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Messages - floaty

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Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 12, 2013, 01:15:43 PM »
Long time ago, since I didn't have money to buy you anything, I made you paper cut out dolls with paper cut-out clothes. We were so young, but I was your oldest sister and wanted you to be happy. Do you remember after we fought, I made paper dolls for myself and colored it so nice? You sat across from me, watching me do so, waiting and wanting to play with it. But in anger, I played it right in front of you, teasing you. You sat there teary eyed with fingernail marks on your arm. Sorry I pinched you. I gave you the cut-out dolls and told you, I will draw more clothes for her. You smiled so wide and even forgot that your arm was hurting. You told me I was the best. I got everything nice and passed it down to you. Sorry for that too. We're all grown now, with life far apart from each other. Scars settled and wrinkles creeping in, although we never think alike - You still tell me, I'm the best sister ever. You are too. Thank you from a long time ago.

Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 12, 2013, 12:58:51 PM »
Long time ago, we were so poor. Licking small pieces of sugar cane with rice in water was the best meal we had. Dad worked two jobs and mom went to school. Sometimes ginger with salt was in the menu. Brother, sister and I would huddle around the floor and eat. The best feeling in the world with family. Fast forward 25 plus years, we are all over the world trying to grow money on tree. I miss this moment most, of a long time ago.

Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 12, 2013, 12:48:04 PM »
this trhead, makes me sad :( but keep sharing :)


Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 12, 2013, 03:15:18 AM »
Long time ago, I had everything. Little did I know, you can lose it in just a second. Life happened. I lost. A long time ago.

Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 11, 2013, 10:00:37 PM »
Long time ago, our eyes met. It was as if we knew each other. Through your aged eyes you smiled and you slightly nodded. I sat there, with food stuck in my mouth and tears streaming down my face. You stood up, your body moved towards me. But Uncle sat you back down to drink. You were from MN, I heard. Your face was as white as the snow and you were as tall as the sky. You had a name I did not know. But I'm glad you came for my grandpa's funeral. You resemble someone from here, this forum of masked identity. Although we didn't talk and our meet was brief, I would love to see you again. If only just for a moment, I would love to hear, all the aged adventures you would share; of a long time ago.

Online Journal / Re: Long Time Ago
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:13:11 PM »
Long time ago, we were the best of friends. We knew each other for so long. Talked beneath the sky and laughed with the moon. Played with the sun and dreamed like the stars. In my heart, I heard it skip a few times before but we were just friends and so we laughed like we always did. How did I not know you cared and loved me? Why didn't you have the courage to tell me? We grew up. You went your way and I went mines. I read stories of you and you hear news of me. But we're just friends so we'll just laugh at it and smile. Because all it really was, was a long time ago.

Online Journal / Long Time Ago
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:05:26 PM »
Long time ago, In a new town that I was not accustomed to, I helped these two elderly hmong couple whom I did not know; that were kicked out of their house. I saw them walking and crying along a busy road and picked them up. My heart ached for them. I sent them home and almost died that day. But I did what I'm sure most of you would have done. It has been 10 years. I wonder how they are doing. If they have passed on, I'm sure they're much happier than they were before in that rotten family of theirs. If not, I hope they are doing well. I think of them from time to time. It's been such a long time ago.

Two Wheel Forum / Re: Motorcycling and tickets......
« on: August 01, 2013, 10:39:27 AM »
Not true. you get the same amount...just depends on what you're doing....

Hmong Culture & History / when you buy a house - hmoob kev cai
« on: May 14, 2013, 04:28:36 AM »
what do you look for? count the house number? what is the thing they do with putting rice grain in a bowl outside the property and going back to look at it? corn throwing inside home? please explain to us hmongs that do not know of such thing and why we do it.

thank you!

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