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Messages - YAX

Pages: 1 ... 178 179 [180] 181 182 ... 281
Marriage & Family Life / Re: PH reunion???
« on: April 25, 2019, 12:17:53 PM »
I'll be making a trip to MN in the near future, but please don't go out of your way to look for me.  I won't know you and I don't need to be approached by PHers outside of PH. On the other hand, if you knew me before PH or outside of PH already, then please look for me.  I'd love to catch up.  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Perfect Hmong Life
« on: April 25, 2019, 12:13:17 PM »

Age 19-22: I attended college and while in college I dated a Hmong man who is also at the school.  I used him to support me for room and boarding expenses.  Stayed with him at his apartment as I study in college, he came from a rich family - I used him and his money get through college.  I was not in love with him, I knew what I wanted out of him and that was to have him pay for my college expenses.  After I got my college degree and had him pay 3/4 of my college tuition already- after 3 years of dating him I broke the relationship letting him know that I don't see him in my future.  He was heart broken because he thought we were going to marry after I graduated college.  In my mind this was never going to happen from the start, I used him to get through college.  Sorry for being brutally honest. 

Age 23-25:  After graduating college I found an older Hmong man to date.  I was 23 and he was 35.  He was recently divorced with 1 child.  The child lives with his Ex-Wife.  He is very established, owns his own house and makes a good living.  I stayed with him without spending any of my money, life was easy.  I did not have to work because he took care of me.  For the next few years I used him and made him paid for all our traveling across the world.  He was not into traveling until he met me and I took advantage.  We've visited Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Paris, and England together.  I used him so I can explore and travel the world.  I was never attracted to him but used him so I can finally explore the world in which I know I will never be able to do with my own finances.  One thing I remember him telling me, "You're so beautiful, you don't need to work a day in your life."  He was right, a pretty face does go a long way.  I never had to work even after getting my college degree.  I do admit it is very selfish of me to be using men in this way.  I was willing to exploit these men for my own gain and I did not have to think twice.  I used these men to get what I want as I matured.  I never felt awful about it because I knew I would be leaving them and they will be out of my life when I'm done using them.

You know, instead of being so deceitful, you could've just told them you'd sleep with them in exchange for payment.  At least, when the deal is done, you can leave and they won't be so hurt about it.  There really isn't a need to deceive.  Men are practical. tits for tats is fine.


Age 26-30:    Right now I'm single and satisfied.  College loans all paid and have travel the world.  I feel satisfy.  I have no urges to get married or kids at this moment.  I feel confident and alive.  When I look back at the men I used in order for my to profit I realize that relationship is all about give and take.  In my youth I have been giving to my family and community from day one and realize it did not benefit me.  When I was growing up I was the one being taken advantage of.  My mind was brained wash by elders to think a certain way, my body molested and touched in inappropriate ways.  I woke.  I saw.  I conquer.  Now I feel complete and have found peace.  The perfect life.  My life~

You're happy now, but I hope you're saving up.  in 10 years, life will change once again.  Guys come around less and less and things won't be so carefree anymore.  Hope you're planning for it. 

General Discussion / Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?
« on: April 24, 2019, 01:34:59 PM »

Good luck getting BNM to show up.  He's too busy watching Fox news for articles to explain Trump's latest made up lines.  ;D

General Discussion / Republicans in a nutshell..
« on: April 23, 2019, 01:47:09 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Where is this place?
« on: April 23, 2019, 11:48:46 AM »
Not sure where that is, but lots of places like that in Cali.  I don't recall any of them with flat plateau's though.

How exactly does one get to become a world renowned mountain climber?

General Discussion / Trump says 138 million died in Sri Lanka
« on: April 22, 2019, 11:16:30 AM »
But the population of Sri Lanka is only a little over 20 million.  So.. If I was a right winger, I'd be like. "Well, those people died 7 times" (7 X 20mil = 140 mil) in Trump's defense.  Good thing I'm not.  ;D

and another thing...

General Discussion / Re: PREACH ON, JOHN MCWHORTER! 15:45
« on: April 20, 2019, 08:42:05 AM »

I have been listening to Glenn Loury and John McWhorter for YEARS!

Role models for EVERYBODY!

John McWhorter is sitting out of the RACE talks because it's unproductive! Preach impeach on!
there.  Fixed it for ya

"No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. " - trump

“It was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened.” -also trump

Libtards: much for total exoneration.  ::)

Sorry, he didn't say that.  He said the sounds from windmills causes cancer.  Your made up defense of his statement is way off as usual. 

General Discussion / One of the perks at my work..
« on: April 18, 2019, 03:50:39 PM »
I get to have a TV in my office. Complete with basic Cable and it's a smart TV so I can stream youtube and netflix on it.  ;D

Anyone else have unique perks at their office that you normally wouldn't see at other jobs?

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