Why America has to create these stupid @$$ laws to make our lives a living hell? What is there to be afraid of when they have your information already?

- renewing DL/ID
- renewing debit card/ credit card
Let's say that you want to withdraw money from the bank by ATM or in person to pay your bills. Somehow you cannot use your debit card anymore because it says 'expired'. You think there's another alternative for you to withdraw money by giving your ID card to the teller. Again somehow you still cannot use your ID card. It also says 'expired' as well. You tell them that the money was yours in the bank but the teller won't let you access into your account. Their fear or ridiculous suspicion causing them to lose 'trust' in you. Their paranoia indicate you're not the holder of that bank account and the cards you possess.
Don't these bozos have 'faith' in humanity anymore?

I gotta say my family has the same issue with 'faith'. They love to 'assume' other than to put 'trust'.