
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1603377 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2760 on: September 28, 2011, 10:31:33 PM »
Beside all the basic rules, one of my uncle came home from a local funeral and his wife was nagging about how much his clothes stinks. Just right after he shower, the whole house smells like sour rotten fresh all night and for two more day 'til after the burial. WOMEN! . . . ?.

   Indian Man said "My wife's name is Three Horse", White Man asked "What does it mean?", Indian Man answer "nag, nag, nag". LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2761 on: October 01, 2011, 02:54:50 PM »
During my college yrs my friends n us always enjoy kickass late drinking outings. After drinking till 2 in the morning we drop him back at his dorm. He went to go open the outside backdoor with his id card to get in but the door wouldnt unlock. He went to the front one n try getting in with his card as well but same result so he went back to the backdoor. Out of the dark night he saw a shadowy figure pop out of nowhere and it just kept coming closer n closer towards him. At first he must of thought that he just had too many too much to drink n must of been seeing things. But the black shadow thing kept coming closer n closer towards him n panic so he started to pound n kick the door because he got scare. The door wouldnt open and all of a sudden he feel a tap on his shoulder so he jump n creep out. A voice speak to him and ask if he forgot his id card to get in the door. He look back to figure that shadow thing as a black guy haha. He act all x
Cool like nothing happen and walk in. Next thing he knows he cant find his room and realize this whole time he was at the wrong dorm. Haha it can get dark around campus plus all the dorms are cluster so close to each other.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2762 on: October 03, 2011, 01:07:53 PM »
A few years back, my dad went hunting with some of his brothers and friends. There were like about five/six of them. They also took one of my older guy cousin with them. Let's name him 'Y'. The unfortunate thing about bringing 'Y' along was that he was considered one of those 'big mouth' people. If he was scared (or whatever is on his mind) he would speak it out loud.

So they're hunting and it begins to get dark. Everyone sets up camp. Somebody got the fire going and then of course they start sharing stories and such. Then all of a sudden, 'Y' starts trying to spook everyone out by making scary sounds and faces and started to make a big commotion about 'what ifs'. All the older men told him to stop or else. Afterward, everyone decided it was time to sleep.

Later that night, my dad woke up to scratching sounds outside his tent. He was sharing the tent with one of his brother. He quietly sat up and tried to see where the sounds were. It sounded like an animal but there wasn't any shadow that he could see. Also, the sounds seemed to be going around the circle that everyone made with their tents. My dad concluded that it was probably an animal savaging for left overs so he went back to sleep.

The next day, whew weeee... their camping area smelled like rotten flesh. It was so strong that one of my dad's friend vomited. Everyone took that as a sign and left the hunting grounds. They never took 'Y' hunting anymore.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2763 on: October 04, 2011, 01:22:02 PM »
Never take people like that, its a bad deal all around

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2764 on: October 04, 2011, 01:31:35 PM »
My niece told me that one of her SIL's friend's FIL passed away and the friend took her toddler daughter to the house to zov hmo. 

When they got inside the house, her daughter's face turned into this ugly facial expression that she didn't know what's happening to her daughter.  There was a relative there that has six sense capability and came up to the little girl and said "Koj tsis txaj muag?" "Are you not ashame?" then suddenly her daughter's face went back to normal.

The relative pull the friend to the side and told her that, there was an evil spirit next to her daughter that caused her daughter's face to change like that and when she said those words, the evil spirit got out and disappear.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2765 on: October 04, 2011, 04:10:14 PM »

« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 06:52:16 PM by Aquarius »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2766 on: October 04, 2011, 06:53:50 PM »
Out of my whole family my eldest brother is the only one whose encountered numerous sleep paralysis or in hmong 'dab tsua' (excuse the bad hmong writing).

Have you guys ever been depressed and experienced a supernatural phenomenon?

My eldest brother lived in a dorm during his college days. One semester, he became really depressed and sad beating himself up for getting some bad grades. (If you are Asian you know what he's going through. lol but seriously)

He was by himself in the dorm room, and had been trying to go to sleep, when he noticed the room was becoming colder and colder as the minutes went by. He told himself it was probably nothing. He had the blanket up to his chin by this time.

Again, he started thinking about his grades and became depressed again. Suddenly, he felt some pressure at the end of his bed. He told us it felt as if somebody had put both their hands down and started pushing the bed downward. Then he literally felt somebody touch his legs and seemed to be climbing up his body. By this time he was like "wtf. Oh hells no"

He tried to move but couldn't. Finally he resorted to thinking more positively by telling himself that he's going to make up those bad grades and do better and blah blah blah.

Eventually he could move again. He said that this was one of the scariest moment of his life not only because he was experiencing this but because he was depressed too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2767 on: October 05, 2011, 01:59:21 PM »
It's been awhile but Im back.. This one happened at my In laws place in broad daylight.. I have always have a feeling that my in laws place is haunted in a way.. but nobody else wanna accept it..

I was home with my 2 babies at the time and SIL's and BIL's. Husband was at work.
For some reason my oldest baby(girl) started crying really hard. I was getting pissed off at the time cause I wasn't able to shut her up.. She just kept on crying and crying. Being as pissed off and trying to be the brave Mom I hold onto her hand and asked her what is it.. She told me Dab Nyob Ntawv.. Pointing straight at the doorway/stairs going down to the basement. I then say there's nothing there but she just kept on crying and pointing in that direction. I was trying to be brave so I held onto her Right arm dragged her to the doorway making her closest to the doorway but she was just crying even louder and pulling as hard as she can just so i wont get her to stand in front of the doorway. I then finally know there's gotta be something there since little kids that havent lost their teeths can see those things.. so I started to Spit and yell that are they not embarrased to make my baby that scared and she finally stop..

Same Place/Same doorway..

This one night My husand's Aunt (lets call her Aunt Mai) she was over at my inlaws place to spend the night.. Everybody was in the living room and my Husband was playing with my kids crawling on the floor and spinning around in circles.. All of a sudden from my husband twirling around he imediatly stopped and screamed.. My mother in law and Aunt Mai was talking and they stopped what they were doing and looked at my husband and I happened to look up at all the commotion that my husband was making everybody asked him what happened and he said right when he was twirling around he happened to look up at the doorway to the stairs going down to the basement and he saw a face popping out looking at him.. Being the Ogs that my MIL and Aunt Mai was they shrugged it off as to it being nothing..

Same place.. This was from my MIL.. She never believe me when i tell her these things happen..

This one night Me, my husband, kids, and SIL came home very very late from one of my other SIL house.. everybody showered and went to sleep.. Right after everybody have settled down and gone to bed.. Whatever it was came to my MIL.. There bedroom door was closed so it started to turn the doorknob like it was trying to get it but it was locked.. At first my MIL shrugged it off.. but it kept doing that for awhile then she started getting goosebumps and started getting scared.. The next morning she told me that "OH your monster came and visit me last night"...

Same place.. downstairs in the basement.. As you all may know the basement is diveded into two sides..

My computer broke down on me so i was sitting in my room wondering where the recovery disk was and happened to think that maybe its in the computer desk that we have moved down stairs to make room.. I got up went downstairs and started looking through the drawers in the desk.. all of a sudden from the corner of my eye i saw a figure of a women wearing a dress leaning against the wall with her hand on her hips just standing there looking right at me.. i turned to look but nothing was there.. i was like hrmm.. maybe im just seeing things.. got back onto whatever i was doing and all of a sudden i saw the same thing.. i turned my head to look closer at it again but nothing was there.. then all of a sudden the hair on my neck started to stick up and i started to have goosebumps.. i decided ok i dont wanna be in here anymore.. i closed the drawers in the desk and ran straight to the other sides where my BIL's and SIL's was in playing games and such.. I didnt even have the guts to run upstairs.. lol.. how dumb was I right..?? That weekend my MIL WAs going to Ua neej for the whole family so my MIL asked the shaman guy what i saw and for them to look at it.. The told me that what i saw was a female stranger.. She didnt know where or who she was but the shaman burned some paper for her and told her to go her way.. Everytime im over there and happen to go downstairs to the basement i always have this uneasy feeling like someone is always watching me.. so i make someone go with me.. lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2768 on: October 05, 2011, 02:14:38 PM »
When my husband Aunt Mai passed away last year I have this scared feeling in me.. When we go over to their place for the Zov Hmo.. since she had a stroke in the kitchen that was where her son found her.. everytime i enter that kitchen and thought about her laying there it freaked me out.. During the Funeral my husband family was doing food for the funeral also and i was there early to help start it.. i believe it was Sunday morning.. We do all the cooking outside in those white tents.. Me and my SIL(lets call her Jen).. Well we were some of the first peoples to get there so we had to go into the funeral home which was open already and walk into the kitchen and grab the meat in the fridge to start cooking.. when we were in there we heard guys talking on the side where they had the Aunt laying.. after getting the meat we happen to take a peek and there was nobody there.. we both got so freaked out we ran out of there as fast as we could.. luckily we didnt trip and fall..

After the funeral within that week I had a dream of her.. Me and my husband was in the Middle of the forest there was a trail we were walking down the trail and at the end of the trail there was a intersection.. There also happen to have piece of Log near the intersection also.. When me and my Husband got the the intersection i was so out of breath that we went and sat down on the log.. I saw this Hmong lady dressed in traditional hmong clothes walking down the opposite trail me and my husband just came from and happen to hear her complain about something.. I listened closely and happen to heard that she called herself (Mai) and that the funeral was dumb, all the stuff at the funeral was bad, everything was bad.. my spirit in the dream got so scared that right after she walked past me and my husband i got straight up and started running.. then i woke up.. Told my SIL which she told the Son of the Aunt and He didnt say a word..

Other family members had dream of her but they were never good dreams.. someone dream that she was coming to take them with her.. and they have dreams that she was very rotten looking and scary looking..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2769 on: October 05, 2011, 03:36:07 PM »
Yeah. It's scary when we dream about a relative or family member whose dead.

My mom's the expert in this area :p She's always having dreams about dead relatives or someone chasing her. One scary dream she had was about my grandmother, my mom's mom, who passed away a few years ago in a weird car accident. We'd just buried my grandmother not too long before my mom had this dream.

She dreamed that she was on her bed in her bedroom and it was cold. She saw a little kid slide underneath the bed. She wondered to herself why a kid would be playing in her room so she moved to the edge of the bed and was about to peek down when my grandmother poked her head out!! She slid out up to her shoulders and started saying "Stop calling me! Stop calling me!" (in Hmong of course).

Then my mom woke up. I guess she was sad about my grandmother passing so it seemed as if she was calling for her. Freaky.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2770 on: October 05, 2011, 05:44:07 PM »
wow.. thats creapy..!!  :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2771 on: October 05, 2011, 08:05:29 PM »
This one was told to me from one of my husband's aunt.

This happened to them when they were still younger the have 2 childrens A and B. A was about 2 years old and B was a newborn. Back then they live in this 1 bedroom apartment like and i believe it have a basement also. Now the bedrom have their bed and i believe they bought the 2 year old alittle toddler bed that was placed at the foot of the bed. One night while everybody was alseep, baby A woke up and started crying really hard climbed up into the big bed and went straight for the mother's underarm and hid. Baby A just kept on crying and screaming "Mao""Mao""Mao" and pointing to the window. AFter the incident baby A will never go into the bedroom anymore.. right when he gets to the door he will peek in and point his finger and say "Mao"..

There will be incidents when during the middle of the night my husband's uncle will just jump out of bed and run to the living room and sleep there until the aunt calls out to him where he is, Then the uncle will answer back that he's sleeping in the living room if the mother and kids Tsis Tau Luag then for them to come sleep with him in the living room..

After all the incidents the Aunt was getting pissed off. She was saying to herself I wanna see this THING that have been scaring my whole family since she was the only one not seeing it or getting any paranormal activity out of the place. After said all that one night it came for her.

She was dreaming.. in her dream she was laying on the bed with her head dangling off the side of the bed and tilted looking towards the door. All of a sudden there stand at the door way a very very dark black shadow and a white shadow.. She was thinking to her self what are they doing over there.. then all of a sudden the Dark black shadow came towards her and grabbed her head pulling and dragging her off of the bed onto the floor and towards the door. The White shadow was just standing still watching. After the black shadow got her on the floor she though to her self they are dead and im alive im much stronger then them.. After she said that she gained enough energy and was able to tackle the black shadow and now she was on top holding down onto the shadow by the neck. kept struggling it and all of a sudden it vanished into thin air and the white shadow disapearred also. She finally woke up from her dream, looked at the clock and it was 3 AM.

Same House different people..

The uncle and aunt did move out when they bought a house.

My husband's First cousin and his wife just recently got married and his parents found them a place to live. Which was the same house but at that time they didnt know of anything that have happened to Uncle and Aunt. The newly wed moved in together not knowing anything. One day the husband went to work while the wife was left at home all alone. She was tired so decided to take a nap in the bedroom. Just right when she was about to dose off she heard little girls walking into the bedroom and went.. "hehehe.. Nws twm yuav Tsog Zog os.." "hehehe.. Ib Pliag Xwb Ces Nws Tsog Zog Lawm Os.." Right after she heard that she managed to open her eyes and there was nothing.. Freaked her out so she grabbed her Paj Ntaub and went outside to just sit all day waiting for the husband that day on..

One night they went out to the park with friends/family and came home just alittle after dark. The front door was unlocked and cracked open just alittle bit. The wife was scared shitless and thought there must be burglars in the house. turns out nobody was in the house nor nothing was messing..

One night the Husband was sleeping and had dream kindof Similar to the Aunt's dream that i mention above of the Black and White shadow.

After all the incident they moved in with the inlaws..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2772 on: October 06, 2011, 01:26:48 PM »
xyOOj2608 that's scary.

Sometimes, after hearing so many negative encounters with the supernatural I think to myself "damn! if they (ghost, dab.. etc) kill me they better watch out when I'm dead! I'ma get them back!" lol

A few years ago, my grandpa (my dad's dad) died. My mom and some of my younger siblings went to sleep over at my grandma's house for a few days after the funeral. My grandma lives in a different house now, but hers and my grandpa's room used to be located right across from a bathroom.

A day after the funeral, we mom went to the bathroom across my grandparent's room. So far, nothing supernatural happened. Plus, this was the only bathroom for guests and also keep in mind that the shower curtain was clear white. Anyways, just when my mom sat down on the toilet and was about to do her business she noticed a dark figure sitting in the tub!!! She was like "What the heck?!" At first she thought it was probably a kid playing hide and seek but it kept its head down and the figure was more like an adults. She quickly pulled up her pants and rushed out the bathroom without washing her hands and turning off the lights.

A bit later, she asked if any of the kids were in the bathroom playing hide and seek and everyone said they were outside playing games instead.

After my grandpa died my mom's been having a few dreams about him.

Once, not long ago, my grandma decided to go visit Thailand. I guessed she was telling a lot of people that she was going because my mom had a dream that she was in a living room and my grandpa was present. He was so mad and had on this really angry face on. She figured he didn't want my grandma to go... So my mom told my grandma to stop telling people because I guess my grandpa can hear it too.

Another one of her dreams about my grandpa was after my grandma came home from Thailand (she lives with one of my uncle, her second youngest son). I guess they were having a bit of martial problems and it affected her. My mom dreamed that my grandpa came into the room all smiling (evil grin) and was looking for my grandma. My mom figured he wanted my grandma to go with him because when he smiled she got this really bad feeling. So she got mad at him and told him to leave. Eventually he did because he didn't find my grandma.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2773 on: October 06, 2011, 04:10:49 PM »
FNXIAO89 - People like Y don;t belong in the woods. They're bound to bring trouble to you. In the woods, it's not good to say too many things.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2774 on: October 07, 2011, 07:56:34 AM »
FNXIAO89 - People like Y don;t belong in the woods. They're bound to bring trouble to you. In the woods, it's not good to say too many things.

I agree! One time we went hiking up in the mountains and talked a bit too much and whatever it was..sent us packing down the mountain. We never went back.

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