
Author Topic: If it was me, I would raise the kids this way too as it's not their fault  (Read 73 times)

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Offline theking

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Two California couples raised each other’s kids after IVF mix-up - then swapped back
The girls are now five years old and the families have turned their once-nightmarish situation into a blended family

Five years after two couples discovered they were raising the other’s children as the result of a mishap at an IVF clinic in California, their lives have become one.

“There’s no person to give you advice. So we ended up just sort of huddling together, the four of us, and it’s a blessing that we all are on the same page,” Alexander Cardinale told the Daily Mail about the uniqueness of the couples’ situation. “We’ve spent every holiday together since then. We’ve spent every birthday together since then — and we’ve just kind of blended the families.”

In 2019, Daphna and Alexander Cardinale ordered a DNA test to confirm what they were already quietly suspecting: that their months-old daughter May wasn’t theirs. The DNA test confirmed their suspicions; the Los Angeles couple was raising someone else’s baby.

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Offline Prude

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Re: If it was me, I would raise the kids this way too as it's not their fault
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2024, 06:17:58 AM »
Nice. I wonder how long they'll stay peacefully blended.

But keep at this and in time the spouses will  blend into one another, too. Like
the wife of the first couple to the husband of the second couple. Not sure if the
wife of the second couple and the husband of the first couple will bond enough to
blend. But one of these spouses will blend for sure.

When I tell my friends this kind of suspicion that I have, they get
angry at why I'm so suspicious of such thing and that I should
focus on something else.

Hey, but that's life.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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This can and will happen. The adults are bonding over the care of the children so of course that opens the door for affairs to happen. The most affairs occur among business partners, co-workers, and friends because it starts out as emotional cheating. Just look at all those celebrities who start dating the nanny or the security guard. They are already familiar with each other and get along with the children. It's harder to bring in a stranger who the kids are not accustomed to.

Some people are used to their serial cheating spouse, too. Telling on them to their spouse won't get you anywhere.

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