After resounding defeat with the 2024 elections across the board, the Lefties/Demmies and their sheep didn't learned a single thing.
Back to the old playing book again... You know what we called a person that keeps doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome?
Albert Einstein:
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result."Yep... that is the definition of what the Left/Dem truly is... INSANE!!!
NYT did a poll with Ipso and found that majority of American believed the Democrat (Left) is out of touch with majority of American...
What is most important to majority of American/Independent:
1 - The Economy (high cost of living)
2 - Healthcare
3 - Immigration (open border issue)
4 - Taxes
5 - Crime (high crime rate)
What is the priority of the Left/Dem:
1 - Abortion (Fed control)
2 - LGBTQIF+++ policies
3 - Climate change (end fossil fuel)
4 - The state of Democracy (Trump will destroy Democracy)
5 - Healthcare
What is the priority of the Right/GOP:
1 - Immigration (stop illegal invasion)
2 - The Economy (reverse Bidenomic)
3 - Taxes
4 - Gun Rights
5 - Abortion (keep out of Fed Control)
Did y'all see what's common there?
During the whole presidential campaigning... all we hear about from the Left/Dem is... Abortion, Democracy will be destroy by Trump, Gay people will die, need to stop fossil fuel usage, etc etc - nothing on taxes, healthcare, crimes or stopping the economic disaster they created. I laughed as much as this woman did watching the DNC convention

Noticed!! Not much of Asian represented there... Y'all Hmong Lefties/Demmies need to show up and support your political party. Even the Native American (I think he was Native American but I don't understand what he's talking about there) was representing his people. Rock(Dem pretender), YAX and some of y'all ain't representing the Hmong Lefties/Demmies at these events. Y'all need to show up and be represented...