
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604409 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3270 on: April 03, 2012, 08:31:31 PM »
Do anyone have a close relative tat have been murder?? Based on wat i no the person who past away gets a totally different passing ceremony than a regular person does. although the custom of sending them away is a bit the same. if anyone who has known some1  who did, can u pls tell me what happens if u called them by their deceased name(NOTE:from the family side not cousin or friends etc...), visits them at their grave sites, or look at pictures taken of them from places that u havent seen like a picture with ur deceased realtive with some friends out enjoying themselves like at a fishing trip or sumthing(excludes family pictures).Cause i've been told that u cant do that anymore...Can someone please tell me...greatly appreciated
Also this is my very first post on here O0 :P

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3271 on: April 05, 2012, 06:24:17 AM »
we had an aunt that suicided. i dont remember the full details but we went to her apartment as they handed out several of her things to everyone. my mom got some clothing/pictures. she was fairly close with her as well. i dont know what happened or how it happened, but i remember waking up and hearing my mom cursing/spitting at someone/something.
it wasnt until recently that my mom told me she would come visit her and stand near her. i was prob 4-5 at this time, but my mom said she would stand on the cribside next to me and peek over. eeks. scary stuff.
maybe when you think/call out to the dead, maybe they will visit.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3272 on: April 05, 2012, 11:44:45 AM »
I'm still on page 64 but I'll share you my experience.... .

This isn't scary but in elementary school when I was in 3rd grade, my teacher was reading a book to the whole class. She was standing  by the white board when all of sudden her chair moved. The whole class saw it and she just make an excuse that it's just the wind. I'm sure everyone knows what it was cause the wind isn't strong enough to move a chair by itself.

Another one...late at night when I couldn't sleep, I would always look at our stuff animals by the shelf which is on top to the left. Anyways, all of suddenly I saw 2 red light, light up for a few sec then it was gone. I look at it again and nothing. Just brushed it off and went to sleep. The next morning, I checked up there to see if there's any flash light or some type of light, but none up there. I know it can't be my eyes and I wasn't dreaming. If you know how those razor red pointer looks like it's almost like that.

Last one.... The week after my grandmother passed away, my sisters and I went to my grandma's house and start talking about her. We would talk how mean and greedy she is. It just came up into our conversation so we talk about her. Anways, here's the sotry...before she pass away, she have this grudge against her 3 sons which are my mom's step brother. She said that if she pass away, she will come get them one by one and make them her slave. Well after her funeral's done, my grandpa (which is a shaman) told them to ua neeb when they get home because of what she said. After the story about her, we went home. That night I stay up with my brother (he's in 1st grade). Everyone's upstair asleep while I was on the computer and my brother's watching t.v. We had all the light turn off. While I was one the computer, at the corner of my eye to the right, I could see someone standing there. I could sense that someone's know the feeling you know that someone's next to you or behind you. I didn't see the face but see a light purple longsleeve shirt along with a lao know those that are worn in old hmong have really weird design but the color is a darker orange greenish (yes I still remember the detail). I turn to my right, nothing there so I just brush it off thinking that I was just seeing things. About a minute later, same thing again. This time I freaked out and ran upstair while my brother ran after me. The next morning I told my grandma about it and she said that if you talk about the dead, they'll come and visit you. It felt so ureal but I still remember all the details and that image. That's my first encounter seeing something like that as I've never seen ghost before.

So last year my husband and I went to visit my parents. I brought up the story about my grandmother and my brother who at the time was with me, now he's a senior in highschool, told me that he saw her too. From what he said was the he saw her touching my hand stand to my right side. I thought it was only me that saw her but I guess not.

From the story above when my grandma, sisters, and I was talking about my grandmother; her 3rd son that she didn't live with pass not long after that so I'm thinking that he didn't listen to what my grandpa had said.

anyways I had a few more and from others experience but will tell later since writing about this freak me out already.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3273 on: April 05, 2012, 12:08:04 PM »

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 01:45:20 PM by exclusivecuriosity »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3274 on: April 05, 2012, 03:32:47 PM »
Why would anyone want to keep a deceased person's things? From what I heard is that no matter how close you are to that person don't keep it because if they like you or was close to you then they won't want to leave and visit you or if they dislike you they haunt you.
i kept all of myFIL's hunting clothes.. i wear 'em wen i go ice fishing.. besides those are not cheap blaze n orange pants N coat..i also kept most of his guns..N ammo.. i don't see why not..unless if you don't no 'em then yea..why would you kept their stuff.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3275 on: April 06, 2012, 02:07:09 AM »
my uncle tells me that if u keep the rope or the thing that a person used to hang themself with then u can used that for protection against evil spirits..what he say was that u would take the rope and make it into something like a talisman..afte r that then u would hang it on ur front door and u would tell it to hang any bad spirits that tries to enter ur house..sounds kinda creepy

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3276 on: April 06, 2012, 07:52:22 AM »
puab tej kev mob tej kev nqeg yuav ploj mus.
lol engrish no understang U hmng lingo..

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3277 on: April 06, 2012, 07:56:51 AM »
my uncle tells me that if u keep the rope or the thing that a person used to hang themself with then u can used that for protection against evil spirits..what he say was that u would take the rope and make it into something like a talisman..afte r that then u would hang it on ur front door and u would tell it to hang any bad spirits that tries to enter ur house..sounds kinda creepy
tat's just to dam creepy..Y of all things you wanna have tat rope tat sum one just hung 'em self with.. U wanna replay tat image or tat last mount in his/her mind.. wen their necks got broke'n.. dam. Hmng ppl got the dumbest reason to keep the dead's stuff.
And BTW.. never buy adult clothing @ any good will store...never no if the past on ppl cum'n to look for their clothes...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3278 on: April 06, 2012, 12:48:28 PM »

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 01:47:53 PM by exclusivecuriosity »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3279 on: April 06, 2012, 12:51:11 PM »

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 01:44:37 PM by exclusivecuriosity »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3280 on: April 06, 2012, 01:22:54 PM »
"never no if the past on ppl cum'n to look for their clothes"

Thats why I said its not good to keep deceased people's things.
only if you personaly don't know 'em..but if you no 'em than it's okay to keep. And it depands on who he/she is..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3281 on: April 06, 2012, 07:44:48 PM »
@sakisaki if u cant read hmong then can u hear it n understand it? if so go here u just copy n paste it n it will speak it n u'll understand...h ope this helps ;)

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3282 on: April 06, 2012, 09:49:21 PM »
@sakisaki if u cant read hmong then can u hear it n understand it? if so go here u just copy n paste it n it will speak it n u'll understand...h ope this helps ;)
nice, i will do tat..TX.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3283 on: April 07, 2012, 03:14:33 PM »
Here's another one I heard. It was probably 12-13 years ago when I was still in middle school.

After feeding our chickens which is about 20-30 min away from where we live, my dad decided to eat pho at a restaurant before going home which is just across the street from our apartment. We sat down and order our food and suddenly have some unknown cousin that showed up. My dad had them sit with us.

They were from sac(we're in san diego). My dad ask them what they're doing here. I didn't listen since I sat pretty far from them but on the on the way home (my dad had to drive around to get to our place and had to find a parking space), my mom ask my dad why they're here. He told my mom that P (The guy that my dad knows..just call him P) told about why they were here.
Here's the story: P's nyab wanted to know her fortune so she went to meet a lady with those big globe that could see the future. Before the lady does it, P's nyab had a sign a paper where if anything shall happen, she will not be accountable for. Thinking that nothing will happen, she sign the paper. Her fortune was told and it got to a point where she doesn't wanna listen anymore. She told the fortune lady to stop but the lady insist that they have to do it until the end but she didn't listen to the fortune teller and start to leave. So the fortune teller gave her a piece of paper and warn her "NOT" to rip it; she can always finish her fortune later. Aside from that, without finishing the whole thing, they couldn't send the ghost back as they didn't finish it. so again, she was warn not to rip the paper or else the lady won't be able to do anything.

So thinking that it was nothing, right after the fortune teller went back inside, P's nyab rip the paper.She just shrug it off and went home. From then on, every night, a ghost would come into her room and put poop in her mouth. She went back to the fortune teller lady but without the paper, she already cut the connections for the ghost to go back. P's nyab threaten to sue the lady but she already sign some paper in the beginning so she can't do anything.

So in desperate help, she told her father in law about it. They did everything, from church to hard neeb but nothing can help. The reason why they're in San Diego was because they heard that there are monks down there that may be able to help his nyab.

After that I have no clue to what happen. I still remember how she looks like. Kind of pale looking and pretty skinny. The rest of their family are pretty tan dark skin looking.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3284 on: April 08, 2012, 12:45:41 AM »
fudge Pajnpis, scary shit never heard of a ghost that put shit n mouth before, Damm scary

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