is during that period or era, he turbo boast his steps. They can't shoot nos yet, it'll just stink up the air back than. Half way home and he *BUMP* into something on the road and got freakout so he race all the way back and hide in someone's pig pin in his beneficial person's town. Morning cam and finally got the cowardly dog to go home. He got home and met one of his friend and told him the story of last night, and his friend said "me too", "last night I was just about to head out to go see my girl and I bump into something on the way 'cause I didn't have no fire and couldn't see . . . so I ran back home". They compare bruises and bumps on their head and it match. Not horror but a comedy horror for you guys for right now, hope ya' enjoy. Luda'! . . . I mean Havo'!.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2528 on: June 09, 2011, 12:04:04 AM »
So a couple of nights ago friends and I were out eating ice cream and she shared some stories wit me....

She use to live on the other street from mines and only 3 ppl live in her house....her, her mom and her one nite she called me hella freaked out to spend the nite wit her cuz she was home alone...I asked her wat happened and she told me that here sis called her hella crying...her sis told her that she and a friend was out and on their way was already they drive pass a creek both girls saw a white ghostly figure ran right into them...they went straight to the friend's house and her sis told her she was spending the nite there cus she was too scared to drive home alone...I told her if it was that serious and she was scared I would be on my way...she then call me later and told me not to come anymore bc her other friend was on her way...not too scary but makes me think twice bout drivin home alone at nite now...

She also told me this one...
She said that before one of her moved that friend would spend the nite over at her random day she told my friend that every time she spent the nite there she would always see a man come out of her sister's room and use their restroom...aft er using it he would peak in her room for a bit and go back to the sister's room...keep in mind only girls live in that house and no bf was she never fold her sis since the man came outta her room and didn't wana scare her...

Okay so does anyone knows if it's true about not having banana leafs in ur house while ur sleeping bc this friend also told me that ghost can go into it...she said that while living in that house her neighbor had these banana leaves tree and every night she got sat on so her mom climb over the fence and chopped down the tree...from that on she never got sat on again...I duno if that's true....

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2529 on: June 11, 2011, 08:22:14 AM »
WTH, her mom climed the fence to chop down the neighbor banna tree!. Did the neighbor who did
Strangely i wouldn't go and chop it down.. don't want to get shot lol..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2530 on: June 12, 2011, 09:04:04 PM »
I don't know if you guys heard this story before but I remember it from my childhood.

There was this old Hmong couple in Laos who wanted a child very much. Whenever they go to their garden in the mountains, they would say aloud, "Oh, how we wish for a child to warm our home." One day, after they said that a lady poj txoog (sorry if i spelled it wrong) heard them. She decided to grant them their wish.

A few days later, while the couple was walking to their garden they heard a baby cry. They rushed towards the cries and found a baby boy crying by a tall old tree. They felt so blessed. They thanked heaven and took the baby home.

Ever since they brought the baby home they have been switching days so that someone is at home with the baby. So if the dad goes to the garden the mom would stay home to watch the baby. If the mom goes, the dad would stay. This went on for a couple of months. Subtly, they began to notice how tired they've become.

One day, while the dad was walking to the garden he remembered he had forgotten his shovel so he rushed back home. Because he had become so tired he didn't make any noise and plus he didn't want to wake up the mom and baby if they were still sleeping. As he got closer to the house, he began to get goosebumps. His hairs began to tingle and stood on ends. The closer the dad got to the house, he heard this suckling sound coming from inside the house. Curious, he peeked a hole into the house where the sound was the loudest. What he saw terrify him to his bones.

The mom was laying on the bed sleeping and the baby was up. But it didn't look like the baby they found. It was greenish blue with deep eye sockets. By this time the 'baby' had grown a little and it was sucking blood from the mom. He was so scared he didn't know what to do so he took the shovel and went back to the garden. As night fell, the dad walked home. Instead of tending to the garden, he had been building a bamboo cell for the baby poj txoog.

The next morning, he pulled the woman to the side and whisper to her of what he saw. At first she didn't want to believe him but as the day progressed she also began to noticed the little things her husband had been telling her. Although she didn't exactly see the greenish blue hue of the baby she realized that the baby they found really was a poj txoog's baby. Its eyes kept following them wherever they went. It didn't look no where else.

The couple didn't wait til night fall. They rushed the baby and bamboo cell into the mountains and set the bamboo cell on fire with the baby inside it. As the baby started to scream the couple heard horrific screams from all around them. It was so inhuman that they rushed home and never looked back. They also never wished for a child again.

qaib dib just came out with a new Hmong movie with this storyline.  it had some stupid twist to it.  it is called txiv mi tub, has 3 discs. not worth your $$

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2531 on: June 13, 2011, 01:45:41 PM »
@ saki saki wth was my thought at that time...she said the neighbor knew but they didn't say anything so I guess it's all good...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2532 on: June 13, 2011, 01:53:15 PM »
Two weeks ago we had a relative that had a heart attack and passed away.  Well the reason she had a heart attack was that her husband kept sending money to his girlfriend in Lao or was it Thailand.  Anywho, it caused her so much pain that she could not stop her husband from cheating and stealing her hard work earned money to that girlfriend over there.  
She was so in pain that one day about two or three weeks ago, she went to work and had a heart attack that killed her instantly.

Two weekends ago was her funeral and my mom and sister told me that during the second day of her funeral; something grabbed those paper money that was staple or tape above from the casket and the whole thing fell down.  It could not be someone (human) that can do that b/c you would have to stand on a ladder and pull it down.  The older brother of the husband was picking it up and suddenly he felt like something slapped his butt.  He turned around and no one was near him therefore he got frighten and went to the kitchen where everyone was at and told them of what happened.

Everyone is sure that it must’ve been her spirit that did that b/c she was not happy at how her husband treated her and was killed due to his cheating ways.

Just thought I share it here since it was the talk of the day when I went back home for my mom’s ua neeb this past weekend.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2533 on: June 14, 2011, 12:56:50 PM »
My brother and sis n law was that a funeral for my sis n law's dad. They were taking picture just to keep for memory and caught something unexplainable on camera. My brother say it was a freaky looking picture so he deleted it. Later that night everyone stayed over night for the bowing ceremony thing and out of no where something or someone hit the drum, when everyone turn around to look who or what did that there was nothing there.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2534 on: June 15, 2011, 01:00:20 AM »
More stories yalls, Im going camping and rely on these stories to go tell at camp
I just remembered this one, I wrote so much that I don't know if I told this one.
So it was a couple of years ago. My BIL invited me and my wife to join them for camping, just like every year. but that year I couldn't make it. Anyways he told me that;
on the third night. They decided to tell ghost stories, around the camp fire. He don't know how they ended up telling stories. It was getting very late and ppl were tired and retreated  into their own tent.

There is this one family that always come camping with us but always sleeps in his Toyota van. Anywho, that night my BIL's parents went to sleep and during the night
his mom heard some little kids walking back and forth around their tent... laughing and giggly around. So his mom opened the tent  but she saw no one. Then she tried to sleep but she couldn't. She kept on hearing voices. And ppl walking around in the night. She thought that it was her sons or other ppl. So she yelled at what ever was making noises to go to sleep. Later their tent was hit by something, like a hand smacking the outer layer. "spooky".

Back to the guy that sleeps in his car. The next day he told them that he saw what was like a person was walking back and forth around the camp site looking for something. But he knew that everyone went to their tents and called it for the night.

Long story short. don't go telling ghost stories while you're camping. you might just get a unwelcome visit.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 02:25:38 AM by saki saki »

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