Uh... if you look into history, there have been cases of Israel fighting among themselves, just as any other nations does - N/S Vietnam, N/S Korea, N/S US, etc etc
If the Jews (Zionists) were so bad, oppressive and committing genocide of Palestinian... why are there so many Gazans (Palestinians) working and living in Israel? Palestinians make up 21% of Israel's population. And Gazan (Palestinian) only want peace... Some of these Palestinian even joined the IDF to fight against Hamas (Palestinian). Why aren't these Palestinians in Israel rounded up and killed? Why aren't they gathered and put in concentration camp like what A Democrat President did to the Japanese during WW2?
Now, don't go claiming... Israel has no right to defend/retaliate, blah, blah, blah... The US did the same thing after 9-11 and more innocent civilians die from that than the current Israel/Hamas conflict. Combine death toll of Palestinians and Israeli is less than the civilians killed by the US not including all the enemies fighters.
Like I've said before... this conflict between Israel and Hamas brought out all the 'closet Nazi' who had always hated the Jews and will always blamed them for every little conflict.