in the 'A Day Without Immigrants' protesting?
My nephew says his school were 1/3 empty due to the 'A Day Without Immigrant' protesting. I was like... shouldn't it be 100% empty since we're all immigrants, including the Native American. But I believe this is a 'A Day Without Illegals' protesting and not Immigrants. Or how about calling it "A Day Without Undocumented"...
I mean, you see all the protesting in CA, IL, CO, MN and (majority Dem control states) are participating.
.. Almost all of these protesters are flying foreign flags, blocking traffic and harassing drivers, harassing people that isn't supporting them, getting violent, etc etc. Looking more and more like the 'Summer of Love' protesting in 2020.
With all the foreign flags flying and violence acts... it's just giving more proof to American that we need to stop the illegal entrance into the US. If you're not loyal to the US, why even bother coming here?

I also read that many businesses closed down to support the protesting... I'm willing to bet that these businesses employed illegals (paying them below minimum wage) and had to closed because the employees were out protesting.

I had a cousin that did the same thing (he owns two restaurants)... he bought a 6 bdrm house and kept his low wage workers (illegals) there. I know many farms that does it... paying illegals below minimum wage to harvest. The illegals can't say anything because what they're making is more than what they would have got in their own countries and if they complained, they'll be let go - no more work.